•^^JPHBRT' Pioneers In 11 tt THE HANNA HER "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS? Good Shape Authorized ss Second Class Matter by th* Post Offlcs Dap rtment, Ottawa, And for th* Payment ef Poatag* In Caafc VOLUME 53 — NUMBER 15 THE HANNA HERALD AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1965 FERG JAMES RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT KINSMEN RECIPIENTS OF RECOGNITION AT ANNUAL MEET'G; MEMBERSHIP NOW STANDS AT MARK OF 188 Malnutrition Ivi Bert Stock Again In Charge Of Membership and Medical Services; More Business Slated for Feb. 16 In Cattle Population The annual meeting of the Pioneer's Association of Hanna and District was held on Monday, Feb. 1 st. After the . 11 n 111 IIHI 111111 ii 11 tin 11 H in presentation of reports from various committees, the election HANNA VETERINARIAN VOICES - of Officers for 1965 took place. Ferg James was re-elected by STORK PICKS CAR acclamation, with Con. Dieter os 1st Vice-President and Sam SEAT TO "ROOST" C. Polley as 2nd Vice-President with the following Board of MUCH CONCERN OVER CONDITION OYEN, Feb. 2—Whether he Directors: Roy Embree, Mrs. Gladys Givens, Bert Stock, Harry felt the owls and eagles were Bartman ond George Anderson. getting too much attention Morgan Baldwin was also re-* — these days or not, is a question, OF STOCK EXPOSED TO SEVERE COLD elected unanimously as Secretary but one bird which oft-times Dr. E. Haworth Volunteers Ideas Treasurer of the Association for Rec. Director appears at any season of the 1965. Five prominent members of the Hanna Kinsmen Club were year and in any kind of weath­ On How To Keep Health of Animols Guest Speaker er, the stork "has done it The Building Committee now honored recently in recognition of outstanding service. Toe consists of the following: S. C. Pol­ Cliff Pilkey, local recreation di again") Last Sunday morning Up; Losses Can Be Prevented rector, will be guest speaker at photo left to right is Roy Hutton, Fred Geuder and Henry just after snowplows had open­ ley, Carl Johnson, Harry Bartman Dr. E. Haworth, Hanno veterinarian, expressed deep con­ and Hugh McLaren. The Entertain­ meeting of the Home "and School Beach. Each received an honorary yearly membership certific- ed the road off Number 9 high­ ment Committee members are: Boy Association February 9 at 8:00 p.m.' ate for the year 1964-65, also receiving the award but absent way to Now Brigden, the "big cern for the health af livestock, mainly cattle, when asked by Embree, Mrs. Irma Blocksom, Mrs. The assembly will gather in the when they were presented is Lloyd Odegard. All four are among white bird" put in his call at the Herald to give his opinions on the situation, as it IJjfcss- de­ tho home of Mr. and Mrs. veloped over the past four or five weeks, in the waW of tlie Gladys Givens, Foster Lamb, and west school auditorium. j the ear|y members of the Club. Top right is Bob Finnerty, who Mrs. Lena Hardcastle. The Lunch "Recreation, past, present and |received a "Life Membership" in the dub plus a "1000% Albert Jackson of New Brig- severe blizzard of December 15 and 16, and the ensuing pro- dan. Heeding the stork's warn­ Committee consists of Mrs. G. Gi­ future", will be the subject of the, Attendance Pin" for an attendance record extending over ten ^longed cold spells. vens and Mrs. I. Blocksom. Tlie ings, Mrs. Jackson accompan­ ZM.Tr, all addr.fs' and a,s° years. Lower photo is Kinsmen Cliff Pilkey who received the 1%e main danger, he said, of the Hall Committee, in charge of ren­ on the program will be several ,,_,_ ied by her husband, Mrs. Mar­ long cold winter 4s malnutrition. tals and arrangements, is made up numbers by the "Silhouettes". The Kinsmen of the Year" aword for outstanding service on be garet Herron, a registered Many Storm Due to the extended cold weather, of Con Dieter, Fred, Bottomley and Association reminds all members half of the club The membership award to Bob was presented nurse, and hor husband, loft cattle are not able to keep up then- Frank Simpson Bert Stock is acain that their presence is important, by District Deputy Governor, Harold Shannon of Consort, while immediately for Oyen and hos­ body weight on ordinary winter in charge of membership and mc-di- and of course new members and the attendance pin was given him by Kinsmen president Herb pital. Approximately one hour Stayed at Oyen feed, and there is much evidence cal services. visitors are always welcome. Nill. later, and only two minutes dri­ throughout the countryside of se­ Ferg James, on accepting his el­ ving time from the hospital, a vere malnutrition among cattle ection for another term, thanked wee son put In his appearance in tho back seat of tho warm And Acadia Vall'y In a given herd ,he said, not all all who co-operated so whole-heart­ animals are affected equally. Some edly in making the Pioneers' As­ car. Both mother and baby are doing fine! According to Herald correspon­ wiU lie to fairly good condition, sociation so successful in 1064 .ind dents, Mrs. Merle Berg at Oyen and but other will show marked body asked for further support duiinfl Mrs. Freda McNabb at Acadia Val­ wasting. The wise stockman, he his term of office in 1965. Expansion Outlined at •aid, will therefore keep watch on ley, the' "east country" is having The Secretary-Treasurer's report more than its share of heavy snows each cow and handle her according was very clearly presented, with all this winter. Snow plow crews have to her needs. rd V*_W/n'" questions from the floor regarding Farm Credit put in the busiest time in many Lose Body Fat the finances of the Association an­ years, and the problem of keeping According to Dr. Haworth, tbe swered satisfactorily. The Auditor's iirirriii.irirriiii.iiiiiiiiiiiini roads open is almost a constant one' signs of severe malnutrition aro statement shows some improve­ Hanna Locker Plant Office Changes as heavy snow and high winds con­ caused when all the body fat is ment over the last year, with total HOCKEY HIGHLIGHT tinue a relentless onslaught. gone and the animal is beginning receipts for the year 1964 more AT DRUMHELLER than $2,860 and properly account tl Business Hours Last Saturday night, following to use up even her own body. This for. UP-TO-DATE MEAT DEPARTMENT ] A gala hockey night is slated a heavy snowfall during the week, causes a depression, er hollow, to another one of those "old fashion­ appear on either side af the wi­ Bert Stock reported paid up Register Now for this coming Friday in the Now. Open Friday Drumheller arena and one .. instead of Monday; ed" Alberta blizzards struck both thers and the spine protrudes as a members at February 1 at 13... j areas. According to Mrs. Berg, prominent ridge. Tbeae- animals Members not paid for 1965 total WILL OPEN IN CO-OP STORE; which should attract many fans New Mgr. Arrives from all over the Big Country. I many rural shoppers in Oyen for usually have a very big belly, which 175, with four Life Memberships, For Short A change in office hours at the: the day were forced to remain in gives the impression that they are for a total of 397 It features the Calgary Old- timers which appeared in Han­ : Hanna Farm Credit Corporation town overnight as visibility was re- As there was not sufficient time OTHER FACILITIES "STEPPED UP" 1 na last December against • ! office is announced this wed.. Nor- duced almost to nill and country When a cow begins to show this to go into the matt.r of general Store Manager Ivan Fano States Course FebB 10-11 man Soder, local office advisor, roads became quickly blocked ridged back and hollows on tether business, My_ Ju^eting was adjourn­ team . composed • of former W*rk r>m 50x60 Foot Building Will Luncheon Reservations •*__-( i who asm a* • ..iiitat-MuiHit-i etfat-mmkmmiaaammeliitStaa^ammalmSmaaamaee ttfe H ed at .&:«e-pa". J&tVrtrrer im.et.ng the offke will ce open Friday of small communities of New Brigden she does not, U_e*» ia grave dan­ will be held on Tu.sday, February Obtainable from so now classed in the category Start- In Spring; Concrete Blocks Committee of Six of "oldtimers". Among tho Mi­ ! every week instead of the Monday and Cappon mete compelled to ger that she w_B suddenly Page use 16 at 2:00 p.m., to complete '.he as has been the case since the of- seek overnight lodging. By morn- of her legs an be enable "to rise. annual business. ner lineup will include the fa­ Hoborate plans have been instituted recently for the en- The Agricultural Committee of mous Bentleys from Delists, fice opened. Provision, however, is j ing the storm had subsided to al- Once they are down, lie said; very '.r-empnt and extension of service facilities at the Hinna thr P.oarr! of Tr-.de Vs n'lu.sted Sask., Roy Kelly present coach made for the office to be open by; low snow plows to get into action few recover. OPENS DENTAL OFFICE I Co-op. Locker Plant. Originally opened for business in 1947, thnt all those desiring a res rvation of the Miners. Also expected appointment on all other days of and people returned to their Animals still on (hair feet but the Co-^p Locker hes enjoyed a substantial patronage from for thf Noon I uncheon en Thurs­ to don the oldtimer livery for the week also.
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