20 4 Jo·Nt Meeting of the American Assoc·Ation of the American Society of Veterinary Parasitologists Parasitologists 49Th Meeting 79Th Meeting

20 4 Jo·Nt Meeting of the American Assoc·Ation of the American Society of Veterinary Parasitologists Parasitologists 49Th Meeting 79Th Meeting

20 4 Jo·nt Meeting of The American Assoc·ation of The American Society of Veterinary Parasitologists Parasitologists 49th Meeting 79th Meeting In conjunction with the 141st American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention ·ooubleTree Hotel Philade,ph·a, Pennsylvania July 24-28, 2004 Supplem nt to the Journal of Parasitology - KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING! HOTEL FLOOR PLAN DOUBLETREE HOTEL PHILADELPHIA -LOBBY LEVEL ORMANDY EAST 2 1 b---- ---- ~---- ------------ ---------- -------1 i co CENTER H.c_LLWAY ~ ---- - --- --~--- ---- --------- ---- ---------- -------- ------ --- - --1 1 ~ I P ~ 0 "E ORMANDY \!\EST g0 VI a::.. Pre-Ass~mb ly r-:=-n Lobby ----------- ~ - ~ Hutel Lobby 100001 IQQOQI DOUBLETREE HOTEL PHILADELPHIA - SECOND FLOOR ORCHESTRA ROOM D Atrium Broad Street 4 HOTEL FLOOR PLAN DOUBLETREE HOTEL PHILADELPHIA -THIRD FLOOR SYMPHONY BALLROOM b 0c ~ Atrium Broad Street DOUBLETREE HOTEL PHILADELPHIA -FIFTH FLOOR """ L....-----'---r----1 ~" 0> c ·c;. .,--,"'0 ~ <il SONft.T.D.. 5 ill IJ · -o I o SONATA 4 [J :: cc SONATA 3 Sundeok Broad Street 5 SATURDAY, JULY 24 SUNDAY, JULY 25 8:00 A1iaA, B Concerto A, B Symphony 8:30 AAVP/ASP 9:00 AAVP ASP Presidents' 9:30 Executive Council Symposium 10:00 Committee Meeting 10:30 Meeting Break 11:00 Symphony Stoii-Stunkard 11:30 Address 12:00 Lunch Lunch 12:30 1:00 Symphony OrmandyE Ormand_y W Symphony 1:30 Me rial Student Chemo- 01·chestra Coccidiosis Taxonomy, 2:00 Symposium Paper therapy I Conference Competition Ill Systematics, 2:30 Phylogeny I --~-- -- 3:00 Break Break 3:30 Orchestra Onnandy E 01mandy W O;mandy E Onnandy W ();·chestra j Symphony Student I 4:00 Student Paper Student Paper Chemo- Taxon., System., I Coccidiosis EPM Paper Phylogeny , Competition I Competition II therapy I Conference 4:30 Competition Ill -- -- 5:00 5:30 6:00 Symphony 6:30 16th Annual Student Auction Preview --- -- 7:00 The Terrace, 33rd Fl., Loews Hotel Symphony 1200 Market Street 8:00 BAYER WELCOME 16th Annual Student Auction 9:00 RECEPTION MONDAY, JULY 26 TUESDAY, JULY 27 WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 8:00 Orchestra OnnandyE Onnandy W 8:30 OnnandyE Ormandy W Giardia Ecology Orchestra Mini- Host- Student lmmuno- 9:00 symposium Parasite Orchestra Posters Paper logy Interactions Competition IV Mol., 9:30 Devel., Cell Bioi. 10:00 Break Break -- Orchestra 10:30 OrnzandyE I, OnnandyW OrmandyE Onnandy W Orchestra Biochemistry, 11:00 Student 1 lmmuno- Physiology Genetics Host- Late Paper • logy & Parasite Breakers 11:30 Competition IV i Genotypes Interactions 12:00 Lunch Lunch 12:30 1:00 Orchestra OnnandyW OnnandyE Industrial H.B. Ward Medal Lecture 1:30 Life Cycles, OnnandyW Relations 2:00 Epidemiology Chemo- Omzand_vE OnnandyW therapy II Symposium AAVP Presidential ASP Presidential 2:30 Address & Awards Address 3:00 Break Break 3:30 Ornzand_y E I Onnand_y W Orchestra Ornzand_v E Onnand_v W I Life Cycles, Chemo- Student 4:00 therapy II AAVP Business ASP Awards Epidemiology Symposium Meeting & Business Meeting 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 Concerto A, B Companion Animal Parasite Council 6:30 (CAPC) 7:00 Sympbouy 8:00 NOVARTIS RECEPTION (7:30-9:30) 9:00 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Registration (Ormandy PreAssembly Area) Saturday 10:00 a.m.- 5:00p.m., Sunday and Monday 7:30 a.m.-5:00p.m. Speaker Ready Room (Sonata 4) Saturday 10:00 a.m.-6:00p.m., Sunday through Tuesday 7:00 a.m.-7:00p.m. Coffee Breaks (Ormandy PreAssembly Area) Sunday; Monday, and Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.-3:30p.m. Poster Set-up (Symphony) Wednesday, 7:30-8:30 a.m. Room Locations. Ormandy East & West Lobby Level Orchestra 2'".1 Floor Symphony 3rJ Floor Aria 3''1 Floor Concerto 3'd Floor Overture 3'd Floor Sonata 4 S•h Floor Other Meetings Sunday, July 25 journal ofPa rasitology Editorial Board, Atrium (2'l<i Floor) 7:00- 8:00 a.m. Sunday, July 25 Informal Meeting: "Anthelmintic Resistance in Cattle," Concerto A, B (3 '<~ Floor} 5:00-6:00 p.m. You arc invited to attend a meeting to discuss a proposal for identifying the prevalence of anthelmintic resistance in cattle. The discussion will include: how to conduct the survey; how to report results and to whom; and how to partici­ pate. Late Breakers Submit abstracts (200 words or less) ro the Registration Desk or to Coenraad Adema no later than noon on Monday,]u~y 26. Bring 25 copies of your abstract for distribution at the Late Breakers Session. Symbol Usage t denotes an ASP Student Competition Paper :j: denotes an AAVP Student Competition Paper 8 SATURDAY, JULY 24 Morning: AAVP Executive Committee & ASP Council Meetings Afternoon: Merial Symposium; EPM Society Session 8:00-Noon AAVP Executive Committee Meeting, Aria A, 8 (3 rd Floor) Presiding: C.R. Reinemeyer, East Tennessee Clinical Research, Inc., Knoxville TN 8:00-Noon ASP Council Meeting, Concerto A, 8 (3'd Floor) Presiding: B. Christensen, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI 1 :00-3:00 Merial Symposium, Symphony (3 rd Floor) Presiding: S.E. Marley, Mcrial, Ltd, Athens GA l : l 0 Dr. Maggot and Mr. Worm: Techniques in Forensic Entomology. M.L. Goff 3:00-3:30 Break, Ormandy PreAsscmbly (Lobby Level) 3:30-5:00 Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis Society Session, Orchestra (2"d Floor) Presiding: S. Wironsky, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA H.M. Elsheikha, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 3:30 2 Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis: A Srudy Using Mouse Models. S. Witonsky*, R. Gogal, Jr., R. Duncan and D. Lindsay 3:45 3 Sarcocystis Cysts Associated with Meningeoencephalomyelitis in a Cat (Felis domesticus). H.M. Elsheikha*, F.A. Kennedy, A.J. Murphy and L.S. Mansfield 4:00 4 Sanocystis neurona Major Surface Antigen Gene l (SAG l ) Shows Evidence of Having Evolved under Positive Selection Pressure. H.M. Elsheikha* and L.S. Mansfield 4:15 5 Cytokine Gene Expression in Response to SNSAGl in Horses with Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis. J.A. Spencer*, P. Deinnocentes, E.M. Moyana, A.J. Guarino, S.E. Ellison, R.C. Bird and B.L. Blagburn 4:30 6 New Inhibitors of EGF-Tyrosine Kinase Effective Against Oyptosporidium parvum, Sarcocystis neurona and Neospora caninum in Cell Culrures. G. Gargala*, A. Baishanbo, P. Pitel, L. Favennec, J. Ballet and J. Rossignol 4:45 7 Identification of an Enolase Protein in Sarcocystis neurona by rhe Use of Two-dimen­ sional Gel Electrophoresis and MALDI-ToF Analysis. A. Wilson, J. Thelen and A. Marsh* Saturday Evening. july 24· J:Oo-m:oo, Bayer Welcome Reception, 1 The Te!Tace, 33 " Floor, Loews Hotel. 12.00 Marl<et Street 9 SATURDAY, JULY 24 Afternoon: Student Paper Competitions I & II 3:3G-5:00 Student Paper Competition I, Ormandy E (lobby level) Presiding: WJ. Kozck, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR K.K. Sapp, High Poinc University, High Point NC 3:30 8 t Effect ofCorynosoma constrictum (Acanthocephala) Infection on the Survivorship of Hyaletta azteca (Amphipoda). L.M. Duclos 3:45 9 t Identification ofBwmphalatiaglabrata Embryonic (Bge) Cell Proteins Involved in the Recognition of Fucosylated Glycan Epitopes on Tegumental Sutfacc Glycoconjugates of Schistosoma mansoni Primary Sporocysts. M.G. Castillo*, X. Wu, A. Nyame, R.D. Cummings and T.P. Yoshino 4:00 10 t Mi(rosporidia Infection and Host CeJI Apoptosis. L.D. Shelton*, W. Porter, R. Smith Ill and K.F. Snowden 4:15 ll t Effects of Neoheterobothrium hirame on Predation of Olive Flounder, Paralichthys oliva- ceus. S. Shirakashi*, K. Teruya and K. Ogawa 4:30 12 t Distribution of Antibodies Specific for Parelaphostrongylus tenuis among Conventional and Heavy-chain Isorypes of IgG in Infected Llamas. L.P. Daley", L.F. Gagliardo, M.S. Duffy and J.A. Appleton 4:45 13 t The Targcr for Ami-Egressin May Be a Cell Surface Protein Complex that Contains Alpha-1-A.ntitrypsin. J.A. Costales" and E.C. Rowland 3:3G-5:00 Student Paper Competition II, Ormandy W (Lobby Level) Presiding: E. Greiner, University of Florida, Gainesville FL A.M. Zajac, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 3:30 14 + Effects of Feeding Sericea Lespedeza Hay on Goats Infected with Haemonchus comortus. S. Shaik*, T.H. Terrill, J.E. Miller, B. Kouakou, G. Kannan, R. Kallu and J.A. Mosjidis 3:45 15 + Efficacy of ('_,opper Oxide Wire Particles Against Haemonchus contortus in Goats. R. Kallu, T.H. Terrill*, J.E. Miller, S.R. Maddineni, S. Shaik and J.M. Burke 4:00 16 :j: Hftcacy of Ponazuril Against Reactivated Toxoplasmic Encephalitis in Interferon- Gamma Gene Knockout Mice. S.M. Mitchell*, A.M. Zajac, W.L. Davis, J.P. Dubey and D.S. Lindsay 4:15 17 :j: Expression Analysis of Six P-Glycoproteins Between Macrocyclic Lacrones in Sensitive and Resistant H. contm·tus Strains. A. Rouletll and R. Prichard 4:30 18 :j: Comparison of the Serum Antibody Responses of Mice to Infection with Encephalito- zoon cuniculi and E. irttestinalis. C. Jordan*, K.F. Snowden, A.M. Zajac and D.S. Lindsay 4:45 19 + Serological and Molecular Findings in Beagles Chronically Infected with an American Isolate of Leishmania infantum. A.C. Rosypal*, G.C. Troy, R.M. Gogal, Jr., R.B. Duncan, Jr., A.M. Zajac and D.S. Lindsay 10 SATURDAY, JULY 24 Evening: Bayer Welcome Reception 7:00-10:00 Bayer Welcome Reception. n1e Tenaa. 33 "' Floor~ Locws Hotd. T:!OO Market Strret Saturday Evening. july 2.4. 7:oo-to:oo. Bayer Welcome R.eaption, The Tmna. 33 td Flom: Loews Hotel. 12.oo Market Street 11 SUNDAY, JULY 25 Morning: AAVP/ASP Presidents' Symposium Stoii-Stunkard Lecture 8:00-10:30 AAVP/ASP Presidents' Symposium, Symphony (J'd Floor) Dr. Craig Reinemeyer Dr. Bruce Christensen AAVP President ASP President Presiding: T.

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