ÇV'* www.mustangdaiiy.calpoly.edu CAlIFORNtA POIYTLCHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY.. SAN tU IS OBISPO G o in g Fishing: Friday, January 24,2003 Artist uses out of your mind painting technique, 4 More War?: Students talk about possible war, 2 ^ TODAY'S WEATHER Volume LXVII, Number 67, 1916-2003 High: 68° Low: 49° DAILY Lectures to Architecture educate The Sky is the limit students will about U |B| sail or fail at C s b S Middle East r m F r ► A series of six forums R a L F regatta L a ÎQ ® will start Monday with By Sean Martin talks from an Isreali peace [Pai MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER activist and a professor Fifty-three Cal Poly students thrash furiously through the water, By Laura Newman siipi’orted only hy slabs of caulhoard. Pheir only hope is to reach Terra MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER Firma before their makeshift craft C'al Poly is ofterinf> a series ot pub­ sinks. lic lectures and panel discussions tar- It’s nor Semester at Sea students j’erint’ tbe crisis in the Middle East as re-enacting the Titanic; these stu­ parr of a w inter history course taught dents an‘ raking part in the annual hy professor Manzar Fonxthar. Cardboard Regatta. The six-lecture series wall kick tiff This year’s race will he held Jan. 27, continue for tour consecu­ Sunday from 9:45 a.m. to noon in the tive Mondays, skip a week and con­ ('al Poly Rec Center pixd. clude March 10. The racers are stmlents in ARcdl ForiHihar said she hopes the lec­ 252, architectural design fundamen­ tures will counterhalance the misin­ tals 11. The faculty advisers this ye.ir formation and lack ot tacts often seen are architecture profes,sors Howard in the mainstream media rcLjardint; WeisetTthal, Jatnes Bagnall and Mark the conflict in the Middle East. Cahrmha. “We want to provide a public Students are given two 4-hy-6-fixtr forum for students, faculty, staff and slabs of cardboard, hniwn paper tape community to learn about the crisis CRYSTAL MYERS/MUSTANG DAILY and clear polyurethane waterpnxifing in the Middle Ea.sr,’’ Fouxthar said. to fashion ;i seaworthy vessel. The “It will he informative, educational Photography professor Sky Bergman presented pictures of her trip to Cambodia over the sum­ project takes tw’o weeks, one for and could produce a dialogue mer Wednesday night as a part of Cal Poly's MLK celebration and WITT Week. Fifty to 60 students Ix-tweeit different players in the cri- and faculty attended the presentation, where Bergman showed photos of the temples and peo­ SIS. ple of Cambodia.The pictures illustrated the difference between American and Cambodian life. see REGATTA, page 2 There will he a total of eight speakers at the forums. Four of the lecturers are Isreali citizens repre­ senting different .sectors of sexiety Campus student group promotes health including government, education and community organizations, Forcxihar said. By Genevieve Fussell on-one consultations and exams in The history department and the MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER an effort to “demystify sex,” Cx>llege of Liberal Arts are sponsor­ [\>mingue: said. ing the lectures. Liberal Arts ITean Cal Poly Health Services is invit­ The TLC team promotes “party­ ing students to join their Peer Health Harry Hellenhrand said he would try ing smart” by educating students Education Teams to pntmote healthy to attend several of the lectures. aKiut substance abuse and misuse, behavior and wellness among the “(By sfxmsoring the event) the time management and the seven Cal Poly community. College of Liberal Arts hopes to realms of wellness. encourage people to think deeply Tlie program is crafted around the “We kntiw you’re going to party, aK)ut and respond to critical and idea of students advising their peers we just want you to do it responsi­ controversial issues,” Hellenhrand alxTut a variety tif health-related bly,” said psycholo- said. issues. w--------------- — - ......................... gy senior Jennifer The inaugural lecture features two We are ^ superficial IcVcl, Fauerbach, co-coor­ speakers: Mahmood Ibrahim, profes­ dinator of the TLC EROS Team people who TLC Team sor and chair of rheCal Poly Pomona you gain an experience to team. History Department, and Susy like to work put on your resume. But As co-coordina­ Mordechay, an Israeli peace activist. with others, , , , , tor, Fauerbach pro­ who are leaders alsO team a lot aboUt Ibrahim was born in the West vides leadership and Nutrition Team Bank town of Ramallah and immi­ hut also work yourself and your peers at motivation for the grated to the United States in 1966. well with a I n I » team, as well as del­ team.” said Caí Poly. His lecture is titled “The Palestine- egating duties to Rojean Israeli C2onflict: Historical Context Jennifer Fauerbach ensure that the pro- Dominguez, a and Prospects for Peace.” TLC coordinator smoothly. health educa­ Mordeschay, raised and educated in The consulta­ HEALTH & COUNSELING tor and direc­ Israel, will speak on “The Assault on tions with students tor of the program. Palestinian Civilian Life 2000- often reveal trends among the stu­ The students are divided into SERVICES 2002.” dent bxxly, Fauerbach said. Although Foroohar has previous three teams that offer consultations “We are starting to learn about and presentations regarding their experience organizing lectures, this is club drugs and their use on Cal Poly’s MATT MORENO/MUSTANG DAILY the first multi-speaker series that she areas of concern: Educational campus,” she said. Resources on Sexuality (EROS), has single-handedly assembled. Fauerbach, who plans to receive (Left to right) Biology sophomore Erica Looney, nutrition senior Virna Filippini and nutrition senior Renee Coston have all worked Fortxihar said the high demand for Thoughtful Lifestyle Choices (TLC) her master’s degree in social work, for Health Services for the past year. education on the issues concerning and Nutrition. said the greatest reward is seeing peo­ The EROS team handles issues the U.S. involvement in the Middle ple learn. resumé,” she said. “But you also learn Dominguez said students who plan related to safe sex, sexual assault and “On a superficial level, you gain a lot about yourself and your peers at on getting a master’s are especially .sexually transmitted diseases, among an experience to put on your see LEaU RES,page7 other topics. EROS also offers one- " see PEERS, page 7 2 Friday, January 24,2003 News Mustang Daily p.m. on Dexter Lawn. Tho.se who •. \ ' V..' } n REGATTA view the projects can also discuss the ■is* i fe continued from page 1 design with the students who created Voices of the Students them. They can do the same at 9:30, Sunday, the morning of the race. How do Cal Poly students view the design and construction and another Weisenthal said the event .should to apply the polyurethane, architec­ impending war with Iraq? he fun for all to watch. Three hun­ ture sophomore Kelly Franz said. dred people braved the rain last year 5-Day Forecast Even though the Rec Center pool to cheer the racers. is no deeper than eight feet, a sinking "Hussein is a ruthless dictator, a “It is a fun, free, splashy event,” SATURDAY ship is a disaster of a different kind. If said Ray Ladd, associate director of liar and should have been taken High: 70°/Low: 46® a student’s boat does not make it advancement across the pool at out a long time ago." for the College SUNDAY least once, the stu- ^ Keilan Smith o f High: 72°/Low: 46° dent fails the project. “it is a fun, free, splashy philosophy senior Architectural Weisenthal said event/' a n d MONDAY this is a perfect Environmental High:70°/Low:45° example of Cal Ray Ladd Design. “We Poly’s “learn-hy- associate director for CAED encourage stu­ "I think its a problem, but I don't doing” philosophy. TUESDAY dents to cheer, “Students have to think that an all-out war is the High:68°/Low:44° get into it. It is build a full-size working model,’’ he solution." good for them to get there early so said. “They have to take responsibili­ i l WEDNESDAY they can pick their favorite (boat) to Adam Parry ty for their design. If it works, it pass­ High:68°/Low:44° cheer on.” es. If it sinks, it fails. They also learn political science sophornore New this year is San Luis Paper about the design process, how the Co., Inc.’s co-sponsorship of the human body fits into space and using event. The company’s partnership Today's Sun materials efficiently. At the end they "I have friends and family in the will provide lower material costs to Rises: 7:08 a.m7 Sets: 5:23 p.m. get to analyze their project and what military and one is on the USS students, cash prizes, new and went right and what didn’t. Rarely do improved trophies to the winners and Nimitz in Iraq. I think something students get to test their products.’’ a ptist-race party for participants. Today's Moon' With grades at stake, the partici­ should be done, but I am worried Students have been known to Rises: N /A/Sets: 11:11 a.r pating students are anxious about the about them going to war." come out in costume tor the event; event. one group last year wore grass skirts Tiffani Peilin “We are excited and worried,” and coconuts to go along with their kinesiology junior Franz said. “Everyone is nervous, P y Today's Tides canoe. because you fail if your boat sinks.
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