REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI Strategy of Accelerated Growth and Promotion of Employment WORD OF THE PRESIDENT Founded on a participative approach and a national consensus as it shows in our long-term development vision “Djibouti 2035”, our ambition is to make Djibouti, by the term of 2035, ”the Lighthouse of the Red Sea: a Commercial and Logistic Hub in Africa”. In order to achieve this goal, a new fast growth and employment generation strategy of five years (SCAPE 2015-2019) has been defined and implemented by the Government on May 2015. It is on top of the list of the common vision of long-term development, especially in the structural transformation of the economy that would triple the wage per habitant and create more that 200 000 jobs whilst reducing the unemployment rate from 50% actually to around 10% in 2035. As for the human development, the absolute poverty will be reduced to its third (1/3), the gaps will be reduced and the universal access to energy, water and basic sanitary services will be provided. This new strategy determines four strategic axes to disclose the challenge of accelerating the growth and generating new employments: (i) economic growth, competition and the leading role of the private sector, (ii) the development of the human capital, (iii) the public governance and the reinforcement of the institutional capacities and (iv) the poles of both regional development and sustainable development. Many important development potentials have not been yet exploited. The strategy will implement, in this concern, a policy to consolidate certain sectors that are important (transportation and logistics, telecommunications) and enhance new leading sectors like tourism and fishing, in terms of their comparative advantage and their potential of creating new vacancies. The strategy will also develop new responses to two major imperatives: the development of the human capital that is in line with people’s aspirations and the needs of economy at the same time from one part, and the more balanced national territory, well protected and prepared for the challenges of climate change. Furthermore, Djibouti will continue the reinforcement of the rule of law and the good governance. The private sector will hence benefit from a better environment of affairs in a dynamic economy, open to the rest of the world. Finally, this strategy is, at the same time, in the centre of the dialogue on the public national policies and the frame of reference for the coordination of help and concentration with the technical and financial partners of Djibouti. I sincerely hope that the population, the Government, the institution of the Republic, the elected officials, the firms, the civil society and the partners in development will be fully involved in implementing this National Plan for Development 2015-2019 in order to ensure its success. ISMAIL OMAR GUELLEH, President of the Republic of Djibouti WORD OF PRIME MINISTER The government introduced with “Djibouti 2035” a new way of planning of the development guided by a long-term vision, in order to build the future of the country. The participative consultations of all the actors of the society for the definition of the development strategies for a sustainable development will be, from now on, a permanent plan and will be equally printed on the process of political and economic decentralization. « Djibouti 2035 » sets course for the future national plans for development. By that we mean that SCAPE constitutes the prime instrument to the operationalization of the “Djibouti Vision 2035.” The SCAPE 2015-2019, National Plan for Development, will assure a development: -based on productive, solid and varied bases; -creator of job vacancies and salaries; -reductive of social and special disparities; -guarantying the access to all the basic services and promoting a better quality of life; -assuring the preservation of environmental balance on a long-term basis. The governmental action will, by directing this strategy, attempt to concentrate on the short- term to handle the urgent need of the population and the obstacles that confront the productive activity and, at the same time, adhere to the long-term goals as defined in the Djibouti Vision 2035, while anticipating the evolutions by building up the foundations of a structural transformation in economy. This national development plan constitutes the framework of coordination, planning, programming and follow-up of both national and international interventions. Upon its implementation, the Government will reinforce the national capacities of anticipation, direction and management concentrated on the national development and will favour the efficacy and efficiency in the public interventions, token of significant and sustainable results. I urge the Government to take all the initiatives, especially the ones regarding security, the good governance and the promotion of Human Rights, to ensure the implementation and the success of this National Development Plan. ABDOULKER KAMIL MOHAMED Prime Minister WORD OF THE MINISTER In order to organize its development in a more motivating context, the Djibouti Government has passed an Orientation Law 2001-2010, that took part in guiding the Strategic Document of Poverty Reduction (SDPR) 2004-2006 and the National Initiative of Social Development – NISD 2008-2012. Through the Vision "Djibouti 2035" and its operationalization instruments, the government gives a new dynamic to the national development strategy through the establishment of a strategic planning Integrated Framework linked to budgeting and help, enabling the coordination amongst our development partners and leading to a more important medium to long term commitment During the 2015-2019 period, the challenge of growth acceleration and creating new vacancies will be open to four strategic axes: 1. economic growth, competitiveness, and the leading role of the private sector, 2. Human capital development, 3. Public governance and reinforcement of institutional capacities and 4.the poles of regional and sustainable development. Sectorial or cross-cutting policies, whose success underlines touching SCAPE’s goal, revolve around these four axes. A matrix of priority actions (MPA), give a more comprehensive vision of the actions that should be implemented and indicates their cost. However, performance indicators and targets were previously determined for each sector. The implementation of this strategy will lean on the creation of a law providing framework for long-term government program of State investments that will yearly establish previous forecasts of implementation and funding of all State actions and semi-public bodies during three years covered by this law. This law-program will include a regional programming of actions with which budgets must comply. An Institutional coordination and implementation of public policies, a non-stop evaluation system having a common database, a general frame of follow-up concentrated on the results, indicators and a mechanism of Reporting will be implemented along with the central, regional and local actors in order to promote the effective participation of all parties. By this plan, we will shed the light on the results, as token of success and restoration of confidence of the involved parties, especially those from the private sector and the population. This plan translates our ambition of structural transformation and mutation of our society and our economy. I strongly hope that the coordination will be enhanced with the ministry departments by implementing strategic sectarian plans, intervention frames and dialogues, indispensable for executing the national, sectorial and local actions of development. ILYAS MOUSSA DAWALEH Minister of Economy and Finance, in charge of the Industry LIST OF ACRONYMS DSDA Djibouti Social Development Agency DAEC Djiboutian Agency for Energy Control NAIP National Agency for Investment Promotion PDA Public Development Assistance EPA – EU Economic Partnership Agreement - European Union CBD Central Bank of Djibouti EAC East African Community ECA Economic Commission for Africa CDS Chief of the Defense Staff CSRD Centre for Studies and Research in Djibouti VTCA Vocational Training Centre for Adults UNCTD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development CMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CRIPNE Centre for Research, Information and Production of National Education DTC Doraleh Terminal Container DSDS Department of Statistics and Demographic Studies DOTS Directly Observed Treatment, short-course DIP Dubai International Port DPRS Document of the Poverty Reduction Strategy SHND Surveys of Households Near Djibouti EOD Electricity Of Djibouti NSPA National School of Public Administration NSSEA National School for Statistics and Economic Administration UPR Universal Periodic Review TEVT Technical Education and Vocational Training DAF Djiboutian Armed Forces EDFD Economic Development Fund of Djibouti DF Djibouti Franc IMF International Monetary Fund HIL High Intensity Labor FDI Foreign Direct Investment NISD National Initiative for Social Development LNG Liquefied Natural Gas MAFFR Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Fishery Resources MNEVT Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training MET Ministry of Equipment and Transport MHUPE Ministry of Housing , Urban Planning and Environment 5 MDG Millennium Development Goals IMO International Maritime Organization WHO World Health Organization NOWSD National Office of Water and Sanitation in Djibouti NGO Non- governmental organization
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