A BibliographyBibliography of the HistoryHistory of Inland Waterways, RailwaysRailways && RoadRoad TransportTransport inin the British Isles,Isles, 1998 We are grateful for the continuing support of the regular contributors and acknowledge the help provided by the Ianlan Allan Bookshop at Waterloo and use of the facilities at the Public Record Office and Science Museum Libraries. Any correspondencecorrespondence concerning thethe bibliography should be addressedaddressed to GrahameGrahame Boyes,Bqyes, 7 Onslow Road, Richmond, SurreySurrey TW10TW10 6QH.60H. Ott.xxxxx refers to an entry in Ottley'sOttley's Bibiography of British railwayrai/way historyhistory andand· its two supplements. tindicatest indicates that a copy of the bookbook hashas notnot beenbeen seenseen byby the compilerscompilers and the bibliographical details are therefore uncertain. SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GA GENERALGENERAL HISTORY HISTORY AND AND DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF GC1eGC 1e England—EastEngland-East Midlands Midlands Region TRANSPORT IN THE BRITISH ISLESISLES 8 CARROLL,CARROlL, R. A. The printedprinted mapsmaps ofof Lincolnshire,Lincolnshire, 1 LOWSON,lOWSON. M. V. Surface transporttransport history in the UK: 1576-1900: aa carto-bibliography;carto-bibliography; with an appendix on analysis andand projections.projections. Proc. lnstnInstn CivilCivil Engrs,Engrs, road-books, 1675--1900.1675-1900. Woodbridge: BoydellBoydel/ Press /I TransportTransportvol. vol. 129 (1998) pp. 14-19.14-19. Lincoln Record Soc., 1996. pp. xlvi, 449, [3] col. pl.pI. 10 Comparative analysisanalysis ofof the growth and decline of b.& w. illns.iIIns. [Publns of the Lincoln Record Society, vol. canals, railways and roads. 84.] GC1f England—EastEngland-East AngliaAnglia GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OFOF THE BRITISH ISLES 9 MALSTER, ROBERT.ROBERT.. SuffolkSuffolk transport.transport. Stroud: Sutton Publng, 1997. pp. 126.126. [Sutton's photographic GC1b England—SouthEngland-5outh West Region history of transport series.] A photographic record. 2 BONE, MIKE and STANIER, PETER. AA guide to the industrialindustrial archaeology of Devon. fironbridgel:{Iron bridge): Assocn GC1h England—NorthEngland-North West Region forfor Ind!Indl Arch., 1998. pp. 56. 10 GRAY, EDWARD. Mancf1esterManchester roadroad & rail.rail. Stroud: 3 CHANDLER, JOHNJOHN (ed). Printed maps ofof WiltshireWiltshire Sutton Publng,Publng, 1996. pp. 126.126. [Britain in oldold 1787-1844: a selectionselection of topographical,topographical, road andand photographs series.] canal maps in facsimile. Trowbridge: WiltshireWiltshire Record A photoggaphicphotog~phic record. Soc., 1996. pp. xxvii, 264. GC1IGC11 England—YorkshireEngland-Yorkshire GC1c England—SouthEngland-5outh East Region 11 t HALL,HAll, CHARLES C. Rotherham and district transport, 4 TARPLEE,TARPlEE, PETER. AA guide toto the industrial history of vol. 2. Rotherham: Rotherwood Press, 1998. pp. 132. the Borough of Elmbridge. Rev. edn of 1987 guide by 175 photos, 7 maps & diagms. R. G. M. Baker. Guildford: Surrey Ind;Indl History Group, GC2 Scotland 1998. pp. 57. GC2 Scotland Covers waterway, railway and road features in this 12 STRATHCLYDE PassengerPassenger Transport: Transport: 25 25 yearsyears of area of north Surrey. service 1973-1998. [London]:{London]: Ianlan AllanAI/an for SPT, 1998. pp. viii. London (see also no. 40) Published as supplement toto July issues of Buses and Modern Railways. 5 MICHIE, RANAlDRANALD C. C. London andand the process of economic growth since 1750.1750. London JrdJnl vol.vol. 22 GC3 WalesWales (1997) pp. 63-90.63-90. Re-examines London'sLondon's contribution toto BritishBritish 13 ROBERTS, JIM. NorthNorth WalesWales transport.transport. Stroud: economic growth, of which transport was one of the Sutton Pubing,Publng, 1998. pp. 158.158. [Sutton's photographic main factors. history of transport series.] A photographicphotographiC record. 6 PASK, BRIAN. LondonLondon inin 1997: thethe fare and ticketticket systems on publicpublic transporttransport inin London.London. Sevenoaks: GC4 IrelandIreland Transport Ticket Soc., 1998. pp. 23. Many tickets illus.iIIus. 14 COX, R. C.C. andand GOULD,GOULD, M.M. H.H. CivilCivil engineering engineering GC1d England—WestEngland-West MidlandsMidlands Region heritage: Ireland.Ireland. London: Thomas TelfordTelford forfor Institution ofof CivilCivil EngineersEngineers andaf,ld InstitutionInstitution ofof 7 TURNER, KEITH.KEITH. BirminghamBirmingham transport.transport. Stroud: Engineers of Ireland,Ireland, 1998. pp. vii, 296. 144 illns,iIIns, 5 Tempus I/ BirminghamBirmingham City Council,Council, 1998. pp. 128.128. figs, 7 maps, 4 tables. [Images of England series.] Gazetteer of civilcivil engineeringengineering monuments,monuments, the A photographic record. majority transport-related. 165 15 tt b RIAIN,6 RIAIN, MICHEAL. MICHEAL. Always Always under under pressure: pressure: COrasC6ras 25 SMITH, DENIS. James Walker (1781-1862):(1781-1862): civilcivil lomparlompar Eireann and Irish public transport. Studies vol. engineer. Trans. Newcomen Soc. vol. 69 (1997-8) pp. 86 (1997) pp. 62-70.62-70. 23-55. Walker's work included the Commercial Road stone GC6 IsleIsle of of Man Man tramway (pp.(pp. 27-8), bridgesbridges (pp. 28-9), railwaysrailways 15a GOODVVYN,GOODWYN, A. A. M. M. Manx Manx transport transport kaleidoscope. kaleidoscope. New (pp. 30-3), fenfen drainage, riversrivers andand canalscanals (pp.(pp. 41-41- edn of 05.9932.Ott.9932. Douglas, I.o.M.:l.o.M.: Manx Electric RlyR/y 4). List of reports by the Walker firm,firm, 1825--61,1825-61, and Soc., 1997. pp. 64, [4]. 97 photos, map. family tree inin appendices. Repr. of 19951995 edn,edn, withwith insertedinserted 'Update'Update JuneJune 1997'. GE3 ArchitectureArchitecture and and design: design: bridges, bridges, viaducts,viaducts, buildings (see also nos. 18,18,21) 21) 16 GRAY, EDWARD. Manx railways & tramways. Stroud: Sutton Publng, 1998. pp. 158. [Sutton's photographicphotographic 26 NEWCASTLENEWCASTLE UPON UPON TYNE TYNE CITY CITY LIBRARIES LIBRARIES & history of railways series.] INFORMATIONINFORMATION SERVICE, LOCALLOCAL STUDIESSTUDIES A photographic record. LIBRARY. River Tyne crossingscrossings andand NewcastleNewcastle bridges. 1998. pp. [6]. [Fact sheet, no. 1.] 17 HENDRY, ROBERT. AA century of Manx transport in Summary of historical facts aboutabout VotedfIXed crossingscrossings of colour. Douglas: Manx Experience, 1998. pp. 128. the lower Tyne. A pictorial history. 27 SUTHERLAND, R.R. J.J. M. (ed). Structural iron, 1750- GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 1850. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997. pp. xli, 382. [Studies in the history of civil engineering, vol. 9.] 18 ROYALROYAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ONON THETHE ANCIENTANCIENT ANDAND in the history of civil engineering, vol. 9.] Reprint of selectedselected papers;papers; those onon bridgebridge HISTORICAL MONUMENTS OF SCOTLAND. The Sir construction in Britain are indexed separately in this William Arrol collection: a guide to the Scottish material held in the NationalNational Monuments Record of Scotland.Scotland. Bibliography. Catalogue compiled by Miriam McDonald with addnl 28 TAYLOR, H. P. J. The precast concrete bridge beam: text and editing by Miles Oglethorpe. Edinburgh, 1998. the first 50 years. Structural EngineerEngineer vol. 76 (1998)(1998) pp. 48.48.24 24 pl.pI. pp. 407-413. A gazetteergazetteer of 125125 ScottishScottish sites,sites, particularlyparticularly bridges, forfor which Sir William ArrolArrol & Co. werewere 29 WITTS, CHRIS. A century of bridges. [Cover subtitle: contractors, 1870-1979, listing records held in the an illustratedillustrated guide toto all the bridges that cross the NMRS. Severn.] Gloucester: author, 1996. pp. 40 incl. covers. Many drwgs. GE1 BiographiesBiographies of of dvil civil engineersengineers Summary of all 100 bridges from source to estuary. --2nd2nd edn. River Severn PubIns,Publns, 1998. pp. 38. 19 CHRIMES, MICHAEL M.M. and HOTS, SUSAN. John Rogers?, John Reynolds?, John Smeaton?: who was Britain's first civil engineer?engineer? InIn JARVIS, ADRIAN and GE4 MechanicalMechanical engineering engineering SMITH, KENNETH (ed),(ed), PerceptionsPerceptions of greatgreat 30 PULLIN,PULLlN, JOHN. JOHN. Progress Progress through through mechanicalmechanical engineers 11:II: papers given at aa one-dayone-day conferenceconference engineering: the the firstfirst 150150 yearsyears of the InsitutionInsitution of held at MerseysideMerseyside Maritime Museum 22 NovemberNovember Mechanical Engineers. London: Quiller Press,Press, 1997. 1997. Liverpool: National Museums & GalleriesGalleries onon pp. x, 270.270.474 474 illns,illns, incl. col. Merseyside, 1998. pp. 8-26.8-26. 20 CROSSLEY, DAVID.DAVID. TheThe Fairbanks ofof Sheffield:Sheffield: GE5 VehiclesVehicles surveyors' records records as as a a sourcesource forfor the studystudy ofof 31 CLARK, RONALD H. Steam-engineSteam-engine builders of regional economic development inin thethe 18th and 19th19th Lincolnshire. Repr.Repr. ofof 19551955 edn.edn. Lincoln: Soc. forfor centuries. [Rolt[Roll memorialmemorial lecturelecture 1995.]1995.] IndlIndl Arch.Arch. Lincolnsh. Hist. & Arch., 1998. pp. 150.150.146 146 figs. ReviewReviewvol. vol. 19 (1997) pp.pp. 5--20.5-20. Account ofof each of thethe manufacturersmanufacturers of road,road, The records of the FairbankFairbank familyfamily ofof surveyorssurveyors agricultural, railrail and stationary engines and theirtheir cover the period 1753-1848 and include surveys of products. road, riverriver improvement,improvement, canal andand railwayrailway
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