' D A I L V OOHHJLATIOM tor tbs Moath of Dwssasbar, ISSI 6.047 Member of the AxdH WF«in Snow with slowly iM iig tempeim- 0 BmeMi at Ureidatloea tore tonight, Sattnday tmow prab- aMy changing to min aiM irafiiier. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 95 (ClaanMed AdvertWsg Fege !•) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1938 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS American Tanker Reported Seized BUSINESS SITUATION l|HINTS AT $1,000,000 CLEARED BY TALKS, SHORTAGE IN FUNDS PRESIDENT ASSERTS Fells Newsmen That Much OF CCC AT HEARING PUPPET REGIME Misonderstandiiig b EGm- FOR CHINA NEXT Senator Adams, Of Colorado^ inated By The Recent Probe Alleged Plot Washington Conferences. JAPANKEMOVE Declares He Heard That 6 _____ I To Bomb a Japanese General Accounting Of- Washington, Jan. 21 — (AP) — Pofitical Leader Now Oper- President Roosevelt aald today he fice Is Investigating The believed hie conferences with buai- Ship On W est Coast ating In Shanghai And neaz and other groups were making eatiafactory progress and were Matter; AsksAhont An- Seattle, Jan. 21. — (AP) — A «the Hlye Mam was to be blown up clearing the atmosphere of misun- -Nanking Areas; Snow derstanding. bizarre story of an Oriental plot to by a time bomb set for 1:30 p. m^ The President reviewed bis recent blow up ships laden In American yesterday. A mad scramble ensued other $ 2 50,0 00 Shortage talks with representatives of busi Halts Activities Of War. ports with scrap iron and war ma- as police rushed to the pier to warn ness, finance and labor Just prior permns away. terials for Japan wa.s checked by In The State of Kansas. to conferring with automobile 'The Hlye Maru wras moved 300 authorities today while steamships yards from the wharf. 'Iliere waa manufacturera regarding improved Shanghai, Jan. 21. — (AP) methods of financing aimed at regu In Seattle harbor were warned to no explosion. Divers failed to find Japan’s "Lawrence of Manchuria” beware of a crude, homemade float- any trace of the bomb-laden suit- larizing production and employ- ing bomb. Wasihington, Jan. 21.— (A P ) ment. waa reported today to be setting up Chief, (above) believed carrying a cargo of Russian oil to the Spanish * case. —A Senate committee heA’d Police Capt. Marshall Scrafford The business men with whom he a puppet regime to govern the con- of ^rceloiw , waa reported seized off that port by Spanish insurgent gunboaU. The Nan- Harbor shipping was warned. Ex- has talked thus far, Mr. Roosevelt tucket Chief files the American flag and carries an American crew. said George Partridge, 22-year-old perts said most modem dynamite today that the general account- quered heart of Chino. Canadian, reported "Orientals’’ had told his press conference, were would still be explosive 48 hours ing office was inveatigatinir' learning, among other things, to Chlneoe sourcea declared Lieu- employed him and Rolphe M. For- after exposure to water. Partridge shortages of • $1,000,000 in tenant General Kenjl Dolhara, syth, school teacher of Vancouver, see matters from a national point of said be believed the suitcase con- Civilian Conservation (3orps view and were not concerning political manipulator for the Japa- B. C„ to dynamite tbe ohips. He tained dynamite. said be did not know the nationality funds in the southwestern part themselves only with their own nese army whose efforts launched HELD FOR FORGERY Partridge said Forsyth offered him separate problems. the dismemberment of Manchuria of the "orientals.’’ $1,000 to aid him. of the United States. SIX MILUONS and North China, was bringing in SPENT Forsyth drowned In an attempt. Distinct progress was being made, Clint Harley, Seattle busineaa Chairman Adams (D „ Colo.) he said. ’’acceptable’’ northern Chinese to Partridge said, to blow up the man who Identified Forsyth’s body, ON LOCAL WOMAN Japanese liner Hlye Maru, first ob- of the Senate Public Lands British ITnIon 8yzteiii rule the Shanghai and Nanking described him as an "idealist” who area. * jective of the plot. was “raised in an atmosphere of committee made the informa- Asked to comment on resentment He said be lost saw Forsyth early by some labor leaders over bis sug- "I don’t think General Dolhara Is ON PARKWAY UND, complete refinement” and waa a tion public at a hearing on the in Shanghai at present," said the yesterday, splashing into the numb- •’cultured gentleman of the finest gestion that unions make public ing waters of Elliott Bay, pushing a nomination of E. K. Burlew to their financing, the chief executive Japaneae military spokesman. But 0s(2r W. Faley Arrested On type—a superb athlete and gifted railroad tie to which was lashed a scholar.” be first assistant interior sec- suggested it' would be worth while Chinese asserted he had established for everybody to study the British suitcase loaded with explosives. In Forsyth’s billfold waa found a retary. headquarters at the new Asia hotel, SAYS COMPTROLLER Bench Warrant; Say He ’T ” do it or die in the attempt”. trade union system. code key, using numbers, letters and rendezvous of high Japanese com- Partridge said Forssrth told him be- Adams read from a prepared When informed that unions in manders and prospective political symbols to represent letters of the list of questions which he said Great Britain forbade political con- fore swimming towrsrd the Hlye alphabet, Scrafford said. advisers. Falsely Acquired Stocks. Maru, berthed at Pier 40. Forsyth’s Senator Nye (R„ N. D.), not tributions, the President said he Doihara’a undercover work had The U. 8. Navy took an informal did not know about that. Swartz In Report To Gover- nude body, clad only in a life Jacket, hand in the Investigation when Lt. present at the hearing, had been credited with keeping China was found a abort time later by a ! Ehcpialning further bis comments Commander Edward Sparrow and asked him to submit to Major- in turmoil during the decadp pre- LATE NEWS Hartford, Jan. 21.— (A P )— A Japanese seaman. A coroner’s in- O p t. W. J. Giles, chief of staff of to the business advisory council ceding the present hostilities. Ad- nor, Suggests That Here- Wednesday night, the President bench warrant was issued by Judge quest decided Forsyth drowned. the 13th Naval District, made in- General Walter L. Reed, Army vices from Mukden, Manchuria, to- Partridge, arrested as a sus- inspector general. said be did hot have in mind creat- Edwin C. Dickenson In Superior quiries at the Hlye Mam’s pier. ing any special body to advise with day quoted Shlnrokuro Hldaka, after AH Records Of State Court today for the arrest of Oscar pected box car thief, unfolded the Captain Giles explained his office diplomat expected to become FLASHES! weird bombing story when Forsyth’s One of Nye’s questions was the government on policy. W. Faley, charged with embezzle- merely was making a routine sur- whether R e^ had heard of the It had been reported that be con- Japan’s acting ambassador to China, ment of fundz from Mrs. Alice M. body was foimd. At noon be said vey. aa saying he expected a new regime Be Kept In His Office. accounting office investigation templated forming a permanent ad- OVERCpME BY FUMES Came, 62 Laurel street, an elderly visory body with members of ail for South and Central China to be Manchester resident. and if so what department or typea of interests—agriculture, con- eatabllahed soon. Watertiary, Jan. 21,— (A P )—Two Faley la charged with forgery of departments were involved in aumer, and the like, aa well aa bua- Snow Halts Aflvan<ie Hartford, Jan. 21—A P)—Comp- women were overoome and 60.oper- stock certificates and notes, and atora were affected when anlpbar the reported shortage. Ineaa. Altbough slowed by snow, sleet troller Charles C. Swartx, dlaclos- Judge Dickenson fixed a bond ot He said he was trying to work and anow, the Japanese column ad- dioxide tomes escaped from the FIND ANDERS’ VICTIMS Reed replied that he had not Ing that revised figures showed the large electric refrigerator in the $3000 required for the appearance out, without legisiatlon, a plan of Fal^ in Superior CidnK next heard of the investigation. whereby private groups would come (Oontlmied From Page Nine) state has spent $6,176,177 to date cafeteria of tbe Sontbern New Eng- land Telephone Oe. today. Tuesday, Nye’s question said $250,000 together and exchange information for Merritt Parkway land, announc- The bench warrant waa Issued on IN A WISCONSIN CAVE among themselvea. The women overcome, Mrs. Mar- of the shortage was supposed ed today that as a result of his garet Graham, assistant matron In application of Assistant State’s At- CItea on Example month-long study of the transac- to be in the state o f Kansas. For example, be said it waa help- the cafeteria, and Miss Margaret torney H. M. Alcom, Jr. itye'n written questlona were: ful when John 1.. Lewis, chairman SPANISH REBELS tions he would recommend to the Sheehan, were admitted to St. governor that financial records of Kidnap-Slayer Leads G-Men “I understand that the general Of the Committee for Industrial Or- Mary’s hospital. Mrs. Came told investigators that UPTURN REPORTED ac(X)unting office la investigating ganization, oat at tbe same table all state departments and institu- About 20 of the operators were all of her financial affairs have been ahortages at (XXI funds amount^ ^ With Thoma# W. lAroont, J. P. Mor- tions be concentrated on his office. given first aid treatment by Dr. P. handled by Faley for a period ot to more than one mUllon dollars ia INNEWAHACKSl The comptroller said that In the To Hiding Phee In Wilds; gan partner, and Owen D.
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