High Bail Set op Suspects After SEE STORY BELOW Cold THEDAM FINAL Partly cloudy' and cold today and tonight,- Fair and contin- Red Bank, Freehold' ued cold tomorrow anil Sun- Long Branch EDITION day. 22 PACKS Monnioulli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.94 NO. 137 RED BANK. N.J. FRIDAY. JANUARY 7,1972 / TENCENTS I&A Head Choice Generally Lauded ByDOJ^SKULMAN. Health and Hospitals now is its commissioner, apparently new commissioner to the state porting the nomination. Establishment of a depart- fred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- part of I&A, the largest was taken by surprise, Senate for confirmation "I recognize Commissioner ment of mental health, head- mouth. Gov. William T. CahM's an- agency in state government, "It's news to me," he told "within a month." Clifford as a competent indi- ed by a commissioner respon- "I can't believe there's any- nouncement that he will nomi- with responsibility for wel- the Daily Register shortly af- He said yesterday he will vidual," Sen. Hagedorn said,. sible directly to the governor, one in a state penal institution nate Hobert U Clifford, the fare, penal institutions, in- ter the.Cahill announcement. present Mr. Clifford's name to "But his nomination hasn't was the prime recommenda- who isn't also in need of men- 47-year-okJ attorney who is stitutions for the1 retarded, Before the new legislation, the Senate at Tuesday's open- changed my mind about the tion of the American Psy- tal health care," the Rumson. state Commissioner of Insur- and Medicaid and Medicare. \ authority over I&A> including ing of its1972 session. need for a separate Depart- chiatric Association's $58,000 legislator said yesterday. "To ance, to head the Department The $40,000-a-year post has the right to name its commis- New Spirit ment of Mental Health." study of state mental health divorce the two divisions at of, Institutions and. Agencies been vacant since; the resigna- sioner, was vested in the state He said he was nominating The Bergen County Republi- facilities. The legislature or- this' point because the APA brought generally favorable tion of Lloyd McCorkle last Board of Control, now re- Mr. Clifford, a two-year veter- can said he'll introduce legis- dered the APA investigation says so is something I don't buy, not without further reaction yesterday, but It'•faii. • ->•-• •:'.-. ;:• •• • ••••,.••• duced to a board of in- an of state government, be- lation to create the hew de- -after a scandal involving se- didn't ease the demand from Surprised stitutional trustees with; advi- cause "I am convinced that partment "very shortly," and xual abuse of child patients at study." several quarters for estab- Sen. Garrett W, Hagedorn, sory power, • '' we need a capable executive predicted It will have wide Greystone Park State Hospi- "Well, he's not a Monmouth lishment of a separate De- H-Bergen, who sponsored tne When he signed the Hage- who will bring a fresh ap- public support, tal. County man," was Sen. Bead- partment of Mental Health legislation; giving the gover- dorn bill into law Wednesday proach and a new spirit" to Gov. Cahill opposes creation Sen, Hagedorn's proposal leston's. initial comment on and Hospitals. nor ultimate authority ovtp night, Gov. Cahill said he I&A. He said the board of con- of a mental health depart- for a new department gets no the'Clifford nomination. The Division of Mental I&A' and thcTp&wer' to name would submit the name of a trol was "unanimous" ineup- ment support from State Sen. Al- See Clifford, Page 2 Robert L. Clifford SAIGON (AP)-More army divisions, the 22nd and inces to the south. At least fantry regiments and a light heavy B52 raids today hit a 23rtt, operate in the highlands. five persons were killed and artillery unit had moved from North Vietnamese buildup Another problem is the hatred several others wounded in a Eastern Cambodia southward which U.S. officials fear between Montagnards, the in- series of communal incidents Into South Vietnam's 3rd Mili- threatens an offensive during digenous mountain tribesmen, during the Christmas ho- President Nixon's visit to and the South Vietnamese lidays, sources said. tary. Region, which includes China. troops, who come from the Meanwhile, it was reported Saigon and 11 surrounding Thirty of the Stratofort- coastal lowlands and the prov- that two North Vietnamese in- provinces. > resses dropped 900 tons of ( R«glil«rStoHPholo BIG MEN ON. CAMPUS — Brookdale Community College, AAonmouth's county college/ last night hos- bombs.on enemy supply ted a Joint meeting of the state Board of Higher Education and the state Council of County Colleges. routes, depots, troop concen- Dignitaries attending Included, from the left, Dr. N. Dean Evans, Burlington County College president trations and bunker com- and chairman of the state Association of County Community College Presidents; Edward E. Booher, plexes, informed sources re- Board of Higher Education chairman; state' Chancellor of Higher Education Ralph A. Dungan and re- ported. tired Army Ma|. Gen. W. Preston Corderman, chairman of both the Brookdale board of trustees and Nearly half of the bombs the Council of County Colleges and a member of the Board of Higher Education. were dropped in the southern half of the demilitarized zone near the Laotian border. The otter strikes hit South Viet- nam's central highlands along Top Bail Set ajJ25,000 .northeastern border of U.S. officials in Saigon and Washington have been saying that the North Vietnamese are preparing a major offen- As Drug Arrests Continue sive in the highlands to em- barrass President Nixon be- fore or during his trip to Pek- FREEHOLD - Arthur Wat- ranged from $2,000 to $10,000. set Feb. 14 for, a preliminary all charged with possession ing the last week of February. kins, 28, of 101 Peach St., New The raids were concentrated and distribution of heroin. All The chief U.S. negotiator at Shrewsbury; was remanded to ' in Asbury Park and. Red Others Arraigned preliminary hearings are the Paris peace talks, William the county jail in lieu of Battk, but, also included sev- Also arraigned here was scheduled for Feb. 14. J. Porter, warned the Com- |25,000 bail after his 'arraign- eral other towns. - Bqeman Hamilton, 22, of Arrests were continuing munist delegations at the ses- ment here yesterday on seven Watkins is accused of pos- Leighton Ave., Red Bank, today. Forty-five suspects had sion Thursday that "thfe mili- • APWIraphoto charges each of possession sessing and distributing he- charged with possession and been arrested by midmorning tary efforts you seem to be ARRIVES FOR TALKS — President Nixon shakes hands with Japan's and distribution of heroin in roin July 23 apd SO, Aug. 31, distribution of heroin in that yesterday, according to the, planning oh the western bor- Prime Minister Eisaku Sato as he arrives qt, the Western White House in Red Bank. ' Sept. 2, Oct. 5v Nov. 5 and 9, borough July 7. Bail was set State Police Narcotics Bur- der of South Vietnam and San Clemente/ Calif., yesterday for talks with the President. (Story, Page Watkins drew the highest allinRedBank. at&OOO. eau, Hightstown. elsewhere in Indochina aren't 3.) bail of any of the alleged he- ' Arraigned before Judge the bureau said informa- He was arraigned yesterday likely to achieve anything to roin pushers arrested in a pre^ Yaccarino yesterday morning tion on later arrests would not afternoon before Monmouth your permanent advantage dawn raid by state, county at the county jail in Freehold be available until today. County District Court Judge and will probably entail the and local police. .Other bails Thomas L. Yaccarino, who Township were 34 suspects, State Police Detective Sgt. Charles Croce, Central Re- loss of many more lives." Community Shocked, gion supervisor for the bu- Informed sources said some reau, said yesterday the ar- Americans believe the antici- rests culminated six months pated offensive in the high- of investigation during which . lands may concentrate on ma- Angered by Shooting Woman an undercover agent was, able jor population centers, such as the district town of Dak To to purchase $4,000 to $5,000 By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU forts to cover the large area worth of heroin; ' .' or Kontutn, a provincial capi- of our borough cannot be com- tal. Arrest warrants were issued NEW SHREWSBURY - mended enough. They are The only significant fighting As for 86 persons, ranging in age Shock and anger is abroad doing a great job." thus far has taken place in the from 15 to 31, on 132 charges. amongst the black community Lauds Police Trust Co., Edwin M. Ambler, Toumpurong valley about 12 RED BANK - "I'm over- Among the warrants were 13 of this borough. At last night's Borough division manager of the Jer- for females and eight for miles northeast of Dak To. whelmed by the honor, but "It was a most heinous Council meeting, Councilman sey Central Power and Light juveniles. But American sources say vil- I'm hot sure what it's going to crime," said Edward Davis, Dale Snick, chairman of the Co., and Martin Washour of lagers have reported consid- be like being part of, the Judge Yaccarino set $10,000 538 Shrewsbury Ave., voicing police committee, also Feldman Electric Co. of erable movement by enemy chauvinistic male world.'' bail for {hese persons charged sentiments of his own commu- praised the efficiency and co- Shrewsbury, forces in the rugged hills That's the initial reaction of with possession and dis- nity — "as well as those of ev- operation of the borough po- around Dak To and west of Mrs, Adrienne Straus, the tVOwherofStdres tribution of heroin on these ery decent person, black or lice and thanked the police of Kontum.
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