09/30/21 10:38:29 Nutter Equipment Business Liquidation of Heavy Equipment, Toro Mowers, Tools, Parts, Supplies and Shelving Auction Opens: Mon, Jul 9 4:27pm CT Auction Closes: Thu, Aug 2 2:00pm CT Lot Title Lot Title 0001 2016 Kubota B26 HST 4x4 Diesel Tractor with 0026 Toro 2500 Series 60― Zero Turn Mower TL500 Loader and BT820 Backhoe Attachment 0027 Toro Titan HD 2000 Series 60― Zero Turn 0002 Kubota BT1973 18― Bucket Mower 0003 2016 Kubota U35-4RI Excavator 0028 Toro Titan HD 2500 Series 60― Zero Turn 0004 Kubota K7874 18― Bucket Mower 0005 Kubota K7872 12― Bucket 0029 Toro Z Master 2000 Series Commercial 48― Zero Turn Mower 0006 2015 Bobcat S530 Skid Loader 0030 Yazoo Kees ZT Max Commercial 61― Zero Turn 0007 Bobcat Skid Loader 5’6― Bucket Mower 0008 2014 Bobcat S530 Skid Loader 0031 Ground Saw by EZ Trench EZ9100 0009 Bobcat Skid Loader 5’6― Bucket 0032 Honda FRC800 Rear Tine Tiller 0010 Bobcat 3023 Ride On Trencher with 5’ Trencher 0033 Echo BearCat Gas Sweeper WV179S and 5’9― Front Blade 0034 Encore Power Thatch Remover 0011 Toro TRX-15 Track 3’ Blade Trencher with Trailer 0035 Nut Sweeper 0012 Vermeer RTX250 Track Trencher with Trailer 0036 Cambell Hausfeld Twin Tank Gas Powered Air Compressor 0013 Vermeer RT100 Walk Behind Trencher with Trailer 0037 Sincere EW190DC Gas Powered Welder Generator 0014 Vermeer SC30TX Stump Cutter 0038 Gas Powered Pressure Washer 0015 Toro MB-1600 Stand On Dump Cart with Honda GX390 Engine 0039 General Easy Rooter Power Drain Cleaner for 3" to 10" Lines 0016 Echo BearCat CH6993H Chipper/Shredder 0040 General Easy Rooter Junior Power Drain 0017 Echo BearCat SC5614 Chipper/Shredder Cleaner for 2" to 4" Lines 0018 Oregon 28 Ton Log Splitter 0041 Heftee 2000 Professional Mower Equipment Lift 0019 Nifty TM42T Trailer Mounted Cherry Picker 0042 Hobart Handler 190 230V Wire Feed Welder on Lift with Honda Gas Engine Cart 0020 2014 Haulotte BilJax 3632T Trailer Mount 0043 Acetylene Tank Set on Cart with Torch and Electric Battery Powered Cherry Picker Lift Hoses 0021 Brinly LVS-33 Polyvac System 0044 Cambell Hausfeld Plasma Cutter 0022 Toro Z Master Professional Series 60" Zero 0045 Kohler Pro 6.4 Tri Fuel Generator Turn Mower 0046 Honda GX160 Tsurumi 2― Pump 0023 Toro Turbo Force 60― Zero Turn Mower 0047 Subaru 3― Robin Pump 0024 Toro Titan HD 2000 Series 60― Zero Turn Mower 0048 Bosch Brute Turbo 60# Jack Hammer Model 3611C0A011 0025 Toro 2000 Series 60― Zero Turn Mower 1/12 09/30/21 10:38:29 Lot Title Lot Title 0049 Bosch Brute 60# Jack Hammer Model 0087 Echo CS-450P Chain Saw with Case 3611C0A 010 0088 Echo CS-450P Chain Saw with Case 0050 Sullivan Palatek SRD55-14 Rock Drill 0089 Shindaiwa 446S Chain Saw in Echo Case 0051 Sullivan Palatek 90# Hammer Drill 0090 MiTM 190,000 BTU Multi Fuel Forced Air 0052 Toku TPB-90 Jack Hammer Torpedo Heater 0053 Bosch Brute 60# Jack Hammer Model 0091 Master 165,000 BTU Multi Fuel Forced Air 3611C0A 010 Torpedo Heater 0054 Echo BearCat 2700PSI Gas Pressure Washer 0092 Dual Head Tank Top Propane Heater 0055 Clarke Carpet Extractor Cleaner with 0093 Key Machine with Key Display Accessories 0094 Clarke Parts Washer 0056 Bosch 3931A-PB Industrial Vacuum 0095 Spotnails FS7550 Floor Nailer 0057 Drieaz Turbo Dryer Drizair Model F203-A 0096 Bosch 1 5/8― Spline Combination Hammer 0058 Drieaz Turbo Dryer Drizair Model F203-A 11265EVS 0059 Drieaz Turbo Dryer Drizair Model F203-A 0097 Bosch 1 5/8― SDS-Max Rotary Hammer 0060 Bosch GSH16 35# Hammer 11264EVS 0061 Bosch 3814 14― Chop Saw with Diamond Blade 0098 Bosch 1 1/8― Reciprocating Saw RS7 0062 Shindaiwa 340S Chain Saw 0099 Cambell Hausfeld Rotary Tools with Accessories 0063 Shindaiwa 340S Chain Saw 0100 Milwaukee 1/2― Heavy Duty Drill 0064 Shindaiwa 340S Chain Saw 0101 Cambell Hausfeld 3/8― Butterfly Impact Wrench 0065 Shindaiwa 402S Chain Saw 0102 Cambell Hausfeld Model NB003004 Brad 0066 Shindaiwa 591 Chain Saw Nailer 0067 Echo Gas Blower Model PB-255LN 0103 Cambell Hausfeld PL154199 Angle Die Grinder 0068 Echo Gas Blower Model PB-255LN 0104 Cambell Hausfeld 3/4― Impact Wrench PL1586 0069 Echo Gas Blower Model PB-255LN 0105 Cambell Hausfeld 1/2― Impact Wrench RP05133 0070 Echo Gas Blower Model PB-255LN 0106 Farmhand 1/2― Impact Wrench FHT602 0071 Shindaiwa Brush Cutter Model C242 0107 Nitrocat 1200K 1/2― Impact Wrench 0072 Shindaiwa 282 String Trimmer 0108 Cambell Hausfeld Professional Dual Action 0073 Echo PE266 Edger Sander PL1504 0074 Echo PAS225 Edger 0109 Cambell Hausfeld 1/2― Impact Wrench PL2502 0075 Echo SRM-225 String Trimmer 0110 Cambell Hausfeld 1/2― Air Ratchet 0076 Echo HC150 Gas Powered Hedge Trimmer 0111 Tekton 24340 1/2― Torque Wrench 0077 Hobart SpoolRunner 100 Direct Plug In Spool 0112 Echo ES-250 3 in 1 Gas Gun Exclusively for Handler 190 and 210 MVP Blower/Shredder/Vacuum 0078 Bosch Belt Sander 0113 Echo PB-255LN Gas Powered Hand Held 0079 Warner Lectric Wall Steamer Wallpaper Blower Remover 0114 Echo PB-255LN Gas Powered Hand Held 0080 Spotnails FS7550 Floor Nailer Blower 0081 HVLP Paint Sprayer 0115 Echo PB-255LN Gas Powered Hand Held Blower 0082 Sears Craftsman Router 0116 Echo Rain Gutter Kit for Echo Power Blower 0083 DeWalt D28770 Heavy Duty Variable Speed Band Saw 0117 Echo Rain Gutter Kit for Echo Power Blower 0084 Crain No. 775 Toe Kick Saw 0118 Echo Mosquito Yard Shield Attachment 0085 DeWalt Electric Reciprocating Saw 0119 Echo Mosquito Yard Shield Attachment 0086 Echo CS-450P Chain Saw with Case 0120 Echo Mosquito Yard Shield Attachment 0121 Echo Mosquito Yard Shield Attachment 2/12 09/30/21 10:38:29 Lot Title Lot Title 0122 Echo Mosquito Yard Shield Attachment 0152 2 Boxes of Nails. CH 3 1/2― x .131 TS289000 0123 Kohler Engines Cylinder Leakdown Test Kit 25 and Stanley Bostitch S10D 3― 761 05-S 0153 Toro Timecutter SS/SW Accessory Kit 0124 Kohler Engines Pressure/Vacuum Test Kit 25 0154 Toro Timecutter SS/SW Accessory Kit 761 22-S 0155 Toro Timecutter SS/SW Accessory Kit 0125 Kohler Engines Rectifier/Regulator Tester 0156 Echo Safety Helmet with Steel Mesh and Ear 0126 Parker Hydraulic Transmission Flow Tester Protection 0127 Kohler Engines Oil Pressure Tester 0157 Echo Safety Helmet with Steel Mesh and Ear 0128 Kohler Engines CD Ignition 18KV Tester, Non- Protection CD Ignition 12KV Tester and Alcohol Content 0158 Toro Super Electric Blower/Vacuum Model Tester 51618 0129 Zim Specialty Tools No 131 Valve Spring 0159 Toro Power Sweep Model 51585 Compressor Tool 0160 Craftsman 1/2― 19.2Volt Variable Speed 0130 Compression Tester Kit Hammer Drill 0131 Actron Vacuum & Pressure Tester Kit 0161 Craftsman 19.2Volt Cordless Set with 5 1/2― 0132 Actron Inductive Timing Light L-200 Trim Saw, 1/2― Drill, Fluorescent Light with Case 0133 Bearing Remover Tool, Echo PET- 4000,Maintenance Meter and Other Specialty 0162 Cambell Hausfeld Coil Roofing Nailer 7/8― - 1 Tools 3/4― x .120, 15 Degree 0134 Medart Digital Multimeter 0163 Cambell Hausfeld Coil Roofing Nailer 7/8― - 1 3/4― x .120, 15 Degree 0135 Black & Decker FS500 Palm Sander 0164 Cambell Hausfeld Coil Roofing Nailer 7/8― - 1 0136 Nesco NT6500 5 Piece Snap Ring Plier Set 3/4― x .120, 15 Degree 0137 Black & Decker FS500 Palm Sander 0165 Max Super Roofer CN445R2 Roofing Nailer 0138 Taylor #790 Carpet Seaming Iron with Rolls of 0166 Cambell Hausfeld Electric Air Compressor with Tape Hose 0139 Crain #505 Carpet Knee Kicker 0167 Bosch PB10-CP Jobsite Radio with 4-Way 0140 Crain #505 Carpet Knee Kicker CFCI Outlet, CD Player 0141 2 Taylor Carpet Trimmer Tools 0168 3 Giant Pumps Pressure Washer Replacement 0142 Carpet Tractor Pumps 0143 4 - 5 Each No 308 Heavy Duty Blue Slotted 0169 Air Tank with Extra Hose and Nozzles Razor Blades 0170 Floor Roller 0144 Super Roofer Max CN445R2 Nailer 0171 Rolling Magnet for Picking Up Nails and 0145 EZ Fit CR3DGAL 15 Degree 1 1/4― Coil Screws Roofing Nails 0172 Jungle Jims Mount Jack 0146 EZ Fit CR3DGAL 15 Degree 1 1/4― Coil 0173 Jungle Jims Mount Jack Roofing Nails 0174 Gorilla Lift Trailer Tailgate Lift Assist 0147 EZ Fit CR3DGAL 15 Degree 1 1/4― Coil 0175 Erickson Arched Aluminum Ramps Roofing Nails 0176 Box of 24 Shindaiwa Speed Feed 400 Trimmer 0148 EZ Fit CR3DGAL 15 Degree 1 1/4― Coil Heads Roofing Nails 0177 Box of 14 Shindaiwa Speed Feed 400 Trimmer 0149 Gripe Rite 1 1/2― x .120 15 Degree Wire Welded Heads Coil Roofing Nails 0178 Shindaiwa and Echo Trimmer Line 0150 2 Boxes of PneuFast 3― x .131 SP10D Nails and Hitachi 2 3/8― Nails 0179 Shindaiwa Silentwist Trimmer Line 0151 4 Full Boxes and 1 Partial Box of BCS1516 2― 0180 26 Spools of Assorted Shindaiwa and Echo 15Ga Staples Trimmer Line 3/12 09/30/21 10:38:29 Lot Title Lot Title 0181 Assortment of Echo, Shindaiwa, Oregon and 0211 Bosch HC5091 1 1/2― x 21― Toro Trimmer Line and Heads 0212 Bosch HC5099 2― x 21― Bit 0182 Shindaiwa 8 - Heavy Duty Fixed Line Heads, 3- 0213 Bosch HS1910 3― Blade x 12―, HS1912 1― x 18― Trimmer Heads, Echo Maintenance Kits and HS1914 18― 0183 Echo Speed Feed 400 Heads, Oregon Gator 0214 14 Used Heavy Duty Spline Hammer Bits Speed Load Trimmer Heads and Other Heads 0215 Large Assortment of Oregon Chain Saw Blades 0184 5 Echo U Turn Trimmer Heads 0216 Large Assortment of Oregon Mower Blades 0185 4 Echo Speed Feed 400 Trimer Heads 0217 Assortment of Chain Saw Bars and Blades 0186 2 Echo U Turn Trimmer Heads, 3 Echo Pro Maxi Cut Heads, 3 Oregon Cool Head II and 0218 8 Echo Saw Chain Blades Other Heads 0219 3 Pair of Echo Vibration Reducing Landscaping 0187 12 Shindaiwa .095 - 230’ Trimmer Line Spools
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