Social Education 77(2), pp 102–106 ©2013 National Council for the Social Studies Technology for Inquiry, Innovation, and Integration Getting to the Core: Using Digital Resources to Enhance Content-Based Literacy in the Social Studies Ilene R. Berson and Michael J. Berson With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language on content area trade book lists. Social Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, teachers studies informational texts have a pri- across the United States are expanding their integrated approach to social studies mary purpose of conveying information instruction and literacy studies. They are challenged to infuse text and narratives about the natural or social world, and linked to projects that engage students in reading and writing and that explore they include distinctive text structures, topics meaningful to them. In this article, we present free, easily accessible, high features, and language. This text ranges quality digital resources that enhance content-based literacy in the social studies from newspaper and magazine articles and highlight exemplary models of integration. to digital information to nonfiction trade books to textbooks and reference Among the many changes accompany- riculum as well as text types. Many edu- materials. Conversely, narrative text is ing the transition to the Common Core cators, therefore, are seeking resources primarily written to entertain or relate State Standards (CCSS) is a shift toward that expose students to different genres, an experience, and follows a story struc- having students read increasingly com- build background knowledge and sup- ture with characters, setting, goals, plot plex nonfiction or informational mate- port content learning, explore diverse or action, resolution, and a theme. There rial to “build knowledge, enlarge experi- perspectives, and introduce students to are also texts that include elements of ence, and broaden worldviews.”1 Before specialized vocabulary.3 CCSS offers both instructional and narrative books the CCSS, more than 75 percent of read- text exemplars, including stories, drama, (e.g., biographies, poetry). When select- ing in the early grades was fiction.2 As poetry, and informational texts,4 but ing from these web sources, teachers a result, students in the middle grades teachers will need to build upon these not only need to examine the books for may not have a well developed schema resource lists with additional high qual- informational text structures and fea- for different topics because of limited ity children’s literature in the social tures, but they also should review the exposure to social studies content in studies. books for content accuracy, currency, elementary school. In the intermediate, Identifying appropriate resources has and bias (e.g., gender, ethnicity, ableness, middle, and secondary classrooms, the been simplified in recent years with easy socioeconomic status). Common Core promotes discipline- web access to lists of books reviewed specific literacy strategies that stimulate and recommended by professional asso- Scaffolding Texts and Introducing students’ curiosity, provoke questions, ciations and agencies. When selecting Multiple Perspectives and supply evidence for historical books from these lists, however, teach- The Common Core encourages inquiry- accounts. ers should be aware that the books may based learning in which teachers facil- lack the characteristic text and linguistic itate scaffolded reading experiences, Award Winning Texts features found in informational books. rather than delivering content through The Common Core State Standards It is not unusual, for example, for books direct instruction. One strategy is to emphasize the process skills of the cur- that use a narrative structure to appear introduce students to reading materi- Social Education 102 Associations and Agencies that Award or Identify High-Quality Children’s Literature in Social Studies Name Selection Criteria Website Most distinguished informational book www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/alsc/ Association for Library Service to Children published in the United States in English awardsgrants (click on Book & Media Awards, Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award during the preceding year then click on Sibert Medal) High quality children’s and young adult Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards for literature in the categories of Picture Book, www.hbook.com/bghb/ Excellence in Children’s Literature Fiction and Poetry, and Nonfiction Distinguished children’s books that depict Carter G. Woodson Book Award Winners www.socialstudies.org/awards/woodson/ ethnicity in the United States Children’s books that promote the cause of www.janeaddamspeace.org/jacba/index_ Jane Addams Children’s Book Awards peace, social justice, world community, and jacba.shtml gender and race equality National Council for the Social Studies High quality books for grades K-12 that www.socialstudies.org/notable Notable Trade Books for Young People address social studies themes National Council of Teachers of English Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Exemplary writing of nonfiction for children www.ncte.org/awards/orbispictus Children Excellence in children’s fiction, nonfiction, Society of Children’s Book Writers & www.scbwi.org/Pages.aspx/Golden-Kite- picture book text, and picture book Illustrators Golden Kite Award Award illustration als that share a topic. “Grouping texts texts at varying levels of difficulty. By ence works, plus a good assortment of thematically helps students to see how exposing students to various sources edited classics, reference works, and information is connected, view infor- on the same topic, teachers add more poetry. mation from different lenses, experi- depth and perspective to the lesson. ence a variety of genres, and develop Children’s Books Online domain knowledge critical to compre- Free Digital Texts (the Rosetta Project) hension development.”5 The CCSS’s emphasis on using infor- www.childrensbooksonline.org/index. The thematic lists we present here mational texts (in addition to literary htm provide literature recommendations works) to teach research, writing, and This is a large online collection of nine- focused on specific social studies topics communication skills opens the door teenth- and early-twentieth-century for children and adolescents. Teachers for extensive use of historical docu- illustrated children’s books that are may draw on these sources and group ments, speeches, biographies, and other reproduced as single-page, full-color texts, linking easier texts with challeng- works that provide students with a deep image files, creating appealing replicas ing ones. For example, to build back- and meaningful understanding of the of the originals. The text-file transla- ground and individualize resources social studies. The following online tions of many of the stories into other for students based on text difficulty, depositories provide free, easily acces- languages are an added attraction. picture books may be paired with his- sible, high quality digital resources that torical memoirs and newspaper articles. enhance content-based literacy: Folktexts One of the best ways to look at dis- Folktexts, compiled and edited by D.L. ciplinary literacy in the social studies Project Gutenberg Ashliman, University of Pittsburgh, is through point of view and multiple www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page www.pitt.edu/~dash/folktexts.html, perspectives. Besides making sure Project Gutenberg offers over 42,000 offers a variety of folklore and mythol- that an individual text is challenging free ebooks that may be downloaded ogy texts, arranged in groups of closely enough, teachers may enhance the or read online. related stories. level of content by introducing mul- tiple sources of information. Providing Bartleby.com is one of the pioneering International Children’s Digital multiple sources on the same topic can electronic text sites. Its strong points Library help students see a variety of perspec- include a very useful search mechanism, http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ tives, and it can help students adjust to a large collection of integrated refer- A digital collection of thousands of March / April 2 013 103 Topic Weblinks American Library Association Contemporary Immigrant Experiences in Children’s Books American www.ala.org/emiert/sites/ala.org.emiert/files/content/usefullinks/contempimmigrant.pdf Immigration Miss Rumphius: New to America, Living the Immigrant Life http://missrumphiuseffect.blogspot.com/2007/02/new-to-america-living-immigrant-life.html American Library Association Discovering the Bill of Rights through Fiction Bill of Rights and www.ala.org/offices/publishing/booklist/booklinks/resources/billrights Constitution Miss Rumphius: Constitution Day is Coming http://missrumphiuseffect.blogspot.com/2008/09/constitution-day-is-coming.html The Best Children’s Books.org: Character Education Books www.the-best-childrens-books.org/Character-Education-books.html Books for Understanding: Public Policy and Civics www.booksforunderstanding.org/civics.html Character Education/Civics Institute for Humane Education: Character Education/Citizen Activism http://humaneeducation.org/sections/view/childrens_character_education Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics: Children’s Books that Build Character www.charactercounts.org/booklist.php Children and American Library Association Children Caught in War Conflict www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/publishing/booklinks/resources/childrencaught.cfm
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