208 ST. MABYN. CORNWALL. (KELLY'S (Marked thus * receive letters through Best Thomas, baker 1 Lewis Cyrus, plasterer Washaway 8.0.) Blewett Alfred, carpenter *Lobb Samuel, groom to H. G. Pe~er- . Blewett John, blacksmith Hoblyn esq. Oolquite, Lower lodges Andrew RIChd. Hanbly B.A.Tredmick Button Nehemia.h,miller(water),Little- Matthews Wm. farmer, Tregaddock Baker Ml'ls. Kelly park wood Menhinick J ames, boot & shoe maker :awden Mrs. Park co~tage Button William Hy. Nicho'Js, farmer, Mutton Albert Wm. farmer, Treqmtes Glencross Mrs. Colqmte Tresa.rret (letters through Blisland) (letters through Helland) Hambly George Henry Clemoes Jn. Guy, farmer, Treblethick Philp Wm. Henry, farmer, Burlerro Ham!ey Jo~n Henry Dennis John, farmer, Tregarden Pinch Osbertus Gatley,frmr.Haywood Harr~s Lewis Brown . Dinner John, coachman to Col. F. J. Prout James, farmer, Menkee Harris Mrs. L. W .. Enth cottage Hext B.A., J.P. Tredethy Reid James F. insurance agent Hext Col. FranCis John B.A., J.P .. *Doney Thomas Henry farm bailiff *Robins John, farmer, Trescowe Tredethy (letters ·thr?ugh Helland) to H. G. Peter-Hobiyn esq. Col- Rowe John, farmer, Spittal (letters Ismay Edward! Sunnyside . quite, Lower lodges through Blisland) J~ste Mademoiselle, GreenwiCks Draydon John & Son, agricultural Sincock Wm. Hocking, miller (water), List ~~s implement makers & blacksmiths, Helland bridge (letters through ~enhimck John . Longstone Helland) Peter-Hoblyn Hy. Godolphm,Colqmte Evans Thomas, farmer, Penwine Symons John, grocer & draper Pye Mrs. Henry Frost Henry, St. Mabyn hotel, & job- Tabb Elias, boot maker Pye Mrs. L master Tabb Joseph, carrler Rashleigh Rev. Canon John Kendall Gatley James, farmer, Greenwicks Thomas Isaac, shopkeeper, Longstone M.A. (rector), Rectory Hamley Arthur, mason (letters through Helland) Harris William Edgar, draper & gro­ COMMERCIAL. Thomas Isaac Theodore, butcher & cer, Post office earner• Andrew Richard Hambly, farmer & Hawken Francis, farmer, Tregarden Thomas Olivia C. (Miss), grocer deputy registrar of births & deaths, Henwood Edwin, farmer, Tresloggett Warne John, farmer, HigherTreveglos Trethevey (lette1rs through Helland) Warne Thomas, farmer, Trevisquite Andrew John J. T. registrar of births Herring Francis Jn. farmer, Polglaze Weary William Frank, farmer, Stone & deaths for St. Mabyn sub-district, Hooper Jacob, shopkeeper (letters through Helland, Bodmin) Bodmin union, & overseer & clerk Jasper Richard & Son, farmers, Helli- Weeks Sidney James, gardener to to Parish Council, The Haven gan (letters through Helland) CoJ.. F. J. Hext B.A., J.P. Tredethy Bartlett Wm. Hull, farmer, TTedethy Johns Nicholas, farmer, Pitt Young J ames, gardener to R. H. Bate Emma (Miss), beer retailer, Kelly Thomas, builder •.\ndrew esq. Treodinick Dinhams bridge Levy John Webb, shopkeeper MADRON, or St. Madron, is a parish and village, 1! ,Sanitary Authority, and will hold 14 patients: there &re miles north-west from Penzanee, in the Western division separate ward·s for men and women, and two isolation of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional divi- wards. The Literary Institution at Rea Moor, es­ sion of Penwith West, Penzanee union and county court tablished in October, 1899, has -a library of 200 volum3s, district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Corn- and a billiard room. St. tl\1adron's Well, situated in a wall and diocese of Truro. The ecclesiastical parishes of 1 moor, about a mile north-west of the church, wa! once St. Mary and St. Paul and St. John, Penzance, have been I noted for its ·healing properties: about 200 yards from taken out of this parish, which is the mother parish of I it, in a seclud-ed spot. are 't·he ruins of an ancient Penza~ce. The parish i~ ~overned by an Urban District 1 chapel, or baptistery, with the sanctuary step, well basin Council under the provisiOns of the Local Government 1 and granite altar still remaining; portions of the wall in­ Act, 18~4, .supersed~n~ th~ Local Boa:d for~ed 1863. 1 closing a chapel yard are also still standing. Trengwainton The pansh Is now divided mto two panshes, VIZ. : Mad- Cairn consists of the round head of a cross, fixed in a rude ron and Penzance-in-Madron. The church of St. Madron circular base: at Trembath is a cross with mutilated (commonly called " Madderne ") is an ancient building of head in a similar base in the church tower another : granite, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, and consists 1 the bead of a third is built into a wall at Hea : at Bos­ of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, north and south i warthen there remains a fourth also on a circular base por~h~s. and an emb~ttled wester!! tower ~ith pinnacles I with _a graceful Maltese cr~ss i~ relief on the head: th; contam'ing 6 bells: the chancel IS of earher date snd remams of others are standm<Y at Boscathnoe and Treme­ retains a piscina and sedile; ~be form~r incorporates a 1 thick. Lanyon Quoit, or Cro~lech, consists of three 'lp­ fragment of alab~ster, carved ~th angehc figures armed: right stones, 5 feet high, supporting a huge monolith 18~ nearly !ill the wmdows are stam~d, and the oak reredos, feet long and nine wide and of an average thickness of added m 1'8g6,_ was carved by Pmwell of P~ymouth: on 18 inches; Mulfra Cromlech has been overthrown, and the nor~h wall1s a fine late brass to John Ches, merchant the top stone, a circular monolith, 4 feet 10 inches in and tWice mayor o~ Penz~nce,_ ob. November 27• .1623• diameter and 5 inches thick, is now partially on the and Blanch (Trevamo~) hi~ Wife; there are . effigies of ground. "Men-an-Tol," or . Hole stone, on Auguidal bhoth, hanld obt~ers of SIX cdhidldrben and 12. Ealn~hsh yet~ses? Down, is a monolith about 4 feet in diameter and I foot t e w o e emg surroun e Y a margm . msc:IP 1011 · thick, pierced by a rounded hole about 1 foot across : there are also several mural monuments, mcludmg one llel to •t t d' t f · ht f t t in the chancel to the Rev. Duke Pearce, a former vicar, para I ' a a IS ance o s~ven or eig ee ' ar~ wo- ob. 1716: the font, of granite, is Norman: the original ?ther. stones, from 4 to 5 f~et high: the Men S_cryfa ~s ~n church was built by Henry de Pomeroy in 1131 , and is mscnbed stone 9 feet high and about 2 Wide; It. IS mentioned in the taxation of Pope Nicholas in 1291 as state~ by Dr. ~orlas_e ~o be one o~, t~e oldest of Corms~ dedicated to St. Madderne: Bishop Grandison conse- re:nru~s ; the mscnptwn reads, R1alobranus ~novah crated the high altar in 1336: the church was thoroughly films. The Rev. John Wesley preached here at mtervals restored in r887 at a cost of £ 3,105, when it was re- fr~m 1742 to 17~0. Castle. Horneck, the seat of th~ floored and reseated with carved oak benches : during !Misses Borlas~, IS one . mile west from Penzance ' the restoration portions of an ancient oak screen were Nancealverne IS t~e residence of John Scobel~ Arm­ discovered and are incorporated in the screen erected in strong esq.! Trereife, of Charles D. N. ~e GriCe esq. 1889 after the old deosign: six handsomely carved oak J.'P.; Trewidde~, of Thomas Bedford ~ohtho ~sq. D.L .. bench ends, found under the floor, have been set up in J.P.; Trengwamton, af T~omas Rob1~s Bohtho esq. the south aisle: there are 6oo sittings. The register B.A., D.L., J.P. ; . Rose Hill, of David Howell esq. dates from the year 1577. The living is a vicarage, with J.P. and Roseca-?ghill, of John. Salusbury Trelawny esq. that of Morvah annexed, joint net yearly value £3oo, Charles Da.y N1cholls Le Gnce esq. J.P. Lord St. with residence, in the gift of the Misses Borlase and Mrs. L~van, Mrs. Scobell, of Goodameavy House, Devon,. the Tonkin, and held since 1895 by the Rev. William Borlase Misses Borlase, ~· K Avmstrong esq. an~ ~· R .. Bohtho­ Tremenheere M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford. St. Thomas' esq. are the chief la~d~wners .. The s~il IS killas, _or mission church, Hea, ereeted in 1892, is a plain building clayey-slate ; the subsOil IS gramte and killas. The c_h~ef of st-one, consisting of nave and chancel, and affords 300 crops are ~heat, oats and barley, and large quanilbe~ sittings. There are five Wesleyan chapels, situated re- of hrocco~I . and pota~oes are grown. The area of spectively at Church Town, Hea Moor, Tregavarah, Bos- ·Madron Civil pansh Is 5,520 acres -of land, 8 of warthen and Bosullow; a Bible Christian chapel at Hea water and 3_o of. fore~hore; rateable value, _£r5,6o8; Moor and one for Primitive Methodists at Church Town. the population m 1891 was 2,8ro, and m 19or A Cemetery of three-quarters of an acre was formed in was 3,36-J., including 8 officers and 98 inmates in 188o, at a cost of £5oo, and is under the control of a Penzance workhouse. The area of Penzance-in-Madron burial board of nine members. The Penzance Union civil parish is 43 acres; rateable value, £366; the popu­ Workhouse is in •this parish. The new Infectious Dis- lation in 1901 was 122. The hamletts, with -the distance ease'S Hospital in St. Just Toad, about i mile from Pen- from Madron, are Hea Moor, three-quarters of a mile zance, was estaiblisbed in 1903 by the Penzance Urban ·south-east; Jamaica, three-quarters of a mile south-.
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