586 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 23 MARCH 1974 D. Stevenson, Secretary of the B.M.A., daily until 26 April in the Claire Wand ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF said: "This will be the much needed break- Gallery of B.M.A. House. ENGLAND The exhibition At an ordinary meeting of the council held on 14 through for disenchanted consultants. Hos- was opened on 7 March by Sir Ronald March, with Mr. Rodney Smith, president, in the Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.1.5907.586-a on 23 March 1974. Downloaded from pital staffs know that the British Medical Tunbridge who presented the special awards chair, the Clement Price Thomas award for 1974 was made to Mr. R. H. R. Belsey, of Bristol, in Association has for some time been pressing for different classes of work. recognition of his outstanding services to the under- for a complete reappraisal of the consultants' standing and treatment of thoracic disease. The unopposed return of Dr. J. F. Nunn to the contract by setting up a working party for Board of Faculty of Anaesthetists for an eight-year this purpose. We welcome the fact that the COMING EVENTS period, commencing in March 1974, was noted. Sir Terence Ward was appointed the McIndoe Government has recognized the strength of lecturer for 1974. our argument and we look forward to co- British Thoracic and Tuberculosis Associa- A Hallett prize was awarded to Dr. R. H. L. tion.- Spring meeting, 28-30 March, Cirencester, Down, of Luton, and Hancock prizes were awarded operating to the full. jointly with Thoracic Society of Wales and West to Dr. P. Jenkins, of London, Dr. M. I. Levene, "We know that the working party will Country Chest Society. Details from the of London, Dr. N. P. Silverton, of Leeds, and secretary, Dr. P. D. Lumnb, of London. also be looking at private practice in the B.T.T.A., 50 Portland Place, London WIN 3AJ. The forty-fourth and forty-fifth MacLoghlin National Health Service and we shall put (Tel. 01-636 3810.) scholarFhips were awarded to Mr. D. A. Parker, of the on Blair Bell Research Society.-Annual general Oldbury, and Mr. C. L. Gwinnutt, of Derby, B.M.A.'s views the important contri- meeting, followed by scientific meeting, 1 April, respectively. bution private medicine makes to the 2 p.m., Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynae- F.F.A.R.C.S.-Janet E. Goold, I. K. Stanley- N.H.S." cologists. Jones, V. Kanagasabai, G. G. W. Grayling, Programme includes Duphar lecture by W. 0. H. Thomas, I. P. Hine, D. L. Leaming, Professor D. Poswillo, "New Concepts in Develop- R. J. Palmer, T. G. C. Smith, D. J. Wright, mental Pathology." Details from the honorary Dorothy P. Walton, D. C. Laidlow, Valerie K. secretary, Dr. I. R. McFadyen, Northwick Park Hill, R. P. H. Dunnill, Christine Bailey, Jasmine G. Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow, Middx. Davies, R. C. Desborough, A. D. Logan, T. R. Williams, A. R. Pook, Z. Zych, Joan A. Whelan, MEDICAL NEWS M.R.C.Psych. and D.P.M. Revision Gwenda N. Elliott, S. F. Rizk, M. T. Bryant, Courses.-3-10 April, Survey University. Details B. D. Dachlian, A. Hussain, M. Ihsanullah, A. A. from the organizing secretary, Mrs, 0. L. Wellden, Olivelle, Govinda<zwamy Dhanalakshmi, J. Kessell, Inpatient Costs in N.H.S. Hospitals Belmont Hospital, Brighton Road, Sutton, Surrey. Usha S. Wazh, B. K. Chettur, June B. Cooper, Hospital Costing Returns for 1972-3 has (Tel. 01-642 0054, extn. 37.) Anthea H. Hatfield, P. Brownridge, Saroj N. Guild of Catholic Rodrigo, P. Thongvanit, Chitra R. Wiiesurendra, just been issued by the Department of Doctors.-Symposium, "Con- P. E. R. De Silva, W. 0. Roberts. P. K. Bsllard, flicts in Medical Ethics," 6 April, Heythrop Coll- Carol M. Blandford, R. L. Eyres, Gillian A. Kings, Health. Average costs per inpatient week in ege, Cavendish Square, London W. 1. Details from Christina Sui-Lin Lian, K. C. MacIntosh, R. G. English hospitals increased by about 16% the honorary secretary, Dr. K. P. Roche, White McLaren, T. L. Moody, P. J. Nash, Susan E. Lodge, Radnor Road, Bristol BS9 4DX. (Tel. 0272 B-own, S. A. Harerave, J. E. Harrison, K. G. compared with the previous year, the long- 628788.) Hickling, M. A. Marshall, T. E. Moodie, Aenes L. stay hospitals showing increases of 18% and Rennie, R. M. Scott, M. J. Tisdall, J. R. We lley, London Hospital Computer Project.-Case W. D. C. Williams, Y. Adu-Gyamfl, Nancy Baker, the acute ones 15%. For acute non-teaching study in the "Installation of a Major Real-time J. A. Bourne, K. F. Buchmnann, C. J. Cronje. K. H. hospitals the Oxford region had the highest System," 24 April, London Hospital Medical Davies, M. J. Harrison, R. P. E. Hebblethwaite, cost week the College Hall. Details and registration forms from J. R. Lehane, I. R. MacDiarmid, A. H. McKee, per patient per and Liverpool the administrator, John Ellicott Centre, Cavell B. H. Maule T. P. Nash, T. E. Oh. N. I. Palmer, region had the highest cost per patient Street, London El 2BW. (Tel. 01-247 5454, extn. Frances M. Pratt, B. S. Stuart. G. R. Talbot, Vivien J. Thomas, D. L. Trickey, M. D. C. treated. Costs in the London teaching hospi- 610.) A. W. Duncan. tals were much higher for both. The figures Truscott, J. M. Baden, for 1972-3 are as follows: SOCIETIES AND LECTURES Corrections Average Average For attending lectures marked I a fee is charged Acute Non-teaching Hospitals cost per cost per or a ticket is required. Applications should be Jaundice after Halothane Regional Comparisons patient patient made first to the institution concerned. We reeret that a printing error occurred in the per week treated letter from Dr. J. S. Robinson and others (16 Tuesday, 26th March March, p. 515). In the fourth line of the third I Newcastle .. 88 05 123-40 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-5 p.m., paragraph the concentration of halothane de- Leeds .87-70 120-07 Hunterian lecture by Professor A. G. Johnson: tected should have read "1-7 x 10-5", not 1-7 Sheffield .. 96-25 116-41 Cholecystectomy End Gallstone Dyspepsia-the x 10-7" as Printed. In addition, in the preceding http://www.bmj.com/ East Anglian .. 99 55 120-71 Clinical and Physiological Study of a Symptom paraeraph the grade of Universal packing used N.W. Metropolitan 88-50 138-82 Complex. should have read "80-100 mesh", not "8-100 N.E. Metropolitan .. 92-89 132-68 ST. BARTHOLOMEW's HOSPITAL.-4.15 p.m., Dr. Ove S.E. Metropolitan .. 93 50 136-71 Lundgren (Sweden): The Possible Role of Villous mesh" as printed. S.W. Metropolitan .. 94-80 145-72 Counter Current Mechanisms in Absorption from We also repret that in the letter on the same Oxford . 98-71 115-67 the Gut. subject from Professor J. G. Robson and others South Western .. 97 04 120-02 (p. 516) Professor Robson's initials were wrongly Birmiingham .. 91-03 120-27 Wednesday, 27th March printed. Manchester . 85-12 113-43 Liverpool . 81-06 144-52 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-4.30 Dental Anaesthesia Wessex . 94-71 117 98 p.m., Arnott demonstration by Dr. W. Hewitt: Death during The Human Cerebrum and its Ancestors. in the ROYAL POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL.-2 p.m., We regret that a printing error occurred London Teaching Hospitals 129-14 212-66 letter from Dr. J. G. Bourne (16 March, p. 516). on 27 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Professor P. L. Mollison: Rh Immunization. The second sentence of the fourth paragraph Thursday, 28th March should have read: "He gave the position of the For all acute non-teaching hospitals in vertical, INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY.-4 p.m., Professor S.I. chair as between 50' and 55' from the England the national average cost per patient Zacks (Pennsylvania): MED Myopathy-a Model but later put it at 'something in the order of 50%', per week in the period reported was £91-54 of Gene Regulated Delayed Myopathy. indicating with his arm a tilt of about 450." ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON.-5 p.m., compared with £78-58 the previous year, Langdon Brown lecture by Dr. J. W. D. Bull: and the national average cost per patient What is Radiology's Place in Medicine? Notice to Authors ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-5 p.m., treated was £125-36 compared with £108-78 Joseph Henry lecture by Dr. M. D. Kipling: Oil When original articles and letters for publica- in the previous year. The report is avail- and Cancer. tion are not submitted exclusively to the British able from H.M.S.O., price £1-70. Friday, 29th March Medical Journal this must be stated. Accepted articles may subsequently be selected for pub- MEDICAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF VENEREAL DISEASES.-At 11 Chandos Street, London W1, lication in the North American monthly edition. Parliamentary Appointments 7.30 p.m., Dr. J. Dominian: Causes of Marital Correspondence on editorial business should be Dr. David A. L. Owen, M.P. for Plymouth Discord. addressed to the Editor, British Medical Journal, Devonport, -has been appointed Parlia- B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, London AND WC1H 9JR. Telephone: 01-387 4499. Tele- mentary Under Secretary of State for UNIVERSITIES COLLEGES grams: Aitiology, London, W.C.1. Health. Authors wanting reprints of their articles Mr. Jack Ashley, M.P. for Stoke-on-Trent CAMBRIDGE should notify the Publishing Manager, B.M.A.
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