WAITARA LEP AMENDMENTS H ORNSBY SITE –MAZDA ORNSBY Waitara , Highway Pacific PLANNING PROPOSAL PLANNING March 2015 March PO Box 1727 Hornsby, Westfield NSW 1635 T +61 2 9482 1230 I F +61 2 9482 1214 I E [email protected] I W ezzyarchitects.com.au NSW Architects Registration Board, Nominated Architect Ian Ezzy. Registration Number 2387 I ABN 51 001 856 999 !!!!! ! SUBMISSION TO HORNSBY SHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING PROPOSAL HORNSBY MAZDA SITE PACIFIC HIGHWAY, WAITARA Submission to Hornsby Shire Council on behalf of Mendicant Pty Ltd & Bafirin Pty Ltd ! MARCH 2015 ! KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] "! ! Contents INTRODUCTION, CONTEXT! AND SITE BACKGROUND 4 1/ Part 1 Objectives Of The Planning Proposal 10 2/ Part 2 Explanation Of The Provisions 11 3/ Part 3 Justification 12 3.1 Need for a Planning Proposal 12 3.1.1 Is The Planning Proposal The Result Of Any Strategic Study Or Report? 3.1.2 Is The Planning Proposal The Best Means Of Achieving The Objectives Or Intended Outcomes, Or Is There A Better Way? 3.2 Relationship To Strategic Planning Framework 13 3.2.1 Is The Planning Proposal Consistent With The Objectives And Actions Contained Within The Applicable Region Or Sub Regional Strategy (Including The Sydney Metropolitan Strategy And Exhibited Draft Strategies)? 3.2.2 Is The Planning Proposal Consistent With The Council’s Local Strategy Or Other Local Strategy Plan? 3.2.3 Is The Planning Proposal Consistent With Applicable State Environmental Planning Policies? 3.2.4 Is The Planning Proposal Consistent With The Applicable Ministerial Directions (S117 Directions)? ! ! 3.3 Environmental, Social And Economic Impact 24 3.3.1 Is There Any Likelihood That Critical Habitat Or Threatened Species Will Be Adversely Affected As A Result Of The Proposal? 3.3.2 Are There Any Other Likely Environmental Effects As A Result Of The Planning Proposal And How Are They Proposed To Be Managed? 3.3.3 Has The Planning Proposal Adequately Addressed Any Social And Economic Effects? 3.4 State And Commonwealth Interests 31 3.4.1 Is There Adequate Public Infrastructure For The Planning Proposal? 3.4.2 What Are The Views Of State And Commonwealth Public Authorities Consulted In Accordance With The Gateway Determination? KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] #! 4/ Part 4 Mapping 32 5/ Part 5 Community Consultation 33 6/ Part 6 Project Timeline 34 7/ Part 7 Supporting Documentation 35 KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] $! INTRODUCTION, Context & Site Background Council has received a Planning Proposal to amend the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (the “LEP”) in relation to land at No. 42-54 Pacific Highway , Waitara occupied by Phil McCarroll Toyota. The proposal seeks to increase the maximum height permitted on the site from 10.5 metres to 45 metres with an additional site specific sub clause under clause 4.3 of the LEP to permit a height up to 70 metres. The proposal also seeks to permit an increase in the maximum permitted floor space ratio from 1:1 to 7.3:1. The proposed amendments are intended to allow a built form comprising two storey showroom podium, three high rise towers of approximately ten (10) to eighteen (18) storeys and associated car parking. The Planning Proposal seeks a site specific LEP incorporating the above amendments and applying to the Phil McCarroll Toyota site alone. The proponent (Lefta Pty Ltd) however states at page 8 of the Planning Proposal that: “It is recognised however that a 'spot' amendment to the HLEP for the subject site alone may not be supported by Council. As such, this PP has identified a Study Area that we consider exhibits the same or very similar conditions as the subject site and represents a logical area to which the HLEP amendment, sought to be applied to the subject site, could also apply. Further details regarding the extent of the Study Area are provided in the following section of this PP. Given only landowners may request the responsible planning authority (RPA) to prepare a PP over its land (under Section 54 of the EP&A Act 1979), this PP only seeks to amend the HLEP controls for the subject site and not for the wider Study Area. Notwithstanding this, the content of this PP and supporting documentation provides an adequate analysis and assessment of the whole Study Area and therefore provides a basis for Hornsby Council to consider amendments to the wider Study Area. We consider that this approach would be logical given this PP and accompanying documentation provides the required information for Council to seek a Gateway Determination for the whole of the Study Area, inclusive of the subject site.” As a consequence of the above statement, the Lefta Planning Proposal includes land to the north of the subject site up to Station Street in a masterplan forming part of the study area. The Lefta Proposal was supported by a number of documents including a ‘Strategic Urban Design Review’, an “Assessment of Traffic and Parking Implications’ and an ‘Economic Impact Assessment’. The ‘Economic Impact Assessment’ prepared by Urbis is relied upon as a justification for the amendments to the LEP being sought. This Planning Proposal has been prepared on behalf of Mendicant Pty Ltd & Bafirin Pty Ltd (Hornsby Mazda site and surrounding properties). The site is located to the north of the Toyota site. The site KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] %! occupied by Hornsby Mazda forms part of the study area included in the Lefta Planning Proposal. A schedule of the properties that form part of this Planning Proposal is below in figure 1. Property Schedule – Mazda Dealership Lot and Dp Street Address Owner Site Area Number Lot 8 DP 383724 64-68 Pacific Hwy Mendicant Pty Ltd 84m2 Lot A DP 410075 12 Waitara Ave Mendicant Pty Ltd 355m2 (under contract) Lot 1 DP 575743 64-68 Pacific Hwy Mendicant Pty Ltd 651 m2 Part Lot 14 DP3250 70-72 Pacific Hwy Bafirin Pty Ltd 685m2 Lot 16 DP 657353 70-72 Pacific Hwy Bafirin Pty Ltd 708m2 Part Lot 17 DP 3250 70-72 Pacific Hwy Bafirin Pty Ltd 717m2 Lot 15 DP 657352 70-72 Pacific Hwy Bafirin Pty Ltd 738m2 TOTAL 3936 m 2 Figure 1 – Schedule of sites ! The Council sought public comment in relation to the Lefta Planning Proposal to assist in the assessment of the proposal. We received a copy of the notification letter sent to a number of surrounding property owners. Council in its’ correspondence dated 3 f\February 2015 stated that the “…..public exhibition is not intended to fulfill the relevant sections of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 but rather to obtain community opinion on the matter before Council decides whether to progress the planning proposal. If Council decides to proceed with this matter, a further formal exhibition and consultation period will be undertaken…”. We made a submission to the Lefta Planning Proposal indicating our ‘in principle’ support to the concept. This Planning Proposal has been prepared to ‘embellish’ the Lefta proposal and seeks to obtain the support of Council to consider a broader study area rather than deal with a site specific proposal for the Toyota site in isolation. We are of the opinion that Council should give consideration to including the whole study area forming part of the Lefta proposal including land north of Romsey Street shown in figure 2 below. KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] &! Figure 2 – Proposed Study Area !"#$"%"&'%()#*)$&)+*)('$&"%(", !136101 ,616378 -../&012345 =(%)(?(, @+<?(* =">?" *#,,"*: $+9+$" %(*";<$ !"#$%&'()*&)+&,"-$%.&!$*&,/.-012 Our proposed study area (see figure 1) is located at Waitara to the south of the Hornsby town centre within the northern part of the greater Sydney metropolitan area. The suburb of Waitara has undergone significant change over the past two decades with a large precinct developed for high density housing on the eastern side of Waitara railway station and further medium-high density residential development occurring to the south. Waitara is located in close proximity to the Hornsby commercial core and is well serviced by transport, services and facilities. The study area has been identified as forming part of an “urban renewal corridor” in the recently published metropolitan strategy “A plan for Growing Sydney” prepared by the NSW Department of Planning. The ‘Hornsby Mazda site’ includes the Mazda dealership and incorporates a number of commercial premises at the northern end of the site fronting Waitara Avenue. The rear part of the site occupied by the Mazda Dealership is under the ownership of the State Rail and is under lease to the motor dealership. KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] '! Photo 1 – Hornsby Mazda Site Photo 2 – Cnr Pacific Highway & Waitara Avenue KEY URBAN! PLANNING 2/75 Mann Street Gosford, NSW 2250 | Tel 02 4339 3696 | Mob 0432 678 268 | Email [email protected] (! This Planning Proposal is supported by a portfolio prepared by Ezzy Architects that depicts concepts for the development of the site consistent with the Lefta proposal as well as concepts for improvement of the surrounding public domain including access to Waitara Station.
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