TWO SECTIONS--SECTION TWO (Issue of July 14 1917) The Randal attat r nide INCLUDING Bank St Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States. APRIL TO JUNE, 1917, INCLUSIVE. VOLUME 104—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyrighted in 1917, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APRIL-JUNE) 1917.] INDEX. III INDEX TO VOLUME•104 PART 2. APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30 1917. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES. Page. Page. Page A cceptances-See Federal Reserve Matters. pabson Warns of Socialistic Changes After British-(Coucluded) ,racworth, W. M., Before Newlands Corn- 2-• War 2595 Food Controller Ownership Warns of Coming Priva- mittee on Government of Baker, Raymond T., Confirmed as Director tion-Increase of Acreage 1670 Roads 2079 of Mint 1343 Labor Commission, Capital and Labor Agricultural Development, N. Y. Bankers' Baltimore & Ohio RR., Commerce Commis- Commune With 1964 Association on 1448 sion Ruling on Embargo, Practice of 2610 Labor Commission Preparedness Measures, Farm- Co-operating With Agricultural Bank Clearings in Canada-See Canada American Labor 2418 ers Urged to Join in 1340 Bank Clearings at Leading Cities 1361, Labor Strike Among Agricultural Resources, N. Y. State Bank- Munition Workers Co-operate 1772, 2316 and London Bus Drivers 1942 ing Institutions Urged to Bank Clearings by Telegraph_1361, 1772, 2316 Lens (French Coal City) Surrounded__ _ _2582 with Farmers in Developing 1755 Bank Clearings in U. S. and Canada, Messines-Wytschaete, Alsace-Lorraine, Denial That Wishes to Be Ridge Captured Monthly Features of 1319, 1731,2269 and Further Progress Made 2270, 2376 Liberated 2309 Bank Clearings Weekly and Monthly Ministry Alsace-Lorraine, Germany Must Return -See Welcomes New Democratic Rus- - First Page each issue. sia 1940 Peace Terms of France 2309 Bank Notes Changes Enemies' Accounts, in Totals of, &c., Oils and Seeds Dealings Regulations 1982 Alien N. Y. Stock Ex- 1463, 2090 $1,000,000,000 Handled by Canada for change Calls for Information Regarding_ _1445 Bank Resources,Liberty Loan also Enemy Bonds Rep- Empire 2390 Aliens-See Aliens. resent only On'-fourth of Increase 2176 Parliament Life Extended-The Irish Aliens, Bill Requiring Registry in New Bank Stock Sales_ _1359, State 1461, 1566, 1673, Question 1671 York Approved 1446 1770, 1871, 1983,2042, 2201, 2314, 2421, Railways, Experience Under Aliens and Citizens, President Warns of War Con- Against Treasonable 2525, 2613 trol 1753 Acts 1549 Bankers, Boston, Raise War Loan of Shell Trade Ended in This Country_ _ _ _1457 Allied Shippng Released by Agreement $1,000,000 Between Great Britain 1339 Tonnage Destroyed by Submarines, and Sweden 2085 Bankers' Endorsement of President Wil- 1 1527, 2164, 2486 Allies, Entente, Our Conference With 1635 son's Message Allies, Our 1333 Treasury Bill Offerings 2045, 2272 Government's Advances to,' Banks-See also under Farm Loan Land, Treasury Bills, New Plan of Offering, 2587, 2595 National, State, Savings. 1631, 2487 Allies' Purchases, Government's Proposed Banks Lose in Damage Suits Against Centralization Kron- Vessels in North Atlantic Trade Requisi- of 2075 prinzessin Cecile 2085 tioned by Great Britain 1672 American Army Division Overseas, Gen. Banks, New York, G. I. Skinner, Supt. of War Pershing to _1346 Mission, Lord Northcliffe, New Lead First 2074 Banks Not Prevented from Accepting Notes Head, Arrives Here 2418 American Bankers' Assn., Efforts to Pro- for Purchase of Bonds where Notes Ex- War Mission Arrives at Washington 1630,1652 mote Success of Liberty Loan 1962 ceed 10% Limit War American Moves for Uni- 2395 Mission at Mount Vernon 1860 Bankers' Assn. Banks, Should They Invest Surplus Funds War Mission Departs, Results of Its Con- fornt Warehouse Receipts and Credit at this Time? Acceptances Statements and Foreign ferences 2190 --- 1548 Securities Suggested 1547 War Mission, Welcome at New York and American Bankers' Assn. Plan War Con- Banks Urged to Turn in Gold vention Holdings to Eleswhere 1837, 1857, 1968 2600 Reserve Banks 2598 War Mission Visits Congress 1855 American Bankers' Assn., Spring Meeting • Bavaria, Shortage of Food in of Executive Council 1865 1982 Building Operations Features, 1538, 1938, 2485 Beans, Peas and Pulse Requisitioned by "Business as Usual," F. A. Vanderlip Does American Commission to Russia 1980, 2307 Great Britain American Detained, Released 2420 Not Believe in 2065 Consuls, by Beer Output of Great Britain Reduced 1356 Business Conventions, Holding of Urged__ _2412 Germany 1460 Belgian Relief Work, U. S. American Institute Banking Will Limit Establishes Business Going Along as Usual, Finds Mer- of $45,000,000 Credit for 1959 chants' Association Committee 2508 Annual Convention to One Day 2398 Belgian War Mission at Washington_2514, Business American Ger- 2612 and Government, Mr. Warburg's Lives and Vessels Lost by Belgian and France, Relief Work in, U. S. Address on 1636, 1739 man Submarine Warfare 1458 to Finance 1851 Business, Hurley Declares Normal Profits American Naval Vessels in British Waters..-2074 Belgium, U. S. Loans to 1939, Should Waters, 2500 Be Maintained 2411 American Naval Vessels in British Biddle, W. B., Argument on Increased Op- Business Methods, Improvement in 2493 Plan of Navy Dept. Known by Germany _ 2199 erating Costs of Railroads 2414 Business and Railway Regulation 1348 American People and the War 2050 Bituminous Coal Miners Granted Increase Business, Warburg's Apotheosis of Govern- American Ports, Seizure of Vessels in, Au- in Wages 156 ment Regulation 1544 thorized by Congress 1758 Bituminous Coal, Operators Agree to Re- Butter Futures, Speculation Curbed in American Relief Supplies for Syria to Be duction in Price 2603 Chicago 2302 Carried by Spain 1461 Bliss Co. (E. W.), Secretary of Navy, Re- AmericanTorpedo Boat Destroyers Cross duces Torpedo Prices of 1554 able Lines, Censorship of, by Government1749 the Atlantic 1940 Blue Sky Law, Minnesota Adopts a 1764 C,able Remittances to Greece Resumed_ _ _ _1344 American Troops, Marshall Joffre Urges Blue Sky Legislation, Resume of, by H. D. Canada- Sending to France 1748 Robbins British Dominions American Vessels Sunk 2306 Not Bound to Trade by Submarines 2312 Bolivia Loan Arranged 2500 War Influence of the United States_ _ _ _2173 Americans in Germany Not to Be Interned _1670 Bolivia Severs Diplomatic Relations Canadian Americans, 100,000 Shortly to Be on French with Pacific Ry. Loans to, for War Germany 1561 Purposes 2500 Front 2310 Bombardment Risks, Insurance Countervailing Anthracite Coal, Fed. Trade Comm. Sees Law to be Duty on Printing No Amended to Include 1446 Longer Collected from 1356 Justification for Only Moderate Advance Boston Bankers in Raise War Loan of $1,- New Loan by, to Great Britain 2500 2086 000,000 1339 $1,000,000,000 Handled by, for British Anthracite Coal Miners Granted Increase Boston Federal in Wages Reserve Bank, A. C. Peters, Empire 2390 1659 Director of 1344 Third War Loan Heavily Subscribed- Anthracite Coal Shipments 1462, 2425 Boston Anthracite Federal Reserve Bank to Rediscount Allotments 1331 Miners Ask for More Pay 1564 in Connection with Liberty Loan Wheat and Anthracite Operators, Weekly 2181 Wheat Products from, on Calls on, for Boston Wool Supply to be Held in U. 8_ _ ... _1341 U. S. Free List 2419 Reports by Trade Commission 2410 Brass Makers Ask Only Cost Women Anti-Trust Law, Newsprint 1341 and Children Prohibited from Paper Manufac- Brazil Breaks With Germany 1561 Sailing in War Zone 1357 turers Indicted Under 1667 Brazil, Minister Foreign Appropriation Bill, of Affaits Resigns 1733 Canada's Fiscal Problem after the War_ _ _ _2281 Urgent Deficiencies, Brazil, Peru Endorses Action of in Breaking Canada's Reception to "Free Wheat" 1845 2299, 2507 with Archbold, Germany 1560 Canada's Shipbliilding Activity 2055 Standard Oil Tanker, Sunk 2521 Brazilian Legislature Revoke Argentina Modifies Wheat Votes to Neu- Canadian- Embargo 1660 trality Declaration 2522 Bank Clearings, Monthly_ _1360, 1731, Argentina Raises Loan of $5,000,000 to Pay Brazilian Neutrality Last Installment of One Revoked in Favor of 1772, 2317 -Year Notes,_ _ _ _1745 U. S 2164, 2582 Bank Clearings Weekly_ _1360, 1463, Argentina Receives Expressions of Regret Brazil's Germany Answer to Germany's Protest 1567, 1675, 1772, 1874, 1986, 2092, 2205, from for Sinking Vessel 1733 Against Taking Over German Argentina's Stand Regarding Ships 2523 2317, 2428,2531, 2620 Action of Bread Cards to Be Introduced in Switzer- Banks, Condition of 1751, 2175, 2596 U. S. Against Germany 1561 land Argentine Bank, Federal 1356 Food Controller, W.J. Hanna Chosen_ _ _2515 Reserve Board Bread, War, Asst. Sec. of Agric. Urges 1340 Foreign Trade 1629 Appointed Representative of 2510 Breadstuff Argentin Reublic Pays Receipts at Western Points, Government Proposes New War Taxes_ _1752 Off Short-Ter 1437, 1953,2283 Government's Great Advance in Timber Notes 2501-- British-See Merchant Vessels, also England and Great Britain. Protection 1743 Armed Holland Bars_ _ _ _1460 Admiralty Report on Vessels Sunk, 1321, Government's Railway Policy Armor Plate and Projectile Plants to
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