
City of Camden Emergency Operations Plan 20t4 Keith L, Wolker, Emergency Mdnogement Coordinotor Patrick J Keating - Public works Deputy Coordinator Edward Glassmen - Fire Dept. Deputy Coordinatot Albert Handy- Police Dept. Deputy Coordlnator Donald Fisher- EMS Oeputy Coordinator $tatu fiNetolerxeu OFFTCE or rHL ArloRNEy GENERiL CHRrs CrrRrstrr DEPARTMEN1 oF LAw AND PuBLIc SAFEIy JoHNJ. HoFFMAN Drv6roNoF STATD PoLIcE Actikg Attotne, Generul Posr OFrcE Bor 7068 KrM GUAD,{GNo WEsr TRENToN NJ 08628-0068 CoLoNEL JosEPIt R. FuriNTEs (609) 882-2000 Superintend.tt June 10,2014 Mr. Keith L. Walker Camden City oEM 101 Newton Avenue Camd€n, N.J. 08 I 03 Dear Mr. Walker: We have reviewed y,our Emergency Operations Plan and find that it meets our cdte a for approval t as ofMay5.2014. We are pleasedto give our approval and appreciate the time and effort and !6u )our statf ha\,e devoted to the development of tiis essential document. The plan should belpdated by you at least annually, preferably during a scheduled meeting ofyour Local Emergency Planning_Committee (IEPC) ana must be submitted to rhis office,lhrough channels, for recertification by May 31, 2018. !9r @itiolal inlormalion concerning the review process, you may contact Sgt. Vincent Jackson, (609)561-1800, Ext. 3343. Thank you for youl interest and paxticipation in Em€rgency Management. Sincerely, FOR COLONEL JOSEPH R, FUENTES SUPERINTENDENT dpp c Mr. Sam Spino/George Martin, Camden County OEM Lt. B. Everingham, South Region flof0B "A4 Inte.nationa ! A.crcdite.t Agenc!" Nes Je.kr k A" Equal Opp.tunity Enptaru M CIW OF CAMDEN OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Dano L Redd MaYor March 27 , 2OI4 x.irh L w.lker - Publi. worts Patrick i x.ating - Publl. wottr MrGeorge Martan Camden County Emergencv Management Coordinator Camden County-Offi€e of EmergencY Managem€nt Edwad Gl€sm.n - Flrc tlepl. Department of Public safety 2311E89 Harbor Road captain aben H.ndy - Polie Dept Lindenwold, Nl 08021 2Ol4CAMDEN CITY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN CERTIFICATION Dear Mr. Martin: Walker' lam submitting On behalfofCamden City Emergency ManaSement Coordinator, Keith L the R€cord ofChangesforthe Camden City Em€rgency Management Plan' updated duringthe The entir€ plan has been reviewed with each ofthe Annex Managers and personnel past nine {;)months. Some ofthe changes include newshelterinS locations, adjusting ln addition' stafflng levels, equipment acquisition and improvements in records managem€nt thereaft€r' an the eniire plan willbe available in both a prini and electronic format and shortly ex€cutive summary of the plan willappearon the Camden City website the Newlerset lam requ esting that the Camden County Office of EmerS€ncy Managementand Emergency Office of Emergency ManaSement review and certifythe 2014 Camden City my offl'e Operations Pl;. should you require additional information, please feel free to €ontact electronic }se-tSl -z tZg. Upon €ertification, I willfoMard a complete printed copy and an copy^t ofthe plan to Your offic€. Sincerelv, Patri€kl. Keatin8 Depuw Emergency M anagement Coordinator oana L. Redd, camden CitY MaYor Keith L.walker, camden citv Emercencv Management coordinator Christine lones-Tucker, Camden City Susiness AdminstEtor CITY OF CAMDEN 2014 EMERGENCY OPERATING PLAN The Basic Plan includes: A. List ofAlnexes B. Statement and Date ofApprcval c. Distribution List D. Record ofchanges E. Promulgation Staternent Each Annex includes: I. Introduction II Authority and References IT. Purpose IV. Situations Operations and Co[trol VI. Responsibilities V. Contiouity of Govefiunent VI. Adminiskatior and Ingistics Ix. Development and Maintenance X. Definitions Required AppendicevAttachmerts ANNE)'ES A. Alen, Waming arrd Conmunications B. Damage Assessment c. EmergencY Medical D. Emergeocy operations center E. EmergencY Public Information F. Evacuahon G. Fie and Rescue H. Hazardous Materials L Law Enfolcement J. Public Health IC Public Works L. Radiolo gical Protechon M. Resouce Management N. Shelter, RecePtion aod Care o. Social Services P. Tslronsm Pqe2 B'SIC OPERATING PI"AN CIW OF CAMDEN OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Dana L Redd Ma.Jor I. INTRODUCTION Keith t w.lker - Plbll. worl3 A. STATEMENT OF APPROVAL PanldJ Ke.tlnS - PublL work5 Edw..d Gla$Nn - Fie Depl. The Emergency Operations Plan for the City of Camden meets the approval ofthe Emergency l\4anagement Coordinator and l\4ayor and is hereby approved. capraln Albert H..dy - Polre Oept. This Emergency Operations Plan supersedes any previously written Emergency Operations Plan. ApprovalDate: Z-z-"--x. 32, .2a.,/ L. Redd, lMayor - Camden City of Camden ffiCity ofCamden C. DISTRIBI]TION LIST Mayor Emergency Managemert Coordinator Deputy Coordinators Municipal Clerk's Of1ice * Emergency Operations Center Municipal Deparhnent Responsible for Functional Aimexes Camden Coulty Office ofEmergency Management * New Jersey State Police - Office ofEmergency Management * Required distribution BASIC OPERATING PLAN Page 4 CITY OF CAMDEN OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT D.tna L Redd Ma!or U'.l, - ra2B ." Kehh L w.lker - Publlc workt E. PROMULGATION STATEMENT PanldJ Ke.tlna - public works prepared Edwa.d Gl.$fr6n - tlrc D€pt. The City of Camden has this Emergency Operations Plan which sets forthe general policies and procedures to be carried out by municipal and volunteer entities in orderto provide the citizens ofthe City of Camden with an effective integrated Gpt.i. Alb.rt H:ndy Poli@ D€pr. - emergency response plan designed to minimize the loss of life and property during an emergency. All municipal departmenG assisted in the development ofthis plan alongwith the Emergency lvlanagement Council and the Office of Emergency l\4anagement. I have approved this Emergency Operations Plan and hereby promulgate it as the authoritative documentfor Emergency operations in this municipality. r' 2a,ty' ^^,-.2/-*-.--z'--7- 5 "€"----r--<- . Redd, Mayor - Camden City of Camden II. AUTIIORITY AND REFNRENCE A. Laws, Ordinances, Regulations, Resolutiotrs and Directives Federal: P.L. 8l-920 - Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended. P.L. 91-806 The Natural Disaster Recovery Act, as amended. P.L. 93-288 The Disaster ReliefAct of 1974 State: N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-80 Civil DeGnse and Disaster Act et. seq. (Chapter 251, P. O. 1942, as amended by Chapter 438, P.L. 1953 andChapter 222,P .Lr989) N.J.S.A. 40:14-26 NJ Office ofEmergency Management Directives Counfy: None Municipal: Camden Em€rgency Management Council Resolution. Resolution for the Appoinhnent ofthe Emergency Management Coordinator. (BPA-1) BASIC OPERATING PLAN Pagc 7 B, References, Guidance Materials and Other Documents Federal: FEMA Guide for the Development of State & Local Emergency Operations Plan, cPGl-8. FEMA Guide for the Review ofstate & Local Emergency operations Plans, CPG 1-8A' FEMA Disaster Operations: A Handbook for l-ocal Govemnent, CPG 1-6 Office ofEmergency Management Checklist for County or Municipal Emergency Operations Plans 1/l /2002. N.J.S.P. Guide for Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators, Trenton, New Jersey, EMSP-3-81. County: None None Pagc 8 BASIC OPERATING PLAN III. PURPOSE in The purpose ofthis Emergency Operations Plan is to prctect lives and propety emagencies by coordinating response activities of city and volunteer entities to ensuri their optimum use, It provides for actions to be taken to mihgate, prcparc for, respond to, and recover fiom the effects of an emergency' This plan is an all hazards approach to Emergency Manag€ment and coven natu;l disasters, technological disasters, and national security cnses' IV. SITUATION A. Description of City of Camden. within the 1. The City of Camden is approximately 9 square miles and is located northen part of Camden County. It consists maidy ofand light industry areas, residential neighborhoods and housing gojects, waterfront tourist areas, and ce[ter city business district' The main business districts arc located in center City, Mt Ephmim Avenue, Haddon Aveoue, Federal Street, River Road and Marltorr Pike' 2. The City of Camden which is located in Camden County and adjoins the following municipalities: Borough of Collingswood Camden County Township of Pennsauken Camden County Borough ofWoodlynne Camden County city of Gloucester Cafirden County City of Philadehhia Pennsylvania (BPA-2) Prse 9 BASIC OPERATING PLAN 3. The topographical characteristics of the City ofCamden are an average elevation of 50 ft above sea level and located at Latitude 39 degrees 49 ff 40 inches and 75 degees 01 ft 16 inches Longitude. There are no major lakes or dams. Cooper River . .. tkough the center of Camden along the Admiral Wilson Boulevard and flows into the Delaware River between North Camden and Cramer Hill. The Delaware River flows in d southerly direction along the entire westsm side ofthe city. There i s o rI e functional dam within the City on the Coop€r River 4. The average rcsident population is 80,000 with a daily workforce of I 1,500. Seasonal waterAont event population ranges between 5,000 and 50,000 (BPA-7) 5. The primary transportation routes within Camden City. Rt.30 (County) Rt 168 (State) Rt 676 (State) Federal Street (County) Broadway Sheet (County) Atlantic Ave. (County) River Road (Couno (Comty) State Street (County) The primary transportation routes bordering Carnden City. Rt 130 (State) Rt 676 (State) The secondary transportation routes within the City of Camden are the County roads listed above. BASIC OPERATING PLAN Page l0 There is three (3) [ CONRAIL freight, PATCO passengers and LIGHT RAIL passengersl railroad lines active within the City. PATCO line has thrce (3) station stops within the City limits. The City has a Light Rail, Riverline with stops within City limits. There are underground natuml gas pipelines.(i.e., P.S.E.&G.). There are I1o airports within the City of Carnden. (BPA-2) 6. The City of Camden has a Mayor and Council form ofgovemment punuant to NJSA Title 40A. The City provides the following Municipal Services: Full-time Police Deparhnent with members Full-time Fire Department with members Emergency Medical Services are provided by the UDM Emergency Squad.
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