MINERALS UNLIMITED MINERAL SPECIES IN STOCK -- LIST 2019 This list is an alphabetical listing of all mineral species in stock at the time of this printing. Email or write if you need more information about any of the un-priced species. Items with an asterisk * are from the “Type” or original locality. WHAT HAS CHANGED: The 2.5cm (1”) size, as well as most other sizes shown in this list, is generally the size of the matrix, not necessarily the size of the species, with exceptions indicating (micro) with a matrix size given. Sizes with a dash (i.e. 2-3cm) indicates a range of sizes possible, and the best one will be selected from that range. If XL (or xl) is indicated, it may mean a crystal/crystal portion in the size indicated. There may be other size/price options available, ask if I haven’t listed what you want. Some species show more than one price: the higher price indicates another quality or possibly a different locality, not a larger size. Vial is 5/8-dram (about 1/2x1/2-inch area, but a smaller opening.) Where “up” follows a price, other quality specimens are available, please ask for more details. Some mineral groups have been cross-referenced, i.e., TOURMALINE, GARNET, QUARTZ, etc. For example, while the price for almandine will be found under GARNET, you will be directed to the GARNET section if you look up almandine—there you will find “Almandine—see GARNET.” Amphiboles, pyroxenes, micas, feldspars and such are listed only under their mineral names, i.e., ALBITE, BIOTITE, etc. Some equivalent names are indicated where the older name may be more familiar, i.e., Niccolite=NICKELINE. Most varietal names are followed by the species name in parentheses, i.e., MOONSTONE (Albite). SHIPPING COSTS ARE EXTRA. $10.00 minimum will probably cover up to ten specimens. More specimens = more shipping. I cannot estimate, as weight determines cost. I refund all extra you send, and bill for more if you under-estimate. California residents add 8.25% sales tax. TERMINOLOGY: A note about terms used in our lists. Xl or xl (crystal)= usually some or all of the terminal end is present. The termination may be good, or distorted, or etched, but is there. XL prism or prism= half or more of the sides of the crystal are present, without a terminal end. XL section= not enough of the form is present to call it a crystal or a prism, but some form is generally visible (but not always.) Chunk= no xl form, just a broken piece (also see “mass”). Mass or massive = no XL form, not even under magnification. Xline or xline mass= may show xline form, but not distinct xls or prisms. Xlized, Xline = shows crystallization, but not distinct or complete xls. ABBREVIATIONS USED in this list: (F) = fluorescent or fluorescence M/M or M/MP = micromount potential Ps. = pseudomorph (after) fic = fines in capsule xlized = crystallized SW = short wave ultra violet LW = long wave ultra violet var. or v. = variety (R) = radioactive mm = millimeter grp(s) = group(s) fiv = fines in vial incl. = inclusions cm = centimeter (Z) = Zeolite Group XL or xl = crystal or crystal section NAME SIZE PRICE PRICE PRICE $UP NAME SIZE PRICE PRICE PRICE $UP ACANTHITE (Argentite) 12mm $5.00 up ALLUAUDITE 2.5cm $4.00 ACANTHITE (Argentite) 6mm $4.00 $3.00 Almandine see GARNET ACTINOLITE 2.5cm $3.00 ALTAITE (plentiful) 1cm $9.00 ADAMITE 2.5cm $5.00 $3.00 ALTAITE (moderately lean) 2.5cm $9.00 ADAMITE (F) 2.5cm $3.00 ALTAITE (lean to sparse) 2.5cm $5.00 AEGIRINE 2.5cm $5.00 $3.00 ALTHAUSITE* 2.5cm $26.00 AENIGMATITE 1-1.5cm $9.00 ALUMINITE (F) 2.5cm $5.00 AERINITE 1-2cm $5.00 ALUMOHYDROCALCITE 1cm $7.00 AESCHYNITE-(Y) (R) 2.5cm $7.00 ALUNITE 2.5cm $3.00 AFGHANITE 2.5cm $48.00 ALUNOGEN 2cm $9.00 AFWILLITE ask ALUNOGEN 12mm $7.00 AGARDITE-(Ce) 1cm $5.00 ALUNOGEN vial $7.00 AGARDITE-(La) ask ALURGITE (Muscovite) vial $6.00 AGARDITE-(Y) 1cm $22.00 ALVITE (Zircon) 1-2cm $5.00 Agate see QUARTZ AMARANTITE* 2.5cm $17.00 AGRELLITE* (F) 2cm $14.00 AMARANTITE 12mm $15.00 AJOITE* 2.5cm $6.00 AMARANTITE fic $9.00 AKAGANEITE fic $7.00 AMAZONITE (Microcline) 2.5cm $4.00 AKAGANEITE 1cm $6.00 AMBER - Baltic amber 12mm $3.00 ALABANDITE 2.5cm $9.00 AMBER - Kauri amber 15mm $5.00 Alabaster see GYPSUM AMBER with tiny insect inclusion ask ALBERTITE (Hydrocarbon) 2.5cm $4.00 AMBLYGONITE 2.5cm $3.00 ALBITE 2.5cm $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 AMBLYGONITE (pink) 2cm $3.00 ALDERMANITE ask Amethyst see QUARTZ ALEXANDRITE (Chrysoberyl) 4mm $7.00 ANALCIME (Z) 2.5cm $5.00 $3.00 ALGODONITE 2.5cm $7.00 ANANDITE 2.5cm $14.00 ALLANITE-(Ce) 2.5cm $9.00 $5.00 $3.00 ANAPAITE 1.5cm $5.00 ALLANITE-(Y) 2.5cm $26.00 $5.00 ANATASE 2.5cm $5.00 ALLEGHANYITE* 2.5cm $14.00 ANATASE xl piece 1mm $3.00 ALLEGHANYITE 2.5cm $9.00 ANCYLITE-(Ce) 2cm $7.00 ALLOPHANE 2.5cm $4.00 $3.00 ANCYLITE-(Ce) xl group 1mm $7.00 NAME SIZE PRICE PRICE PRICE $UP NAME SIZE PRICE PRICE PRICE $UP ANDALUSITE 2.5cm $4.00 $3.00 ARGENTOJAROSITE 1.5cm $9.00 ANDERSONITE (R) (F) 2.5cm $6.00 ARMENITE ask ANDESINE 2.5cm $3.00 ARMSTRONGITE* fic $26.00 ANDESINE 2cm $3.00 ARROJADITE* 2.5cm $7.00 ANDESINE xl group 8mm $3.00 ARSENIC 2.5cm $5.00 $5.00 $3.00 ANDORITE xl 1mm $48.00 ARSENIC xl group 8mm $9.00 Andradite see GARNET ARSENOLITE 2.5cm $9.00 ANGLESITE 2.5cm $3.00 ARSENOLITE 2cm $8.00 ANGLESITE xl 1cm $9.00 ARSENOPYRITE 2.5cm $3.00 ANHYDRITE 2.5cm $3.00 ARTHURITE 2.5cm $9.00 $7.00 ANKERITE 2.5cm $5.00 ARTINITE 2.5cm $3.00 ANNABERGITE 2.5cm $4.00 ASBOLANE 2.5cm $9.00 ANORTHITE 2.5cm $3.00 ASBOLANE 2cm $7.00 ANORTHITE xl 2cm $7.00 up ASPHALTUM (Hydrocarbon) 2.5cm $5.00 ANORTHOCLASE 2.5cm $5.00 ASTROPHYLLITE 2.5cm $5.00 ANTHOPHYLLITE 2.5cm $4.00 ATACAMITE ask Anthraconite see CALCITE AUBERTITE 3.5cm $90.00 ANTHRAXOLITE (Hydrocarbon) 2.5cm $5.00 AUGELITE 2.5cm $7.00 Antigorite see SERPENTINE AUGITE 2.5cm $3.00 ANTIMONPEARCEITE 2.5cm $32.00 AUGITE xl 8mm $5.00 ANTIMONPEARCEITE 1.5cm $26.00 AURICHALCITE 2.5cm $3.00 ANTIMONPEARCEITE 1cm $20.00 AURICUPRIDE* (micro) 1.5cm $50.00 ANTIMONY 2.5cm $7.00 $5.00 AURORITE* 2.5cm $7.00 ANTIMONY 2cm $5.00 AUSTINITE* 2.5cm $5.00 ANTIMONY 12mm $3.00 AUTUNITE (R) (F) 2.5cm $4.00 ANTLERITE 2.5cm $5.00 AUTUNITE* (R) (F) 2.5cm $5.00 APACHITE* 2.5cm $30.00 Autunite also see METAAUTUNITE Aventurine see QUARTZ APATITE GROUP AWARUITE=Josephinite (nickel/iron 12mm $15.00 1) Carbonate-fluorapatite 2.5cm $9.00 AWARUITE=Josephinite (nickel/iron 8mm $9.00 2) Carbonate-hydroxylapatite ask AWARUITE=Josephinite (nickel/iron 6mm $7.00 var. Dahllite nodule piece 3cm $7.00 var. Quercyite 2.5cm $7.00 AXINITE GROUP 3) Chlorapatite 2.5cm $5.00 1) Axinite-(Fe) 2.5cm $7.00 $4.00 $3.00 4) Fluorapatite 2.5cm $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 2) Axinite-(Mn) 2.5cm $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 yellow/green xl 12mm $3.00 3) Tinzenite ask green massive 2.5cm $3.00 var. Manganapatite 2.5cm $3.00 AZURITE 2.5cm $5.00 $3.00 up 5) Hydroxylapatite var. Collophane 2.5cm $3.00 BABINGTONITE ask BADDELEYITE (micro) 2.5cm $5.00 APHTHITALITE (F) ask BADDELEYITE 6mm $4.00 BAKERITE 2.5cm $7.00 APOPHYLLITE GROUP BALANGEROITE* 6x30mm $15.00 1) Apophyllite 2.5cm $4.00 up BARATOVITE (F) 2cm $48.00 2) Fluorapophyllite 2.5cm $4.00 $3.00 BARBERTONITE* vial $9.00 3) Hydroxyapophyllite 2.5cm $4.00 BARBOSALITE 2.5cm $9.00 $7.00 BARIANDITE* ask APUANITE* 2.5cm $32.00 BARICITE* ask AQUAMARINE (Beryl) 2.5cm $7.00 $5.00 $3.00 BARIOPHARMACOSIDERITE* 1-2cm $20.00 AQUAMARINE (Beryl) xl prism 1.5cm $3.00 BARIOPYROCHLORE* M/MP $15.00 ARAGONITE 2.5cm $3.00 up Barkevikite = FERROHORNBLENDE ARAGONITE* xl 6mm $3.00 BARNESITE* 1-2cm $9.00 ARANDISITE (Hemimorphite) 1.5cm $20.00 BARRERITE (Z) ask ARCANITE ask BARYLITE 2.5cm $10.00 ARDEALITE vial $9.00 BARYTE (Barite) xl 2.5cm $5.00 ARFVEDSONITE 2cm $7.00 BARYTE (Barite) 2.5cm $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 Argentite see ACANTHITE BARYTE (Barite) nodule 2.5cm $4.00 NAME SIZE PRICE PRICE PRICE $UP NAME SIZE PRICE PRICE PRICE $UP BARYTE (Barite) "Rose" form 2.5cm $3.00 BORACITE* (gray xl) 2mm $7.00 BARYTE (Barite) (F) ask BORACITE* (pale blue xl) 1mm $5.00 BARYTOCALCITE* 2.5cm $14.00 $5.00 BORAX xl 2.5cm $4.00 BARYTOLAMPROPHYLLITE 1.5cm $65.00 BORAX xl 2cm $3.00 BASALUMINITE (F) ask BORAX 2.5cm $3.00 Bastite see SERPENTINE BORNITE 2.5cm $4.00 $3.00 BASTNÄSITE-(Ce) 2.5cm $5.00 BOTALLACKITE 8-20mm $15.00 BASTNÄSITE 1.5cm $15.00 BOTRYOGEN 1.5cm $5.00 BAUXITE 2.5cm $3.00 BOTRYOGEN fic $5.00 BAVENITE 2cm $9.00 up BOTRYOGEN xl group 6mm $7.00 BAYLDONITE 2.5cm $5.00 BOULANGERITE 2.5cm $9.00 $5.00 BEAVERITE* 2.5cm $7.00 BOURNONITE 2.5cm $4.00 BEIDELLITE 12mm $3.00 BOUSSINGAULTITE vial $9.00 BEMENTITE (ask about *) 2.5cm $5.00 BRAITSCHITE-(Ce) ask BENITOITE (F) 2.5cm $3.00 BRANNERITE (R) 2.5cm $3.00 BENITOITE* (F) 2.5cm $7.00 BRAUNITE 2.5cm $4.00 $3.00 BENITOITE* xl fragment 5mm $9.00 Bravoite=Nickeloan PYRITE BENTONITE (Montmorillonite) 2.5cm $3.00 BRAZILIANITE* xl portion 2cm $19.00 BENYACARITE* (micro xls) 2cm $150.00 up BRAZILIANITE* xl portion 1.5cm $17.00 BERAUNITE ask BRAZILIANITE* xl fragment 2.5cm $9.00 BERBORITE ask BRAZILIANITE* xl fragment 2cm $7.00 BERMANITE ask BRAZILIANITE xl frag.
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