Clark College 2008Accreditation Self-Study Clark College Institutional Self-Study 2008 Prepared for the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Clark College 1933 Fort Vancouver Way Vancouver WA 98663-3598 www.clark.edu Clark College List of Acronyms AA Associate of Arts AA/EO Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity AA-B Associate of Arts – Track B AA-MRP Associate of Arts – Major-Related Program AAS Associate of Applied Science AAS-T Associate of Applied Science – Transfer AAT Associate of Applied Technology ACRL Association for College and Research Libraries ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries AHE Association for Higher Education ALI Adult Learner Inventory AP Advanced Placement ARRT American Registry Radiologic Technologist ASCC Associated Students of Clark College ASE Automotive Service Excellence AS-MRP Associate of Science – Major-Related Program AST-1 Associate of Science – Track 1 AST-2 Associate of Science – Track 2 BEECH Basic Education, English, Communications and Humanities BTECH Business and Technology CAR Course Action Request CAR Course Action Request CASAS Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System Clark College List of Acronyms (Continued) CCAHE Clark College Association of Higher Education CCNA CISCO Certified Network Associate CCSEQ Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire CCSS Clark College Security/Safety CEU Continuing Education Units CFP Certified Financial Planner CFRE Certified Fund Raising Executive CIS Center for Information Services CLEP College Level Examination Program CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System CPA Certified Public Accounting CTC Columbia Tech Center CTFA Certified Trust and Financial Advisor DBMS Database Management System DDI Development Dimensions International ECRP Employee Computer Replacement Plan EHS Environmental Health and Safety ERMS Electronic Resources Management System ESL English as a Second Language EWU Eastern Washington University FAE Facilities and Equipment FAS Financial Aid System FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FFEL Federal Family Education Loan Clark College List of Acronyms (Continued) FISAP Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate FMS Financial Management System FTES Full-Time Equivalent Student FTEF Full-Time Equivalent Faculty GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GED General Educational Development HDEV Human Development HPE Health/Physical Education HS Health Sciences HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning IB International Baccalaureate IBB Interest-Based Bargaining IC Instructional Council ICRC Inter-College Relations Commission ICRP Instructional Computer Replacement Plan IFDF Individual Faculty Development Funds III Innovative Interfaces, Inc ILL Inter Library Loan ILS Integrated Library System IP Instructional Plan IPT Instructional Planning Team IRB Institutional Review Board IT Information Technology JRC-ERT Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology Clark College List of Acronyms (Continued) KPI Key Performance Indicator LMCC Labor Management Communication Committee LMDC Library Media Directors Council LSTA Library Services and Technology Act MPSE Math and Physical Science NATEF National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association NCCBP National Community College Benchmarking Project NCES National Center for Education Statistics NEA National Education Association NELA Northwest Education Loan Association NLNAC National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission NPAP Nursing Program Approval Panal NWAACC Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges NWCCU Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities NWILL Northwest Inter Library Loan OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCR Office of Civil Rights OFM Office of Financial Management PACE Personal Assessment of the College Environment PBX Private Branch eXchange PIN Personal Identification Number PORTALS Portland Area Library System PPAC Professional Placement and Advancement Committee Clark College List of Acronyms (Continued) PPMS Payroll Personnel Management System PRE Program Review and Enhancement PUB Penguin Union Building RAI Related Areas of Instruction RAP Research and Performance RCW Revised Code of Washington RMI repair and minor improvements SALT Student Affairs Leadership Team SAN Storage Area Network SBCTC State Board for Community and Technical Colleges SHAPE Science, Health and Physical Education SID Student Identification number SMS Student Management System SOFA Social Sciences and Fine Arts SSI Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics TILT Texas Information Literacy Tutorials TLC Teaching and Learning Center TWC Tutoring and Writing Center UFCW United Food and Commercial Workers VLAN Virtual Local Area Network VoIP Voice-over Internet Protocol VPI Vice President of Instruction VPN Virtual Private Network Clark College List of Acronyms (Continued) WABERS Washington Adult Basic Education Reporting System WAN Wide Area Network WCCCSA Washington Community College Consortium for Study Abroad WCTC Washington Community and Technical College (system) WEA Washington Education Association WPEA Washington Public Employees Association WSU Washington State University Table of Contents Introduction Self Study Process ------------------------------------------I-1 Accreditation Standards Committees---------------------I-3 Executive Summary-----------------------------------------I-7 Eligibility Requirements--------------------------------- I-11 Standard One ------------------------------------------------------ 1-1 Standard Two------------------------------------------------------ 2-1 Standard Three ---------------------------------------------------- 3-1 Standard Four------------------------------------------------------ 4-1 Standard Five ------------------------------------------------------ 5-1 Standard Six ------------------------------------------------------- 6-1 Standard Seven ---------------------------------------------------- 7-1 Standard Eight----------------------------------------------------- 8-1 Standard Nine ----------------------------------------------------- 9-1 INTRODUCTION Introduction Self-Study Process Introduction Self-Study Process an interest in serving or who had specific content knowledge. Members of the The accreditation self-study process began President’s Executive Cabinet were in January 2006 with the appointment of two appointed as cabinet liaisons, serving as full tenured faculty members as co-chairs. The members of their subcommittees with the following month, the co-chairs, College added responsibility of keeping the cabinet President, Vice-Presidents, and Executive apprised of their committee’s progress. Director of Planning and Advancement More than 100 members of the College attended the self-study workshop offered by served on a subcommittee. A full roster of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and the committees follows. Universities (NWCCU). During the workshop our group determined that two During the 2006-2007 academic year, the overarching goals would drive our self- subcommittees worked to gather available study. We would strive for authenticity data to address the specific standards for throughout all areas of the report, and we their self-study reports. Departments across would provide transparency so that members campus began to gather information and of the college community could see and prepare documentation, including comment on the self-study at any time department notebooks. This work continued during the process. throughout the self-study process. When data was not readily available the With these goals in mind the co-chairs and subcommittees developed questions for an Executive Director of Planning and all college Accreditation Survey that took Advancement began meeting on a weekly place during winter of 2007. basis shortly after returning from the Subcommittees began to address strengths workshop. The first, and one of the most and challenges of their respective standards critical decisions, was the selection of and to develop initial findings. standard subcommittee co-chairs to form the self-study Steering Committee. Faculty and A very successful Accreditation Fair was staff with content knowledge, credibility and held during the 2007 Welcome Back institutional history were carefully selected Orientation. A name and logo, Penguin to head each of the standard sub- Nation Accreditation Team (PNAT), was committees. developed by the Office of Communications and Marketing, and T-shirts were given to The self-study was formally kicked-off for all committee members. Everyone who the entire College during the 2006 Welcome attended was given notepads and pens with Back Orientation. The self-study co-chairs the self-study logo. At the fair each introduced the rest of the Steering subcommittee created a “booth” that Committee and used a feedback form to highlighted their initial findings of strengths elicit information about the expertise and and challenges. Members of the College interest in serving of all College employees were encouraged to provide written in attendance. The Executive Vice- feedback regarding each of the President of the NWCCU addressed the subcommittee’s initial findings. Prize College, and later was invited back to meet drawings were held throughout the fair to with the Steering Committee. encourage individuals to submit their The subcommittee co-chairs then worked feedback forms. with the accreditation co-chairs
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