NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 46: 55 --6 2, 1998 NEST CHARACTERISTICS OF COPPERSMITH BARBETS (MEGALAIMA HAEMACEPHALA INDICA ,LATHAM , 1790) Wina Meckvichai 1 ABSTRACT ppersmith C'O ppersmith Barbets are 町opical treet 'O p dweIIers which live in decidu 'O us f'O rests ,gardens 'O r even in t 'O wns. On 出e Chulal 'O ngk 'O m University carnpus ,they actively breed in 出e dry seas 'O n during January-March. B 'O th the males and fem aI es excavate dead and dry branches 'O f Samanea saman , Delonix regia ,Terminalia catappa ,Pel 加tω ,op 凶horu 官 mpteroc ω'arpum , 叫n叫,Pa~成出kμiωas伊pe, 釘Cαt回旧叫s叫a仏, 争S'pa ωth 加odea 叩cam叩lfJ加 an 叩z Each Each yea 釘r 血ey excavat 巴 several new h'O les but '0凶 y 'O n巴 h'O le 鴎serveωs 悩as 白巴 nes “t. The 'O thers are are used as spare nests and ro 'O sting h'O les. Th e entrances 'O f出eh 'O les 釘 e nearly circular ,3.2- 4.8 4.8 cm di in 制 neter ,are always 'O n 出eundersides 'O f sl 'O ping branches ,and aII 'O w 'O nly 'O ne bird t 'O enter at a time. The h 'O les are excavated t 'O f'O rm as 'O ck-shaped chamber 5.5 --6 .9 cm wide and 14.2 ← 26.0 cm deep. Th e preferred nest branches are 21.6-4 6.5 cm in circumference ,2-241 kg/cm 2 in hardness ,and c'O ntain 9.75-12 .4 1% m 'O isture. INTRODUCTION 百le Coppersmith Barbet is a tropical arboreal bird 血at never descends to the ground. It It lives in deciduous forests , gardens and even in towns. Its range is from West Pakistan to to Indo-China , Java and the Philippines , but the subspecies Megalaima haemacephala indica indica is found in 血e Indo-Malayan region (HAVERSCHMIDT ET AL., 1970; HOWARD & Moo 阻, 1984). The Coppersmith Barbet gets its name from the call ,‘ tonk-tonk' , like hammer blows on an anvi l. Males and females look similar. Adult Coppersmith Barbets have have a bright crimson patch on the forehead and a band on the breast ,bright yellow around 白e eyes , chin and throat ,wi 白 a black s凶 pe that extends through the eye from the nos 位ils , another another from the gape to below the cheeks , and bo 出 merging into a broad black band passing passing to the back of the head. The upper plumage is olive-green and the uppe 叩arts 紅 e yellowish-white yellowish-white with broad olive-green streaks (Fig. 1). They can climb up and down along along tree trunks like a woodpecker , using their short stiff tails as a support.τbe nest cavity cavity of the Coppersmith Barbets is also similar to that of a woodpecker' s but barbets always always excavate on the undersides of dead branches of soft wooded trees (Y AHYA , 1988). 1 Dep 訂 trnent 'O f Bi 'O l'O gy 'O f Sci 巴nce ,Chulal 'O ngk 'O m University ,Phaya Th ai R'O ad ,B 飢 gk 'O k 10330 , Th ailand Paper Paper presented at the Sec 'O nd Internati 'O nnal Asian H 'O rnbill W 'O rksh 'O p,Bangk 'O k,13- 51 April 1996. 55 55 56 Wn 可A MECKVICHAI M E'百 IODS Th es 加 dy area was on 血e Chulalongkom U 凶versity campus. Coppersmi 血 Barbet nests nests were observed and recorded through four breeding seasons , in 1988 ,1989 , 1991 and 1994. 1994. Eighteen nests were cut down and measured after the breeding season 泊 1988 and 1989. 1989. Nine nests were found with nes t1i ngs (defined as nes t1i ng nests) and nine nests were empty (defined as roosting holes or spare nests). “Wood hardness" of nesting branches was measured according to Stand 紅 d ISO-3350 (Wood determination of static hardness) , which employs 由e Junka hardness 旬 s1. Wood is cut 凶 o cubes 5 cm on a side ,and a circle of iron 11.28 mm in diameter is pressed into the the wood. Hardness is calculated 企om H=KP/m , where P=loading pressure ,m= moisture content content and K is a coefficien 1. RESULTS Coppers 凶由Barbets bred 泊 the dry se 酪 on during January-March ,but 出ey still could be seen at 曲e nest until June. Both the males and females excavated dead 佃 d 合y branches branches to bu i1 d their nest. Coppersmith Barbets preferred to bu i1 d nests or roost in Samanea saman , Delonix regia , Terminalia catappa , Peltophorum pterocarpum , Parkia speciosa , Spathodea campanulata , Acacia auriculiformis and E η thrina orientalis trees (Table (Table 1). Th ey also used other 紅白 species for roosts: Ficus elastica , Cassia bakeriana , Phylloc 紅 pus septem 凶 onalis , Ficus glaberrima , Butea monospen ηa ,Gliricidia sepium , La gerstroemia speciosa , Cassia fistula ,Pteroca 中 us indicus and Albizzia lebbek (Table 1). Each year they excavated several new holes but only one hole was used as the nes t1i ng nest and the others were reserved as sp 釘 e 佃 d roosting holes. It was possible to find several holes holes in a single br 釦 ch and usually 白ey used the lowest hole as the nes t1i ng nest (Fig. 2). 2). Th e characteristics of nests were recorded as follows. Th e entr ,佃.ce hole was circul 紅, 3.2 -4 .8 cm in diameter. It w 国 always on 出e underside of a sloping branch and allowed only only one bird to enter at a time. Longitudinal section of eighteen nests showed 白紙 they were excavated to form a sock-like chamber (Fig. 3). For nes t1 ing nests , the maximum width width of 血e intemal chamber varied from 5.5 -6 .9 cm (mean 6.0 cm) and the depth from the the lower en 住血ce to the bottom of the chamber from 14.2-26.0 cm (mean 18.1 cm). Nests Nests were built in branches of 21.6-4 6.5 cm 泊 circumference (mean 34.0 cm) , 2-241 kg/ cm 2 in hardness (mean 78.5 kg/cm 2). With 9.75-12.41% moisture conte 凶 (mean = 11.3%) 11.3%) (Table 3). For roosting holes ,details of intemal nest meas 町 ements 紅 e shown in Table Table 2. Th ere was no significant difference between nes t1i ng nests and roosting holes in en 住ance hole size or width of chamber (t-test ,P >0.05: t= 1. 6,n= 18 ,P= 0 .3 6 and t = 1. 47 ,n= 17 ,P= 0.24) but roosting nests were significan t1 y higher above the ground (t- test ,P < 0.05: t= 2.2 ,n= 17 ,P= 0.30). The chambers of nes t1 ing nests averaged deeper 白組 chambers of roosting holes (t-test ,P < 0.01: t= 4.52 ,n= 17 ,P= 0.21). NEST C H ARACTER IST ICS OF CO PP ERSM ITH sARsETS 57 Figlll 巴 1. A Co pp c rsl1l it h 13arb 巴t Mega /aillla ha ellla ce p/w/o indi ca fo un d i n C hul a- longko rn Un iv巴rSlI yc all1 p us. F igur e 2. Seve ral holc討 we l巴 fo und in a single bra nch. but only onc iお the ncs tlin g nes t 58 W INA M ECKV ICI-I A I Figure 3. Longillldina l sec 1i on of a brnn ch showed lhe soc k shaped chamber or lhe nesl. Figure 4. The old nes 1 or a Coppersmilh Ba rbel being used by Plain­ backed Sparrow. NEST CHARACTERISTICS OF COPPERSMITH BARBETS 59 Table Table 1. Tree species in which nestling nests and roosting holes of Coppersmith Barbets were found at Chulalongkom University in 1988 ,1989 ,1991 組 d 1996. Tree Tree species Common name Number of nestling nestling nests roosting holes 口83211110000000000兜幻自問 Samanea saman Rain Tree Delonix Delonix regia Fl ame Tree Terminalia Terminalia catappa Sea Al mond Peltophorum Peltophorum pterocarpum Copper Pod 13211223121311 Parkia Parkia speciosa Spathodea Spathodea campanulata Fire Bell Acacia Acacia auriculiformis Wattle Eη thrina orientalis Variegated Coral Gliricidia Gliricidia sepium Quick Stick Phyllocarpus Phyllocarpus septemtrionalis Monkey Fl ower Tree Ficus Ficus glaberrima Fig Ficus Ficus elastica Indian Rubber Fig La gerstroemia speciosa Queen's Fl ower Butea Butea monosperma 日ame of the Forest Cassia Cassia fistula Indian Labumum Cassia Cassia bakeriana Pink Shower Pterocarpus Pterocarpus indicus An gsana Albizzia Albizzia lebbek Indian Walnut Total Total 34 192 Table Table 2. Characteristics of Coppersmith Barbet roosting holes studied in 1988 and 1989 at at Chulalongkom University campus. nm = not measured. ....加 He g M免 ve Nest Nest Tree species Roosting hole entrance Roosting chamber unu 4d囚 別加d No. No. Horizontal Vertical Width Depth d 、•. (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) J 'I 弓 0000εJrO今 a 4JqJζJZJζJnroroqJ8KM24 86688n655nMnMD5nMm55D Samanea sp. 3 32JtJ1J1dqJqJ斗 10.0 内,申勾コ凋斗 弓コ弓 8 Samanea sp. 斗 14.0 0000ny Samanea sp. 3 13.5 今 Samanea sp. 3 ・ 11. 6 ζJrO 今コ今コ勾司,司 1mnMD9 Samanea sp. 12.2 『 Samanea sp. La I nm 司 司 foony Samanea sp. 3 斗 4 13.1 勾 'i 勾 弓コ弓コ Samanea sp. 3 3 11. 3 勾 司 今 Pterocarpus Pterocarpus sp. 3 JH 3 8.2 Mean 3.4 78 3.533 5.700 11. 738 6.688 S. S. D. 0.268 0.264 0.288 1. 929 1. 308 Table Table 3. Characteristics of Coppersmith Barbet nestling nests studied in 1988 叩 d 1989 at Chulalongkorn University c創 npus.
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