9900:21 This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp 1111111~ill~I[~'1111111!1~lli~rII1111Irlllllllllll 3 0307 00018 3056 Legislalivecommission on Minnesota Resources Biennial R ort January 1, 999 : M. S. 116P.09, Subd. 7 LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION ON MINNESOTA RESOURCES 100 CONSTITUTION AVENUEIROOM 65/SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155-1201 PHONE: 651/296-2406 TDD: 651/296-8896 OR 1-800-657-3550 RELAY: 6511297-5350 OR 1-800-627-3529 • FAX: 651/296-1321 EMAIL: [email protected] John Velin, Director January 15, 1999 Qwmm Jt\N 1 4 1989 I,~" Governor Jesse Ventura Secretary ofthe Senate, Patrick E. Flahaven ChiefClerk ofthe House, Edward A. Burdick Senator Richard Cohen, Chair State Government Finance Senator Bob Lessard, Chair Environment and Natural Resources Senator Steve Morse, Chair Environment and Agriculture Budget Division Representative Dave Bishop, Chair Ways and Means Representative Dennis Ozment, Chair Environment and Natural Resources Representative Mark Holsten, Chair Environment and Natural Resources Finance Legislative Reference Library (6 copies) Dear Colleagues, Transmitted herewith is the biennial report ofthe Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) as required in MS 116P. On December 3, 1998, the members specifically adopted the new 1999 appropriation recommendations as well as the • recommendations for items to be incorporated into the regular agency budgets. We look forward to presenting this information and certainly encourage questions and discussion. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Legislature in this capacity. S~Q~ Senator Leonard Price, Vice Chair LCMR REPRESENTATIVES: Loren Solberg, CHAIR: Ron Erhardt; Greg Davids; Alice Hausman; Phyllis Kahn; Willard Munger; Tom Osthoff; Dennis Ozment; Doug Peterson; Tom Rukavina. SENATORS: Dennis Frederickson; Jerry Janezich; Janet Johnson; Gary Laidig: Bob Lessard; James • Metzen; Steven Morse; Leonard Price; Martha Robertson; Jim Vickerman. L • Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Biennial Report • January 15) 1999 • Pursuant to: M.S. 116~09, Subd. 7 Commission Members • REPRESENTATIVES: Loren Solberg, CHAIR; Greg Davids; Ron Erhardt; Alice Hausman; Phyllis Kahn; Willard Munger; Tom Osthoff; Dennis Ozment, Secretary; Doug Peterson, Tom Rukavina. SENATORS: Dennis Frederickson; Jerry Janezich; Janet Johnson; Gary Laidig; Bob Lessard; James Metzen; Steve Morse; Leonard Price, Vice Chair; Martha Robertson; Jim Vickerman. • LCMR Staff John Velin, Director Susan Thornton, Linda Bruemmer, Mary Lou Kendle, Yvonne Fritchie Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Room 65, State Office Building, 100 Constitution Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: (651)296-2406 TDD: (651)296-9896 or 1-800-657-3550 Relay: (651)297-5353 or 1-800-627-3529 Fax: (651)296-1321 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Address: www.commiss-ions.leg.state.mn.us/lcmr/lcmr.htm • 2 The LCMR 1999 Newsletter .4 I. Strategic Plan " a copy of the current strategic plan..." ...............................................................................5 Table of Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Constitutional Language amended November 3, 1998 found after Strategic Contents plan • II. and III. Project Description " a description of each project receiving money from the trust fund and Minnesota future resources fund during the preceding biennium; a summary of any research project completed in the preceding biennium..." .................................................................................6 Laws 1997, Chapter 216, Section 15 6 Laws 1995, Chapter 220, Section 19, 20 &21 34 Laws 1995, First Special Session, Chapter 2, Art. 1, Sec. 5, Subd. 2 65 Laws 1996 Chapter 407 Section 8 66 IV. Implementation "recommendations to implement successful projects and programs into a state agency's standard operations... " ...............................................................................70 V. Recommendations "to the extent known by the commission, descriptions of the projects anticipated to be supported by the trust fund and Minnesota future resources account during the next biennium..." ...............................................................................73 VI. Revenues and Distributions "the source and amount of all revenues collected and distributed by the commission, including all administra- • tive and other expenses... " . ...............................................................................79 VII. Assets and Liabilities " a description of the assets and liabilities of the trust fund and the Minnesota future resources fund ... " ...............................................................................81 VIII. Findings "any findings or recommendations that are deemed proper to assist the legislature in formulating legisla­ tion .. " ...............................................................................86 IX. Gifts and Donations "a list of all gifts and donations with a value over $1,000..." ...............................................................................87 X. Environmental Spending Comparisons " a comparison of the amounts spent by the state for environment and natural resources activities through the most recent fiscal year..." ..................................................................................88 XI. Compliance Audit "a copy of the most recent compliance audit." • ...............................................................................90 3 islative Commission on Minnesota In This Issue J999 LCMR Process ~'ecommendto 1999 LCMRPiocess, .. 1 .he legislatIve Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) will . the 1999 Legislature 122 natural reSOUl'ce and enviromnental projects totaling over Recommendations ataGlance.:.2 $42 million,· If passed by the LegislatU1~e and signed by the G(jvei'nCl1; funding for . · these projects\irill begin in July 1999 <lnd run thl'ough]11rie'200L . 1999 J,CMR Recommendations How the Process Began. ' ., ..' , , , lnStrategy Ortle!: ..3-5 Site visits th~'6ilghout the summer and early fall of 1997 began the process with LCMR . Local hiitiatives ,Grants Aid Local members traveling in the Squtheast, the metro area, Northeast, and the Minnesota River' . Governnients; Private Organiza- Valley.' The·trips offered membei's the chance to speak directly with the people 1nthe field " . ti6ns ... 8 .' :.. andlearri the cUl'r:ent environmental needs throughout the state, . Issues addressed in the . ' trips included, butwel'e riot limited tb, trollt preservation, well head profection, land World ofResources on tbeWeb." 7 · acquisition;' GIS applications, fOl:est resources, trail c9nnections, historical site renovations arid sustainablefarming: . .. Trust FundRevenue Cailzs Aizotber Extension ... 8' . ResourceForums . .' · Public Natural Resource Forums on the Environment and Natul'alResources Trust Fund were conducted iii1Wo Hatbol's, St.LouisPal'k arid RedwoQd Falls on September 18, 1997, to seek ideas and strategies fo1'the future spending priorities fr:om organizations and the public, LC,MR Members and Staff, Citizen Advisory Committee Member:sand over ,120 . citizen participants met to explore'the question of what kinds ofefforts should be supported. · py the Environnlent and Natural Resources Trust Flind. Individuals unable to attend were ' encouraged to sende-mails, letters bl'fa.,xes expressing theifoplnibns: Both the CACand the .. LCMR itlembers used 'the advice from the citizens In theirplanl1ii1g processes. .. Strategic Planand Request 'for'~roposal Process September 23 and·~4,·1998, theCitizetl AdVisory Committee finalized theirl'eCOnimenda­ .tions on the prioritiesoftl1e Envil'opni.ent and NaMa! Resources Trust Fund, The: CAC Continued on page 2 "1999lLCMR Recommendations by Affilhltlon .Fedel:al State $250,000, . $8,210,000 1% 20% ! . Local Government Unit $14,908,000 36% University,of lvIN $7,095,000 17% , Private/ Non Profit $10,568,000 '26% Continueqfrom page 1 1999 Recommendations' . '. .,, . ,encouraged the LCMR to "st~p out of the box", and recommended that all projects be, ' , at a Glance ' ,innovative and address two key issues: Land Use and Habitat; a sustainable approach bei. '. " . fundamental to both. " ',' ' ' " , Local Initiatives Grants Program, ' $4,8500,000 ' The CACdraftstrategic plan for the rrustFundhad a significant role inthe'delibetations of the LCMR strategic pbil1l1ing session. The LCMR final criteriaemphasized that all projects Local and Regional Trails must promote a sustainable approach. To be sustainable ~ project shoulCi be compatible , ,'$i,35~,00Q ' with the natural ,system and balance the benefits to the environnient, the community and ,the economy. The Six-Year Strategic Plan for 1998-2004 was adopted on November 18, '1997, State Parks, Recreation Areas and Trails . - ; $2,010,000 ' Response to Requestfor proposal " " , Metro ,Parks, Recreation Areas and Trails The Requestfor Proposal was mailed to over 3,500 individuals and organizations in early $2,300,000 December 1997.Arl on-line ,version was also available at the LCMR web address, Bloomington, Blue Earth, Marshall, Brainerd anqDuluth were sites of the 1999 Request for ' Histor.ic Sites hoposal Workshops held in Janumy 1998; Theworkshops were designed to be user-friendly $950,000 by holding them away from the. traditional ,. ,Water Qu~lity location, the Capitol. Re'aching over 100 participants,' the LCMR staff presented an
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