P R E F A C E There are 18 major dams in the Gujarat State and six interstate river basins namely Tapi basin, Narmada basin, Damanganga basin, Mahi basin, Sabarmati basin and Banas basin in the State. Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpasar Department every year updates the information in this publication which provides information for flood warning arrangements during monsoon. Relief activities are not incorporated in this document as they are not supposed to be dealt with by the personnel of the Water Resources Department. This disaster management plan includes information and terminology regarding cyclone warning specified by India Meteorological department, guide lines for maintenance of flood embankments, circulars regarding precautionary measures before monsoon, alerting concerned departments, details of wireless stations, type of warning and affected villages. The information in this volume is updated based on the suggestions received from various field officers related the flood warning arrangements. Secretary (WR) I N D E X &KDSWHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 3DJH No. a. Abbreviation b. Information and Terminology regarding Cyclone Warning and I to XVIII Coastal bulletins specified by India Meteorological Department. 1 INTRODUC7,21 1.1 Disaster Management Plan(Flood Warning Arrangements) 1 1.2 Telephone Nos. 1 1.3 Meteorological Center, Flood Meteorological Officers & 1 General Terminology of Weather & Coastal Bulletins 1.4 Central Water Commission Officers 2 1.5 List of Appropriate Authorities (Focal Officers) 2 1.6 Control Rooms 8 1.7 Miscellaneous 10 1.7.9 Drains 1 1.8 Operation of Gates and Rule Levels for Irrigation Projects 1 1.9 Role Matrix 55 2 Flood Warning Announcement through All India Radio and 59 Doordarshan Kendra 3 Disaster Preparedness for Flood and Arrangements of Flood 64 Fighting Units 4 Maintenance of Flood Embankments 81 5 Wireless Stations (Central and State) 4 6 Damanganga Basin 3 7 Tapi Basin 99 8 Narmada Basin 15 (A) Rami Sub Basin 118 (B) Sukhi Sub Basin 119 (C) Karjan Sub Basin 121 9 Mahi Basin 139 10 Sabarmati Basin 152 11 Banas Basin 180 12 Vishwamitry and Deo Basin 188 13 Saraswati Basin 199 14 Rivers of South Gujarat 2 15 Rivers of Panchmahals and Dahod Districts 210 16 Rivers of Rajkot, Morbi, Jamnagar , Dev Bhumi Dwarka, 216 Surendrangar, Junagadh and Porbandar Districts 17 Rivers of Bhavnagar, Amreli, Porbandar, Junagadh, Botad and 25 Gir Somnath Districts 18 Rivers of Kachchh Region 22 19 (A) Minor Irrigation Projects 257 (B) River Gauging, Rainfall Gauging and Weather Stations 258 Under NWR WS K & Deptt. 20 Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy for Prevention & Mitigation 268 ( Short term/ medium term/ long term) A B B R E V I A T I O N Pri. Secy. Principal Secretary Secy. Secretary N.W.R.W.S. & K. Dept. Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department R & B Roads and Building Department Addl. Secy. Additional Secretary D.S.P. District Superintendent of Police U.S. Under Secretary D.S. Deputy Secretary O.S.D. Officer on Special Duty I.M.D. India Meteorological Department IST Indian Standard Time UTC/GMT Universal Time Code / (Greenwich Mean Time) CWDS Cyclone Warning Dissemination System D.E.E. Deputy Executive Engineer S.I.C. Surat Irrigation Circle P.P.C. Panam Project Circle H.I.P.C. Himmatnagar Irrigation Project Circle K.P.C. Kadana Project Circle R.I.C. Rajkot Irrigation Circle R.I.P.C. Rajkot Irrigation Project Circle. V.I.C. Vadodara Irrigation Circle. W.R.I.C. Water Resources and Investigation Circle U.T. Union Territory G.E.B. Gujarat Electricity Board V.M.C. Vadodara Municipal Corporation I.P.Sub. Dn. Irrigation Project Sub Division Ft./ Mt. Feet / Meter CUM/CUS Cumecs / Cusecs C.W.C. Central Water Commission MDDL Minimum Draw Down Level C.A.D. Command Area Development D’Ganga Damanganga C.D. Civil Defense R.H. Rest House C.D.O. Central Designs Organisation S.D.O. Sub Divisional Officer B.D.O. Block Development Officer R.L. Reduced Level F.R.L. Full Reservoir Level H.F.L. High Flood Level P.W.L. Present Water Level D.G.S. Design Gross Storage D.L.S. Design Live Storage D.D.S. Design Dead Storage U/s, D/s Up Stream, Down Stream A B B R E V I A T I O N Disc. Discharge D.S.R.P. Dam Safety Review Panel Max. / Min. Maximum / Minimum Inf. Inflow Sch. No. Scheme No. RF Rainfall CRF Cumulative Rainfall Kts. Knot (Unit of Measurement for wind Speed) Lat / Long. Latitude / Longitude BOSL Below Outlet Sill Level Datum Level Level with Respect to Sea Level NA Not Available Gauge Height Different between two levels Mcm/MM3 Million Cubic Meter Mcft/(Mft3) Million Cubic Feet (G) Gated Scheme (UG) Un Gated Scheme (FG) Fuse Gated Scheme High Alert The dam/reservoir filled more than 90% with respect to its Design Gross Storage Alert The dam/reservoir filled more than 80% and upto 90% with respect to its Design Gross Storage Warning The dam/reservoir filled more than 70% and upto 80% with respect to its Design Gross Storage NG North Gujarat SG South Gujarat CG Central Gujarat Gross Storage (Live Storage + Dead Storage) Dead Storage (Gross Storage - Live Storage) Live Storage (Gross Storage - Dead Storage) IBPT Irrigation Bye-pass Tunnel Cumecs Unit of measurement of Discharge in Metric System (Cubic Meter per Second) Cusecs Unit of Measurement of Discharge in British System (Cubic Feet per Second) Rule Level A Rule level is a pre-defined level on a specified date to be maintained in the reservoir to fill the reservoir in stages during on-going monsoon season considering conservation and flood control aspects. White Signal Alert Condition Blue Signal Ready for Evacuation Red Signal Immediate Evacuation HOC Hydrological Observation Circle NTBO Narmada and Tapi Basin Organisation BBY Bombay (Mumbai) SRT Surat EOC Emergency Operation Cell ERC Emergency Response Cell INFORMATION AND TERMINOLOGY REGARDING CYCLONE WARNING AND COASTAL BULLETINS SPECIFIED BY INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT FAVOURABLE WEATHER PARAMETERS FOR FORMATION OF CYCLONE :- 1. Large sea area with sea surface temperature 27 0 C or more 2. Minimum vertical wind shear. 3. Minimum value of coriolis parameter. (Generally originates between 5 0 to 22 0 North Latitude.) 4. Upper air divergence. 5. Sufficient moisture in the lower and middle troposphere. TERMINOLOGIES FOR TROPICAL CYCLONE :- The classification adopted by India Meteorological Department to classify such disturbances is based on maximum strength of sustained wind in the circulation. Type of Disturbance. Associated wind speed. Low Pressure area Less than 17 kts. Depression 17-27 kts. Deep Depression 28-33 kts. Cyclonic Storm 34-47 kts. Sever Cyclonic Storm 48-63 kts. Very Severe Cyclonic Storm 64-119 kts. Super Cyclonic Storm 120 kts. and above (1 Knot = 1.85 kmph.) Expected Wind Speed Expected Damage 60-90 kmph Tree branches broken off; Some damage to kachcha house 90-120 kmph Trees uprooted; Pucca houses damaged; Communication distrupted. More than120 kmph Big trees uprooted; Widespread damage to houses and installation. Total distruption of communication. I Flood Warning Arrangements – 2021 FORMATION OF TROPICAL CYCLONE Tropical cyclones generally form over the open areas where the sea surface temperature is 270 C or more. Very cold temperatures of South Atlantic, Eastern parts of South Pacific and Eastern parts of North Pacific even during the warmest season are not congenial for formation of cyclones while in the warm Indian ocean cyclones are frequent. A Tropical cyclone generally forms from a pre-existing low pressure area over warm Tropical oceans and air from all directions rushes the area in an anticlockwise motion in Northern hemisphere due to deflection caused by rotation of earth. Greater pressure fall, greater the speed of wind rushing inward to the vacumme - Low Pressure. Simultaneously, in view of favorable conditions in the upper atmosphere at 6 km and above for the out flow or divergence of air, a large scale vertical motion of uprushing air takes place, as the moisture laden warm air rises, it cools and excess moisture, which it can not sustain at these warm temperatures, falls as rain. The latent heat liberated in this process supplies further energy to this low pressure system of intensification. 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FORMAT FOR CYCLONE WARNING (SEVERE CYCLONIC STORM) CYCLONE BULLETIN NO................ISSUED BY CYCLONE WARNING CENTRE, AHMEDABAD AT .............HRS IST OF ................(DATE) FOR REPEATED BROAD CAST IN GUJARATI, SINDHI, HINDI AND ENGLISH AT HOURLY / HALF HOURLY INTERVALS (aaa) CYCLONE WARNING FOR ...................................... ............................................................................................DISTRICTS (aaa) SEVERE CYCLONIC STORM LOCATED ...................... KM ....................
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