Bulletin, 1919, No. 71.Fart 7. January, 1920. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY, 1919-20.PART 7: MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS:. CONTENTS:. Educational bards and foundationsChurch educational boards ents of Cull and societiesSuperintend- par,cliial sob° )1,Jewish educational organizations Directorsof school. of phil- anthropyInternational associations of educationAmerican pducationalassociations: (1) National and sectt.inal: (2) state: (1) cityLearned and civic organizations--StateFedelations of women's clubsNational Congress of Mothers and Parc:it-TeacherAssociationsEducational periodicals. EDUCATIONAL. BOARDS AND FOUNDATIONS. Name of board. l'resident. Secretary. Meeting. Anna T. Jeanes Founda-James!" Dillard, Box 418, bon. John T. F.mlen, 4th andNewYork,N. Y., Charlottesville, Va. Chestnut Ste., Philadeb Jan. 24, 1920. Baron de Ifirscb Fund phia, l's. E. S. Benjamin, 130 EastMai J. Kohler, 52 WilliamNew York N. Y., third 25 t hSt., New York, St., New York, N. N. Y. N.Y.Y. Sunday in January. Carnegie Corporation of New York. James Bertram, 576 5thNew York, N.Y., Ave.ew YOrk, N. Y. Nov. 20, 1919. Carnegie Foundation forHenry S.Pritchett,5765thClydeFFurst,5765th Ave., the Advamement of Ave., New York, N. Y. New York, N.Y., Teaching. New York, N.Y , . Nov. 19, 191. General EducationWallace B ut t r lc k, 61Abraham F le xner. 61 Board. Broadway, New York, New York, N.Y., N.Y. Broadway, New York, Dee. 4, 1919. John F. Slater Fund.... N.Y. James H. Dillard, Box 418,Miss 0. C. Mann, Box 418,New York, N.Y., Charlottesville, Va. Charlottesville, Va. December, 1919. Kahn Foundation forEdward D. Adam_ _,s71 FrankD.Faekenthal, the Foreign Travel of Broadway, New York, 116th St. and Broadway, Amorican Teachers. N. Y. New York, N. Y. Phelps-Stokes Fund....I. N. Phelpe-Stokes,ehalr- Anson Phelps-S t o k e s,New York, N.Y., man, 100 William St., Yale University, New Nov. 19, 1919. New York, N. Y. Haven Conn. Rockefeller Foundation. George E. Vincent t61 Edwin R. Embree1 , Broadway, New York, New York, N.Ir., N.Y. Broadway, New York,Y Dec. 3, 1919. Russell Sage Founds. N.Y. 1 -Robert W. de Forest, 30John M. Glenn 130 EastMonthly, October lion. Broad St., New York, 28d St., New York, N. Y to I N. Y. May, bOtelusive. I The Educational Directory, 1919-20, is in seven parts, sit; Part1, Government elincati 'nal activities; Part 2, Pitblic school systems; Part 3, Higher education;Training of teachers; l'ei(6, Summer school director.; Part 6, Museums Part 4, Special schools: Mats, eta. andlibraries; Fart 7, Miscellaneous °duct/Mona crPnlea 142603 -20--1 PART 1. 2 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY, MD-20. 'Ill 11411Ent t'ATItiNAL BOARD++ AND SO:IF.T1F.S. Name of lard l'resident. :setretar Council of Church Boards of Education inFrank M.Sheldon.14 Beacon )tit', Broad- the United States of \ merica. Bogue, way, New York. N American Baptist Education Society Clark W. Chamberlain, un tiranville, Ohio. nrd," III. American Christian Cant mil ion,iiepart W. (1. Sargent, it Rutlandthigh meta of Education. St., Providemv, It. 1. lint (lurch of the Brethren. r fenernl Fdluent D. W. Kum?, McPherson,IL C. Refer, North ilms. Board. Kans. the der, Ind. Church of the Ured Brethren in dhrist. J. Kc them , 39311 TiarrisonWIlimm E. Schell. 71)2 Owl- Board at ion. St., Kansas Cur, Mo. twin ['rm., Rld g., 11/ovioll, gregational Education Society Charlesft.Brown.Yale Frank M. Sheldon 14 Beacon University. New Raven, St., Boston, Mass. Conn. Disciples of Christ, Board of Education 1, N. McCa.sh, Enid, R. Edward.. Colutem, Mo. Evangelical Lutheran church, BoardofA. J. Turkic, II RivrviewE. L. Illint. heer.hloirg. l'o. Edueat ion. A ve.Pittsburgh, Pd. 11. IT. Escort, Gretna, Maui-.1. 11.1.angenwalter.Nmooll, Wenn° ites of North America, General ('on- 01, filen ,BoardofEducation. fobs. ist Episcopal Church, Board of Edu-William F. McDowell, 110(1A. W. Harris 1513-5th ..16th St. N. IV., Washing- New York, N. cation. ton, D. C. Methodist.Episcopal Church, South, Boardt\',11. Murrah, Memphis, I.Stonewall Anderson,sot Tem. Itroldwa,Nash, of Education. Tenn. Methodist Protestant Church, Board ol du..1. W. K11044,44)5 Pit talturf, ,J1 IGeorge II. Miller, SO; Pitts- Life Bldg.,Pittsburgh, a. burgh Life Bldg.,Mtts- canon. burrlth, Pa. National Baptist Convention, EducationalT.J. Searcy. 385 South Cyn-S. E.Griggs, Memphis, Board. this 1.1401), Nashville, . Tern. Tenn. Northern Baptist Convention, Board orErnest D. Burton,ehainnan'FronkW. Padellonl. Education, 5.125 Woodlown Ave., Chi- Cord Bldg., BoKton. cago, Ill. Presbyterian Church in the StatesCharles F. Wishart, WoosterEdgar P. 11111, Its. 5th Ave., of Ameries, General Board of Education. Ohio. New York, N. 1'. Presbyterian Church in the United StatenW. II. ilopper, 410 UrbanHenri. lit. Sweets. 410 l'rhan (Southecn), Executive Commit tee of Edu- Bldg., Loulstille, Ky. 1114., Louisville, 1: cation. GeneralDaniel S. Tuttle, 74 Vande-William E.Gardner, 2811 ProtestantEpiscopalChurch, 4th .tve., New York, N. Y. Board of Relieoum Education. venter i'latv, Bt. Louis, Mo. snits W. Thompson 25 EastJohn G. Oebhart. 23 East ReformedChurch In Atnerica, Board of 2241 St, New York. N. Y. Education. 72d St, New York, N. Y. Seventh -Day Baptist Education Society.... Whitford, Alfred,Paul E. Tttaworth, Allred, N. Y. N. Y. Society of Friends. foyeane meeting, BoardDavid M. Edwards, Earl-J. Edwin Jay, Wilmington. of Education. ham College,Eadtham, Ohl ,,. Society of Fdenda, Octavo' Conference,Thomas A. Jenkins, 5.411Mrs. Ida P. Stabler, 154 N. Committee on Education. OfeenWOMI Are., tdeago, 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Southern Baptist Convention, EducationF. 8. White, Birmingham,J. R. Dillard, Birmingham, Board. Ala_ Franklin Behlegal,441 Chest-II. II. Thoren, 1544, Barry United Evangelical Church, Board of Edu- Ave., Chicago, Ill. cat ion. nut St. ,Lanoaater, Pa. - A. 3. Stockton Ave. Charles S. Itotr31141. 212 Evan - United Lutheran Church in Americo, Board ilerrieburg, of Education. and Arch Bt., Pittsburgh, geUnJ Pa. David F.Mutehelt, J.E. Bradford, 1344 East. United Presbyterian church, Board of Edu- SI., (1104(0,Ill. cation. Ellis 'Ave.. Chicago, III. I34 4P MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. w SUPERINTENDENTS OF CATHoLIC PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. Archdioceses are indicated by an asterisk ().1 Diocese or archdiocese Name and title of supervising officer Address Albany, N. V Rev. Joseph A. Dunney, S. T. I.., tspector454 Western Ave., Albany, of schools. N.Y. Raker City, oreg.... Rep. Hugh J. Ma-shall, diocesan inspectorKlamath Fall, Oreg. of .schools. Baltimore, Md Rev. Lawrence A. Brown, superintendentcatonsville, Baltimore, Md. (Baltimore City). Ilostea, Mass... Rev. Augustine F. Hickey, S. T.1,.. Mo-7.5 t'nlon Park St., Boston, . man siipervisor of schools. Mass Brooklyn. N. V Rev. Joseph V. S. McCiancy, inspector of749 Linwood St., Brooklyn, schools. N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y Rev. Francis T. Knnaley, superintendent 1974 St.,Buffalo, of parochial schools. N.Y. Cincinnati, Ohio Rev. William Schmitt, superintendent of441 Torrence d, einem- parochial schools. nati, Ohio. Cleveland, (thin.,.. Rev. William A. Kane, diocesan superin- 1007 Superior Ave. NE., tendent of parochial schools. Cleveland, Ohio. Columbus, ohm.. .11e,-. John J. Murphy, superintendent of414 North Broadway, Colum- schools. bus, Ohio. Crookston, Mitt... .. Rev. Thomas G. Merrill. diocesan stiperia Rea Lake Falls, Minn. lenient of schools. ill Fall River, Mass..... .1.Rev. Francis J. Bradley. 1). D., diocesan 274 Secondt. school visitor. Mass Rev. L. Darnase Rehert, diocesan school K119 PineSt.,FallRiver, visitor. Mass. Fargo, N. Dak.. Very Rev. John Baker. V. 0., inspector ofValley City, N. Dak. schools. Fort Wayne. Ind Rev. A E. Lafontaine, superintendent of1140 Clinton St., Fort Wayne, schoo Ind. Galveston, Tes . ..... Rev. J. 0'1,eary. diocesan director ofHouston Heights, TeN. schcbls. Hartford, Conn , Rev. W. J.Fitzgerald, S. T. L., diocesan 340CollinsSt.,Hartford, supervisor of schools. Conn. Helena, Mont Rev. John J. Tracy, diocesan superintend-Mt. St. CharlesCollege, ent of schools. llelena, Mont. Little Rock, Ark : Right Roy. Msgr. Thomas V. Tobin, super-Cathedral, Little Rock, Ark. Manchester, S 11 Rev. Patrick J. Scott.diocesansuperintend-Y Arlington St., Manches- ent of schools. ter, N.t. NasliviLle, Tenn Rev. S. A. Striteh, D. Its supervisor of ill- 2001 West End Ave., Nash- ocesan schools. ville, 'renn. New Orleans, 1,a Rev. L. J. Kavanagh. superintendent 2432 Napoleon Age., New Orleans, 1,a. New York, N. Y Rev. Joseph F. Smith, superintendent of32S West 14th St., New York, sohools. N. Y. Rev. Michael J. Larkin, S. T. B., superin-309 East 3Ztli St., New York, tendent of schools. N. Y. Newark, N.J. Rev. John A.Dillonsuperintendent of91 Washington St., Newark, schools. N. J. Rev. William F. Lawlor, assistant superin-891Vi'estsideAve., Jersey tendent of schools. City, N. J. Oregon City, Greg Rev. Albert J. Coarmody, D. D., diocesan82 North 16th St., Portland, superintendentofschools. Or Philadelphia, Pa Rev. John E. Flood, superintendentof 242- Soeg.nth 20th Si.,Phila- parochial schools. delphia, Pa. Rev. William P. McNally, assistant loper-Twenty-ninth and Dickinson -so intendent of parochial schools. Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Pn Rev. Ralph L.Hayes, D.D., superintendent 116 NorthItitluidgeSt., of schools. Pittsburgh, Pa. Rochester, N. Y Rev. Joseph S. Cameron, Ph. B., superin- Bath, N. Y. tendent of gehools. St. Louis, Mo -Rev. James P. Murray, superintendent of2122 South 12thSt.,St. parish schools. Louis,Mo. San Francisco, Calif Rev. Ralph Hunt, R. T. L., superintendent1200 Florida. Bt., flan Fran - of school. cisco, Calif. Springfield, Mass Rev. John F.Conlin,P. R., diocesan schoolChicopee, Mass. visitor. Rev.P. F. Doyle,assistant diocesan school395Chestnut St.,Springfield, visitor. Mass Syracuse, N. Y Re.. Charles F. McEvoy, superintendent of 257 EastOnondaga St., schools. Syracuse, N. Y. Toledo, Ohio Rev. George Mason, superintendent of635 Islington St., Toledo, diocesan schools, Beihlo. Trenton, N. 3 Rev. William 3. McConnejl,superintendent N.J. of.prochittl schools.
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