![European Suinae (Artiodactyla) &Om the Late Miocene Onwards](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bol/ettinodel/4 Societ4 Paleontologictl ltalia1l4 1 pl. Modena,Ottobre 1989 European Suinae (Artiodactyla) &om the Late Miocene onwards Jan VAN DER MADE Salvador MoYA-SoLA InstitUutvoor Aardwetenschappen Institut de Paleontologia "M. Crusafont" RijksuIÚversiteitte Utrecht Sabadell KEY WORDS- Mammalfa,Art1odactyia, Sutnae, Neogene, Eu~. ABS1RACf - Eumpean Suldae tbat haLlea time dlslrlbutton nMr tbe Mto-Pliocene boundary haLle~ studied. 1bey beiong lo /UU trlbes: Dtcot):1Jhocboerlnt(Korynochoerus, Mi~onyx and Eumaiochoerus) and Sutni (oniy tbe genus Sus). 1be ftrst hibe was wel/ ~ted tn lbe Late Mlocene and tbe otber tribe was ~.from tbe Eariy PlIocene onwa~. ]be tmmtgrants K. palaeochoerus, Mi~onyx and K. provincial~ enten1din tbe /ate5tMtddJe Miocene and Late Miocene. ~onyx Lsa lineage of tb~ forms; lbe endemic island form Eumalochoerus Lsan offsboot of tbLsItne. In tbe PHoceneSus arvemensis and S. strozzü tmmigrated. Susscrofa ente1-edlate tn tbe Eariy Pletstocene.]be endemtc SarrJtntan Sus nanus LsbeIteIKNi lo be a descendant o/S. arvemens~. A range cbartfor tbe Suinae Lsg~. Eu~n Mlcrostonyx was a ItnWJgecbaractenza:I by a si:zedecrease o/ lbe denIttton and m o/ pnmIola1S:M. antlquus, M. major major and M. major erymandllus. "Propotamochoerus" provinclalls tsfound lo be related lo KorynochoenJs¡Yd!aeochoerus and Lstncluded in Ibis genus. 1Me /UU spectesare not re/ated lo ProP<J(amochoerus.FassILs descrlbed as SUbgenusPostP<X3n10ch0erus are foond lo be related lo Sus and not lo Potamochoerus. Ciadograms of tbe Dicorypbocboerlnt and tbe Sutnt are g;ven. RIASSUNro- [Suinae (Artiodactyla) europei a partire dal Miocene superiore) - Sanostatt studtattt sutdt europetche banno una dtstrlbuztone tempomle vicina al Itmtte Mio-Plíocene. Em ~no a due trlbll.. DicOr)pbochoerint (KOIyfiochoerus. Microstonyx e Eumaiochoerus) e Sutni (ti solo genen1Sus). La prima trlbtJ era '--m ~ alla ftne del Mtocene mentre la seconda co~re a pantre da! primo Pliocene. Korynochoerus palaeochoeros. K. provincialis e Microstonyx giutlsero come tmmigrantt alla ftne del Mtocene medio e nel Miocene superiore. Microstonyx costtJUtsce una Itnea ftlettca di #refi>nne; la fonna insufare endemica Eumaiochoerus trova la sua origine tn ~ linea. Ne/ Pliocene tmm~nmo Sus arvemensis eS. strozzii. S. scrofa gtunse nel tardo PleisIOCenein/more. Si pensa cbe la fonna endemica Sus nanus deDa Sardegna dtscenda da S. arvemensis. VIene stt/ata una carta di dtstribuztone del Sutnae. La línea eoo/ub"meu~ di ~onyx.fu camttenzzata da/Ja dtmtnuztone dt tagHa della dentíztone e daDaperrJita de; premoiari: Mi~onyx antiquus, M. major major e M. majar eryrnandúus. VIene ~ cbe "Propotamochoerus" provincialis e coliegato a Korynochoerus palaeochoerus e pe11antoincluso tn quesi'ultimo genere. Questedue spec;ienon sono tn relazione con Propotamochoerus. 1 resti~lí riferiti al sottogenereP~oerus vengono considemti victni a Sus e non a Potamochoerus. Vengono/omUt i ciadogmmmi del/e trlbtJ Dicorypbochoerlni e Sutni. INrRODucnON mE TAXA AND mElR CHARAcrERISI1CS The African Pliocene and PleistoceneSuidae are Thic;section has two purposes.One purpose is to consideredto be of great value in sttatlgraphy.White & give the chamcters of the teeth that are frequendy Harris (1977) provided an altemative sttatigraphy on found, so that a taxon can be recognized in a collec- fue basis of suid evolution in cases where absolute tion. Another purpose is to give charactersthat can be methods were controversial. used in phylogenYi these chamcters are usually only It is doubtless under fue influence of that and seen in rare fossils such as complete skulls. similar papers that interest in EurasianSuidae is grow- ing. The workshop on continental faunas at fue Mío- cene/Pliocene boundaIY is a good opportunity for Dicoryphochoerini Schmidt-Kittler, 1971 drawing up an inventoIY of fue data available on fue European Suidae of that time. The Dicoryphochoerini share several characters, Apart from a suid from Samos little attention is such as fue morphology of P4 and fue morphology of paid to Asian suids in this paper. The Samossuid might fue upper incisors. also prove to occur in Europe. The P. has a rnain cusp positioned labially to fue 330 J. VANDERMADE, S.MOYA-SOU midline. Frorn this cusp an antero-lingually directed "ProjJotamocboetUS"provinctaJís (Gervais, 1859) ridge descends to the anterior CingulUffi ending so- mewhat linguaUyof the middle of the tooth. This ridge "P." provtncíalís has dentition that is a little larger is not smooth, but mar have swellings,which look like than in K. paiaeochoetUS.The size range of fue teeth is cusps.A second main cusp is placed a little behind the not well known but it is known that the two species other and much more linguany. Posteriorly these two overlap in size. The molars have somewhat more pro- cusps are connected by a ridge or cusp to the muro nounced accessorycusps and fue labial wall of fue lower posterior cusp of the talonid. On both sides a labial CUSpsof fue upper molars is more convexoThe 13 cingulum runs up to this cusp and fuses with it. The resemblesthat of K. pa/aeochoerus. anterior and posterior ends of the tooth are about the In a female skull from PtolemaisKardia fue occiput same height and cleariy lower than the maincusps. is not elevated as it is in fue male K. pa/aeochoerus A detailed study of the incisors of the Suoidea is skull from Johnsdorf (see Mottl, 1966 and Thenius, being prepared by one of us Q. v. d. M.); it is sufficient 1972). In Sus Mrix.u'us and Metrldiochoerus andrewsi to deal only with the 12and 13in this paper. The second both males and females have elevated occiputs. Alth- upper incisorsare long and narrow. They have a poste- ough fue skull structure is different, this indicates that ro-lingual cingulum. fue difference in fue shape of fue occiput of fue male AI1 Dicoryphochoerini have more elongated mo- K. pa/aeocboenJSand of fue female "P." provincíalís Iars than primitive Suidae.The males of K. pa/aeochoe- skulls is not due to sex but to specific characters.The ros, "P." provinctalts and Mlcrostonyx and prot:y.-bly Johnsdorf skull has inflated zygomatic arches,whereas also Eumaioch0en4Shave weU-developed alveolar in fue skull from Ptolemais fuese arches are not in- crests above the canines. The alveolar crests of 'P." flated. This is a feature that is related to mastication;in provinctalts are more slender.The femalesof K. paJae- Potamochoerusfue shape of fue zygomatic arches in och0en4S,"P." provinctalts and probably also of Mi- femalesand malesdoes not differ much, although their crostonyxand EumaiochoentSlack such crests.(This is zygomatic arches differ greatly from those of a prim- also the casein modero suids such as Potamoch0en4S, itive type suchas those of S. scmja. In Metrldiochoerus s. ~, S. batfutUS and S. celebensts). however fue degree of inflation is surprisingly related to sexo Korynoch0en4Spaiaeoch0en4S (Kaup, 1833) We expect that "P."provincialís does not have fue zygomatic arches inflated nor fue occiput elevated. In K. pa/aeochoentSis about the size of a recent wild fue crushed Ptolemaisskull fue anterior rim of fue orbit boar. The males have much inflated zygomatic arches seemsto be somewhere above fue M3.The individual that depart nearly at right angiesfrom the snout. In the is fully adulto It should be borne in mind that this femalesthis angie is less acute, it is not known if their characteris ase dependant.The "P." protltncíalís from zygomatic arches are also inflated. The occiput was Montpellier has lost its 13.The skull from Ptolemais elevatedin the males,whereas in the femalesthis is not Kardia has lost both r, fue alveoli are still open but known. The anterior end of the orbit is behind the M3' were in fue process of closing when fue animal died. The 13is large but not elongated; it does not always The loss of r and P during life seems to have been have a postero-lingual cingulum. common. EXPIANA'nON OP PLATE 1 - K. provtnctaJls. Right p., Venta del Moro, VM ~, MNCN (Museo Nadonal de Clendas Naturales,Madrid). Fig. 1 2 - Microstonyx major erymantbius. Right p., KerassIa,Ke 72, IVAV (Instltuut voor Aardwetenschappen,Vtrec!1t). Fig. - EumaiochoenLSetn¿scus. Right p., Pavolona (Bacclnello V2), Museum of Natural History, Basle. Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Koryn0cb0en4SpaJoeocboeru.s. I.eft P. Can Ponsic 1, IPS 1001. Instituto de Paieontologia,Sabadell. 5 - Sus'scrofa, Right p., recen! from Benaban'e(Huesca), coll. JvdM. Fig. - Sus nanus. Left p', Capo Figari, Ty 5353, Museum of Natural History, Basle. Fig. 6 7 - Potamocb0en4S.Right p., recent, RMNm 1686, Rijksmuseumvoor Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. Fig. - K. provtncialts. Right 1', Venta del Moro, VM 115, MNCN. Fig. 8 - K. paiae!Xb0en4S. 9) Left P, Venta del Moro, VM 613, MNCN; 10) 1', Castell de BarlJed, IPS -; 11) 1', HOStalets, IPS 1077. Fig.'i. 9-11 12-13 MicrostonJIX 12) Right 1', IPS Ta78; 13) Right 12 and 1', Sarnos, Sam. 27, Museum of Natural History, BasIe. Figs. - Potam0cb0en4S.!tIght12 and 1', RMNHL. Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Sus scrofa. Left 12and 1', recen! BenabaIre (Huesca), roIl. JudM. J. VANDER MADE, S. MOYA-SDf.)., EUROPEAN SUINAE FRON L MIOCENE Pl.l J. VAN DERM.-WE; S. MOYA-soL1. placed in MN 12. Maybe Tudurovo should be correlat- ed to MN 12 if this is not contradictory to evidence Mtcrostonyx is a iarge suid with an elevated occi- from other taxa. pUl, lengthenedsnout, relatively small canines,relative- Since fue srna11estfonn has not been found in Iy shallow mandibles, r' that are greatiy elongated and westem Europe one of us (S. M.) think¡¡ that it is a that have postero-lingual cingula, inflated zygomatic geographical subspecies. But as fue size decrea.-.e archesithe parietal ridges are wide apart (at least in the seemsto occur in many places, fue smaller fonn may male skulls that we know), The anterior rim of the orbit a1sobe a younger subspecies.The iarge fonn has been is well behind the W, found in France, Gerrnany and Turkey; fue intenne- A lower Vallesian forro has a very large dentition diate fonn in Spain, France, Russiaetc.
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