How Fred Thompson Drove the Democrats Out of Tennessee RIPON SALUTES THE REPUBLICAN FRESHMEN OF THE 104TH CONGRESS In the Senate: Jon Kyl, R-AZ Gil Gutknecht, R-MN (1) Olympia J. Snowe, R-ME Roger Wicker, R-MS (1) Spencer Abraham, R-Ml Jon Christensen, R-NE (2) Rod Grams, R-MN John Ensign, R-NV (I) John Ashcroft. R-MO Charles Bass, R-NH (2) Mike DeWine, R-OH Frank A. LoBiondo, R-NJ (2) James M. Inhofe, R-OK Bill Martini, R-NJ (8) Rick Santorum, R-PA Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-NJ (11) Bill Frist, R-TN Michael P. Forbes, R-NY (1) Fred Thompson, R-TN Daniel Frisa, R-NY (4) Craig Thomas, R-WY Sue W. Kelly, R-NY (19) David Funderbunk, R-NC (2) Walter B. Jones Jr., R-NC (3) In the House: Frederick Kenneth Heineman, R-NC (4) Matt Salmon, R-AZ (1) Richard Burr, R-NC (5) John Shad egg, R-AZ (4) Sue Myrick, R-NC (9) J.D. Hayworth, R-AZ (6) Steve Chabot, R-OH (1) Frank Riggs, R-CA (1) Frank A. Cremeans, R-OH (6) George P. Radanovich, R-CA (19) Bob Ney, R-OH (1S) Andrea Seastrand, R-CA (22) Steven C. LaTourette, R-OH (19) Sonny Bono, R-CA (44) Steve Largent, R-OK (1) Brian P. Bilbray, R-CA (49) Tom Coburn, R-OK (2) Joe Scarborough, R-FL (1) J.e. Watts, R-OK (4) Dave Weldon, R-FL (15) Wes Cooley,R-OR (2) Mark Foley, R-FL (16) Jon D. Fox, R-PA (13) Bob Barr, R-GA (7) Phil English, R-PA (21) Saxby Chambliss, R-GA (S) Marshall "Mark" Sanford, R-SC (1) Charlie Norwood, R-GA (10) Lindsey Graham, R-SC (3) Helen Chenoweth, R-ID (1) Zach Wamp, R-TN (3) Michael Patrick Flanagan, R-IL (5) Van Hilleary, R-TN (4) Jerry Weller, R-IL (11) Ed Bryant, R-TN (7) Ray laHood, R- IL (IS) Steve Stockman, R-TX (9) David M. McIntosh, R-lN (2) William M. "Mac" Thornberry, R-TX (13) Mark Edward Souder, R-LN (4) Enid Greene Wa ldholtz, R-UT (2) John Hostettler, R-IN (8) Thomas M. Davis III, R-VA (11) Greg Ganske, R-lA (4) Rick White, R-WA (1) Tom Latham, R-[A (5) Jack Metcalf, R-WA (2) Sam Brownback, R-KA (2) Linda Smith, R-WA (3) Todd Tiahrt, R-KA (4) Richard "Doc" Hastings, R-WA (4) Edward Whitfield, R-KY (1) George Nethercutt, R-WA (5) James B. Longley Jr., R-ME (1) Randy Tate, R-WA (9) Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., R-MD (2) Mark W. Neumann, R-WI 0) Dick Chrysler, R-MI (S) Barbara Cubin, R-WY (At Large) 2 The RIPON FORUM T[ IE RIlPON F ORUM January/February 1995 Volume XXX, No.1 FEATURE 6 The Senator From Central Casting Fred TlJOmpsolI (/Ild Te/lllCssee's GOP Reviva l by David R. Beiler POLICY ON PARADE 20 Making Welfare Work Fillding a Replaccmcllt for tile Welfare Slate by Andrea Spring ON THE RECORD 16 Specter Over the Right A Moderate Aims for tile White HOllse DEPARTMENTS 4 Under the Big Tent by Michael Dubke 5 To the Ripon Readers 12 The Analyst by Christine Mathews 14 Capital Comix 25 Book Review- "Arrogalll Capital"~ Controversy 28 Fact Findings- Moderate GOP Committee Chairs ill COllgress 30 Notes & Quotes January/February 1995 3 Welcome Back to the Reincarnated Ripon Forum For the past hvo years we have been going down in 1993, President Clinton Impossible:" bringing down Joe dil igentl y worki ng to position the asked 8ilI to serve as Re publican liai­ Mmkley (0 ) in a district that includes Ripon Society so that it can once again son in its struggle for pass.:... ge. Bill cur­ South Boston, Brockton, the textile mill be a gathering place for Republicans rently is a gu est scholar at the town of Taunton. Although Mike was who a re fiscally conservative a nd Brookings Institution in Washington. not victorious, he was successful­ socially tolerant. To that end, I rein­ Also joining the leadership along with Marilyn Rollins a nd olher troduce to you the Ripon Forum. ranks of the Society as Chair of the members of the Massachusetts The Ripon goal has always Advisory Board w il l be Senator Nancy Chapter of th e National Black been-and continues to be- the pre­ La ndon Kassebaum (R-KS). Senator Republican Council-in spearheading sentation of provocative id eas and Kassebaum w il l be assuming the post the passage of an "Inclusion interesting stories that broaden and that Representative Sherwood Resolution" as part of the Bay Stale enhance American political debate and Boehlert (R-NY) has held for the past Republican party platform. practice. And now, w ith the Ripon four years. Other members of the Forum, we have a vehicle to bring them Advisory Board include: Governors Leadership Summit to you. The new Forum w ill contain William Weld and Christine Todd The Inclusion Resolution will be part articles from inside and outside the Whitman, Senators Jo hn H. Chafee, of the policy discussions a t the Beltway, written by experts, politicians Mark O. Hatfi eld, James M. Jeffords, Moderate Republican Leadership and those "in the know." We hope the Bob Packwood, Olympia J. Snowe, Summit, to be held in Washi ngton on new format will help you connect with Arle n Specter, Ted Stevens; Friday, March 31 st and s..... turday, April the moderate Republican movement of Re presentatives Sherwood Boehlert, 1st. The Summit's main go.:... 1 is to the 1990s. William F. Cli nger, Jr., Ti ll ie bring together the leaders of over fifty Fowler, James C. Greenwood, moderate Republici"m groups to partic­ New Leadership Steve Gunderson, David L. ipate in a discussion of how to trans· Along with the resurrec­ Hobson, Amo Houghton, Nancy form the Re publican party into the tion of the Forum, Ripon is L. Johnson, Scott L. Klu g, Jim majority party for the next generation. pleased to announce a new Kolbe, Ji m Leach, Bill Martini, By working with the leaders of slate of leadership for the Joseph M. McDade, Ja n Meyers, Republican moderates, v,re will be able Society. Former Minnesota Susan Molinari, Constance A. to strengthen the com munication Congressman Bill Frenzel Bill Frenzel Morella, Michael G. Oxley, Tom between pragmatic members of the has signed on to be the next Petri, Jim Ramstad, Miuge GOP and create an affiliation of like­ president, replacing former Vermont Roukema, Christopher Shays a nd minded individuals in anticipation of Congressman Peter P. Smith. Peter has Peter G. Torkildsen. the 1996 GOP Convention. moved on to become the founding The Ripon Society is in a preS ident of the California State NGB Storms Capitol Hill unique position in 1995 to become a n University at Monterey Bay. We wish umbrella o rganization to the burgeon­ Peter the best of lu ck as we welcome Two membe rs of our National ing number of moderate Republican Bill to the helm. Governing Board vied in 1994 to groups sweeping the nation. During Bill Frenzel has had a long and become members of our Advisory the 1994 election campaigns, the illustrious public ca reer. He was fi.rst Board. Sta te Sen. John Carroll of national media continually turned to elected to state office in 1962 and Vermont came within a few thousand the Ripon Society for the moderate served in the Minnesota House of votes of defeating the o ne independent Republican perspective. One of Representatives until 1970, when he of the 103rd Congress, Socia list Ripon's assets is its reputation as the was elected to Congress. I.n 1990, the Bernard Sanders. Carroll came so close natio na l o rganization for Republican Almanac of American Politics that the Na ti onal Republ ican moderates, a nd we plan to use it. described Bill as "one of the hardest CongreSS ional Committee has put To thai end, please enjoy this working and most influential Bolshevik Bernie on its top ten "most issue of the Ripo/l Forum . Republicans in the House." He still wa nted list" for '96. - Michael Dubkc, In Massachusetts, Michael M. carries that reputation today; so much Executive Director so that when it appeared NAFfA was Mu rphy attempted "Mission 4 The RI PON FORUM Wanna Be a Majority? THE RIpON FORUM Represent the Majority! EOlTOR David Beiler The 1994 elections succeeded in turning That means more than passing PRODUCTION the Congress upside-down, changing the the most important e lements of the Lori Wyard established Wash ington order to an extent Contract, which appears to be well under­ many considered no longer possible, just way. It me<lns stopping the revolving EDITORIAL BOARD a few months ago. But this remark,:lble door between government and Cucci Michael Dubke shift in electoral fortunes did not involve Gulch- the plush life of special interest Gregg Edward s a massive shift of voter allegiance. Rather, lobbying. It means stopping the gifts, the Bill Frenzel a disgruntled swing fa ction of moder- trips, the special privileges bestowed Peter Smith ales-disproportionately male, middle- upon lawmakers by lobbies and govern- class and southern- , _____--,,.- _____-, men! policy. It means shifted the balance of eliminating antiquilted, COp1jright 1995 power. Nominillly debilitating programs In) Tile Ripoll Society. Democratic in their and wasteful pork- be AU Rights Reserved. down-ballot voting it hiding in Defense hilbits, they simply outlays or elsewhere. It Qlle Year Subscriptiolls: could no longer bear an meilns eliminilting tax $20.00 for illdividllflls arrogilnt Wilshington loopholes aimed mak- $30.00 for institutions power structure fos- ing the powerful more $10.00 for students tered and programmed so at the expense of the by powerful specia l middle class.
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