Two Parties Square Off THE SUNFLOWER Volume XLXm, No. 2 UnlTMltr etm cliita — Wichita, Kansaa September 18,1947 For Election Campm and Shodnr CoalitiMis Announce STUDENTS PARADE FRIDAY lists of Candidates Cmupus and Shocker parties hare announced their candidates for class officers and Stndent Ck>tin- dl representatiTA to be chosen in GRID OPENER IS SATURDAY an all-echool election on Friday, t 26 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. We additional representa^es Y b iir / »will be elected accordiiHff to pro> Faith portional Tote. There inll be no Team Ready reatrlction of classes on this ballot First Rally Counciling Program CAMPUS CANDIDATES Campus party candidates for Bogina For BonoHi proportional stndent council rep­ OrReligoua Groups For Battle resents tire are Bert Dayies, Elbie To Be Held McNeil, and Jeanne Courtney. Senior representatlye is Dave Arrangements are being made Enoch. Junior representative is to determine a regular meeting With Mules Beverly Coldsnow. Sophomore Downtown time and place for a counciling representative is Burton Randle. program for religioiu denomina­ Warraisburg: Teachers Senior class officers are as fol­ Freshmoi WiD Weur tions that are represented by stu­ lows: president Dan Dwyer; vice dents on the campus, according Bring 35-Man Outfit 'dent, Oeoi^ Hickok; secre- Nightshirts; Assembly to Dean Q. Hekhlus, College of S B e ^ Jean G<hc Friend; ser- Liberal Arts. Into Veterans Field t-at-arms, Homer Hulsey; Set for Union Station Pastors representing each de­ and treasurer, Marfe Morris. nomination, under this tdan, will Universl tv of Wichita grldsters Junior class offlcers are presi­ contact students of their denom­ wUl pen the 10-gamelo-gai 1947 foot- Approximately 600 University ination each week at an hour later dent Bob Meilert; vke president, students are expected to take part ball schedule and meir fiftiethjnid Bud Weaver; secretary Blye Hln- to be determined. The purpoee of season when they meet the War- in the Hrst nightshirt parade in this program is to provide a chun^ shaw; serueant-at-a r m s, Don several years in downtown Wichita rensburg Teachers, of Missouri, in Smith; and treasurer, Shirley Hol­ fellowship which in turn will keep Veterans Field at 2 p.m., Saturday. Friday night at 6:46 p.m. erith the Indl^dual in doser contact loway. activities scheduled to begin in Coach “Judd” Dean,'former Cor­ Sophomore officers are president, with his faith. nell grid mentor now coaching tiie front of the Union station, accord­ School and church ofTidals met Bill Mosbaeher; vice president ing to T. J. Curry, Student CouncU Warrensburg Mules, is bringing a Janet Brosius; seieretary, Marjorie September 14 and tentative ar­ 86-man squad to gain revenge for Van Camp; sergeant-at-drms, BUI president rangements were made for the .Freshmen who attend the rally “Wheattea” Cline (Continued On Page 7) Mitchell; and treasurer, Betty WU- eonnclling program. The College . Leads wmnen In parade liams. are required to wear nightshirts or of Liberu Arts will post a schediue Freshman class officers are pres­ white sheets over their street cloth­ as to the day and hour of the coun­ ident Dick Housrhton; vice presi­ ing. This renews one of tke old cil meeting as soon as a request dent Uea Stark; secretary, Pat Unversity traditions. is received from the denominations Gow Speaks L^oeuf; semsnt-at-arm^ Bur­ Fifty members of the UnlverslW for a meeting. ton Hail; and treasurer, Carolyn band directed by James Kerr will Caunts. lead students on a march throuf^ To I.R. Club SHOCKER CANDIDATES the downtown section where y ^ Late Enrolleea Have Shocker coalition candidates for and school songsangs' will highlight the proportional Student Council rep­ evening’s activities.ti\iti< Phsnsical Exams on George Gow, radio station KFH resentative are Art Hodgm, Dor­ All members of Wheaties and W^nesday Morning news analyst, will be guest speaker othy Neists, Kenny H edri^ Vlnlta Whocks are urged by Jean Cline, at special meeting of the Interna­ Hood, and Jo Miller. Senior rep­ Wheaties president and Tom tional Relations Club at 7:80 o’clock resentative is Maurice Starr and Curry, Whock chairman, to be Students who are late enroUees this evening in the University Li­ Charles “Bill’* Banks. Jtmior rep­ present. and those for some other reason brary according to James Young, resentative is Pat Rotherfoid. Route of the parade as outlined have failed to have them phydcal president. Sophomore representatWe is Pat by Curry Is as follows: examinations will report to Room Gow, who attended a recent state Taylor. Aeeembly spot—Union station 117, Sdence Hall, next Wednesday convention of United Nation’s Edu­ Senior class officers are as fol­ Parade stops: Doekum’s Drug at 7:80 a. m. for that purpose, cational, Social and Cultural Organ­ lows: president Ralph Brack; vice store; Lassen Hotel: Orpheum states Dr. Clinton C. McDonald, isation. will give an original pro­ meaident, John Stucky; secretary, Theater; and HInkers. director of the University health posal for an intemationid project EeUa Dustin; treasurer, Bet^ Dispersal spot—Union station program. for UNESCO among college stu­ Brock; and serfeant-at-arms, Lin- Following the parade all the It is necessary for all students dents and educators. His speech m>od Sexton. rooters wUl proceea to the campus to complete a medical card for will be entitled “Two Tears After Junior ofTicers are president where they will witness the opening the permanent records, acccNrdlng San Francisco’’. l>ster Rosen: vice president Tom freshman footballgame of the sea­ to Dr. McDcmald. Members of the United Nations Wells; secretary, Martha Roop: son in the old Shocker Stadium. An interesting fact concerning chapter of the International R c^ treasurer, 'Nancy Quinllsk: and The team will engage the El the examination this year, accord­ tions Club will tell of experiences sergeant-at-arms. Earl Hamilton. Dorado Junior college. ing to McDonald, Is that there is at the model general assembly at Bophomore officers are presl. Sophomores, Juniors-and seniors Oklahoma A; and M. last year and an average of two and a half boys "Wheek” Cvry dent Bill Smith; vice pmldent, Roy may wear Jeans or sport dothes, for every girl taking the physical. the place for colleges and students (ContinuM On Page 8) Curry said. Men’i parade marehal . in United Nations work. COALITIONS VIE FOR CAMPUS POSTS CAMPUS COALITfON REVBALBD candMates for tiie Sept 26 election this SHOCRBR COALITION ANNOUNCED today If candldatce tor S s tort|mem- morning. Twenty-nine ofHcea are to be filled at the polls next Fridey. Campne ing election. Stndent CenncH candidates and pcealdsntlai enndidatoa ^ yldiired pteMdential and Conndl eandidatea are ptanred a ^ ^ above. H uy are, seated from left Dorothy NaicM, prbportlonai Dmndl candidatoi awled from loft Bob MoUert Junior ptAldontial candidate; Dick Hanghte^reeb- Betty Brock, aeiUoy treaanrsr candidate; Ylnlta H o^ proportional Conndl caadl- man preeidektw candidate; Bill Moebecher, aophomore preeMeotlal candidate; and date; Pat Ratkerfor^. jnnler. Cdbndl repreaentative; Jo Miller, proportional CmuMU Dan Dwyer, ednlor prealdential candidate. Seeond row, left Rn Benke, proportional candidate; and Patat Taylor, aophomore Conndl candidate. StandiiyStanding hback row. Art Conndl candidate; Beverly CoUenow, Innior Connell candidate. Jeanne Oonrtney, Hodgen proportional Cbnndl candidate; Leeter ttonon, Jnnior pnekmitial candidntet ^ wwfoHienal Coandl candidate; and Gloria Umbe BaUov, senlOT Ceiindl candidate. Bill Jones, aophomore prealdential candidate; Maurice Starr, oenior Ooondl rep- b IuA row, left Bible MeNdl, proportional Council candldato; Bert Davteo, propor- reaentaUve; and Kenneth Hedrick, proportional Coundl ripfiiiiUiitive. Btedania tloM l Conndl candidate: Dave Enoch, eenior Conndl candidate; and Barton Randle, win go to the potla In the Commona Lounge on Friday, Sfpt II, from 6 ajn. nntll •ophomore Connell candidate. 1 p jn . Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives iS September 18,1947 THE StFNFtOWER THE SUNFLOWER Attention / The Golden Year Volume XLXni, No. 2 CoIonel Beeler Now This is the golden year of Typed On A Wednesday Heads Military Unit football for our Wheatshockers. Sept. 18,1947 Fifty years ago when business With New Program PsUltlMd Mch lliandar a e n ln t dnrint By WIlHara Fein men along with students made lb* idioo! m r W la tto dcptit. Now that the summer months have drawn to » c!®*® The ROTC unit on the University up our football eleven, many of mtat of JmraalMa of th« U nlrm i^ of campus is under the new command Wkhite czecpt on hriMajrt. darini vaen- more we devote our time and efforts to the three that is the Shockers were New Eng­ lioM «nd «umlMitlOB ptrloda. Bnttrtd m of Col. D. T. Beeler, Inf., as P. M. S. Idft of our vacations is memories. But what , ' . landers and were acquaintances ■•eond d a m n w t^ , Soptvgbtr 14, 191S, at I don’t know how you spent your vacation, but I did a six and T. tha xKMteffie* at wiebita, KaasM aadar tba weeks stretch with the ROTC at Lowry Field, more popularly Also new to the unit will be a of the Fairmount president, Act af March t, 187*. Tba Bnaflowar b osa of tba eldaat atndcnt kttown afi “hangover heaven". This column naay «ound like prop­ change in uniforms, which will Theodore Morrison. publleaUona In tba atata of KaoiM, hav- aganda, but anyone who has taken a furlough or liberty in Den­ be on an issue basis. This was Int b m foohdad la IIM. Today with 56 men listed In ver can corrobiwate my enthiaslasm. ri 1 T3„«»v, brought about in an attempt to SabaeHptloa by bwO Ib tba Ualtad 8tat« Memories! The indoctrination speech by Colonel Beam, improve the type of uniform the official grid brochure. 38 la IS.OO par acbool jaar.
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