2014 > Environmental studies > Environmental technology > International survey on eco-innovation parks Learning from experiences on the spatial dimension of eco-innovation > Environmental studies > Environmental technology > International survey on eco-innovation parks Learning from experiences on the spatial dimension of eco-innovation Kurzfassung dieser Publikation: www.bafu.admin.ch/uw-1402-d Synthèse de cette publication: www.bafu.admin.ch/uw-1402-f Published by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN and the ERA-NET ECO-INNOVERA Bern, 2014 Impressum Publisher Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) The FOEN is an office of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC). ERA-NET ECO-INNOVERA The ERA-NET ECO-INNOVERA is co-funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 266538. More informations under: www.eco-innovera.eu Authors Guillaume Massard; SOFIES, Olivier Jacquat, Daniel Zürcher; Innovation Section, FOEN With contributions from Marie-Laure Pesch, Lucia Wagner, Daniel Hürlimann, Kevin Kohler, Ramon Wyrsch, Oliver Mathys (FOEN); Luc Jaquet, Ana Gonseth, Clément Guyot, Charlotte Thévenet, Frédéric Sciacca, Jérôme Laffely (SOFIES); Pinar Aker (TUBITAK); Suren Erkman (Lausanne University); Frank Boons, Wouter Spekkink (Erasmus University Rotterdam); Ralf Isenmann (Munich University of Applied Sciences); Leenard Baas, Mats Eklund (Linkoping University); Sabrina Brullot (Troyes University); Pauline Deutz (Hull University); Elena Romero Arozamena (Universtiy of Cantabria); Veerle Verguts (ILVO); Gijsbert Korevaar, Chris Davis (Delft University); Noel Brings Jacobsen (Roskilde University); Ines Costa (Instituto Superior Técnico) Suggested form of citation Massard G., Jacquat O., Zürcher D. 2014: International survey on eco- innovation parks. Learning from experiences on the spatial dimension of eco-innovation. Federal Office for the Environment and the ERA- NET ECO-INNOVERA, Bern. Environmental studies no. 1402: 310 pp. Design Karin Nöthiger, 5443 Niederrohrdorf Cover picture Biomass power plant, Trosa, Sweden ©Guillaume Massard Link to PDF file www.bafu.admin.ch/uw-1402-e (no printed version available) An extended summary is available in German and French. © FOEN 2014 > Table of Contents 3 > Table of Contents Abstracts 5 2 Survey for European countries 44 Foreword 7 2.1 Austria 44 2.2 Belgium 49 2.3 Bulgaria 58 1 Objectives, methodology and lessons learned from 2.4 Denmark 60 eco-innovation parks 8 2.5 Finland 65 1.1 Objectives and structure of the report 8 2.6 France 75 1.2 Definition of eco-innovation parks 10 2.7 Germany 93 1.2.1 From innovation to eco-innovation 10 2.8 Ireland 123 1.2.2 Concepts, methodologies and procedures for 2.9 Italy 124 the management of industrial parks 10 2.10 Luxembourg 135 1.2.3 Eco-innovation at the park, area or district 2.11 Netherlands 138 scale 14 2.12 Poland 149 1.2.4 Limits of the survey scope 14 2.13 Portugal 155 1.2.5 Eco-criteria to recognize a park as an eco- 2.14 Slovenia 160 innovation park 15 2.15 Spain 161 1.3 Success factors of eco-innovation parks 17 2.16 Sweden 176 1.4 Case study descriptors 19 2.17 Switzerland 189 1.4.1 Country description 19 2.18 Turkey 199 1.4.2 General information on case studies 19 2.19 United Kingdom 201 1.4.3 Objectives of the eco-innovation strategy and detailed eco-criteria 19 1.5 Data sources 20 3 Survey for Non-European countries 210 1.6 Statistical analysis of case studies and general 3.1 Australia 210 trends for eco-innovation parks 21 3.2 China 216 1.6.1 Statistical analysis of eco-innovation parks 3.3 India 238 status 22 3.4 Israel 247 1.7 Lessons learned for the development of eco- 3.5 Japan 249 innovation parks 25 3.6 South Korea 261 1.7.1 Benefits arising from eco-innovation parks 25 3.7 United Arab Emirates 271 1.7.2 Eco-criteria: Analysis and Models of 3.8 United States of America 274 excellence 26 1.7.3 Success factors for eco-innovation parks and the management of industrial areas 34 Annexes 294 1.8 Conclusion: Perspectives for the creation and A1 The specific case of energy distribution systems 294 management of eco-innovation parks 39 A2 List of the detailed eco-innovation parks 296 1.8.1 Planning an eco-innovation park 39 1.8.2 Turning an existing industrial area into an eco-innovation park 41 Bibliography 301 1.8.3 Recommendations, synthesis and concluding Abbreviations, figures and tables 309 remarks 42 > Abstracts 5 > Abstracts Eco-innovation strategies have been developed during the last two decades in many Keywords: regions and countries to foster economic development and reduce environmental eco-innovation, industrial park, impacts. This study presents lessons learned from experiences on eco-innovation parks, industrial ecology, best encompassing sustainable industrial and urban projects at the park or district scale. practices, success factors Based on a defined set of eco-criteria, different combinations of environmental meas- ures, business models and integrated developments leading to economic, environmental and social gains for the park and its surroundings have been identified. Best practices and success factors are analyzed for 168 eco-innovation parks detailed for 27 countries. These case studies distributed among 18 European and 9 non- European countries highlight a set of positive impacts and feedbacks from existing or planned eco-innovation parks. Lessons learned from best practices are summarized and recommendations are made to advise park developer, operators and stakeholders on how to design and manage industrial parks or urban areas towards eco-innovation. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden in vielen Regionen und Ländern Öko-Innova- Stichwörter: tionsstrategien erarbeitet, um die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung zu fördern und Umwelt- Öko-Innovation, Industriepark, belastungen zu reduzieren. Diese Studie enthält die Erkenntnisse aus Erfahrungen industrielle Ökologie, bewährte bezüglich Öko-Innovationspärken, die nachhaltige industrielle und urbane Projekte auf Praktiken, Erfolgsfaktoren Park- oder Stadtteilebene umfassen. Auf der Grundlage definierter Öko-Kriterien wurden verschiedene Kombinationen von Umweltmassnahmen, Geschäftsmodellen und integrierter Entwicklung ermittelt, die zu wirtschaftlichen, ökologischen und sozia- len Vorteilen für den Park und dessen Umgebung führen. Für 168 Öko-Innovations-Pärke in 27 Ländern wurden bewährte Praktiken und Er- folgsfaktoren analysiert. Diese Fallstudien, die sich auf 18 europäische und 9 nicht- europäische Länder verteilen, heben eine Reihe von positiven Auswirkungen und Rückmeldungen für bestehende oder geplante Öko-Innovationspärke hervor. Die Erkenntnisse aus den bewährten Praktiken werden zusammengefasst, und es werden Empfehlungen abgegeben, wie Entwickler, Betreiber und Anspruchsgruppen eines Parks in Bezug auf die Gestaltung und Führung von Industriepärken oder städtischen Gebieten auf dem Weg zur Öko-Innovation beraten werden können. International survey on eco-innovation parks. Learning from experiences on the spatial dimension of eco-innovation FOEN 2014 6 Au cours des vingt dernières années, des stratégies d’éco-innovation visant à favoriser Mots-clés: le développement économique tout en réduisant les incidences sur l’environnement ont éco-innovation, parc industriel, été formulées dans divers pays et régions. Cette étude présente les enseignements tirés écologie industrielle, meilleures de projets existants de parcs d’éco-innovation (projets industriels et urbains durables à pratiques, facteurs de succès l’échelle d’un parc industriel ou d’un quartier). Elle recense, sur la base d’éco-critères prédéfinis, les mesures environnementales, les modèles économiques et les développe- ments intégrés qui génèrent des avantages économiques, environnementaux et sociaux pour les parcs considérés et les zones alentour. L’étude analyse par ailleurs les meilleures pratiques et les facteurs de succès pour 168 parcs d’éco-innovation répartis dans 27 pays (18 pays européens et 9 pays non européens). Les cas étudiés font état d’impacts et de feedbacks positifs pour les parcs existants ou en cours de planification. Des recommandations sont enfin formulées à l’adresse des développeurs et des gestionnaires de parcs, ainsi que des parties prenantes en matière de conception et de gestion de parcs industriels/zones urbaines dans une optique d’éco-innovation. Nell’ultimo ventennio, in molte regioni e Paesi sono state elaborate strategie nell’am- Parole chiave: bito delle ecoinnovazioni al fine di promuovere lo sviluppo economico e di ridurre il ecoinnovazione, parco carico ambientale. Lo studio presenta le conoscenze acquisite sui parchi innovativi che industriale, ecologia industriale, ospitano progetti industriali e urbani ecosostenibili a livello di parco o di quartiere. In migliori pratiche, fattori di base a criteri ecologici predefiniti identifica le misure ambientali, i modelli aziendali e successo gli sviluppi integrati che generano vantaggi economici, ecologici e sociali per il parco esaminato e le zone adiacenti. Lo studio analizza inoltre le migliori pratiche e i fattori di successo di 168 parchi inno- vativi sparsi in 27 Paesi (18 europei e 9 Paesi extra-europei). I casi analizzati eviden- ziano una serie di effetti e riscontri positivi per i parchi innovativi esistenti o previsti. Da qui vengono tratte raccomandazioni sulla consulenza da fornire a sviluppatori, gestori di un parco come pure a cerchie interessate in materia di pianificazione e ge- stione di parchi innovativi o di
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