New E-items added 3 20 to 3 26 2018 Title Author Publisher Published Location Call Number Class Subject Johann Georg Hamann's doctrine of Lee, Hoon J. (Hoon Trinity 2008 Ebooks - LU B 2993 L 444 B B - Philosophy nature [electronic resource] / by Jae) International users only 2008 EB (General) Hoon J. Lee. University Modernity and its malcontents Nicholson, Michael 1995 Ebooks - LU B 8312 N 53 B B - Philosophy [electronic resource] / Michael W. W. users only 1995 EB (General) Nicholson. Social understanding [electronic Klüver, Jürgen, Springer 2011 Ebooks - LU BD 241 K 58 BD BD - resource] : on hermeneutics, 1941- users only 2011 EB Speculative geometrical models and artificial Philosophy intelligence / Jürgen Klüver, Christina Klüver. Musical bonding [electronic Percival, Hannah Criswell College 2015 Ebooks - LU BF 1045 A 48 BF BF - Psychology, resource] / by Hannah Margaret Margaret, users only P 473 2015 EB Parapsychology, Percival. 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Jewish anti-Christian literature as a Mann, Douglas F. 1997 Ebooks - LU BL 2715 M 3 BL BL - Religion source of irreligion for the Deists users only J 49 1997 EB John Toland and Anthony Collins [electronic resource] / by Douglas F. Mann. Miracles outside of Christianity McGee, Matthew 2003 Ebooks - LU BL 487 M 34 BL BL - Religion [electronic resource] : are they valid Adams. users only 2003 EB / by Matthew Adams McGee. John Hick's pluralistic philosophy of Eddy, Paul R. 1996 Ebooks - LU BL 51 E 3 BL BL - Religion religions [electronic resource] : users only 1996 EB monotheism nonetheless? / Paul R. Eddy. 2 New E-items added 3 20 to 3 26 2018 Justification of religious belief in Farnen, Lawrence 2005 Ebooks - LU BL 51 F 376 BL BL - Religion Lesslie Newbigin's and Harold Lee. users only 2005 EB Netland's writings [electronic resource] : contrasting viewpoints / by Lawrence Lee Farnen. Morning [electronic resource] : Williams, Donald 1996 Ebooks - LU BL 65 B 66 W BL BL - Religion reading and the awakening of T., 1951- users only 55 1996 EB biblical consciousness / Donald T. Williams. Missiological study of ethnicity with Kreitzer, Mark 2001 Ebooks - LU BL 65 E 75 K BL BL - Religion the use of interdisciplinary Robert. users only 7 2001 EB methodology [electronic resource] / by Mark Robert Kreitzer. Myth, ritual and symbol in natural Stover, Timothy V. South Florida 2008 Ebooks - LU BL 65 N 33 S BL BL - Religion disasters and disaster management Center for users only 76 2008 EB [electronic resource] / by Timothy V. Theological Stover. Studies Midrash in Psalm 40 [electronic Konkel, Gus. 1990 Ebooks - LU BM 514 K 66 BM BM - Judaism resource] / by Gus Konkel. users only 1990 EB Jewish family education as a vehicle Fink, Steven M. 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Nacidze. 1972- 3 New E-items added 3 20 to 3 26 2018 Kindred to the spirit [electronic Golding Page, Julie 1999 Ebooks - LU BR 115 I 6 K BR BR - Christianity resource] : a Christian perspective Rae. users only 46 1999 EB on the imagination as portrayed in L.M. Montgomery's 'Anne of Green Gables' series / by Julie Rae Golding Page. Mooreeffoc in Narnia and the Bible Newman, Robert C. Theological 2005 Ebooks - LU BR 115 I 6 N BR BR - Christianity [electronic resource] : the value of (Robert Chapman), Research users only 49 2005 EB fresh perspective in gaining a 1941- Exchange hearing for the gospel / Robert C. Network (TREN) Newman. More than charity [electronic Andreolli- Louisville 2015 Ebooks - LU BR 115 J 8 A BR BR - Christianity resource] : educating and equipping Comstock, Lindsay Presbyterian users only 54 2015 EB lay leadership for social justice C., Theological advocacy and action / by Lindsay C. Seminary Andreolli-Comstock. Models, metaphors, and multivalent Cortez, Marc (Marc 2004 Ebooks - LU BR 115 L 25 C BR BR - Christianity contextualizations [electronic Allen), 1972- users only 6 2004 EB resource] : religious language and the nature of contextual theology / by Marc Cortez. John Sanders's philosophy of Thompson, Craig 2002 Ebooks - LU BR 115 L 25 T BR BR - Christianity religious language [electronic W. users only 46 2002 EB resource]: an analysis of divine predication in The God who risks / by Craig W. Thompson. Modernity's discontents [electronic Cabal, Ted. 1997 Ebooks - LU BR 115 P 74 BR BR - Christianity resource] : the growing convergence users only C 32 1997 EB of the New Age movement and postmodern spirituality / Ted Cabal. 4 New E-items added 3 20 to 3 26 2018 Jerry H. Gill's postmodern Weathers, Robert Theological 2005 Ebooks - LU BR 115 P 74 BR BR - Christianity philosophy of religion [electronic A. Research users only W 43 2005 EB resource] : an evangelical option? / Exchange Robert A. 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John Calvin's Christological assertion Morrison, John 1989 Ebooks - LU BR 21 E 93 BR BR - Christianity of Word authority in the context of Douglas, 1951- users only 1989 EB sixteenth century ecclesiastical polemics [electronic resource]/ by John D. Morrison. King Mesha, King Balak, and Ruth Johnson, James J. 2000 Ebooks - LU BR 21 E 93 BR BR - Christianity [electronic resource] : a judicial Scofield. users only 2000 EB comparison of how three Moabites responded to providential history- revealed truth about God ... / James J. Scofield Johnson. John Wesley's principles of Biblical Weeter, Mark L. 2000 Ebooks - LU BR 21 E 93 BR BR - Christianity interpretation [electronic resource] users only 2000 EB / Mark L. Weeter. 5 New E-items added 3 20 to 3 26 2018 Mormon apologetic, scholarship and Mosser, Carl, 1972- 1997 Ebooks - LU BR 21 E 93 BR BR - Christianity evangelical neglect [electronic users only NO .154 EB resource] : losing the battle and not knowing it? / Carl Mosser and Paul Owen. 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