DOCUMENTS DEPARfmSU- ROOM SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE BOOK y GOVERNMENT INFORMATION CENTER SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY Not to be taken from the Library 1991 AUG $ SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1223 04290 4863 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from California State Library Califa/LSTA Grant http://archive.org/details/statementofvote41986cali Mb M H ? IMF INITIATIVE ottery 75'tfi ANNIVERSARY ^ ^> ^UMENTS DEP JUN 3 1987 hKANCISCO IRBAOV STATEMENT OF VOTE General Election November 4, 1986 j Compiled By MARCH FONG EU Secretary of State r ( c Preface This Statement of Vote is prepared and issued pursuant to Elections Code section 17121. I wish to thank those many individuals who assisted in com- piling, editing, proofing, and printing this document with its detailed vote information. In particular, I wish to express my special appreciation to Ed Arnold, John Mott-Smith, Barbara Lee, Deirdre Avent, Gwendolyn Washington, Ruby Dragash, and Dottie West of my elections staff, and to Judy Broux, Jan Swital, Susan Hague, Valerie Lara, Arline Musgrave, and Teresa Owens of my data processing staff, each of whom worked many long and tedious hours preparing and editing this document, as well as to Genevieve Troka and Anne Staley of my archives staff, who designed and prepared the cover graphics. I must also thank my entire data entry staff who toiled all night long on election night to receive the semi-official can- vass. I am proud of their long hours, dedicated devotion, and unselfish commitment to an unusually demanding job. MARCH FONG EU Secretary of State BOCUMENTS DEFT. SAN FF!ANC!SCO PUBLIC LIBRARY D 3 1223 04290 4863 Contents Preface i Contents iii Voter Registration Figures iv Voter Participation Figures v Comparative Registration and Vote Figures vi New Political Party Qualifications vii Initiative and Referendum Petitions Signature Requirements vii Voting Systems Used in the General Election vii Summary of Measures viii STATEMENT OF THE VOTE Summary of Votes Cast for Offices and Measures 1 Partisan Offices Governor 8 Lieutenant Governor 9 Secretary of State 10 Controller 11 Treasurer 12 Attorney General 13 Member, State Board of Equalization 14 United States Senator 16 United States Representative 17 State Senator 23 Member of the State Assembly 26 Non-Partisan Offices Justices of the Supreme Court 36 Justices of the Courts of Appeal 38 Judges of the Superior Court 43 Summary of Write-in Votes 47 Statewide Measures Submitted to Voters 48 Certificate of the Secretary of State 53 i i i Voter Registration Figures by County American Peace and Total County Democratic Republican Independent Libertarian Freedom Non-Partisan Reqistered Alameda 405,671 158,950 6,932 2 ,375 3 ,288 69,323 646,539 Alpine 276 289 13 4 8 113 703 Amador 7,179 5,370 228 33 19 963 13,792 Butte 41,871 39,411 1,319 332 398 9,165 92,496 Calaveras 7,071 6,580 159 51 46 1,104 15,011 Colusa 3,406 2,779 82 4 19 408 6,698 Contra Costa 213,369 151,201 4,692 1 ,203 1 ,100 38,507 410,072 Del Norte 4,907 3,328 195 27 44 1,021 9,522 El Dorado 25,221 23,846 938 184 141 5,265 55,595 Fresno 147,040 101,723 2,892 486 700 15,776 268,617 Glenn 5,089 4,469 152 17 18 847 10,592 Humboldt 37,207 20,169 824 216 313 5,841 64,570 Imperial 19,173 11,227 408 57 107 2,787 33,759 Inyo 4,171 4,867 151 19 22 833 10,063 Kern 109,146 90,671 2,795 676 461 14,160 217,909 Kings 18,250 10,565 471 33 80 2,364 31,763 Lake 14,653 8,960 241 61 44 1,781 25,740 Lassen 5,645 3,723 176 20 24 973 10,561 Los Angeles 1,965,052 1,249,160 33,780 14 ,806 13 ,880 266,704 3,543,382 Madera 16,975 12,018 396 43 65 1,982 31,479 Marin 74,170 48,716 1,330 738 444 17,480 142,878 Mariposa 3,660 3,328 140 31 39 779 7,977 Mendocino 21,579 12,724 467 172 348 4,575 39,865 Merced 31,300 17,869 759 86 157 4,636 54,807 Modoc 2,622 2,328 89 15 28 393 5,475 Mono 1,802 2,249 112 19 22 768 4,972 Monterey 63,939 47,285 1,761 360 448 14,144 127,937 Napa 32,078 23,015 706 179 121 4,741 60,840 Nevada 16,960 18,985 468 408 151 4,054 41,026 Orange 387,860 591,381 10,829 7 ,903 2 ,367 89,797 1,090,137 Placer 39,789 33,710 1,241 242 417 7,082 82,481 Plumas 5,268 3,826 146 29 25 891 10,185 Riverside 194,208 191,150 5,862 1 ,541 1 ,097 34,143 428,001 Sacramento 284,457 171,016 6,139 1 ,472 1 ,388 40,646 505,118 San Benito 6,748 5,034 180 43 41 1,071 13,117 San Bernardino 220,276 208,327 7,443 1 ,568 1 ,263 39,675 478,552 San Diego 453,077 524,996 14,970 5 ,447 3 ,034 121,113 1,122,637 San Francisco 248,510 72,846 3,854 2 ,214 2 ,955 55,468 385,847 San Joaquin 102,584 69,932 2,402 404 480 13,231 189,033 San Luis Obispo 40,820 46,100 1,527 373 318 9,983 99,121 San Mateo 163,417 108,056 3,547 1 ,201 929 32,977 310,127 Santa Barbara 78,160 80,346 2,431 683 651 21,234 183,505 Santa Clara 349 , 078 247,030 8,759 3 ,509 2 ,083 78,890 689,349 Santa Cruz 64,852 36,625 1,324 810 952 13,052 117,615 Shasta 33,720 26,972 995 175 162 5,348 67,372 Sierra 1,165 848 39 13 10 249 2,324 Siskiyou 11,619 8,493 408 59 116 2,004 22,699 Solano 72,388 38,760 1,734 354 341 13,078 126,655 Sonoma 116,354 66,685 2,032 655 991 17,990 204,707 Stanislaus 78,130 49,422 1,931 273 368 8,799 138,923 Sutter 11,116 12,047 347 54 47 1,718 25,329 Tehama 11,437 8,607 494 49 58 1,942 22,587 Trinity 3,755 2,814 181 65 45 907 7,767 Tulare 56,624 43,133 1,388 191 300 7,865 109,501 Tuolumne 12,245 9,278 333 55 79 1,938 23,928 Ventura 126,896 140,169 3,868 953 904 28,973 301,763 Yolo 39,835 21,579 853 219 239 7,304 70,029 Yuba 10,626 7,594 423 58 62 2,108 20,871 Total 6,524,496 4,912,581 148,356 53 ,267 44 257 1,150,963 12,833,920 A 50.84% 38.28$ 1.1655 0.4258 0.34% 8.97% IV Voter Participation Figures Votes Cast Eligible to Registered Precinct Absent Total Percent of Percent of County Precincts Register to Vote Voters Voters Voters Reqistered Eliqible 1 Alameda 1,003 819,363 646,539 352,547 24,332 376,879 58.29 45.99 Alpine 5 919 703 388 58 446 63.44 48.53 Amador 28 18,009 13,792 8,985 1,140 10,125 73.41 56.22 Butte 183 125,464 92,496 52,696 5,588 58,284 63.01 46.45 Calaveras 34 20,893 15,011 9,276 1,889 11,165 74.38 53.44 Colusa 15 9,679 6,698 4,208 553 4,761 71.08 49.19 Contra Costa 807 495,259 410,072 231,476 24,531 256,007 62.43 51.69 Del Norte 16 13,011 9,522 5,134 1,386 6,520 68.47 50.11 El Dorado 82 77,565 55,595 31,757 4,046 35,803 64.40 46.16 Fresno 654 383,065 268,617 135,603 14,594 150,197 55.91 39.21 Glenn 22 15,689 10,592 6,515 722 7,237 68.32 46.13 Humboldt 116 82,591 64,570 37,872 4,304 42,176 65.32 50.84 Imperial 76 50,382 33,759 17,833 1,294 19,127 56.66 37.96 Inyo 28 13,462 10,063 6,010 913 6,923 68.79 51.43 Kern 481 312,725 217,909 115,307 12,901 128,208 58.83 40.99 Kings 49 49,167 31,763 16,378 1,708 18,086 56.94 36.78 Lake 55 38,482 25,740 14,688 1,840 16,528 64.42 42.94 Lassen 23 18,733 10,561 6,902 717 7,619 72.14 40.67 Los Angeles 6,403 5,219,741 3,543,382 1,948,587 177,251 2,125,838 59.99 40.72 Madera 56 50,583 31,479 16,825 1,856 18,681 59.34 36.93 Marin 280 164,809 142,878 83,077 10,521 93,598 65.50 56.79 Mariposa 20 10,322 7,977 4,772 783 5,555 69.63 53.81 Mendocino 70 48,786 39,865 22,666 2,338 25,004 62.72 51.25 Merced 86 95,667 54,807 29,188 2,440 31,628 57.70 33.06 Modoc 20 6,899 5,475 3,227 383 3,610 65.93 52.32 Mono 13 7,084 4,972 2,261 398 2,659 53.47 37.53 Monterey 176 188,130 127,937 64,310 9,855 74,165 57.97 39.42 Napa 105 75,317 60,840 35,418 3,925 39,343 64.66 52.23 Nevada 93 52,471 41,026 24,569 3,927 28,496 69.46 54.30 m Orange 2,255 1,437,774 1,090,137 612,108 45,519 657,627 60.32 45.73 Placer 189 100,746 82,481 45,354 6,189 51,543 62.49 51.16 Plumas 27 13,724 10,185 6,275 930 7,205 70.74 52.49 Riverside 769 565,111 428,001 215,208 26,028 241,236 56.36 42.68 Sacramento 886 627,743 505,118 282,731 28,318 311,049 61.57 49.55 San Benito 44 17,957 13,117 6,813 1,275 8,088 61.66 45.04 San Bernardino 786 718,726 478,552 245,657 19,716 265,373 55.45 36.92 San Diego 2,654 1,374,980 1,122,637 543,033 54,668 597,701 53.24 43.47 San Francisco 710 496,427 385,847 202,055 34,808 236,863 61.20 47.57 San Joaquin 318 275,987 189,033 100,913 7,723 108,636 57.46 39.36 San Luis Obispo 128 145,284 99,121 55,712 7,405 63,117 63.67 43.44 San Mateo 760 425,763 310,127 181,063 20,453 201,516 64.97 47.24 Santa Barbara 364 231,292 183,505 96,251 13,017 109,268 59.55 47.24 Santa Clara 1,245 975,517 689,349 364,226 23,595 387,821 56.25 39.75 Santa Cruz 179 154,028 117,615 67,365 7,698 75,063 63.82 48.73 Shasta 131 92,235 67,372 38,556 3,641 42,197 62.63 45.74 Sierra 12 2,627 2,324 1,346 245 1,591 68.45 60.56 Siskiyou 72 30,337 22,699 14,020 1,793 15,813 69.66 52.12 Solano 218 175,023 126,655 70,099 6,315 76,414 58.91 42.63 Sonoma 427 243,355 204,707 114,573 13,653 128,226 62.63 52.69 Stanislaus 192 202,513 138,923 68,395 8,148 76,543 55.09 37.79 Sutter 46 38,493 25,329 15,056 1,266 16,322 63.43 42.40 Tehama 47 31,927 22,587 13,805 1,225 15,030 66.54 47.07 Trinity 19 9,749 7,767 4,823 848 5,671 73.01 58.71 Tulare 232 178,264 109,501 57,366 5,943 63,309 59.03 35.51 Tuolumne 43 30,119 23,928 13,824 2,068 15,892 66.42 52.76 Ventura 667 379,988 301,763 155,675 22,831 178,506 59.00 46.97 k Yolo 133 88,267 70,029 39,785 2,990 42,775 62.36 49.47 Yuba 45 32,666 20,871 11,240 839 12,079 57.87 36.97 Total 24,597 17,560,889 12,833,920 6,931,802 685,340 7,617,142 59.35 43.38 Comparative Voter Registration and Participation in Statewide Elections - 1910 through 1986 Registration Votes Cast Eligible Votes Eligible Gene ra]L Date Eligible Democratic Republican Other Total Percent Vote Percent Percent Nov.
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