;;' ~t :fT,~·: ~~C, i .."! , "', : &8~OB Thls'~~II~.. :\6~a'gll$ two Section$ PlUS SUPP~EMENTS J "I ,,! '" "," '<, "',' .' " ,,', 1 Survey ini Resolts Coming ,iili A total of 484 surveys were returned in the recent reader opinion survey conducted by The Wayne Herald. Results of the survey have been complied and are now being studied by Herald staff members to determine what fealu~es ,anp items are best liked. by the reeders. Results THE, , , ." WAYNE• ",' . 1 !" HERALD, , ' '. were broken down Into several categories., Includlng·men. .wcmen and temtnee. Serond Cli.. p~.gr Paid at. W.ynfi. Nrbra,k. WAYNE; NE,BRAS~A ~878~, THURSOA,Y, F'EBRlJARY '15'::1973 NINETY·SEVENTH YE~R : NUMBER·SEVENTY·FIVE Survey results wHl be released in a coming Issue of The Herald. , Wayne city councHmen" 'rues Councilmen gave their eo council approve commercial ing before a paving district can Heard a preIJm1nary est: day nig'hf accepted bids on proval.fo issue a new bollie club building permits, Up 10 tnts time be formed male of cost ot servicing the' several pieces of equipment and nquor license 10 incorporators 01 approval was given by city cterk -Discussed and sent to com mduslrial area eos t of the city for work 'at the municipal swim the· BloCK Knight Lo"unge, Ap Dan Sherry and building jnspec mntee a request from Bill and the area auf to it with mlng coo! creve! came on a 7·0 vole, wHh lor DJck Carlson. Wo~hler for restricted parking sanitary sewer and improving Cosl 01 three vehicles and an one councilman 'not being pres -Discussed how 10 provide on logan Street from the rail­ tnc city sewage treatment ta. electric"detrick for the city will ent for the council meeting nmbotancc service once the new road crossing south. woehtcr c.uttcs, That protect could cost run about S30,72S, Cost of the In other action the council area medica! center is built in said numerous cettre trucks up 10 $300,000, the engineering improvemen! work on the swim Decided to advertise for a Wayne. Councilmen will hold a have been parking tber-e during lirm s<1ld . ming pool pipes ..... ilt be Lu"t over manager to run tho swimming meeting with county officials, tile night, cAusing slrong smells Ok,1yed purchasing about 15,000. pool for the coming season hospital board members, hospi in the arce- A committee will SL800 worth of coats, boots and Trucks were purchased for the Allen Hansen, manager 01 Ihe tal foundation members and study the situation and make helmets for the volunteer fire atreet and light dep,1rlmenjs, a poor the pasl few years, has others 10 discuss tfle subject r ecommondettons '0 lhe council depar tment stali,on wagon was porchased lor apphed for the lob again ttus some time vlithin tKe next at the nex"! meeting. , Sent to committee the can Ihe police dep'1rfmp.nt and an venr couple weeks . Set a rneefinq lor 7 p.m lil1l)lI1g problem 01 trying to electric derrl(k was purchased Set <1 public hearing for Feb - Hcaru ,1 request from Bill M,lrch 7 for the councilmen to w~~1e an ordinance covering the for Ihe 'ig,:,t departrnertt ;n on the request for r-czontnq a workman for. act jon on the discuss pension plans for city cuvs garbage and tresf haulers low bids from Cnryell Auto small piece of land on the wesl recent petition aSking for paving employees wh,ch will be acceptable to both Co. in Wayne, lor the street edge 01 Wayne:. The request on Gritlnland Road from Blaine Hear-d a preliminary esli Itw council and Wayne Refuse department truck" $4,815 with cernes from Roy Coryell, who to Maple Street. The council mate of ccs t of- asph<111 work at S"r'Jlrp trade, and for the police depart rl"por!edly plans on moving his asked the city ettornev to find the muniCipal airport, The diy's ment vebtc!e. S<I,16<1 without car de,llership to thaI Mea out who,t per cent of the proper engineering firm said th~t work trade, wNe okayed , Okayed hav'lng lhe c',ly ty owners have 10 request pav could cost $25,600 The second low bid from WorlmaD Aula in Wayne for Iho light dcnnrtmcnt tr urk, S5,19S wttbout Irad", INd', appro"'~d Lions District Convention ettcr councilmen decided to Ihrow out lhe low b,d bocauve il did nol mCf'1 coomc SP('c'ificc1 . When Wayne and Madison lions Slated for Wayne Sunday town Team baseball clubs bat­ tied 10 two extra.Inninq qarnes. low bid of S4,814 WitS submu Be twer-n 100 and 150 Lions arl;' "dl ,:II,cl The ne,,;{ dist"ct qover one going 19 innings: ted by Coryell'Aulo e.epoc tc d to attend Sunda'('S nor 10 ({:place Marl Snetucc of The low bid of $16,451 from dl<,tncl conv!m';on' af Wayrlf: Omaha ,~nd vlOll appoint a trus Omaha Body and Equipment Co STat(~'s Student tN: to lhr: Nebraska Lions Sighl lor t/)e ctccr-rc i:1f.'rrick wa~ etco TWf'nly.ninr: in easter n Cor.c.rveucn Eoundefion 10 r e accepted by fhe, council Nf'hra',k,l are expected to send orece Duanr- Purcell of Laurel Approw·d lor work on "'IIim r oprcsente ttvcs 10 Ihe meeti'ng Speakinq during tho: ettczr noon ming poot pipes WilS the 10m, bid MaIO speaker tor lhe evening ""II be Wayne Marshall 01 ot S5,.-l61 submitl,..d by Midwesl b,lflquet will be Paul McCrary of I".(;,lrnet, past international di VJayn'-J State Colleqe Saturday Plumbing and. l-h:aling of Nor ~"ldlwal(~r, Okla. Iflternalionai rN.tor who i~ curr(·nlly a r.and! . will host Ils second annual lolk . din,c!or 01 tht· ~('rvlr:e organi/a rlal<.' lor mternationill Ihlrd vice Wildcat Inv·i1ational Debate ) Thill work I', 10 be (ompll~led lion pn-'s,dent Tournamenl tor high schools by M,1Y 10 Durlflq Ihe allernoon, Lion', Rpqi',tr.1tion '11011 be held at Twelv(' schools are sending 38 !hf, SllJdf;nl Union from "30 to learn', for ltlr· meet, including , 30 p,ll"", , HH: dislnct Ral~ton, Willnl!r of tIle varsity rn'-'f'llnq from, 30 to Insiqe today. ('!M, and Norfolk, S r·n ,lfl('rnoon program for firSI in the novice Allen area ~esid(:nts found Ihat $1 wenl a long 1,'1,11' 'In ,f·', of L,on~ M!f;nding Ihe during SaturSlPY night's pancalo:e and sausage supper al Ihe con',c'nt,on '/1111 Inclljd'" a show_ Leonard, Wayne Stal£? American legion Hall elt 11-,,_' roll('qr: planetarium ilnd a lQr<.'nsics coach, aiso hilS (:Iltries For II photographic glimpse of what wenl on in the to,;r o! Wayne Slat(· buddll1gs froro Marian and Mercy High kitchen during the feed, lurn 10 page si>, ollhe flr~t secl'ion PI;l-nnlflg the coo',rr:ntion ,1re )chools in Omaha, Lincoln Aho Inside today Jr"hn IJ,lI<OC. prl;',;,dr:nt 01 the Norlheast. Grand Island, Has -Pictures of some nf the Lutheran youthS who look lociI! Lions "Club, and vice presi PAUL McCRARY t'''(js, Columbus, Pierce, part in a winter alle-rnoon of fun al Wayne Sunday. Turn to do:-nts Charles "Aaier, B.j'. Hirt (r<:iqhton, We,>t Poml and page ,,;Ix 01 fhe s('cond section ilnd Ray Bulls Their wives have COCity IClsl year, he has held all Wilyn,.. High School!;, (}-;9~:i~~~~~~:t;~~ec;:~!~t~gr;~~i~~;:~r~hq kJJ~~'~"" -f;~~- :i-~~~i~~ ~~~~:;:~;tor ollice~ on the club level and'has Debalers In both varsit"i and <1n ,.. ,woo served as district governor and novice divisions will b('gin four secfion. ) The banqup.t speilker is direc chairman 01 the- cOl.lncd '·01 round', of argumenT <11 9 30 a m -Pictures 01 the wrestlers from Wayne, Winside and lor of pholo "er'l,ce~ and miJi qO'J('rnor~ Wakefield' wfioW'iH be comperlng in Ihis week's slate tary coordmator of 'ROTC at • McCrary. a retired Army 0'" wrestling tournament at lincoln and plctur(!s and story 01 Ol<lahoma Stale Univr:rsily cer who served in World War II Camera Club the>Allen·Osmond Clil!ih Tuesday nighl for' the Lewis and Eleded director ot LIOnS In and earned a Purple Hear!. Clark Con terence basketball titlt:. Turn to pager, four and 1(·rn<l!lGnaJ at thl! a""or:lation's Bronte Star and four BaWl:' To Form in live 01 the first seelion 55th annual convenl,on in Mexi Slars. has received several high lions aw,Hds, including'" two Wayne Soon Irom thp. inlernc1liondl preSident Cilmer,1 hobbyists will meel again Ifl March to etect offir:ers ~;t6"t~~$~:p;~~70~~.the - Farmers To Be area TRACY KEATING, left. and Debbie Wer.t, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Keating and Mr. and Mrs. Ron LIons' Guests ' __ ,---M~~~fl~~~':':~~i,i~/~~U~~dp,;~,~ I, Ff'-lOf-l~\vf!JlIJ'~-l-\l-\crH-+' .;€i t 01 ..a'Ile, si,o .. off aile of IlLe boxes,ol cookies Farmers if) the Wayne area at the' Nalional Guard' Armory , Girl Scoufs will begin, sellir:'g in Wayne and Winside will be given a Iree night out in Wayne. starling Friday, The cookie sale, an annual event to ~~~~d~r~"sc~7:~"menls raise money lor Girl Scoul activi-ties and C~mp 01 the..
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