Disney does it again with En Guarde! 101 Dalmatians. Take a look at the fine art See page.7 . of fencing. See page 5. ., . \ The Student Voice 30th Anniversary ofUM-St. Louis 1966-1996 Issue 874 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS December 2, 1996 EAR Health Dept. Though many would Assault disrupts agree that UM-St. Louis closes Mark Twain isn't a bastion of excite­ In February, officials from Public campus community Health Department cited unsanitary ment, 1996 provided conditions when it shut down the A simple dispute over a parking space "If the tables had been turned," Hair­ Mark Twain Building Feb. 15-16. numerous interesting in front of Woods Hall turned into a ston said, "I would have been arrested." Mold and fungus were growing in much bigger issue. Campus police said the the situation news items. the locker rooms and tiles were According to Chri tella Hairston, a was handled properly. Hairston, along missing in the shower areas. Our campus saw mold black woman, she was accosted by a with her supporters, felt that UM-St. ''The men's locker room looked as white woman and male just outside the Louis treats black students unfairly. shut down Mark Twain. though it had not been cleaned for a . building. Hairston said the individuals She demanded that action be taken. long time," said Haywood Smith, Officials who stepped up were using racial epithets and the St. Louis prosecuting attorney Robert public health sanitarian. iWhen trouble arose and woman rushed at her kicking and McCulloch said both parties were at The facility was reopened on Feb. punching. Nobody involved was fault. others who stepped down 17. However, shortly after the arrested. Hairston felt that they hould "Nobody came into this thing with clean-up, a custodian who wished to without rhyme or reason. ha e been as well as banned from clean hands," he said. "Basicalfy, it was remain anonymous, said the Univer­ Christella Hairston campus. an argument over a parking space." Unfortunately, some sity was negligent in handling the even passed on. potent cleaning compound needed 5-year-pJan send~ to conquer the mildew problem. At var~ s points He said the U.niversity failed to t4roughout the year, provide him with adequate protec­ tuition through roof tive clothing. students resigned, re- The fall ' 96 seme ter marked the beginning of th e end. t "My hands and feet are now a flaky, belled and even resorted The end of the 5-year-plan, that is. oozy mess," he said. "It's terrible The plan effectively doubled the tuition of students. In what has been done to me." to violence. Many stu­ the 91-92 acadimic year, tuition was roughly $67 per Officials said their motto was dents selected a new credit hour. The rate currently stands at $1 21 per credit "safety first" and said the event , hour. president. would never happen again. At the curators meeting in January, then UM president The burned custodian visited a Sure, none of these George Russell said the increases would make the workers compensation doctor and is events made Tom University more competitive for high quality faculty. still employed by the University. Brokaw's Teleprompter, but they did find a place Fausz resigns, Honors students on the galleys of The attempt to bring him back Current. Fred Fausz, dean of the Honors Col­ shocked at the news of the resignation As this is the last issue lege, stepped down much to the chagrin of "Dean Fred." of many honors students. Many stu­ Knox and honors student Wendy of the fall semester, and dents felt Fausz was forced to resign by Verhoff wrote a fonn letter and placed therefore the year, the Chancellor Blanche Touhil!. it in Brain Stew. Fausz established a successful program The letter stated, "My intent is to make staff of the newspaper and was revered by many of his stu­ you aware of the respect and admira­ takes a look back at some dents. tionthat 1, and all of the students of the Several students weren't satisfied with of the highlights and Honors College hold for this man. ~n that answer. doing so, I hope that you will deny his lowlights of the past 11 Thompson Knox along with several petition for resignation and. reinstate months. members of Brain Stew, a publication him as [dean]." produced by Honors students, were Touhill did not refuse the resignation. Fred Fausz see 1996, page 4 Students, University lend a hand during holidays , Inside by Kim Hudson Hallowee n. Spearheaded by organi­ news editor zation member Daniel Nolte , the event was held at St. Loui s Children ' 5 Hos­ Fraternity provides meal for area seniors The charitable efforts of numer­ pital, and attended by several BSNA by Jennifer Lynn ous student organizations proves that members. of The Current staff students care about more than just "It's my way of trying to pay back their grades or their degrees. what they gave to me," said Nolte This season senior citizens in The number of student organiza­ who was a patient at Children's just the area are thankful for the Sigma tions currently doing or planning two years ago with a severe brain Tau Gamma fraternity . The frater­ charitable events for the holidays is tumor. nity held its Annual Charity Din­ A & E~ ... many thi s ye ar and with each projec t, NOSA completed their clothing ner Nov. 26. the stereotype of the selfish, bookish drive on Nov. 15 and organization The Annual Charity Dinner, and bourgeois college student is be­ president Adeyinka Adewale ex­ held at the Bel-Ridge City Hall, ing dispelled. pressed much gratitude to her mem­ fed senior citizens from B el-Ridge, The Current has already published bers for their help and support. St. Iohnand Nonnandy. several stories on the charitable ef­ "The members have been just In the past, the fraternity has forts of students this year, including great," Adewale sai d. "We needed served a Thanksgiving meal to in "the Barnes Student Nurses Associa­ people to first set up the bins, then upwards of 100 senior citizens, tion Halloween Storytelling event in empty them, then clean the clothes. completely filling all of the tables October, the National Optometric They have.been very supportive about · at the halL Student AssociationlUrban League getting things done ." "To some senior citizens, this clothing drive and the Sigma Pi Toys NOSA donated their clean items to is a Thanksgiving dinner that they for Tots Drive. the Urban League on Nov. 26. Adewale photo: Shelley Satke would nonnally not have a chance Life·in Hell . ....13 . The BSNA was able to bring said the organi zation selected the Ur- . A member of the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity, assists a guest at Halloween fun 10 man y children who the fraternity's annual dinner for the elderly. see Dinner, page 4 were hos pitalized or homebound for see Charity, page 4 OPINION/EDITORIAL Page 2 The Current December 2) 1996 Handling holiday Viva Santa Claus· by Doug Harrison pressures managing editor by Scott Lamar There's a famil ial transition afoot around editor in chief our house these days. That is, Christmas '96 looks a lot different than Christmas, say, '81. lli ve for Decem ber. Wi th Decem ber comes Time was when my brother and I had my Christmas (though I'm an atheist, I still dig it), parents up at some ungodly hour way before cold weather and snow. dawn to take final possession of our yuletide Long underwear, building a snowman in the loot. In retrospect, my parents had probably front yard, and Nat King Cole belting out his just settled down to their long winter's nap I HO, MO, f.lO~ 0 V/IJ G ~e-AI. rendition of "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open '1~AH ('I1R. cRf+VS ... "l 'JVsT 'V ~ e .f/~l Frs " . after having played stand-in for St. Nick. rrlM-l •• , Z- t>oN r BMf eXAc.rL. y ~ ID Fire" is what it's all about. 1'n\tJ\'<- H'S PlVM WRot46 Bv..TwheN But those things never occur to a 6- or 7- SfATI/IJ , Ii I LtJ R EN. :r N"EVER -to You just can't 1A BE ,he'll) you, 'll~<..\d. ~ Ch\\dRENS liKE ihAT ... JAtD "'t1\1\'T. :!- JUSi year-old; delivery beat a winter in St. IJ1 A~i fi fYlfr IC € BfCD)'Y\E" A No ON ES' was Santa's job Louis. The myriad of 6ot.JNA BE." P~oPlf even if, in the ab­ decorati ve lights re­ my )OIJJl6- I1J A pPy" I sence of a fire­ By GttflNG flecting off the mt!!1 them place, he did have freshly falJen snow to corne down our coupled with thehar­ GirtS! house's stove pipe. monious atmosphere Soot washes right could InSpIre out I hear. Ebineezer Scrooge, My parents Satan and the Grinch were pretty good that stole Christmas to engage in a warm em­ Santa doubles as parents go. By my fifth and brace. sixth yeats, my father was a consummate Unfortunately, it's not all beer and pizza. professional when it came to crumbling the Amid the joys that come with the holiday sea­ o Hf4 H- L.ARRy ~t 1 LoVE cookies we left for Santa, leaving just the son come enough hassles, headaches and pres­ right amount of milk in the bottom of the my WIPE" II'I) sures to drive a person to jump headlong into a NEVEr<.. glass to make the whole charade perfectly e w 1m AN OTHBR.
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