Missouri Press News, April 2014 www.mopress.com Access to public records is ongoing issue Missouri Sunshine Coalition, MPA fight for transparency in government ne of my favorite newspaper- tance of easy access to public re- related organizations is the cords, mention the ambiguities and OMissouri Sunshine Coalition, hurdles to access that persist in the which has been educating and advo- law. cating for government transparency The attorney general’s office will at all levels since late 2008. It’s a be up for grabs in 2016, and we lonely job. should remind the candidates that A conundrum of the digital age is they can have a large impact on paperless storage means less ac- defense against efforts to remove transparency and that we expect cess to records. Because comput- information from public access. Is- them to take an active interest in re- er programs are often not uniform sues such as protecting the public solving sunshine questions. across the departments of govern- notice requirements require a great n access issue that is likely ment and in some cases even with- deal of energy and political curren- to come up during the current in a particular department, a simple cy every year. Alegislative session involves records search is not that simple. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go video footage from law enforcement Records custodians often need on the offensive? In Georgia, Hol- body cameras. My own opinion, to involve programmers to extract lie Manheimer of the Georgia First which is not necessarily the official data and construct documents. Amendment Foundation, GFAF, MPA opinion, is such footage should Then the documents are usually found an ally in the newly elected be treated in reviewed for information that can state attorney general. the same way be withheld from disclosure. Some- as dashboard he reports in the fall issue of times those reviewers are highly- video from “A paid lawyers. IRE Journal that the founda- law enforce- The Missouri Open Meetings and Stion became deeply involved ment vehicles: conundrum Records statutes say governments in researching and writing sunshine It’s an open have the right to recover their costs of language that accomplished many record, sub- of the digital producing the records. Many bodies of the things we’ve been working ject to some have also asserted the right to recov- toward in Missouri: lower costs and restrictions, age is er the costs of review, though that’s a fees, enhanced penalties for viola- that must be gray area that cries out for clarifica- tions, and increased time to review retained by the paperless tion by the legislature. meeting agendas. After years of governmental It all conspires to thwart transpar- playing defense, the GFAF found body. Watch storage ency for Missouri residents who for legislative a changing climate for open gov- want to keep tabs on what their gov- updates about means ernments are up to. ernment and was able to exploit it. these issues oug Crews spends a lot I hope, over time, the MPA and and others the less access the Missouri Sunshine Coalition MPA is watch- of time and energy in the will work hand-in-hand to achieve Capitol from early January ing on your be- to records” D a similar breakthrough. Association half. through mid-May, as do MPA con- members can help. Support the sultants Harry Gallagher and Heath We’ll have Missouri Sunshine Coalition (www. an important opportunity to present Clarkston. MPA legal counsel Jean missourisunshine.org), and when a united front Feb. 12 at Day at the Maneke also plays a key role. you’re reminding state legislators Capitol. They are mostly forced to play from your area about the impor- I hope to see you there. PRESIDENT: Jim Robertson, DIRECTORS: Columbia Daily Tribune Richard Gard, Missouri Lawyers Media, St. Louis FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Dennis Warden, Dennis Ellsworth, St. Joseph News-Press Owensville, Gasconade County Republican Donna Bischoff, St. Louis Post-Dispatch SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: Bill Miller, Jr., Jack Miles, The Daily Star-Journal, Warrensburg Washington Missourian Joe Spaar, The Odessan SECRETARY: Jacob Brower, Trevor Vernon, Eldon Advertiser Monett Times/Cassville Democrat Jeff Schrag, Springfield Daily Events TREASURER: Paul Berry, Springfield News-Leader Carol Stark, The Joplin Globe EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Doug Crews James White, Benton County Enterprise, Warsaw ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Mark Nienhueser NNA REPRESENTATIVE: Tianna Brooks, EDITOR: Bryan E. Jones Mountain View Standard News MISSOURI PRESS NEWS (ISSN 00266671) is published every month for $15 per year by the Missouri Press Association, Inc., 802 Locust St., Columbia, MO 65201-4888; phone (573) 449-4167; fax (573) 874-5894; e-mail [email protected]; website www.mopress.com. Periodicals postage paid at Columbia, MO 65201-4888. (USPS No. 355620). POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Missouri Press Association, 802 Locust St., Columbia, MO 65201-4888. www.mopress.com Missouri Press News, April 2014 25th annual Day at the Capitol is Feb. 11-12 The 25th annual Missouri Press As- will speak. sociation and Associated Press Day • 10:30 a.m. -- The Senate at the Capitol is scheduled Thursday, Panel on proposed legislation Feb. 12, in Jefferson City. relating to Ferguson will con- Beginning in 1991, MPA has hosted vene. Panelists include Sen. a day each February at the state capi- Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D- tol for press members to interact with St. Louis), Sen. Jamilah Na- their state legislators and state offi- sheed (D-St. Louis), and Sen. cials. Eric Schmitt (R-Glendale). Wednesday, Feb. 11 • 11:15 a.m. -- Former Wednesday morning and afternoon, Speaker of the Missouri Feb. 11, the boards of the Missouri House of Representatives, Press Foundation, Missouri Press As- Catherine Hanaway, a Re- sociation and Missouri Press Service publican candidate for Mis- will have meetings at the DoubleTree souri Governor in 2016, will Hotel in Jefferson City. No reception speak. for legislators is planned Wednesday Lunch with Gov. Nixon evening. • 11:45 a.m. -- Attendees Thursday, Feb. 12 will leave the capitol at 11:45 • 8 to 9:30 a.m. -- A breakfast (pas- a.m. for the brief walk to the tries and coffee) for MPA members Governor’s Mansion for lunch and legislators, will be in House Hear- with Gov. Jay Nixon. After ing Room 1, in the state capitol base- lunch, Gov. Nixon will offer ment. remarks and take questions from the liams, [email protected] or send The Day at the Capitol program is audience. the form on the back cover of this scheduled 10 to 11:45 a.m. in the Sen- The program ends by 1:30 p.m. magazine. You also can register on- ate Lounge, third floor, in the capitol Registration information line by going to: https://mopress.wu- building. The morning program fea- People must be registered with Mis- foo.com/forms/2015-mpaap-day-at- tures two leading GOP candidates souri Press Association to attend the the-capitol/ who have expressed interest in cam- luncheon in the Governor’s Mansion. Lodging paigning for governor in 2016 and a Missouri Press Association pays for MPA is holding a block of sleeping [ CONTEST RULES panel discussion about legislation re- breakfast and luncheon costs. There rooms for Wednesday, Feb. 11, at the sponding to the events in Ferguson, is no charge to MPA members. How- DoubleTree Hotel in Jefferson City. MISSOURI ADVERTISINGMo. MANAGERS’ ever,ASSOCIATION last-minute cancellations will re- Call 573-636-5101 and ask for Mis- • 10 a.m. -- State Auditor Tom Sch- sult in a $25 cancellation fee. souri Press Association’s $109 room The contest is open to all staff members of publications holding ACTIVE or ACTIVE ONLINE membership weich, Republican, a possible candi- To register for MPA/AP Day at the rate. The DoubleTree’s address is: in the Missouri Press Association. [ 2015 BESTdate for Missouri AD Governor CONTEST in 2016, Capitol activities: contact ] Kristie Wil- 422 Monroe Street in Jefferson City. All entries must be submitted as FULL-PAGE electronic tearsheet files. Please name the file(s) in a way that clearly defines the ad(s) being submitted for judging. You may also circle or include other graphic markings to indicate which ad(s) is/are to be judged. Enter MAMA Best Ad Contest Now Enter your potentially award-worthy line at BetterBNC. Use the temporary All entries must have been conceived, written, designed and sold by full or part-time employees of the advertising creations in the Missouri code: BNC. newspaper. Advertising Managers’ Association MAMA Meeting March 12-13 (MAMA) Best Ad Contest now! The MAMA meeting is scheduled Entries must have been published between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. There are three new categories to March 12-13, 2015 at Camden on enter this year: Best Idea to Grow the Lake Resort in Lake Ozark. Full Revenue, Best Digital Initiative and meeting details and registration will A fee of $7 per entry in each be mailed at time of entry. Best Print Initiative. be available soon! (NOTE: when more than one page or pages constitute an entry, the fee is $7 for the combined single entry.) Special MAMA hotel rates See all categories, rules, You may make your hotel room res- details on the next two pages. ervation now! Call 1.888.365.5620 Please mail check to: MAMA Contest, 802 Locust Street, Columbia, MO 65201 or call credit card payment and ask for the Missouri Advertis- into the MPA office: 573-449-4167. The final deadline for entries is Feb. ing Managers’ Association rate 13. of $109.00, the group code is: Entries submitted that do not conform to the above rules will not be accepted, and entry fees will not be To get started, upload entries on- MOAD0315 refunded.
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