S5922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 27, 2015 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there The clerk will call the roll. There appears to be a sufficient sec- any other Senators in the Chamber de- The legislative clerk called the roll. ond. siring to vote? Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators The yeas and nays were ordered. The result was announced—yeas 64, are necessarily absent: the Senator AMENDMENT NO. 2533 TO AMENDMENT NO. 2421 nays 29, as follows: from Tennessee (Mr. CORKER), the Sen- (Purpose: To improve the amendment) [Rollcall Vote No. 256 Leg.] ator from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE), and the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I YEAS—64 Senator from Florida (Mr. RUBIO). have a second-degree amendment at Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Alexander Gillibrand Murphy the desk. Ayotte Graham Murray Senator from Delaware (Mr. COONS), The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Baldwin Heinrich Nelson the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. clerk will report. Bennet Heitkamp Portman MARKEY), and the Senator from Michi- The senior assistant legislative clerk Blumenthal Heller Reed gan (Mr. PETERS) are necessarily ab- Booker Hirono read as follows: Reid sent. Boxer Hoeven Roberts The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- Brown Isakson Rounds The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there NELL], for Mr. INHOFE, proposes an amend- Burr Johnson Schatz any other Senators in the Chamber de- ment numbered 2533 to amendment No. 2421. Cantwell Kaine Schumer Cardin King siring to vote? Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous Scott Carper Kirk The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 62, consent that the reading of the amend- Casey Klobuchar Shaheen nays 32, as follows: Stabenow ment be dispensed with. Coats Leahy [Rollcall Vote No. 257 Leg.] The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Cochran Manchin Tester Collins McCain Udall YEAS—62 objection, it is so ordered. Donnelly McCaskill Warner Alexander Fischer McConnell (The amendment is printed in today’s Durbin Menendez Warren Ayotte Franken Moran RECORD under ‘‘Text of Amendments.’’) Enzi Merkley Whitehouse Baldwin Gardner Murray AMENDMENT NO. 2417 Ernst Mikulski Wicker Barrasso Graham Nelson Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Feinstein Moran Wyden Bennet Grassley Portman Franken Murkowski Blunt Hatch Roberts have an amendment to the text of the NAYS—29 Boozman Heitkamp Rounds underlying bill. Boxer Heller Sanders The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Barrasso Gardner Sanders Burr Hoeven Schatz Boozman Grassley Sasse Cantwell Inhofe clerk will report. Scott Capito Hatch Sessions Capito Isakson The bill clerk read as follows: Sessions Cassidy Inhofe Shelby Cassidy Johnson Shaheen The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- Cornyn Lankford Sullivan Coats Kaine Stabenow NELL] proposes an amendment numbered 2417 Cotton Lee Thune Cochran King Sullivan to the language proposed to be stricken by Crapo McConnell Tillis Collins Kirk Tester amendment No. 2266. Cruz Paul Toomey Cornyn Klobuchar Daines Perdue Thune Vitter Daines Lankford The amendment is as follows: Fischer Risch Tillis Durbin Leahy At the end add the following: Enzi Manchin Vitter NOT VOTING—7 Ernst McCain Whitehouse ‘‘This act shall be effective 1 day after en- Blunt Flake Rubio Feinstein McCaskill Wicker actment.’’ Coons Markey NAYS—32 Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas Corker Peters and nays on my amendment. Blumenthal Heinrich Reid The amendment (No. 2327) was agreed Booker Hirono Risch The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a to. Brown Lee Sasse sufficient second? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- Cardin Menendez Schumer There appears to be a sufficient sec- jority leader. Carper Merkley Shelby ond. Casey Mikulski Toomey The yeas and nays were ordered. CLOTURE MOTION Cotton Murkowski Udall AMENDMENT NO. 2418 TO AMENDMENT NO. 2417 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Crapo Murphy Warner Cruz Paul Warren Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the man- Donnelly Perdue Wyden datory quorum call with respect to the Gillibrand Reed have a second-degree amendment at the desk. cloture vote on the McConnell amend- NOT VOTING—6 ment No. 2266, as modified, be waived. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Coons Flake Peters clerk will report. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Corker Markey Rubio objection? The bill clerk read as follows: Without objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair lays vote, the yeas are 62, the nays are 32. NELL] proposes an amendment numbered 2418 Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- to amendment No. 2417. before the Senate the pending cloture sen and sworn having voted in the af- motion, which the clerk will state. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous firmative, the motion is agreed to. The legislative clerk read as follows: consent that the reading of the amend- The majority leader. ment be dispensed with. CLOTURE MOTION AMENDMENT NO. 2421 TO AMENDMENT NO. 2266 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- (Purpose: Of a perfecting nature) objection, it is so ordered. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the The amendment is as follows: Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I move to bring to a close debate on the call up amendment No. 2421. On line 2, strike ‘‘1 day’’ and insert ‘‘2 McConnell amendment No. 2266, as modified. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The days.’’ Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Orrin G. clerk will report. Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- Hatch, John Barrasso, Pat Roberts, The bill clerk read as follows: sence of a quorum. Richard Burr, Thom Tillis, David Vit- The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. MCCON- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ter, Lindsey Graham, Kelly Ayotte, NELL] proposes an amendment numbered 2421 clerk will call the roll. Lamar Alexander, Daniel Coats, John to amendment No. 2266. The senior assistant legislative clerk Hoeven, James M. Inhofe, Roger F. Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous proceeded to call the roll. Wicker, Susan M. Collins, John Thune. consent that the reading of the amend- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- ment be dispensed with. ask unanimous consent that the order imous consent, the mandatory quorum The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for the quorum call be rescinded. call has been waived. objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The question is, Is it the sense of the (The amendment is printed in the objection, it is so ordered. Senate that debate on amendment No. RECORD of July 26, 2015, under ‘‘Text of f 2266, as modified, offered by the Sen- Amendments.’’) ator from Kentucky, Mr. MCCONNELL, Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask for the yeas MORNING BUSINESS to H.R. 22, shall be brought to a close? and nays on my amendment. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The yeas and nays are mandatory The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a ask unanimous consent that the Sen- under the rule. sufficient second? ate be in a period of morning business, VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:16 Jul 28, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27JY6.041 S27JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE July 27, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5923 with Senators permitted to speak Higher Education found that between and most notably, New Hampshire’s therein for up to 10 minutes each. 2009–2014, Ball State’s 4-year gradua- 73rd Governor Meldrim Thomson, Jr., The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion rates increased by 12.1 percentage all share ties to Orford. objection, it is so ordered. points. Distinguished Ball State grad- On behalf of all Granite Staters, I am f uates include David Letterman, former pleased to offer my congratulations to host of CBS’s Late Show and Jim the citizens of Orford on reaching this MUNCIE, INDIANA 150TH Davis, creator of the iconic comic strip special milestone, and I thank them for ANNIVERSARY Garfield—recognized as the world’s their many contributions to the life Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. President, I most widely-syndicated comic strip. and spirit of New Hampshire.∑ wish to honor the city of Muncie on its With the addition of Ivy Technology f 150th anniversary and to recognize the Community College and Harrison Col- TRIBUTE TO RICHARD LAPOINT many contributions of Muncie’s citi- lege, Muncie has shown a continued zens to the great State of Indiana and commitment to higher education. ∑ Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, today I to our country. The city of Muncie reflects our Hoo- wish to recognize the exceptional pub- Muncie’s history dates to the 1790s sier values, and its citizens serve as an lic service of my good friend, Pittsburg when the Lenape Native Americans example of how hard work and dedica- Police Chief Richard ‘‘Dick’’ Lapoint. settled the area and named it tion lead to success, opportunity, and Chief Lapoint has worked as a Pitts- Wapicamikunk. As early European set- prosperity. It is a great honor to rep- burg, NH law enforcement officer for tlers moved into the area, it was resent the city of Muncie in the Sen- more than 40 years. He is retiring on named Munsee Town after the dialect ate. On behalf of the State of Indiana, August 16, 2015, the day after Pitts- of the Lenape Native Americans, who I congratulate each and every citizen burg’s 175th Old Home Day celebration. spoke Munsee. When it was incor- of Muncie on the city’s 150th anniver- Chief Lapoint is a 1968 graduate of porated in 1865, Munsee Town became sary and wish you continued success Pittsburg High School, and first began the city of Muncie. and prosperity in the future. his law enforcement career as a part- The gas boom helped establish the time officer in August 1975. After work- f city of Muncie as an important manu- ing part-time for 11 years, he became a facturing center for the Nation. In 1880, ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS sergeant, and was later promoted to the Ball brothers founded Ball Corpora- the department’s full-time chief on tion where they specialized in manu- January 16, 1987.
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