Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House Special Files Collection Folder List Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 10 11/13/1968 Letter From Simons to Nixon Re: invitation for Nixon to stay at Simons' home in Palm Springs in December. Envelope included. 2 pg. 22 10 11/13/1968 Letter From Bergquist to Hofe Re: request that Bergquist's home be recommended to anyone seeking to buy a house. Description of home and envelope included. 3 pg. 22 10 11/18/1968 Memo From Hofe to Haldeman Re: Haldeman's interest concerning the letter from Bergquist about buying her home. 1 pg. 22 10 n.d. Letter From Warner to Nixon Re: request that Nixon find time to meet with boys from a Boys Club who would be in Washington D.C. 1 pg. 22 10 n.d. Memo To Nixon Re: invitation for Nixon to stay in the home of Jack Dreyfus. Lists of features of the home included. 3 pg. 22 10 06/17/1968 Letter From Clark to Nixon Re: invitation for Nixon and family to stay at Clark's home if available before the Convention. Information about the home and phone numbers included. 7 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 1 of 4 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 10 12/03/1968 Memo From Chapin to Haldeman Re: whom would be attending the upcoming meeting with the Urban Coalition and what questions would be asked of them. 1 pg. 22 10 09/30/1968 Letter From Fleet to Nixon Re: willingness to have the Nixons stay in the Fleet's home any time they are in San Diego and hopefulness of Nixon's success in the election. 1 pg. 22 10 01/04/1969 Other Document Proposed schedule for certain events in early 1969. 2 pg. 22 10 12/04/1968 Other Document Schedule Board indicating whom is to organize specific upcoming events. 1 pg. 22 10 12/04/1968 Other Document Schedule Board listing several of Nixon's appointments for the following days. 1 pg. 22 10 12/04/1968 Form Appointment Request Form for a meeting with The American Jewish Committee Re: issues of concern to American Jews. 1 pg. 22 10 12/04/1968 Form Event Appearance forms for events with the National Space Club, St. Luke's Hospital, American Heart Association, Inc., Ben Regan's party for Senator Dirksen, Alfalfa Club and Brotherhood-in-Action. 6 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 10 11/29/1968 Memo From Chapin to Harlow Re: inquiry as to whether or not Nixon should attend the Birthday Party for Senator Dirksen. Written reply from Harlow indicating that he should. Event Appearance form included. 4 pg. 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Appointment Request form for meeting with the American Medical Association Re: Secretary of HEW appointment. 1 pg. 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Appointment Request form for meeting with the Urban Coalition Re: urban issues. Lists of subjects and those to attend included. 3 pg. 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Appointment Request form for meeting with the American Bar Association Re: selection of new Supreme Court Justice 1 pg. 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Appointment Request form for meeting with Walter Judd Re: Judd's personal suggestions to Nixon. Memo from Harlow to Chapin included. 2 pg. 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Appointment Request forms from Hesburgh, Moley, Reuther, Kendall, Goodell, and Royster Re: personal meetings. 6 pg. 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Event Appearance forms for the following: Law Firm Christmas Party, Stans Dinner, Churchill Dinner, Tribute Dinner for Arnold Palmer, Freedoms Foundation, Elmer Bobst Party, Fourth International Conference on Urban Transportation. 7 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description 22 10 11/22/1968 Form Event Appearance forms for the following: 47th Annual Convention of National Association of Broadcasters, Whitehouse News Photographers Association, and the Landon Lecture Series. 3 pg. 22 10 11/16/1968 Memo From Woods to Chapin and Haldeman Re: request of Ray Moley to meet with Nixon and Wood's suggestion that this should happen. 1 pg. 22 10 01/15/1969 Memo From Whitaker to all Cabinet Officers, Director of the Budget and Ambassador to the U.N. Designate Re: events that the officers are required or invited to attend surrounding Nixon's inauguration, and Nixon's pending visit to each Department. 3 22 10 n.d. Other Document Detailed itinerary of the schedule, dress and organization for the events surrounding Nixon's inauguration. 14 pg. Thursday, August 14, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Po1l3rd Simons Novemb,,'- 13, 1966 I..lear Dick, First. please accepl our sincere congratulation. for ~our well deserved and hard earned vintory. So,-ry we couldn't carry Texa •• bUl "" did Our best. We err informed that you and Mrs. Nlxon plan to be in The Palm Springs .rea in caliloI~ia durin9 the early part of December. Sharon and I would be delighted to have you Slay "' Our home at the Eldorado Country Club if thiS is convenienl fo Our home is adjacent to Leigh BalleOD'S bet"cen the ninth and fourteenth fairways at Eldorado. It has three bedroom~ and bathS, a poot and two stalf roOmS and bathS. SharoD and I will be in JaMaica al that time and the hOllso> wi 11 be avai 1able to you for as long as yOIl wlsh to sta~. If you nan accept our invitation. please advise when you "lll arrive there and I will arrange to have the house .taifed prior to ~our arrival. President-Elect Richard M. Nixon 810 fifth Avenue New York, N, Y. 10021 ILv 11\, YL fo- ' ::t::. U__"'"Tv-\.l,.. "i\"-c<-i,,,"- ,+ ~J cS.c,,- (~h'l.,.\ Gil) 1\\'1 k,CCl-O:. (-l<S',-~-\'h';'" C>-<:\'-'J"HI.) -h -I-k "f.j.- •.:+..", '} -+t.L'C i..vt..: '''':JU:- k ---. ~t".,,,~ ,~ rc".>ik-,",- ,~ '+l (J....<0 "')...j~ c,...... ,,_ ~lLrl"j 'ik "t i~"ho ....,...-- - ~1" "'- •.,., a.J 1">",,'5 ~'\--,. ...~, "".l: ,,;r«~ a" l1:'>S.,,-+,..d- --h,. (\ <\-"-'< C.lp \i~~bj Cl~\ \?-t-u' -S- "-M <-\L... h~,'r rrot<cn,,,,",,,\ "" ~~ ~).-c.Ji1<",,+J c..:r... -'~<'\ ~ L!=~\l,.... '\=" '~5j lJ.-"J....... lIi'Or-'.l (k~",~.I,'r- '1~-\~ , '-s~·J n--,C'e,l.,\. ~ ,._, '::±:- -rl.<..........<J \-.-~ ~ L_,~,,\A .-n~) h'"'-'J.~ cl::1i"'<'~"\lJ ~ <;"~~ , L~~~\ \"'A ~d""J _ , ......... \'~ ~u"'.J'~"'" <\cHcv::r '0 '~<i.-\''') JlT-<:-,-4-{,J ".J~-\-" lJ, '-..\.L.. ~~""'-;"l_ ~'" '~-o'~'J:'-~J ( {'~ n "d",:- X \ , 1-4 0 u ':_ e. +u I' ",::. C' .- '--~~'"",-~'- -.<. ~ e.-' ~ /; tt ,~_r ";", Ee:\ 'c,da.. L-hC';c<, Ch(v:.::?, mc:-r~lc""l'\d " l)ecv" "((.,' 'CV("',\ C"lL",~ry CL'D "Peli~\"+..(? ......\ co..pe. C-G_. ',m~'" ''1 b~A~{)C"'l.s i 1.. b"d~~) re,.c("etii\\o.... l""{jom I ~e.(\c..;..:.\ \j ,"f'.\'1 (-' r':ho , Qu..ieT ~i("{;("',. l:.)",elle,~-+ t\e.l~hbo... hDad. c.D;Y<,,:c;.·.+"\"O ~"l~o.;.ti:> J ree. r'"erv+i I;l'r\ ce."i-er I -h-Co.-,~ ql ,,,-'1 '~:\",:i'" s lie, f () ;0", 'J . l\\M') $et\A.-\-u....s CAx'I~ t\.::: ,:" '. .A- .-<..-\ \ Ie ;.: ...::.. -r. id e. r;., Su.,b('i'h·~\·O"1 ~ t'l,,:, '5pM \·,'j·( \'::(;'1 nu:. l. (..vhic.h I \OLl\.TCd be.tvJ~ 1I1a,,:,.:;'!u\ .,I.~,,-;·~:,,:; \'\V~. ~~L\'\A "KIller' 1<:0"'" wi\\,\~ \'1 .... \\\\\,•.:-.:~_~,~I,\... ~)Ir'-d- /If lol",,-'sI't, • • I s+ J-\Iloo:"; "2.. heJ...",,,.,,~ (0(" be (\ r .;\ + d·, <"'1\ ' -i.loll Qi~!~' I h\l'll:5 f""(I,'M WI\\" 4lirce\(l(~~ 1 r:\'r,il'J n'r''''1 ~(u\ti/li{..tl Kl+-rhv, .. )..~f\ol)"'; 'l. very )t'lr~_: l:/I·~'''':'i f,.,J\ L~j-h. Lth\l{'r le",ol~ Recr"".,L:~~';;.~ r- _"'; ,_.--...-.--"".,....., ..",.-.. ""~~~,',~ ...,.".,."..,,-----­ c/. t. "'::.'~ \ ~... ~- " '=-.•. \ G Dougr~. Hol.,J,­ 51.1f 01 1,,_1'<1 M. Nlmn 450 P..k Aftlnue New York, N.Y. 10022 (~12llill1.MOO To: Ba~ H;;.ldeman November 18, 19Ui I enclose a letter wl~icll I have rec·eiw'd from Mrs. BerJ1;quist who wants t(j ~ell h",r home in Bethe-~.ja, Maryland. In t~le e ... ~rtt you are- nat ir':e're's[e'd, perhaps Y0·~ ... aulcl want :a pass :llt' infcw:nat.i'Jn along to other's who will be' m,-,ying to washington. G.~., Jr. -. O~~ICE FURNITU'U .~~ 0£6L"'" M" Cod. 111 1I~·\IIl·1 President-Elect Richard M. Nixon In the event tnat your sChedule does not permit you to D~ our guest on February 16th, I will De bringing 50 o~ Dl<r most out.­ standing boys to Washin~ton, D.C. early jn Mucho, and I hope to meet with you personally at that time. Ttis is a ~eek-~nd sightseeir.g t-:'ip arraneed each year to rewa:-d the boys ·;ho dis­ play the f1'1e5t qua1.ities which Boys Clubs encourag"'. All ex­ pens~s are being paid by Mr. Abe Morris, ~.retired bust'1ess rn~n, formerly of Ne1<lark, Ne1<l Jersey. Mr. l~orris has also gen",ro·~,;ly endO\ied a Scholarship Fur.d t\;rot.:.gh wr.ich rlundre6s of-l.l1derpriv1­ leged boya have been able to attend colleges of UJeir c:Joice. For tn", past 15" years every boy 1<1\;0 embarked on these trips eXpressed tile rlOpe tilat he might meet Ghe ?resi.-J"''1t.
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