ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Wien Jahr/Year: 1980 Band/Volume: 34 Autor(en)/Author(s): Bosellini A., Lobitzer Harald, Brandner Rainer, Resch Werner, Castellarin A. Artikel/Article: The Complex Basins of the Calcareous Alps and Palaeomargins 287- 324 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Abh. Geol. B.-A. 34 p. 287—325 23 figures 26e C. G. I. Wien 1. 5. 1980 International Geological Congress 26th Session Excursion 129 C The Complex Basins of the Calcareous Alps and Palaeomargins by A. BOSELLINI, H. LOBITZER, R. BRANDNER, W. RESCH & A. CASTELLARIN With contributions from R. GELATI and J. OGG. Authors adresses: Prof. Dr. A. BOSELLINI, Istituto di Geologia dell'Universitä di Ferrara, Corso Ercole l'D'Este 32, 1-44100 Ferrara, Italy; Dr. H. LOBITZER, Geologische Bundesanstalt, P.O.Box 154, Rasumofskygasse 23, A-1031 Vienna, Austria; Doz. Dr. R. BRANDNER, DOZ. Dr. W. RESCH, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Universität Innsbruck, Universitätsstraße 4, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria; Prof. Dr. A. CASTELLARIN, Istitutio di Geologia e Paleon- tologia dell'Universitä, Via Zamboni 67, 1-40127 Bologna, Italy. ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Day 1 Facies Distribution in the Upper Norian/„Rhaetian" of Salzkammergut, Northern Calcareous Alps by HARALD LOBITZER With 2 figures. Route: Salzburg — Bad Ischl (Siriuskogel chair lift) sedimentary tectonic fissures or to faunal condensation, — Pötschenpaß — Luppitsch — Altaussee — Salzburg the latter caused by periods of minimum sedimentation. (overnight stop). The tectonic fissures show evidence of repeated ope­ ning (W. SCHLAGER, 1969). Some of the fissures cut through the whole sequence of Hallstatt Limestone (e. g. Introduction fissures with Norian sediments in Anisian Hallstatt The first day of the excursion will lead us to the Limestone!). by far most intensive studied — and nevertheless maybe Maybe as a consequence of the beautiful countryside in some respect the least understood — area of the as well as of the most complicated geology of Salz- Eastern Alps: the Salzkammergut. Tectonic and strati- kammergut area the "Hallstatt-Zone" became a "pun­ graphic complications are so manyfold, that up to now ching-ball" for generations of sediment geologists and no generally accepted model for the facies distribution of tectonic speculations. In the early phase of research of this classic area of Alpine Triassic stratigraphy is (between approximately 1802 — marked by L. v. BUCH'S established. 77 years after the epochal IX. International monography — and 1903, the year of the IX. Inter­ Geological Congress in Vienna many of the problems national Geological Congress in Vienna) stratigraphic pointed out by E. KITTL (1903) have been solved, new problems of the Alpine Mesozoic were the main goal, ones were born during the Congress (e. g. application but also considerations regarding the bathymetric con­ of the nappe-tectonics-concept for the Eastern Alps) ditions, the geometry of depositional environments and but also some of the principal questions still remain lithogenesis were made. In the years 1797—1799 unsolved. During the Upper Norian (Sevatic) and L. v. BUCH travelled jointly with A. v. HUMBOLDT in "Rhaetian" stages the facies distribution shows the the Salzkammergut area (L. v. BUCH, op. cit.). The greatest variety and therefore has been studied by many first results of the investigations of the red colour of workers up to the most recent times. the limestones, of the age and environmental conditions In Hallstatt facies belt sedimentation starts with of the salt deposits and of the origin of stratification clastic and evaporitic sediments of the Permian ("Hasel- were published. The unrivaled genius of the Austrian gebirge"). During the Lower and Middle Triassic shal­ geologists E. SUESS (1888) gave already an explanation low water carbonates prevail — limestones and dolo­ for the bedding resp. cyclicity of Dachstein Limestone, mites — mostly with dasycladacean algae. Sandwiched i. e. cyclic emerging and subsequent weathering of the between these shallow water carbonates of predomi­ bedding planes — a simplified model for the "Lofer nantly Anisian age (e. g. Steinalm Limestone) and clastic cyclothems" (A. G. FISCHER, 1964). A study by sediments of the Uppermost Triassic (Upper Norian/ E. v. MOJSISOVICS (1874) represents an early attempt "Rhaetian" Zlambach Formation) the Hallstatt Lime­ of facies zoning in Salzkammergut area. E. v. MOJSISO­ stone Group is situated. Stratigraphically the Hallstatt VICS (1903) in one of his last papers summarizes his Limestone Group comprises the time range between ideas of the paleogeographic position of Hallstatt zone. Upper Anisian ("Illyric") and Upper Norian ("Seva­ He postulates an in situ position (sediments of Hallstatt tic"). Our excursion is dealing with Upper Norian/ type deposited in channels ("Hallstätter Kanäle") "Rhaetian" sedimentation patterns only. cutting through the reefoid Dachstein Limestone barrier The stratigraphy of the Alpine Triassic mainly is resp. platform). One year later the fateful paper by based on the publications by F. v. HAUER (1853) and E. HAUG & M. LUGEON (1904) marks a fundamental subsequent papers by E. v. MOJSISOVICS (1873—1902); break through in the history of geological research in 1892: Hallstatt Zone. Presently a revision of stratigra- Salzkammergut area: the concept of nappe-tectonics phic type localities and ammonites is carried out by was established. In the sequel the "nappists" entered L. KRYSTYN and E. T. TOZER caused by the discovery into competition with the "autochthonists". L. KOBER of G. SCHÄFFER and W. SCHLAGER (e. g. 1969), that and his school (e. g. W. MEDWENITSCH, A. TOLLMANN most of the fossil accumulations are either due to syn- up to a few years ago, and others) plead for an extreme 288 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Upper Norian/Rhaetian ^•^ VIENNA# ^ of Salzkammergut ^»SALZBURG % Stop 1.1 V^^w^ Fig. 1 nappism. On the other hand C. DIENER, K. LEUCHS, HAUER, F. v. (1853): Über die Gliederung der Trias-, Lias- F. TRAUTH and in modern time H. ZANKL and especially und Juragebilde in den nordöstlichen Alpen. — Jb. Geol. W. SCHLAGER and his group followed the autochtho­ R.A., 4, 715—784, Wien. HAUG, E. & LUGEON, M. (1904): Sur l'existence, dans le nous concept of E. v. MOJSISOVICS (1903) in modified Salzkammergut, des quatre nappes de charriage super- versions. The present author tends to accept this con­ posees. — C. R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 130, Paris. cept, too. JANOSCHEK, W. R. & MATURA, A. (1980): Outline of the It would exceed the scope of this paper to enumerate Geology of Austria. — Abh. Geol. B.-A., 34, Wien (this all the famous people doing research in this area in the volume). past century and the interested reader can refer to the KITTL, E. (1903): Geologische Exkursionen im Salzkammergut book by A. TOLLMANN (1976) for this purpose or to (Umgebung von Ischl, Hallstatt und Aussee). — Guidebook the short review by W. JANOSCHEK & A. MATURA (1980) 9. Internat. Geol. Congr., No. 4, 118 p., Wien. respectively. KOBER, L. (1912): Der Deckenbau der östlichen Nordalpen. — Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-natw. Kl., 88, 345—396, References Wien. BUCH, L. V. (1802): Geognostische Beobachtungen auf Reisen KRYSTYN, L. (1974): Probleme der biostratigraphischen Glie­ durch Deutschland und Italien. Vol. 1. — 320 p., (HAUDE SC derung der Alpin-Mediterranen Obertrias. — Schriftenreihe Spener), Berlin. erdwiss. Kommiss. österr. Akad. Wiss., 2, 137—144, FLÜGEL, E., LOBITZER, H., SCHÄFER, P. & ZANKL, H. (1975): Wien. Mesozoic shallow and deeper-water facies in the Northern KRYSTYN, L. & SCHÖLLNBERGER, W. (1972): Die Hallstätter Limestone Alps. — In: FLÜGEL, E.: International Sympo­ Trias des Salzkammergutes. — Guidebook 42. Jahresvers. sium on Fossil Algae. — Guidebook, 55—146, Erlangen. Paläont. Ges., 61—106, Graz. 19 Geol. Bundesamt., Abh., Bd. 34 289 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Mojsisovics, E. v. (1869): Über die Gliederung der oberen We shall exclusively visit the rather poor outcrops Triasbildungen der östlichen Alpen. — Jb. Geol. R. A., 19, of Upper Norian Hallstatt limestone with interlayering No. 1, 91—150, Wien. coquinas of the pelecypod Monotis salinaria on Sirius­ MOJSISOVICS, E. V. (1873—1902): Das Gebirge um Hallstatt. kogel — summit. W. SCHWARZACHER (1948) has given 1. Theil. Die Mollusken-Faunen der Zlambach- und Hall- a most stimulating paper on the carbonate petrography stätter Schichten. Suppl.: Die Cephalopoden der Hall- stätter Kalke. — Abu. Geol. R. A., 6, 3 parts, 356 p., resp. sedimentology of these sediments. Because of void Wien. filling cements in the bio(pel)micritic Hallstatt lime­ MOJSISOVICS, E. V. (1874): Faunengebiete und Faciesgebilde stones SCHWARZACHER believes in an immediate paleo- der Trias-Periode in den Ost-Alpen. — Jb. Geol. R. A. 24, geographic neighbourhood of this sediment with the 81—134, Wien. Dachstein Limestone. More recent investigations by MOJSISOVICS, E. V. (1903): Übersicht der geologischen Verhält­ E. FLÜGEL (1967) and H. MOSTLER & P. PARWIN (1973), nisse des Salzkammergutes. — In: E. SUESS (Ed.): Bau und however, suggest a "deeper water" — basinal — origin. Bild Österreichs, 383—391, Wien. The macrofauna (E. KITTL 1903) comprises ammo­ RIECHE, J. (1971): Die Hallstätter Kalke der
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