Cambridge University Press 0521815940 - Elastomeric Proteins: Structures, Biomechanical Properties, and Biological Roles Edited by Peter R. Shewry, Arthur S. Tatham and Allen J. Bailey Index More information Index abalone, 353–54 8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS), AB-block copolymers, 303, 307, 310–11, 271 313–14 anisotropic elastomers, 302. See also liquid abductin, 322, 323, 339–40, 344, 346 crystal elastomers ABP280/filamin 1, 233 ankyrins, 215–17, 222, 235 aciniform glands, 155 Antherea, 198 acoustic absorption, 69–73 antifibrillin-1, 102–3 actins, 215–16, 226–28, 230–31, 233, 345 ants, 265 adhesives, 162–63, 355, 359–60 aorta, elastin function in, 11 Aedes aegypti, 270 apical contractile rings, 232 Aeshna grandis, 259 apodeme, 2 alanine, 205, 272 aponeurosis, 6 Alexander, R. McNeill, 1–14, 27 Araneus, 155. See also spider silks allysine aldol, 43 Araneus diadematus ␣-actinin, 213–14 functional design of silks, 33–34, 36 ␣-catenin, 215–16 glycoprotein glue, 162–63 ␣-elastin, 62–63, 75–77 material properties of silk, 19 amino acid sequences, 338–42 protein sequences of silk, 142 in abductin, 339–40 spiral vs. radius silk properties, in elastin, 340 158–63 in fibrillins, 342 typical orb web of, 154, 157–58 in gluten, 283–90, 340–41 water as plasticizer, 160–64 in mussel byssus, 199–200, 340 Araneus gemmoides, 138, 144–45 in resilin, 261–63, 266–67, 340 Araneus sericatus,33 in spectrins, 342 Argopectin, 339 in spider silks, 138–44, 147, 155–56, 313, Argyroneta aquatica, 153 340 arteries, elastin function in, 11, 20 in titin, 340, 342 asparagine, 268 ampullate gland. See also dragline silks aspartic acid, 263 gross morphology, 120–22, 129–33 Astacus fluviatilis, 265 properties of silk from, 137–45, 149, atherosclerosis, 366–67 155 atomic force microscopy (AFM) spigot morphology, 120, 122–25 of elastin, 63–69 ultrastructure, 125–28 of spectrins, 223–25, 235 Andersen, Svend Olav, 259–78, 321, 322, of spider silk, 164, 309 341, 344, 346, 356, 357, 359 of titins, 248 379 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521815940 - Elastomeric Proteins: Structures, Biomechanical Properties, and Biological Roles Edited by Peter R. Shewry, Arthur S. Tatham and Allen J. Bailey Index More information 380 Index automated electron tomography (AET), camels, 5, 11 101–3 canaliculi, 164–65 axial sequence, 204–5 Cancer pagurus, 266 carbodiimide, 370 baboons, 41 carbon-carbon bonds, 262 Bailey, Allen J., 184, 321–37, 366–77 carbon fibre, material properties of, 19 Baldock, Clair, 94–114 cardiac muscles, 243, 250–52, 342 beetles, 2, 263–65 Carrington, Emily, 15–38 Bellingham, C. M., 39–53, 367 catapult mechanisms, 1–4 Belton, Peter S., 279–301 cataracts, 323 Bena bicolorana, 265 catechol oxidase, 331–32 -spectrins, 215, 217–18 ␣-catenin, 215–16 -spirals Cavagna, G. A., 4 in elastin, 82–84, 86, 89–90, 343, 345 cDNA for spider silk, 139–44 in gluten, 290–91, 293 cell polarity, spectrins and, 219 in spider silks, 145–48, 164, 313, 334 centipedes, 266, 360 biomimetic applications. See also ceramics, proteins in, 353–56 man-made elastomers CG9036, 268 of collagen, 371–72 CG15920, 267–68, 272 of elastin, 366–70 Chengjun Sun, 189–212 of fibrous composites, 357–60 chickens, 41, 42, 222–23, 226 of proteins in ceramics, 355–56 chiral elastomers, 313 of proteins in macrostructures, 362–63 chitin, 260, 269, 274, 355–57. See also in robotics, 362 cuticles of silks, 362–63, 370–71 chorion proteins, 42, 45, 270 biomineralization, 353–56 cicadas, singing in, 10–11, 265 birds, flight mechanisms in, 7, 22–23 click beetles, 2, 264 birefringence, 137, 260–61 cloning, of ampullate silk proteins, 140–41. bivalve molluscs, 7, 10–11. See also mussel See also recombinant DNA technology byssus coacervation Bloch, R. J., 347 elastin, 44, 45–48, 325, 367, 370 blowflies, 274 purification by, 62 Boltzmann relation, 54, 56–57 resilin, 272 bovine tissue, 41–42, 102, 326 temperature and, 58 bread dough, 281, 286, 290, 292–94, 296, tropoelastin, 324 330. See also gluten Coccinella septempunctata, 264–65 Bressan, G., 46, 47 cockroaches, 42, 264–67, 358, 362 brown recluse spider. See Loxosceles laeta collagen brush borders, 231 association with elastin, 20 bursicon, 274 cross-linking in, 183–87, 202–6, 322–23 butterflies, 264 deformation mechanisms, 175–78 byssus. See mussel byssus in dogfish egg capsules, 357–58 elastic energy storage capacity, 25, 27–29 Caenorhabditis, 219 fatigue lifetime, 27–29 calcite crystals, 353–54 fibrillar, as liquid crystal elastomers, calcium 304–8, 312 fibrillin and, 94, 96–98, 106, 109–10, 329 functional design of, 26–29 titin and, 250–52 from Hydra nematocysts, 199 calcium-binding epidermal growth factor medical applications, 371–72 (cbEGF), 96–98, 106 in mussel byssus, 195–200 calpain, 221, 233 prepepsinized, 196–205 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521815940 - Elastomeric Proteins: Structures, Biomechanical Properties, and Biological Roles Edited by Peter R. Shewry, Arthur S. Tatham and Allen J. Bailey Index More information Index 381 procollagens, 307 dityrosine in, 323 stress-strain tests, 16–19, 26–27 as fibrous composites, 356–57 in tendon structure, 176–77 resilin in, 260, 263, 265, 270, 271–73, tensile properties, 180–82, 191, 361 341 thermal stability, 352–53 cylindriform glands, 155 triple helical peptides, 372–75 tropocollagens, 197, 205 Dacron, 367 X-ray diffraction, 178–79 damselflies, 265 configurational transitions, 65 Dea, J., 54–93 congenital contractural arachnodactyly, 96 dehydration, 359. See also hydration level copepods, 265 depolarization, spectrins and, 217, 232 copper, 43, 203–5, 333 desert locust, 259. See also locusts corneas, resilin in, 265 desmosine, 43, 47, 78, 324 countermovement jumps, 3–4 diabetes mellitus, 374 C-proteins, 244–45 dielectric permittivity, 74–77 crabs, 266, 357 dielectric relaxation, 71–73 crayfish, 265 Discher, D. E., 342, 347 cribellate spider silk, 157. See also spider disulphide bonds silks in collagens, 204 critical stress intensity factor, 361 in gluten, 280–81, 283, 292–93, 294, cross-linking, 321–37 330–31, 335 in abductin, 323 in titin, 252 catechol oxidase-quinones in, 331–32 dityrosine, 261–62, 264, 266, 270, 321–23, in collagen, 183–87, 202–6, 325–28 333 covalent, 321–32, 369–70 dogfish, 205, 305–8, 357, 359 disulphide, 330–31 dogs, 4–5, 11 in elastin, 43, 62–63, 75–77, 322, 323–25, dolphins, 7, 9 367–69 DOPA, 196, 202–5, 331–32, 333, 359 in fibrillin, 322, 328–30 dough mixing, 281, 286, 290, 292–94, 296, ␥-glutamyl-ε-lysine, 328–29 330. See also gluten in gluten, 322, 330–31 dragline silks. See also ampullate gland; glycation, 374–75 spider silks hydrogen bond, 335 biophysical studies, 144–45 hydrophobic bond, 334–35 elasticity, 346–47 liquid crystal elastomers, 303–6, 312 electron microscopy of, 164 lysyl aldehyde-derived, 323–28 functional design, 32–35 metal-ion complexes, 333–34 as liquid crystal elastomers, 308–12 in mussel byssus, 202–6, 322, 331–34 manufacturing, 167 in natural rubber, 78 mechanical properties, 137–38, non-covalent, 333–35 312 polymerization of divalent, 326–28 spiral silks compared to, 158–63 in resilin, 261–62, 270, 274, 321–23 structures, 339–40, 343–44 in spectrin, 216, 221, 226, 231, 322 water plasticization of, 163–65 in spider silks, 322, 334–35 dragonflies, 23, 259–62, 267–68, 273 structure and, 78 Drosophila melanogaster in titin, 322 flight mechanisms, 6–7 transglutaminase-derived, 328–30 resilin in, 266–68, 272, 322, 341 in tropoelastin, 41–44 spectrins in, 217, 219, 223 cushioning impacts, 11–12 durability, units of, 16 cuticles DXSSS sequences, 198 dehydration in, 359 dynactin complex, 219 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521815940 - Elastomeric Proteins: Structures, Biomechanical Properties, and Biological Roles Edited by Peter R. Shewry, Arthur S. Tatham and Allen J. Bailey Index More information 382 Index dynamic testing, 21–22 aggregation as an ordering process, dystrophin, 221, 223, 233 46–49 ␣-elastin, 62, 63, 75–77 earwigs, 265 amino acid sequences in, 340 ecribellate spider silk, 157. See also under in arteries, 11, 20 names of individual species association with collagen, 27 effective mass parameter, 9 atomic force microscopy of, 63–69 effective spring constants, 16, 225, 227–29 coacervation, 44, 45–48, 325, 367, 370 elasticity. See also elastomeric force; cross-linking of, 43, 62–63, 75–77, 322, entropy; tendon elasticity 323–25, 367–69 of abductin, 346 dielectric relaxation, 75–77 from damping of internal chain elastic energy storage capacity, 25–26 dynamic on extension, 82–90 elasticity, 345–46 definition of, 20 fatigue lifetime, 23–25 effect of water droplets on, 160–65 functional design, 20–26 of elastin, 345–46 hydration level, 21–22, 31 of fibrillin, 347–48 lack of turnover of, 40 of gluten, 284, 286, 292–94, 296, 330, in ligamentum nuchae of ungulate 347 mammals, 11 historical explanations, 57–58 limitations in flight, 22–23 hysteresis and, 148–49, 154, 160, 190–91 medical applications, 366–70 ideal, 54–55, 57 microfibrillar component, 39 of liquid crystal elastomers, 303, 307–8, models, 61–63 312 oscillator frequency, 90 models of, 61, 62, 182–87, 345–48 polypeptides, 45–49 of muscles, 245–46 preparation, 62 of mussel byssal, 346 prevention of calcification by, 369 random chain network theory, 77–81 random chain network theory, 57 of resilin, 261, 269–70, 346 recombinant polypeptide self-assembly, soft, 303 45–46 of spectrins, 223, 225, 227–28, 347 resilin compared to, 269 of spider silks, 138, 148, 154, 312, self-aggregation of, 44–45
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