Plant Species List for Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie, Canberra Base data from Ingwerson, F; O. Evans & B. Griffiths. (1974). Vegetation of the Ainslie-Majura Reserve . Conservation Series No. 2. AGPS Canberra. Re-organised, revised and updated by Michael Doherty, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences and Waltraud Pix, Friends of Mt. Majura With advice from Isobel Crawford, Australian Botanical Surveys Current version of 01.10.2020 Names: Census of Plants of the Australian Capital Territory, Version 4.1, 2019 Enquiries:Version 3.0 [email protected] (8th June 2012) subsp. = subspecies Form ? = questionable status or identity f = herb, forb sp. aff. = having close affinities with i.e. similar but not quite the sameo = herb, orchid syn. = synonymous with i.e. most recent previous name, or alternativeg = nameherb, grass sens. lat. = in the broad sense of the species concept gl = herb, grass- or sedge-like var. = variety s = shrub (including creeper and climber) sp. = species i.e. identity yet to be finalised st = shrub / small tree spp. = species in the plural i.e. more than one species t = tree MM Mount Majura. Notionally north of “Blue Metal” Road; MA Mount Ainslie. Notionally south of “Blue Metal” Road (VVV) Species occurrence checking; currently focused on Mt. Majura rather than Mt. Ainslie. No ticks next to name = species reported but not yet confirmed for Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie. Status is locally native except for: PE = Planted Exotic PN = Planted Non-local Native WE = Weed Exotic WN = Weed Non-local Native ‘Planted’ status refers to individuals which are planted but not spreading ‘Weed’ status refers to species reproducing in the wild Scientific name Common name MM MA Status Form Family Isolepis sp . A clubsedge V gl Cyperaceae Cotoneaster rotundifolius A cotoneaster V WE s Rosaceae Diplodium revolutum A greenhood V o Orchidaceae Hymenochilus sp. A greenhood V o Orchidaceae Medicago sp . A Medic VV WE f Fabaceae Euphorbia dallachyana A spurge VV f Euphorbiaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 1 Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn VV WE s Solanaceae Eragrostis curvula African Lovegrass V WE g Poaceae Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata African Olive VV WE st Oleaceae Lathyrus angulatus Angular Pea V WE f Fabaceae Diplodium laxum Antelope Greenhood V o Orchidaceae Eucalyptus bridgesiana Apple Box VV t Myrtaceae Eucalyptus cinerea Argyle Apple V PN t Myrtaceae Hesperocyparis arizonica Arizona Cypress V WE t Cupressaceae Asparagus officinalis Asparagus VV WE f Asparagaceae Ophioglossum lusitanicum Austral Adder’s Tongue VV fern Ophioglossaceae Ajuga australis Austral Bugle VV f Lamiaceae Cynoglossum australe Austral Hound's Tongue VV f Boraginaceae Indigofera australis Austral Indigo VV s Fabaceae Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. angustissimus Australian Bindweed VV f Convolvulaceae Bursaria spinosa subsp . lasiophylla Australian Blackthorn VV s Pittosporaceae Daucus glochidiatus Australian Carrot VV f Apiaceae Crassula sieberiana Australian Stonecrop VV f Crassulaceae Lotus australis subsp. australis Australian Trefoil V f Fabaceae Hordeum leporinum Barleygrass VV WE g Poaceae Fumaria bastardii Bastard's Fumitory V WE f Papaveraceae Histiopteris incisa Bat's-wing Fern V fern Dennstaedtiaceae Cymbonotus sp . Bear’s Ear VV f Asteraceae Swainsona behriana Behr's Swainsonpea V f Fabaceae Acaena novae-zelandiae Biddy-biddy VV f Rosaceae Daviesia ulicifolia subsp . ruscifolia Bitterpea, Gorse VV s Fabaceae Daviesia mimosoides subsp . mimosoides Bitterpea, Narrow-leaved VV s Fabaceae Daviesia leptophylla Bitterpea, Slender VV s Fabaceae Daviesia genistifolia Bitterpea, Spiny VV s Fabaceae Callitris endlicheri Black Cypress Pine VV t Cupressaceae Eucalyptus aggregata Black Gum V PN t Myrtaceae Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust V WE st Fabaceae Diuris ? nigromontana Black Mountain Leopard Orchid V o Orchidaceae Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle, Green Wattle VV s Mimosaceae Rubus fruticosus sens. lat . Blackberry VV WE s Rosaceae Solanum nigrum Blackberry Nightshade V WE f Solanaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 2 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood V t Mimosaceae Eucalyptus blakelyi Blakely’s Red Gum VV t Myrtaceae Pleurosorus rutifolius Blanket Fern VV fern Aspleniaceae Caladenia caerulea Blue Caladenia VV o Orchidaceae Eryngium ovinum Blue Devil VV f Apiaceae Passiflora caerulea Blue Passionflower V WE s Passifloraceae Vinca major Blue Periwinkle VV WE s Apocynaceae Erodium crinitum Blue Storksbill V f Geraniaceae Billardiera heterophylla Bluebell Creeper V WN s Pittosporaceae Wahlenbergia gracilenta Bluebell, Annual VV f Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia planiflora subsp. planiflora Bluebell, Flat V f Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia graniticola Bluebell, Granite VV f Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia capillaris Bluebell, Native VV f Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia multicaulis Bluebell, Tadgell's V f Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia stricta subsp . stricta Bluebell, Tall VV f Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia luteola Bluebell, Yellowish V f Campanulaceae Speculantha rubescens Blushing Tiny Greenhood V o Orchidaceae Melilotus albus Bokhara Clover V WE f Fabaceae Acer negundo Box Elder V WE t Sapindaceae Amyema miquelii Box Mistletoe VV epiphyte Loranthaceae Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia Box-leaved Wattle V WN s Mimosaceae Centaurium tenuiflorum Branched Centaury V WE f Gentianaceae Paronychia brasiliana Brazilian Whitlow V WE f Caryophyllaceae Asparagus asparagoides Bridal Creeper VV WE s Asparagaceae Eucalyptus mannifera subsp . mannifera Brittle Gum VV t Myrtaceae Eucalyptus dives Broad-leaved Peppermint V t Myrtaceae Bromus diandrus Brome, Great VV WE g Poaceae Bromus racemosus Brome, Smooth V WE g Poaceae Cytisus scoparius Broom V WE s Fabaceae Agrostis capillaris Browntop Bentgrass V WE g Poaceae Hirschfeldia incana Buchan Weed VV WE f Brassicaceae Plantago coronopus subsp. commutata Buck's-horn Plantain V WE f Plantaginaceae Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily VV f Asphodelaceae Poa bulbosa Bulbous Poa V WE g Poaceae Kunzea ericoides Burgan VV WN? s Myrtaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 3 Pultenaea procumbens Bushpea, Heathy VV s Fabaceae Pultenaea subspicata Bushpea, Low V s Fabaceae Pultenaea spinosa Bushpea, Prickly V s Fabaceae Hakea decurrens subsp . decurrens Bushy Needlewood V s Proteaceae Buddleja davidii Butterfly Bush V WE s Scrophulariaceae Coronidium scorpioides Button Everlasting V f Asteraceae Caladenia actensis Canberra Spider Orchid VV o Orchidaceae Dimorphotheca ecklonis Cape Daisy V WE f Asteraceae Arctotheca calendula Capeweed VV WE f Asteraceae Cassinia longifolia Cauliflower Bush VV s Asteraceae Euphorbia oblongata Caustic Weed V WE f Euphorbiaceae Stellaria media Chickweed V WE f Caryophyllaceae Nasella neesiana Chilean Needle Grass VV WE g Poaceae Galium aparine Cleavers VV WE f Rubiaceae Einadia nutans subsp . nutans Climbing Saltbush VV s Chenopodiaceae Orobanche minor Clover Broomrape VV WE f Orobanchaceae Chrysocephalum semipapposum Clustered Everlasting VV f Asteraceae Billardiera scandens Common Apple Berry VV s Pittosporaceae Pteridium esculentum subsp. esculentum Common Bracken VV fern Dennstaedtiaceae Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury V WE f Gentianaceae Cotula australis Common Cotula VV f Asteraceae Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe Myrtle V s Myrtaceae Muscari armeniacum Common Grape Hyacinth VV WE f Asparagaceae Adiantum aethiopicum Common Maidenhair V fern Pteridaceae Microtis arenaria Common Onion Orchid VV o Orchidaceae Opuntia stricta Common Prickly Pear VV WE s Cactaceae Centipeda cunninghamii Common Sneezeweed VV f Asteraceae Eleocharis acuta Common Spikerush V gl Cyperaceae Erodium cicutarium Common Storksbill VV WE f Geraniaceae Triptilodiscus pygmaeus Common Sunray VV f Asteraceae Datura stramonium Common Thornapple V WE f Solanaceae Anthosachne scabra Common Wheat Grass V g Poaceae Acacia baileyana Cootamundra Wattle VV WN s Mimosaceae Austrostipa setacea Corkscrew Grass V g Poaceae Buglossoides arvensis Corn Gromwell VV WE f Boraginaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 4 Cynodon dactylon Couch V WE g Poaceae Geranium potentilloides var. potentilloides Cranesbill, Cinquefoil f Geraniaceae Geranium molle Cranesbill, Dove's-foot V WE f Geraniaceae Geranium retrorsum Cranesbill, Grassland V f Geraniaceae Stackhousia monogyna Creamy Candles VV f Celastraceae Bossiaea prostrata Creeping Bossiaea VV f Fabaceae Hovea heterophylla Creeping Hovea VV s Fabaceae Persicaria prostrata Creeping Knotweed V f Polygonaceae Muellerina eucalyptoides Creeping Mistletoe V epiphyte Loranthaceae Atriplex semibaccata Creeping Saltbush V WN s Chenopodiaceae Pellaea calidirupium Creeping Sickle Fern V fern Pteridaceae Leontodon rhagadioloides Cretan Weed V WE f Asteraceae Calotis anthemoides Cut-leaved Burr Daisy VV f Asteraceae Brachyscome rigidula Daisy, Cut-leaved VV f Asteraceae Brachyscome aculeata Daisy, Hill V f Asteraceae Brachyscome diversifolia var . diversifolia Daisy, Large-headed V f Asteraceae Brachyscome dentata Daisy, Lobed-seed V f Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale Dandelion V WE f Asteraceae Brachyloma daphnoides var . daphnoides Daphne Heath VV s Ericaceae Lamium amplexicaule Deadnettle, Henbit V WE f Lamiaceae Aira elegantissima Delicate Hairgrass VV WE g Poaceae Juncus remotiflorus Diffuse Rush V gl Juncaceae Rumex obtusifolius subsp . obtusifolius Dock, Broad-leaved V WE f Polygonaceae Rumex brownii Dock, Swamp V f Polygonaceae
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