•r'-'^WFf-^.f "-r7-'- * •sr WILL YOU THE HANNA HE -AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS fret VOLUME 51 — No. 4 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22^1962 S*J^*^oat^^*ml library BE THERE? Jan. 83 BOARD OF TRADE MEETING Board of Trade and Town NEXT MONDAY WILL BE OF IMPORTANCE TO BUSINESS MEN Confidential Subject To Be Aired Oppose Rail Service Cuffgw At Luncheon Gathering; President HEARING IN DRUMHELLER MONDAY HOW MUCH AM I OFFERED? Parker WiTI Hold Last Session NEW STREET Hanna business men, particularly those engaged rn the vmMtW®*. retail trade are extended a cordial and urgent invitation to WITNESSES STRONG APPEAL FOR SIGNS IN PLACE attend a regular meeting of the Hanna Board of Trade next Of much comment, admira­ Monday, November 26 at 12 noon in the National Hotel. tion and appreciation are the 1 President J. D. Parker has in- *. ' CONTINUING PASSENGER TRAIN new street and avenue signs, formed the Herald of the nature of now completely Installed all ar­ the subject to be discussed, but W. O. Turner, Q.C. Presents Brief ound town by the Public Works owing to it's confidential aspect Couple And Department. Members of the as far as business men are con­ On Behalf of Town and Board of Board of Trade, headed by Roy cerned, has asked that it not be Trade; Other Centres Supported Wilson, tourist committee chair disclosed pending the meeting man are smiling too, for it was next Monday. Child Flee Led by a brief submitted from the Town of Hanna and on Roy's suggestion that a bet­ All that can be said at the mom­ the Hanna Board of Trade, strong objection to the C.N.R.'s ter system of street number­ ent, is that information concern­ request to close passenqer train service between Calgary and ing be undertaken, as a cour­ ing the affairs of local retail op­ Burning Trailer Saskatooon, was raised in Drumheller Monday. The brief was tesy and convenience to "stran­ eration, both present and future, Mr. and Mrs. Harry presented at a hearing of the Board of Transport Commission­ gers in town." Placed on the will come up for discussion. 'The Owen of Sheerness ers, submitted bv W. O. Turner, Q.C. on behalf of~the town corner of each intersection, the theme may be termed "business Have Narrow Escape and the Board of Trade. but had suggested that a dayliner markers are made of metal, operation", and if a thorough dis­ service be considered. with the numbers and letter­ cussion is to be obtained it is im­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owen of A large delegation from Hanna The following is the brief sub­ ing imprinted clearly. Mounted perative that every retail man or Sheerness and their small son, nar­ and other points between here and mitted by Mr. Turner: on a substantial post, they are woman in Hanna be present. It rowly escaped death or injury when the Saskatchewan border, includ­ Sumbission of the Town of Hanna ther* for all to see! From now will also be of much interest to their house trailer and contents ing Oyen, represented by John and The Hanna Board of Trade on There should be no excuse those engaged in other lines of burned to the ground at Sheerness Lijdsman, attended the hearing. to for anyone getting lost within business such as garage, implem­ early Tuesday morning. The session was in progress all day Mr. Chairman and the town limits; To complete ent dealers, oil men, etc. At about 1.30 a.m. Mrs. Owen Monday and Mr. Turner and Mayor Members of the Board of Transport the direction finding program, aThis will be the last meeting of awoke to find the kitchen portion L. Faupel of Hanna, returned to Commissioners: it is suggested that all home of the 2 bedroom trailer ablaze. complete their presentation TUBS' Re: Application of the Canadian owners place numbers on their the year, and also the final one for She barely had time to awaken her day morning. Among Hanna dele­ the president, who after twelve National Railway for discontinu­ husband, and with the child in her gates were J. D. Parker, president ance of Passenger Trains 9 end months of continuous hard work arms, fled the inferno. In a matter of the Board of Trade and Peter will in the new year be turning 10 between Saskatoon and Calga­ of minutes the trailer was destroy­ Kennedy, former Mayor of Hanna. ry. n the reins of office over to. the new ed, along with all household and president, Dr. Jack Kaster. In his brief Mr. Turner left no Public meetings were held Water Service Russ Reiman, owner and auctioneer of the Cereal Auction Mart, is here sizing up a pen personal belongings. doubt but what most points along As a final tribute to tbe efforts both by the Town of Hanna and of calves prior to one of his regular Wednesday sales. The fall of 1962 has seen the largest Cause of the blaze is not known. the Goose Lake Line are opposed the Hanna Board of Trade and they Comes to Spondin of the outgoing president, and al­ Mrs. Owens is a daughter of Mr. to the measure, which would see run of cattle in the history of the Cereal market, and cattle from east cwMifji Alberto ia were unanimously opposed to the SPONDIN. Nov. 20 — One of so from a "self interest" stand­ and Mrs. Ray Taylor of Hanna. passenger and express service com­ present application to discontinue the thousands have found their way to eastern Canada and VS. markets through the Cereal point, all business men and women pletely removed, isolating many of the highlights in the community's ring. HUM Hcnud Pbots passenger trains 9 and 10 between progress is recorded this week, in are asked to make every effort to them entirely from this mode of Saskatoon and Calgary. attend this last and final meeting GNP INCREASE that water has been turned on both HISTORIC SITE travel. He also voiced his prepared This application involves much of the Board for the year 1962. statement on behalf of other com­ to tbe school and in the hamlet It O • more than the discontinuance of is being piped into tbe curling rink That's at the National Hotel Mon Castle Clinton, a circular stone munities in the Drumheller Valley RED CROSS BENEFITS MEASLES EPIDEMIC IN HANNA j day, November 26 at 12 noon. Continued oa Page 5 and Call Henriksen is having it in­ structure at Battery Park in New who also have objected to the plan. HALLOWE'EN NIGHT Mark your Calendar now, and York City was built in 1811 to hold The City of Drumheller actually BOARD OF TRADE stalled ia his dwelling. make this meeting a "must"! a 28-gun battery. did not actively oppose the request, Students of grades 3 and 6 in the Hanna east public school DRAWS COMMENT FROM PUBLIC NOVEMBER 5 SETS RECORD FOR gave up the sweets and goodies usually obtained by the "trick or treat" method on Hallo­ HEALTH DOCTOR AGNES O'NEIL we'en night, and directed their COAL LOADING IN ONE DAY; efforts to a most commendable Parents Urged To Comply With luwr UIUAII MFiiiirftf IIITT causey the Canadian Red Crass Regulations Which Require Report FllNt UnlUlf fltnBtRj rlttr-~ ed that instead of the usual treat col lection they would sol­ Steve Smith Succeeds Bert icit money for the Rod Cross. Parents generally, have been aware of an epidemic at Materi Assistance Bishop os Secretary-Treasurer; Their efforts were met with measles which has been prevalent in Hanna for the past two gratifying response from houte weeks. In commenting on the outbreak Dr. Apnes O'Neil of Latter Now Manager of Enterprise holders, who contributed a to­ the Big Country Health Unit, reminds parents of certain regu­ tal of $50.50, which has been Sheerness, Nov. 19 — With the coming of the foil mon­ lations which are: FURNISHINGS FOR NEW BLDG. sent to the Red Cross. The 1 Isolation of the case ter 10 Oyen Credit ths activity in the Sheerness coal field has increased consid­ grade three class taught hy davs from onset, or seven days erably. At a recent meeting of local miners, Mr. Steve Smith Mrs. Janet Griffith and. the School Van from appearance et the rash. URGENTLY REQUIRED; LIONS was elected secretary-treasurer of the Roselynn Miners' Un­ grade 6 class by Mrs. Herb 2 Quarantine of susceptible fa­ ion. He replaces Mr. Bert Bishop who is now manoger of the Housch are to be commended mily contacts under 18 years of Union Has for their most worthy efforts. mine here, He formerly held the post of secretary-treasurer Issue Aired age( those who have net bed Ow AND ASSOC. LAUNCH APPEAL of the union for eight years, "f disease. Q O 3 The reporting at measles to Movements Of Books Con Be 125 Members Production at the mine for the the Health Unit. past month has been rather active. Recreation Al Sheerness Measles is a serious illness is Done Only When Furnishings OYEN, Nov. 19 — The regular Total tonnage shipped during Oc­ 1SAW..,f Ratepayers Meeting children under three years ef age. In Ploce; Support Most Urgent meeting of the Board of Directors tober was 31,917 tons, an increase Fails To Reach Vaccinas being developed are still of the Oyen Savings and Credit of 10,505 tons over the previous Director Takes Dick Ringdahl, proclaiming the Decisive Solution not approved.
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