NOVEMBER, 1955 50e ENGINEERIiNG MUSIC SOUND REPRODUCTION , Wondering about the need for a capacitor acro. s the bias resistor of a p -p output stage? See pg. 21 Easily constructed hosing for two It-inch speakers provides exceptionally file quality. See page 17. THE CONSTANT WIDTH FOLDED EXPONENTIAL HORN USES AND ABUSES OF THE VU METER LA ALTA FIDELIDAD IN MEXICO DESIGN OF BIFLEX LOUDSPEAKERS www.americanradiohistory.com 1 1 You may interpret this picture in many ways -but music is interpreted by University in only one way... faitbfully. For information about the speaker systems shown above, please send for Free illustrated brochure A78. UNIVERSITY LOUDSPEAKERS, INC., WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. Photo by Ray Cicero. 7nstrumeuts courtesy of 7lenry Adler Music Co., N.Y.C. www.americanradiohistory.com NOVEMBER, 1955 VOL. 39, No. 11 Successor to RADIO, Est. 1917. AUDIO kNI.INF.EHING MUSIC SOUND REPRODUCTION C. G. McProud, Editor and Publisher Henry A. Schober, Business Manager Harne K. Richardson, Associate Editor Lewis C. Stone, Associate Editor Emery Justus, Canadian Editor Florence Rowland, Production Manager Edgar E. Newman, Circulation Director "UNIDYNES" Sanford L. Cahn, Advertising Director are the only small size, Special Representatives - all- purpose moving coil H. Thorpe Covington and Dick Knott, Dynamic Microphones that 7530 Sheridan Road, Chicago 30, Ill. reduce the pickup of Mid West Representative - random noise energy by 67 %. 4' San ford R. Cowan, 67 West 44th St., INC' The Unidynes, 55s and New York 36, N. Y. 556s, simplify P. A. West Coast Representatives - installation ... enhance James C. Galloway and I. W. Harbison, your reputation ... insure 816 West 5th St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. customer satisfaction by eliminating or reducing CONTENTS callbacks due to critical gain control settings- Audio Patents - Richard H. Dorf 2 often necessary when New Literature 6 conventional microphones Letters 10 have been installed. Editor's Report 14 The "CW Horn" A Constant -Width Folded Exponential Loudspeaker Horn - No wonder the Unidynes D. P. Carlton 17 are used the World over - Effect of the Cathode Capacitor on P -P Output Stage- Robert M. Mitchell 21 more than any other Design of Bifex Loudspeakers -Alexis Badmaieff 24 microphones -for La Alta Fidelidad en Mexico-Otto Mayer -Serra 26 finest quality Fletcher- Munson Again - Norman H. Crowhurst 28 public address ... Technical Aspects of the Briggs Concert -P. J. Walker 30 theater stage Audioclinic -Joseph Giovanelli 32 sound systems Uses and Abuses of the VU Meter -Oliver Berliner 34 ... professional High Fidelity Standards- SOUND- Chapter 2 -Edgar Villchur 40 recording Equipment Report- Rauland "Golden Gate" AM -FM Tuner and TV -Sound ... remote Tuner -New Kingdom- Lorenz Speaker Line-Collaro 2010 Transcrip- broadcasting. tion Turntable-Sherwood S -1000 Music Center Amplifier 46 Record Revue-Edward Tatnall Canby 52 New Products 58 Audio ETC -Edward Tatnall Canby 62 About Music -Harold Lawrence 92 Industry Notes and People 79 Advertising Index 80 AUDIS (title registered U. 8. Pat. Off.) U published monthly by Radio Moraine., inc., Henry A. &Lobs, President; C. G. McProud. Secretary, Ezecutl,e and Editorial (ares, 204 Front St., Mineola, N. Y. Subscription rates -U. 8. Possessions, Canada and Mexico, $4.00 for one year. $7.00 for two years, all other countries, $5.00 per year. Single copie 50c. Printed In U. 8. A. at Lancaster, PL AU rights reserved. Entire contenu copyright 1955 by Radio Maga- SHURE BROTHERS, Inc. sins, Inc. Entered as Second Clam Matter February 9, 1950 at the Poet OftleL Lancaster, Pa. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Microphones and Acoustic Devices 225 W. Huron St., Chicago 10, Illinois RADIO MAGAZINES, INC., P. O. Box 629, MINEOLA, N. Y. Cable Address: SHUREMICRO AUDIO NOVEMBER, 1955 1 www.americanradiohistory.com "GOLDEN SERIES" HIGH FIDELITY AUDIO PATENTS 7ke*ea/et Zeal RICHARD H. DORF' BOUND has been becoming ment in a theatre equipped for the system. popular to a certain extent, since Pickup 1 takes sound from track 1 and Sl'°°N'cit does give more realistic sound. One feeds it to the input of three control ampli- of its problems is the requirement for at fiers. The output of each of these feeds a least two and, better, three transmission power amplifier and speaker, the three ' channels. In motion picture work, for ex- speakers being distributed about the stage ample, this is practicable for Cinemascope with one at left, one at right, and one in films since they must be run through spe- the center. cially equipped projectors anyway because Pickup 2 takes control signals from track of the requirement for anamorphic lenses, 2, feeding them to the inputs of three band - and FM -AM HI -FI TUNER provision of the sound pickup equip- pass filters. Each filter passes only one of ment to take care of multiple channels is the three control signals to a rectifier and Here is quality FM (response ± 0.5 db, only incidental. However, standard films thence to one of the control amplifiers. 20 to 20,000 cps) and improved AM, could also be enhanced by stereophony, Each control amplifier has a gain which both most perfectly realized for finest especially on today's wide screens. In this is proportional to the amplitude of its con- reception in a unit only 4" high -at a case, a film normally printed with three trol- frequency signal. While the same sound very reasonable price. Outstanding fea- tracks for sound could not be run on a nor- is fed to all three speakers, the comparative tures: Sensitivity, FM -3 microvolts for mal projector and a separate print would levels in the speakers, controlled by the 20 db of quieting; AM -5 microvolts have to be available for unequipped houses. operator during recording, determine the for 1.5 volts output; separate RF stage The two systems would not be effective source of sound. on FM and AM; discriminator with compatible. C. Robert Fine of Tomkins Cove, Some modifications are is dual limiters; cathode follower with 2 N. Y., possible. If it outputs; AFC; flywheel tuning, FM has invented a system which can be com- not possible to put track 1 on the film at di -pole antenna, etc. patible, and at the least employs only two the normal place so that an unequipped sound tracks for the equivalent of three projector can handle the film simply by sound channels. The patent number is 2,- ignoring track 2, the whole thing can be NEW! HI -FI SOUND FOR TVI 714,633. put on one track, simply by using frequen- Now, make your TV sound "come alive ". Just plug the new RAULAND Figure 1 is a block diagram of the trans- cies above or below the normal band of TVSS Tuner into the unit above and mission or recording system. The audio sig- audio transmitted and keeping the maxi- enjoy TV sound through your hi -fi system. Exclusive with RAULAND. See P- nal from a pickup or microphone of the mum control -signal level well below the hew it soon. normal type is connected to recorder 1 and normal sound level. It is also possible to is recorded on sound track 1 in the usual control the amplitudes of the oscillator sig- way. A second recorder and track are pro- nals of Fig. 1 automatically so that no vided into which three oscillator signals operator is necessary. To do this, three may be mixed, designated as fa, ft., and fe. microphones are used. The sounds from all Each of these oscillator signala has a gain of them are mixed and fed to recorder 1. control and volume indicator as shown, and A separate signal is also bridged from the an operator controls them so that if one is assigned to the right, another to center, 1510 and the third to left, the comparative levels will correspond to placement of a sound. El 0 Maximum level on the left oscillator, me- AMPI. RECDR. 20 -WATT HI -FI AMPLIFIER dium at the center, and minimum at the TRACK 2 Designed for those who appreciate the right, for example, would correspond to finest in Hi -Fi reproduction -the very placement of the sound near the left of the El Ea best for less. Features: Full 20 watts area. response, ± 0.5 db, 20 Figure 2 shows the reproducing equip- AUDIO RECDR output; to AMPL TRACK I 40,000 cps; 6 response curves (compen- SIGNAL sation for all record types); 5 inputs for Electronics Consultant, 855 W. 84th complete hi -fi versatility; separate bass, St., New York $4, N. Y. Fig. 1 treble controls; contour and volume controls; variable damping control; rumble filter, plus many other deluxe A features. In compact cabinet, 4" high. IPICKUP ICONTROL POWER AMPI. A AMPL. A HANDSOME "SPACE- SAVER" DESIGN RAULAND matching "Space- Save?' units are decorator -styled in smart char- FILTER RECT. A coal black with marbleised gold finish, CONTROL POWER control panels in soft brushed brass. No AMPL. AMPL. B cabinets required -fit beautifully any- B 14 where. (Extension shafts available for behind -panel mount.) PICKUP FILTER RECT. 2 B Hear these CONTROL POWER RAULAND Hi -Fi AMPL.0 AMPL. C 1.1 units at your FILTER RECT dealer's, or write C C for full details RAULAND -BORO CORPORATION Fig. 2 3515 W. Addison St., Dept. C, Chicago 18, 111. 2 AUDIO NOVEMBER, 1955 www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com R Special Ampex Christmas Gift Fig. 3 Fig. 4 output of each microphone (or microphone level up to a certain maximum, since it is To You preamplifier) and fed to three rectifiers. differential rather than absolute level which Each rectifier will then provide a d.c.
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