Stand a:d Form Fo r ~embers of the teQlslatu~e Name of Representatlve~Lr, J/714~.ca.J~j!" Senator _____ li}/' ~ ~/ ; ' ("""'"". ~~ (. ~~ y!. )"'- I y I 1. Birthday and pl ace ~~ # '·1~ ~./ I 8 tfl dw_~~.-;d..,,/1/ ,,{,!.;., ~ ""' ? ~ c:1 1 c/·J:; ~ 2 . HarriaQe { s ) date place 'in J l ·I -· , ~11 , ~~ / '.Lf! j,- It A. Business __________________________________ __ B. Civic responsibilities ____________________ _________ _ C. Profesaion ____~~~~~ -==- =v~------------------~~---------- 6. Public Offices A. Local ________ _____ ____ ___ ____ _______________ B. State_______ _ _______ ____ _____ ____________________ C. National _______ _______ _ ____________ ___ _ ______ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ,"" ....{. ,. t; . / lO.Education ______. __ _____________________ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ... Sources Log For Legislation Entries Applicability Source Kon Applicable Applicable Information obtained ~! ,.,._.,. ..: -'. ;.,, . .,,. If,. Jll7/ /r.~i • ~~ · - ,_, Cl. ~/ j #-1 /tJ.J? A '(,f'{rJ/'~1 ) Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. HI8TOJtY 01' DAVIS OOUNTT. 527 James Hanlin, second lieutenant, enlisted August 30, 1861; appointed :fourth sergeant, September, 7, 181ll, promoted to third sergeant, September 20, 1861, promoted to first sergeant, June 30, 1862, promoted to second lieutenant, September 1, 186~ . Dllvid Bradbury, first sergeant, enlisted August 30, 1862, appointed first ~ergeant September 7, 1861, wounded at Pea .Ridge and reduced to ranks .at own request June 30, 1862, promoted sergeant ::3eptember 1, 1862, pro­ moted first lieutenant December ~0, 1864; Cyrus Cunningham, first ser­ geant, enlis~ed August 30, 1861, appointed first cor-poral September 7, 1861, wounded at Pea Ridge March 7, 1862, promoted first serg;eant July 31, 1662; Amos Chambers, second sergeant, enlisted August 30, 1861, ap­ pointed sergeant September 7, 1861, wounded at Pea Ridge; Charles B. Woodford, third sergel\nt, enlisted August 80, 1861, appointed sergeant 'September 7, 1861, reduced to ranks 1\t own request, Febrnary 22, 1862; William Dodrl, third t~ergcAnt , enlis.ted August 30, 1861, appointed third eorporal September 7, 1861, promoted to third set·geant July 30, 1862; Robert T. Wishard, quarter master sergeant, enlisted August 30, 1861, ap­ pointed sixth cot·poral September 7, 1861, promoted to fourth sergeant Sep­ tember 20, 1861, promoted to quarter master sergeant June 30, 1862; Wil­ I liam G . Wilson, fourth sergeant, enlisted private August ao, 1861, ap­ 'I I: pointed fourth sergeant .ruly 31, 1862, promoted captain September 29, I 1864; W. 0 . Orawtord, fifth t~ergeant, enlisted Angnst 30, 1861, appointed ~~ 8ergeant September 20, 1861, killed at PeR Ridge; John W. Young, fifth •&ergeant, enlisted August 30, 1861, appointed second corporal September·7, 1861, promoted to sergeant Jnly 31, 1862; Alexander Breeding, sixth ser­ geant, enlisted Aognst 30, 1861, appointed second corporal July 31, 1862, promoted to sixth sergeant September 1, 1862. Eleazer Small, first corporal, enlisted August 30,1861, promoted July 31, 1862; Jasper Bromley, second corporal, enlisted August 30, 1861, promoted to sixth corporal September 30, 1861, promoted to fifth corporal January ·17, 1862, promoh•d to fonrth corporal March 7, 1862, promoted to second ·Corporal September 1, 1862; Evans Scott, third corporal, enlisted August 80, 1861, appointed seventh corpot·al Septembet· 7, 1861, promoted to sixth ·corporal Jan nary 17, 1862, pm·m oted to tifth corporal March 7, 1862, pro­ ~noted to thil·d corporai July 31, 1862, reduced to ranks; Daniel W. French, .t hird corporal, enlisted Angnst 30, 1861, appointed eighth eorporal January 17, 1862., promoted to seventh corporal :M&I'ch 7, 1862, promoted to fifth eorporal July 31, 1862, promoted to third corporal September 1, 1862; Wil­ . liam J . Eh·od, fourth corporal, enlisted August 30, 1861, appointed to fonrth -corporal September 7, 1861, killed at Pea Ridge; Albert Power, fourth cor- Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. HISTORY OF JJAVIS OOUNTT. Alexander Breeding, third sergeant, enlisted January 1, 1864, appointed April U:, 1864; Albert Power, fifth sergeant, enlisted January 1, 1864, ap· pointed corporal February 1, 1864, promoted to fifth sergeant April 18, 1864. James Daniels, corporal, enlisted Jnnuary 1, 1864, appointed February 1, 1864 . .Privatea.-- The following men enlisted January 1, 1864: James F. Bald. ridge, Amos Ohambers, John M. Ol_ark, William Oenters, John Elliott, Thomas Elliott, died at St. Louie May 2, 1864; Josevh T. French, George W. Grosvenor, Wesley M. Hat·dman, Jolut Hazlewood, Greenvil1e Hazle­ wood, John M. Lane, James M. Logg, Alt't·ed M. Medaris, James .M. Nel. eon, John S. Phye, Benjamin H. Tompkins, James Vanwy, William G. Wilson, commissioned second lientenant .March 1, 1864, commissioned cap­ tain September 29, 1864; Matthiae Werts,. Andrew Yates. COMPANY D. George Ourkendall, captain, commissioned Juno 15, 1863. William 0 . Niblack, first lieutenant, commissioned June 15, 1868, re­ signed August 24, 1864. Bryant 0. Oliver, second lieutenant, commissioned J nne 15, 1868, died at St. Louis April 7, 1864. Daniel 8. Bell, sergeant, enlisted January 1, 1864; Nathaniel Barnes, sergeant, enlisted January 1, 1864; ,Isaiah Htt.rris, eergeant, enli&ted Janu· ary 1, 1864; JohnS. Morgan, sergeant, enlisted January 1, 1864. Thoma& J. Miller, tire~ lieutenant, enlieted January 1, 1864, appointed eeageant February 1, 1864, promoted to second lieutenant April 9, 1864, promoted to first lieutenant Angnet 25, 1864:. Benjamin B. Pearce, sergeant, enlisted January 1, 1864. John A. Pickler, second lientenan t, enlisted Jannary 1, 1864, appointed commissary sergeant February 1, 1864, promoted to second lieutenant August 25, 1864. Albert G. Olymau, corporal, enlisted January 1, 1864; John Reeder, corporal, enlisted January 1, 1864; John H . Wheelis, corporal, enliKted January 1, 1864. Oharles H. Hatch, blacksmith, enlisted Jan nary 1, 1864. Privatea.-The following men enlisted January 1, 1864: Alfred Ben Robert A. Buzzard, killed October 25, 1864; Lewie G. Oyphere, Albert Harris, William Hughs, John J. Keliy, E. R Kirkpatrick, William 0 Kurth, Elias W. Luddeth, Merrill Morgan, James D. Montgomery, Da H . .Murdock, William R. Proctor, John L. Wolf. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. OFFICIAL RECORD .. ! , . Minutes i of the I l I ' . llnwa <!tnut;errurr l. .I .' . ~ ' I I ' I of the ! ' i I mrtqnbi.at Episrn ul Qtqurrq Eightieth Annti I Session l ! it Held a 'I . J I I ·i Newton, Iowa, Septe ber 5-10, 1923 , " 1 I 1: 1 • , • 1 1 ' ' · , 1 • 1 r.• 1 • I • Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. , .. [ ~ 486 ~~· t Memoir$ 487 , ' "·· ~ M emci.r$ ~ ~· "" ' 't '\ ' REV. W. G. WILSON ·\e~> ~o the poor, the obscure and the ~eglected. His putoral miniatra- in Rev. W. G. Wilson was horn June 4, 1842, at Fayetteville, Indiana, and .. ·. :u ~ere expreued not only in words of S)'lllpathy but aleo deeds of entered into rest in Los Angeles, CAlifornia, May l, 1923. While yet a Jlllle hei~JM!U. In hie preaching he exalted Christ ae .a mighty saviour and dwtk much upon the aplritual upect of religion, but he waa not a myetfc. child the family moved ftotn Indiana to Iowa. He w11s converted in early youth, and his path was the path of the just, shining more and more unto the He took a deep interest in civic affairs and struck many bard blowa against perfect day. wickedness in high as well as in low places. The funeral services were held from the University Methodist church of Los Angeles in charge of the pastor, Dr. W. A. Brown. Dr. Neely of the He served his country as a soldier during the Civil War in the 3rd Iowa University of Southem California led in prayer, and Rev. J. C. Kendrick Cavalry. He entered the army a Christian and when discharged wu a Chris­ tian still. His loyalty to the flag did not dim hie loyalty to the croee. and Rev. C. n. Norton, retired members of the Iowa Conference and l~ng l time friends of the deceased, spoke words of appreciation. · There was no race prejudice in his soul. He eaw in evtJrY one a11 iR· Dr. Wilson was graduated from the Iowa Wesleyan College, and also dividual :for whom Christ died and he had an unquenchable deeire to see t from the Boston Scltool of Theology. He was a diligent stt.~dent and made r. them ~~aved. Love was the controlling paaaion of his soul. His laat illness was painful and protracted but he endured u seeing Him who is invisible. His last hours were filled with words of praise and i prayer. The loved ones by hie bed at the last will carry forever• the memory ef his words of trustfulness into which he breathed hie soul in prayer. Hie last words were "Bleaaed Jesus" and he fell asleep. •f Hie body reata by the eide of that of }lie sainted wife in Ingl.ewOCMI .i cemetery. This is one of the beauty epote of Southern Califoi'Jlia, in sight of the mountains and in hearing of the manifold voices of the see. a REV. A. V. KENDRICK Americue V. Kendrick wae born in Brown County, lllinoie, June 30, 1846, and died in Long Beach, Calif., July 23, 1923.
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