Public Document Pack Democratic Services Section Chief Executive’s Department Belfast City Council City Hall Belfast BT1 5GS 16th April, 2015 MEETING OF CITY GROWTH AND REGENERATION COMMITTEE Dear Alderman/Councillor, The above-named Committee will meet in the Lavery Room - City Hall on Wednesday, 22nd April, 2015 at 4.30 pm, for the transaction of the business noted below. You are requested to attend. Yours faithfully, SUZANNE WYLIE Chief Executive AGENDA: 1. Routine Matters (a) Apologies (b) Declarations of Interest (c) Date and Time of Future Meetings (Pages 1 - 2) (d) Request to present to Committee -TransportNI and Translink (Pages 3 - 4) 2. Presentations (a) Committee Roles and Belfast Agenda 3. Governance (a) Motion Re: Family Friendly City Centre (Pages 5 - 6) - 2 – 4. Belfast Agenda Regeneration (a) Update on DSD: Bank Square Scheme and Permission to Engage on Further Schemes (Pages 7 - 38) (b) DSD Belfast Streets Ahead - Phase 3 (Pages 39 - 46) (c) Lagan Canal Trust - Request for support (Pages 47 - 86) (d) Strategic Drainage Board - Update (Pages 87 - 100) (e) Rivers Agency - Consultation on Flood Risk Management Plan (Pages 101 - 120) 5. Tourism & Events (a) Tall Ships - Update (Pages 121 - 134) (b) City Centre Regeneration - City Animation (Pages 135 - 142) (c) Cultural Framework - Year 3 (Pages 143 - 154) 6. Operational Issues (a) Attendance at Events - CIVITAS Study Visit and CIVINET Conference in Belfast (Pages 155 - 162) To: The Chairman and Members of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee Agenda Item 1c CITY GROWTH AND REGENERATION COMMITTEE Subject: Date and Time of Future Meetings Date: 22nd April, 2015 Reporting Officer: Stephen McCrory, Democratic Services Manager, ext 6314 Contact Officer: Louise Francey, Democratic Services Officer, ext 6077 Is this report restricted? Yes No x Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes x No 1.0 Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to agree the date and time of future meetings of the Committee. 2.0 Recommendation The Committee is requested to agree the date of its future meetings, as recommended within Section 3.5 of the report, together with the commencement time. 3.0 Key Issues 3.1 As Members may be aware, the Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 20th March, approved a meeting schedule for April, 2015 in order to facilitate the holding of the first meeting of each of the Council’s Standing Committees. 3.2 It is now a matter for each Committee to set the date and time of its future monthly meetings. 3.3 In order to coordinate with the other Committees, it is suggested that the City Growth and Regeneration Committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month. 3.4 There has been some discussion amongst Members that the starting time of 4.30 p.m. is not suitable for Members who are in full-time employment and that a slightly later starting time might be more appropriate. Page 1 3.5 If approved by the City Growth and Regeneration Committee, the schedule of meetings for the remainder of 2015 would be as follows, with the commencement time to be determined by the Committee: Wednesday, 13th May; Wednesday, 10th June; Wednesday, 12th August; Wednesday, 9th September; Wednesday, 14th October; Wednesday, 11th November; and Wednesday, 9th December. 3.6 Financial and Resource Implications None Equality or Good Relations Implications 3.7 None 4.0 Appendices – Documents Attached None Page 2 Agenda Item 1d CITY GROWTH AND REGENERATION COMMITTEE Subject: Request to present to Committee - TransportNI and Translink Date: 22nd April, 2015 Reporting Officer: Louise Francey, Democratic Services Officer Contact Officer: As above Is this report restricted? Yes No X Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes X No 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 To invite TransportNI and Translink to attend a special meeting of the Committee, to which all Members of the Council would be invited. 2.0 Recommendations 2.1 The Committee is requested to consider whether it would wish to invite Transport NI and Translink to present to a special meeting of the Committee, to which all Members of Council would be invited. The date and time of the special meeting would be determined in conjunction with the Chair of the Committee. 3.0 Main report 3.1 Key Issues 3.1.1 Transport NI (formerly known as DRD Roads Service) historically made twice yearly presentations to special meetings of the former Town Planning Committee, to which all Members were invited. 3.1.2 It is now considered that Transport NI should instead present to a special meeting of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee biannually. 3.1.3 The Committee might also wish to invite Translink to present and to answer Members’ questions at the same special meeting in order to get a rounded picture of transport across the City. 3.1.4 The meetings with TransportNI (Roads Service) were considered to be useful and allowed Members to raise a number of issues with the statutory agency directly. Page 3 3.2 Financial & Resource Implications None. 3.3 Equality or Good Relations Implications None. Page 4 Agenda Item 3a CITY GROWTH AND REGENERATION COMMITTEE Subject: Notice of Motion re: Family-Friendly City Centre Date: 22nd April, 2015 Reporting Officer: Mr Stephen McCrory, Democratic Services Manager, ext 6314 Contact Officer: Mr Jim Hanna, Sr. Democratic Services Officer, ext. 6313 Is this report restricted? Yes No x Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes x No 1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues 1.1 To bring to the Committee’s attention the Notice of Motion which was referred to the Committee by the Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 20 th March. 2.0 Recommendation 2.1 To consider the Motion and take such action thereon as may be determined. 3.0 Main report 3.1 Key Issues The Shadow Council, at its meeting on 3rd March, considered the following Notice of Motion which had been moved by Councillor Hanna and seconded by Councillor Attwood: “This Council notes that city centres which are child and family friendly bring a wide range of benefits including, • contributing to healthy childhood development; • driving economic regeneration as families spend more time in the City; and • making city centre living a more viable option for families, and thereby contributing to longer-term social regeneration. The Council commends the work of the Belfast Healthy Cities organisation which has been researching child friendly places since 2011, including the provision of temporary 'Kids Spaces' in the city centre. The Council agrees to harness its new planning, community planning and economic regeneration powers to develop a world class family friendly strategy for Belfast, including the development of ‘Kids Spaces’ in the City centre. ” Page 5 3.2 In accordance with Standing Orders, the Motion was referred without discussion to the Shadow Strategic Policy and Resources Committee. 3.3 That Committee, at its meeting on 20th March agreed that, since the Notice of Motion referred specifically to the Council’s powers in respect of planning, community planning and economic regeneration and, therefore, fell within the role of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee, it would be prudent for the issue to be referred onwards for consideration and comment. 3.4 Financial & Resource Implications None. 3.5 Equality or Good Relations Implications None. 4.0 Appendices – Documents Attached None. Page 6 Agenda Item 4a CITY GROWTH & REGENERATION COMMITTEE Update on Department for Social Development: Bank Square Scheme Subject: and Permission to Engage on Further Schemes Date: 22nd April 2015 Reporting Officer: Trevor Martin, Head of Building Control, ext. 2450 Contact Officer: Stephen Hewitt, Building Control Manager, ext. 2435 Is this report restricted? Yes No X Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes X No 1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues 1.1 At the Health & Environmental Services Committee of 3rd September 2014, Members gave permission for the Building Control Service to enter into a partnership with the Department for Social Development (DSD) to carry out work to buildings in the Bank Square area of the city. This offer of a partnership project was a result of similar DSD funded projects the Service carried linked to the improvement of buildings in connection with the Giro d’Italia. 1.2 The project involved works to buildings in the area alongside the current Public Realm Environmental Improvement Works being carried out by DSD in Bank Square. The purpose of the projects was to raise the overall look of the area and prepare the area for regeneration initiatives such as the new ‘Folktown’ market. 1.3 The DSD has now received our audited final report and are delighted, both with the scheme and the partnership with the Building Control Service. As a result they have now written to the Council wishing to engage with us on a much larger scheme in the Rosemary Street and Lombard Street area. We have initially looked at this scheme and carried out an initial scoping survey, assessing the scale, costs and nature of the work. We are satisfied that ‘subject to your approval’, to engage with DSD in a similar partnership. Once DSD have secured the funding the scheme we will be in a position to bring a further report to Committee seeking your approval. Page 7 2.0 Recommendations 2.1 That the Committee notes the hard work of the Building Control Service on the successful completion of the Bank Square Scheme and grants permission for Building Control to engage with DSD in partnering on a similar scheme for the Lombard/Rosemary Street Area. 3.0 Main report Key Issues 3.1 The Bank Square scheme was carried out for, and on behalf of, and fully funded by the DSD.
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