...... 4 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 7, George G. Vest, of the State of Missouri. SENATORS FROM FLORIDA AND IDAHO. William F. Vilas, of the State of Wisconsin. Mr. HOAR. I move that Hon. Wilkinson Call be admitted to Daniel W. Voorhees, of the State of Indiana. take the oath as a Senator from the" State of Florida. It is not Edward D. White, of the State of Louisiana. my purpose to·press any action upon this motion to-day, but I pro­ As their names were called the respective Senators elect (with pose to have it before the Senate. the exception of Mr. Vance) came forward, and the oath pre­ Mr. CULLOM. I will make the same motion with reference scribed by law was administered to them. to the Senator from Idaho, Mr. Dubois, with the understanding SENATORS PRESENT. (as it seems to be the desire of members) that it lie over until to­ morrow, although I should like very much to have had it acted The Senators-elect having been sworn and taken their seats in upon to-day. the Senate, the following Senators were present: The VICE-PRESIDENT. The motions will lie over. From the State of- Mr. SHERMAN. Pending these motions, I move that the Alabanw-John T. Morgan and James L. Pugh. Senate adjourn. A 1·kansas-James H. Berry. The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 o'clock p. m.) the Senate California-Charles N. Felton. adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 8., 1891 ;- at 12 ColO?·ado-Henry M. Teller and Edward 0. Wolcott. o'clock m. Connecticut-Joseph R. Hawley and Orville H. Platt. Delawa1·e-George Gray and Anthony Higgins. Florida-Samuel Pasco. - Gem·gia-Alfred H. Colquitt and John B. Gordon. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Idaho-George L. Shoup. Dlinois-Sbelby M. Cullom and John M. Palmer. MoNDAY, December 7, 1891 .. Indiana-David Turpie and Daniel W. Voorhees. This day. in compliance with the provision of the Constitution, Iowa-William B. Allison and James F. Wilson. · the members elect of the House of Representatives of the Fifty­ Kansas-William A. Peffer and Preston B. Plumb. second Congress assembled in their Hall, and at 12 o'clock were Kentucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn and John G. Carlisle. called te order by the Clerk of the last House, Mr. EDWARD Mc­ Louisiana-Randall L. Gibson and Edward D. White. PHERSON. Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. The CLERK. Representatives elect, this is the hour for the Ma?1Jland-Charles H. Gibson and Arthur P. Gorman. meetil;lg of the House of Representatives-of the Fifty-second Con­ Massachusetts-Henry L. Dawes and George F. Hoar. gress of the United States of America. The Clerk of the House MiChigan-James McMillan &?d Franc!s. .B. Stoc'kbridge. ofRepresentativesoftheFifty-firstCongresswill proceed, accord­ Minnesota-Cushman K. DaVlS and William D. ~Washburn. ing to law, to read the names of those whose credentials show that · M'wsissippi-James· Z. George and Edward C. Walthall. they were regularly elected to this body in pursuance of the law Missouri-Francis M. Cockrell and George G. Vest. of their States, respectively, or of the United States. Montana-Thomas C. Power and Wilbur F. Sanders. The roll was called, showing the presence of the following-named Neb?·aska-Charles F. Manderson and Algernon S. Paddock. members: Nevada-William M. Stewart. ALABAMA. New Hampshire-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Q-a.llin~er. Richard H. Clarke. James E. Cobb. New Jersey-~ufus Blodgett and John R. McPherson. Hilary A. Herbert. John H. Bankhead. William C. Oates. William H. Forney. New YO?·k-Frank Hiscock. Louis W. Turpin. Joseph Wheeler. Nm·th Ca'rolina-:-Matt W. Ransom. ARKANSAS. Nm·th Dakota-Lyman R. Casey and Henry C. Hansbrou~h. William H. Cate. William L . Teqy. Ohio--:-Calvin S. Brice and John Sherman. Clifton R. Breckinridge. Samuel W. PeeL 01'egon-Joseph N. D_olph and Jo4n H. Mitchell. _ Thomas C. McRae. Pennsylvania-James Donald Cameron and MatthewS. Quay. CALIFORNIA. Rlwde Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and Nathan F. Dixon. Thomas J. Geary. John T. Cutting. Anthony Caminet~i. Eugene F. Loud. South Oarolina-M. C. Butler and J. L. M. Irby. Joseph McKenna. William W. Bowers. South Dakota-James H. Kyle and R. F. Pettigr:ew. COLORADO. Tennessee-William B. Bate and Isham G. HarriS. Hosea Townsend. 2'exas-Hora~e Chilton and Richard Coke. Vermont-Jus tin S. Morrill and Redfield Proctor. CONNECTICUT. Vi1·ginia-John S. Barbour and John W. Daniel: Lewis Sperry. Charles A. Russell. Washington-John B. Allen and Watson C. Sqmre. Washingt-on F. Willcox. Robert E. De Forest. West Vi~·ginia~Charles J. Faulkner.aJ?-d John~· Kenna. DELAWARE. Wisconmn-Philetus Sawyer and Wilh~m F. VIlas. John W. Causey. WyO?ning-J oseph M. Carey and Francis E. Warrtm. FLORIDA. Stephen R. Mallory. Robert Bullock. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. GEORGIA. Mr. SHERMAN submitted the following resolution; which Rufus E. Lester. James H . Blount. Henry G. Turner. R. William Everett. was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Charles F. Crisp. Thomas G. Lawson. Resolved That a committee consisting o! two members be appointed, to • Charles L . Moses. 'l'homas E . Winn. join such committee as may be appointed by the House o! Representatives, Leonidas F . Livingston. Thomas E. Watson. to wait upon the President o! the United States and inform him that a IDAHO. quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. Willis Sweet. By unanimous conse_nt, the Vice-President was authorized to ILLINOIS. Abner Taylor. Benjamin T. Cable. appoint the committ-ee, and Messrs. SHERMAN and HARRIS were Lawrence E. McGann. Scott Wike. appointed. Allan C. Durborow, jr. William M. Springer. NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. Walter C. Newberry. Owen Scott. Albert J. Hopkins. Samuel T. Busey. Mr. CAMERON submitted the followip.g resolution; which Robert R. Hltt. George W. Fithian. Thomas J. Henderson. Edward Lane. was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: Lewis Steward. William S. Forman. Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House o! Representatives that a Herman W. Snow. James R. Williams. quorum o! the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is reauy to proceed Philip S. Post. George W. Smith. t.o business. HOUR OF MEETING. INDIANA. William F. Parrett. Elijah V. Brookshire. Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which was John L . Bretz. Dan Waugh. Jason B. Brown. David H . Patton. considered by unanimous consent, and a.2Teed to: William S. Holman. Augustus N. Martin, Resolved, That the hour o! the daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock me­ George W. Cooper. Charles A. 0. McClellan. ridian until otherwise ordered. Henry U. Johnson. BenjaminF. Shively. William D. Bynum. SENATOR FROM TEXAS. IOWA. Mr. HOAR. I move that the Committee on Privileges and John J. Seerley. John A. T. Hull. Elections be directed to inquire into and report upon the circum- " Walter I . Hayes. James P. Flick. stances and validity of the appointment of Mr. Chilton to a seat David B. Henderson. Thomas Bowman. Walter H. Butler. Jonathan P. Dolliver. in the Senate from the State of Texas. John T. Hamilton. George D. Perkins. The motion was agreed to. Fred. E. White. ·. • -· 1891 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 5 .· - KANSAS. OREGON. Case Broderick. John Davis. Binger Hermann. Edward H. Funston. William Baker. Benjamin H. Clover. Jeremiah Simpson. PENNSYLVANIA. John G. Otis. Myron B. Wright. KENTUCKY. ~~~!~ot~l1~am. Albert C. Hopkins. William J. Stone. Worth W. Dickerson. William McAleer. Simon P. Wolverton. William T. Ellis. William C. P. Breckinridge. John E. Reyburn. Louis E. Atkinson. Isaac H. Goodni~ht. James B. McCreary. Alfred C. Harmer. Frank E. Beltzhoover. Alex. B. Montgomery. Thomas H. Paynter. John B. Robinson. Edward Scnll. Asher G. Caruth. John W. Kendall. Edwin Hallowell. William Mutchler. Yo~~:rre\\~tr. LOUISIANA. David B. Brunner. William A. Stone. Adolph Meyer. Newton C. Blanchard. Marriott Brosius. Andrew Stewart. Matthew D. Lagan. Charles J. Boatner. Lemuel Amerman. Eugene P. Gillespie. Andrew Price. · Samuel M. Robertson. George W. Shonk. Matthew Griswold_ MAINE. James B. Reilly. Charles W. Stone. Thomas B. Reed. Set.h L. Milliken. John W. Rife. George F. Kribbs. Nelson Dingley, jr. Charles A. Boutelle. RHODE ISLAND. MARYLAND. Oscar Lapham. Charles H. Page. Hem·y Page. Isidor Rayner. SOU'l'H CAROLINA. Herman Stump. Barnes Compton. Harry Welles Rusk. William M. McKaig. William H. Brawley. John J. Hemphill. George D. Tillman. Eli T. Stackhouse. MASSACHUSETTS. George Johnstone. William Elliott. Charles S. Randall. William Cogswell. George W. Shell. Elijah A. Morse. Moses T. Stevens. SOUTH DAKOTA. John F. Andrew. George Fred. Williams. (AT LARGE.) Joseph H. O'Neil. Joseph H. Walker. Sherman Hoar. Frederic S. Coolidge. John A. Pickler. John L. Jolley. Henry Cabot Lodge. John C. Crosby. TENNESSEE. MICHIGAN. Alfred A. Taylor. Joseph E. Washington. J. Logan Chipman. Justin R. Whiting. John C. Houk. Nicholas N. Cox. James S. Gorman. Henry M. Youmans. Henry C. Snod~ass. Benjamin A. Enloe. James O'Donnell. Harrison H. Wheeler. Benton McMillin. Rice A. Pierce. ·- Julius C. Burrows. Thomas A. E. Weadock. James D. Richardson. Josiah Patterson. Charles E. Belknap. Samuel M. Stephenson. '.rEXAS. Byron G. Stout. MINNESOTA. Charles Stewart. William H. Crain. John B. Loug. Littleton W. Moore. William H. Harries. James N. Castle. C. Buckley Kilgore. Roger Q. Mills. John Lind. Kittel Halvorsen. David B. Culberson. Joseph D. Sayers. 0. M. Hall. Joseph W. Bailey. Samuel W. T. Lanham. MISSISSIPPI. Jo Abbott. John M. Allen. Joseph H. Beeman. VERMONT. John C. Kyle. Thomas R. Stockdale. Thomas C. Catchings. Charles E. Hooker. H. Hemy Powers. William W. Grout. Clarke Lewis.
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