FUTURE ENERGY RESOURCE TEAM FERT (Future Energy Resource Team) was established in 2013. We ride ourselves as one of the catalysts in the field of environment management and energy conservation. As our tagline suggests, our rimary motto is to rovide clean and green energy for all and forever. Our well-equi ed teams of rofessionals enable to rovide turn(ey solutions and services related to energy, water and waste management. Today)s environmental issues, statutory regulations and energy trends enforce commercial firms, com anies and individuals to downsize or re-organize their assets in order to meet their bottom line goals. We rovide flexible end-to-end solutions that assist everyone to meet their ob,ectives. We em hasize on roviding customized solutions and systems including su ly, installation and aftersales services which meets customer)s s ecific requirements rather than roviding ty ical or readymade systems. We ho e that we can deliver the best solutions to reduce energy consum tion, maintain green and clean environment, thereby reserving energy sources and natural resources for u coming generation and rotecting the environment. EVOLUTION OF FERT FERT has been established by a grou of enthusiastic rofessionals who have s ent the ma,or art of their lives in conserving and saving -other .ature and who are committed to sustainable develo ment of the society. This com any has been formed as a realization of one common dream of these socially committed ersonalities which is to develo in harmony with nature after realizing the fact that energy conservation and environment rotection is the life-blood of develo ment. The trans arent and genuine motto of these rofessionals has hel ed in the successful establishment of FERT as one of the leading com any in the field of energy conservation and management and environment rotection. As the com any is growing fast, the research team of our com any is develo ing new roducts and technologies so that this message will reach every nu(es and corners of the entire 23 of society, irres ective of financial or olitical divisions. 1 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 OUR SCOPE OF SERVICES Following roducts / services are rovided by FERT. 0u ly, installation, testing and commissioning and maintenance of energy management systems such as o 0olar 1ower 0ystems. o 0olar 2nverters. o 0olar water heaters. o 0olar owered 1um ing systems. o 0olar owered 0treet34ard lights. o 0olar owered 1ortable 5anterns. o 0olar owered Chargers, fans etc. o 5E7 5ighting systems. o Conversion of traditional ower 2nverters to solar-charged inverters o Re lacement of conventional lighting systems / electrical equi ments with energy efficient 5E7 lights / roducts o 8otboxes o Energy efficient Ovens. 0u ly, installation and maintenance of waste management systems. o 0olid Waste 7is osal 9nit. o 1ortable domestic :iogas lants o FR1 :ase floating dome commercial :iogas lants. o Concrete base floating/fixed dome commercial :iogas lants. o 1i e com osting, concrete ring com osting etc. 0u ly, installation and maintenance of Water management systems. o 1otable Water treatment lants. o Waste water treatment lants. o 0ewage treatment lants. o Rain water harvesting systems. We rovide the following services o Energy audit / analysis of existing systems. o Environmental consultancy services. o 7esign / develo ment of eco-friendly services. 23 of o Training to energy conservation / management. 2 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 We ho e that we can do our best in conservation of energy, environmental rotection and contribute our art towards sustainable develo ment. OUR OBJECTIVES FERT, the future energy resource team, is an initiative of a grou of socially committed energy rofessionals to identify and develo the alternate energy sources with the su ort of a ool of eminent scientists, technocrats, research organizations. FERT is committed to facilitate the country)s endeavors to achieve sustainable develo ment (ee ing the environment green and clean. To ma(e available enough energy to the common man (ee ing the environment green and clean. To create awareness of environmental friendly solutions for conservation of energy. To develo a Kerala -odel, for the state where FERT originated from, in which each domestic unit meets its energy needs through its own sustainable resources and manages 100% waste. To achieve 100% energy literacy with s ecial focus on Kerala. To establish a networ( to rovide solutions for energy conservation on the micro and macro levels. To resent a new business model with a creative combination of social activism and business. To conduct environmentally feasible energy-oriented social research in the country, enabling sustainable develo ment. To create a latform for the newer generation to be art of the energy movement and sustainable develo ment OUR VISION We intend to rovide our customers with the best energy saving devices and solutions to create a sustainable environment. We also extend ourselves to the greater society in which we live and commit ourselves for being socially, economically and environmentally res onsible. 23 of 3 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 SOLAR POWER SYSTEM At the resent situation, the scarcity of electricity is turning out to be a ma,or hazard in the develo ment of the state. Considering this alarming situation, a call for a renewable source of ower generation has risen during the last two years and solar energy being abundantly available and the most reliable source of renewable energy has been the front runner in this league. 0olar ower is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using hotovoltaics (1V), or indirectly using concentrated solar ower (C01). When the 1V modules are ex osed to sunlight, they generate direct current (7C) electricity. An inverter then converts 7C into alternating current (AC) electricity, so that it can be fed into building's one of the AC distribution boards without affecting the quality of ower su ly. This is the basic wor(ing rinci le of a solar 1V ower system. Realizing the otential and the energy conservation ca acity of solar energy, FERT aims to create a new trend in the field of energy conservation by ma(ing solar energy available to not ,ust the u er class in our society, but to every common man in our country. FERT's success can be accounted to the quality of the roducts that we install and also the after sales service that we rovide. 0olar system brochures are attached for reference. 23 of 4 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 PROJECTS EXECUTED 0ome of the 0olar 1ower 1ro,ects Executed by FERT We are roviding the details of some of the 0olar ower installations that FERT has done till date. • Domestic Pro ects 23 of 5 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 • Commercial Pro ects 23 of 6 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 FERT's Speciali%ed 0.6 kVA System for Small -omes. shops. clinics etc. The 0.6 (VA system has been introduced by FERT in order to re lace existing inverters at an affordable rice and thereby generating maximum 2.5 units of electricity er day from the sun. FERT's detailed brochure for this system is attached along with this rofile. • Some of the Solar Po1er Installations of 0.6 kVA System By FERT 23 of 7 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 SOLAR WATER -EATER 0olar water heating collectors ca ture and retain heat from the sun and transfer this heat. A reflective surface has the ability to transmit short wave radiation and reflect long wave radiation. 8eat and infrared radiation (2R) are roduced when short wave radiation light hits a collector)s absorber, which is then tra ed inside the collector. Water contact with the absorber collects the tra ed heat to transfer it to storage. Reduces de endence u on utilityA 0olar is as reliable as getting your energy from the utility. 0olar is an excellent clean energy sourceA 2ts fuel, sunlight, is limitless, free and emits nothing when converted into energy. 5ess Environmental 2m act li(e burning fossil fuels, health effects around ower lants, use of nuclear energy and it)s long-lived, oisonous by roducts. Financial :enefitsA When you choose to use solar to re lace all or art of what you had been using the utility for, that comes with financial savings on your utility bill. 2t is easy to see 50% to 100% savings on your bill, hel ing systems to recou the original investment in 2 years. 23 of 8 Page Page FERT Regd. Office 57 Bodi Nagar, Thattamala P.O, Kollam, Kerala - 691020 www.fertworld.com mail: fertteam"gmail.com, info"fertworld.com Tel: 0474 27 27 355 BIOGAS PLANT The lac( of ro er waste dis osal system is one of the biggest motivations for us to establish this com any FERT, as we aim at roviding ro er facility to dis ose waste where it originates , thereby bringing a sto to the habit of throwing away waste on road sides or neighbour)s ro erty by our eo le.
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