by Janet Cignetti Beverlee Cue will be the Mis,tress StuG gavel, whi,ch is a symbol of the activities with a Baccalaureate Finally, at 4 p.m. in the War Four years of studies soon will of Ceremonies. Linda McCarriston legislation, to Jane Hogan. Mass at 10 :00 a.m. at the Holy Memorial Auditorium at the Pru­ be culminated in six daY's of com­ Wlill recite the cLass poem aTId The sophomore honor guard for Cross Oathedra:l. The sermon for dential Center, the memibers of mencement activities, beginning Andrea Oouture will give the the o.ccasion will be directed by the class of '65 will receive their Tuesday, June 1, when there will cLass es·say. Lorraine Plasse, cIa,ss president. long-awaited and much-antkipated be the "Emmanuel Night at the The tree-planting ceremony will Commencement Ball degrees. The speaker on this oc­ Pops." follow, and then a conferring of Friday night, the Commence­ casion will be J. F. Letty, presi­ On Wednesday, June 2, there o.ffices. ment Ball will be held at the dent of the University of Windsor, will be the Senior Banquet. Co­ Sheraton-Boston at the Prudential at Windsor, Ontario. chairmen of the banquet, which is Center from 9 to 1 a.m. Co-chair­ Masters Degrees Conferred to be held at 7 p.m. at Hugo's men for this event are Nancy Mc­ During thi's event, Emmanuel Lighthouse, Scituate, are Diana Elaney and Kathy Donovan. The will ,confer Master of Arts degrees Adams and Cathy Cronin. orchestra, under the direction of upon nine ,candidates. Theresa Speaker for the evening will be Harry Marchard, will convey the Ann Conroy, Ann Mary Donnelly, James Dobbins, political cartoon­ theme of "Everything's Coming Judith de Lassovszky, Natalia B. ist from the Boston Herald-Tra­ up Ro·ses." Golembiokski, Lol'a Januskis, Su­ eler. On Saturday, June 5, the Gar­ san McCloskey, Janice Marie Sul­ Day of Recollection dinal Cushing Libmry will be ded­ livan, Marie Clair Sullivan, and On Thursday, June 3, there will i,cated at a formal ceremony at 3 Adolph Venclauskas will be the be a Day of Recollection for all p.m. with Hi,., Eminence Richard reciptents. seniors. Father Carroll Bourg, Cardinal Cushing presiding. Four Bachelor of Fine Arts de­ grees will be conferred upon stu­ S.J., of Boston College will Jane Donahue presents StuG Later, at 7 p.m., there will be a Library Dedication Dinner in the dents who have concentrated in the conduct the opening conference gavel to Jane Hogan. at 9 :30 and will terminate the day Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton­ field of fine arts for five years. with a Mass at noon in the chapel. At this pO'int, Sheila Mc­ Boston Hotel. The chairman .of the Dinner Speaker: James Dobbins The recipients are Anne Marie Class Day is scheduled for Fri­ Devitt will present the traditional dinner will be Miss El.isabeth M. Belson, Elaine Tha:lia Felos, Mary day, June 4, at 2 :00 p.m. On this spade, which is decorated with the O'Hearn, president of the Alum­ the occasion will be given by Rt. Jane Memmolo, and Rita Jane o'ccasion, senior c1a,ss president ribbons of clas,s colors of prev.ious nae Associatio'n. Rev. Monsignor Cornelius T. H. O'Brien. Sheila McDev,itt will present the years, to Lee Ann Olauss. Jane Sunday, June 6, will condude Sherlock, Ll.D. (Continued on Page 3) welcoming address. Sophomore Donahue will then present the ' Students~ Faculty Reap $100,000 Grant Bonanza Already totalling nearly $100,- Texas, NSF Conference on Rela­ 000, grants to Emmanuel faculty tivity (!summer); NSF Institute members and students continue to in History and Philosophy of Sci­ pour into depal1tment ofHces. ence, St. John's Univers,ity, New In the news the most are the York (summer). Vol. 17 No.. 8 Emmanuel Co.llege, Boston, Massachusetts May 21, 1965 awards made to the Class of '65. Sociology: National Science The Seniors will attend nearly Foundation matching grant of fifty graduate schools throughout $4800, to be matched by ,the c,ol­ Five Priests Reassigned an area that extends as far north lege through non-government as the University of Montreal, funds. Grant to be used to pro­ south to the University of Miami, vide a laboratory and observation east to University College, Dub­ equipment for survey research and Dominicans Prepare for New Roles lin, and west to the University of small group analysis. Director: Sr. According ,to Jubilee, at the Texas. Marie Augusta, · S.N.D. by Susan Langa Fr. Maher plans to travel to the Dominiocan House of Studies, also heart of Fr. Every's plan is the Grants awarded to faculty and Class of 1965 May - in the academic com­ i'11 ~ashington, D.C. idea that study is the "underpin­ students to date include: Biology: P aula L. CorniloV1kh: munity a traditional time for nj.n~ Qf Dominican life";, in order l'aculty g-raCLu:ace a~::rl::;Cal(t,::l.I[IfJ u1 ~-.LT\.H) gooCfoyes - marKS 'tne 'last monfu Presently teaching the Jun'ior to perfect the dual Domindcan Biology: Miss Diane Pitochelli: and tuition (l'enewa,ble), Univer­ of Emmanuel teaching for the moral theology cour.se, Fr. Maher role of preaching and teaching in sity of Miami. National Science Foundation Sum­ Dominican order, which has staff­ is one of three Dominicans from the c.ontemporary world, especial­ mer Institute in Microbiology at Claire L. Cushing: tuition grant ed the college's Theology Depart­ the Eastern province who wm lyon the level of higher educa­ the University of North Carolina. and internship ($2500), Brown ment for 14 years. study college-level religious edu­ tion, Fr. Every feels that con­ Chemistry: Miss Kathleen Des­ University, toward M.A. in Teach­ To implement a plan outlined cation at the Catholic University tinual research and study are nec­ mond: teaching assistantshi,p to ing. last winter by the Very Rev. Louis of America. essary. Iowa Staote University, $3600 per Rose Marie Da~gle: research as­ Every, O.P., provincial of the year, full remission of tuition and sistamtship in bacteriology, Uni­ Eastern region, the five Domin­ Remaining at St. Stephen's fees, until receipt of doctorate. versity of Montreal. icans currently teaching here will Priory at Dover, where the five J. Donahue Given Miss Cora Solis: National In­ Mary-Ellen Foley: study grant leave for assignments including men now live, will be Fr. O'Beirne, stitute of Health summer grant for Phys~cal Therapy Pr,ogram at both study and teaching. who will teach Scripture to Dom­ Aquinas Award Columbia University, Oollege of i,nican student brothers. for doctoral research on ele'ctro­ Fathers Joseph G. Pezzullo, Physicians and Surgeons. Senior StuG President Jane phoresis, Massachusetts College of Thomas J. Maher, WilHam M. Fr. O'Beirne's courses at Em­ Marilyn A. Kane: assistanship, Donahue was named recipient .of Pharmacy. O'Beirne, J. Brian Noland, and manuel include studies of the Old English: Mrs. Ivan Galantic: $3600, Florida State Univemirty. the Aquinas Medal at the I'ecent Ro,hert F. Conway will begin their and New Testaments. K e ·n t Foundation Fellowship, Joanne M. McGrath: tea'ching ninth Honors Convocation. new assignments this summer. $2200 for do'ctoral research fellowship, $2200 and tu~tion, Fr. Noland's assignment will Fr. Pezzullo, chairman of the The Aquinas Medal is given an­ abroad. Wellesley College. take him to Paris, where he will nually to the student who has done Sr. Dolores Marie, S.N.D. : Chemistry: A'nne E. Backman: department, w:ill travel to Wash­ study for his doctorate in liturgy ington, D.C., where he will study superior work in the fields of Amerkan Association of Univer­ NASA Fellowship, $7200 f.or three at the Institut Catholique. philosophy and theology, and who years to Virginia Polytechnic In­ toward a doctorate at the Pontifi­ sity Women, $2500 feUowship for Fr. Noland also teaches junior has successfully integrated this stitute; teaching assistantship to cal Faculty of Theology. study in England. moral theology. knowledge with her scholastic and He ,currently teaches the senior Physics: Sr. Daniel Marie, University of Texas ($2200) Texas extracurricular activities. S.N.D.: Arlington State College, (Continued on Page 5) course in Christology. Most widely travelled of the group when the new assignments Jane, an English maj,or whose are carried out will be Fr. Con­ related fields are history and La­ Three Honored at CYO Congress way. tin, has qualifications for the He will leave soon for Kenya, award which include first Dean's At the recent AI'chdio'cesan for three years, and, for the past sister at Emmanuel, is also a re­ East Africa, where he will teach List standing since her freshman youth Congress, three Emmanuel two years, has been secretary of cipient of the Eagle of the Cross native students at the Dominican year. students were among nineteen the Archdiocesan Council of Gath: AlWard. seminary at Nairobi. This year Jane has received C.Y.O. members awarded the olic Youth. A member of the St. John - St. Fr. Conway, who teaches phil­ much recognition for her scholas­ coveted Eagle of the Cross award. Hugh parish in Roxbury, Annette osophy to the sophomore class, tic achievement. The girls honored were junior has served for the past two years will 'conduct courses in canon law She was named to the honor­ Lee Clauss, freshman Annette Lat­ as the archdiocesan spiritual chair­ and church history. able mention list of both the son, and freshman Kathy Mogan.
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