H3068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 10, 2005 astronomy by either discovering the brightest geous pro-democracy opponents of the Castro Two years ago, the tyrant again at- near-Earth object or by the cataloging of near regime—Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, tempted to silence the cries for liberty Earth objects. What better way to get our chil- Felix Bonne Carcasses, and Rene Gomez and democracy that emanate from Manzano; every corner of the Cuban gulag. He ar- dren interested in science and in paying trib- Whereas organizers and participants are ute to this great American. convening a meeting of the Assembly to Pro- rested over 75 dissidents and sentenced Mrs. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speak- mote the Civil Society in Cuba at great risk them to prison terms each up to 25 er, I yield back the balance of my time. to themselves and their families; and years. What were their crimes? Simply Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I Whereas President George W. Bush stated daring to exercise their fundamental have no further requests for time, and in his second inaugural address on January freedoms, for daring to be free men and I yield back the balance of my time. 20, 2005: ‘‘All who live in tyranny and hope- women. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. lessness can know: the United States will These 75 are just some of the most re- KOLBE). The question is on the motion not ignore your oppression, or excuse your cent ones. There are many more Cuban offered by the gentleman from Cali- oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you. Democratic reform- prisoners of conscience who languish in fornia (Mr. ROHRABACHER) that the ers facing repression, prison, or exile can squalid jail cells. However, Mr. Speak- House suspend the rules and pass the know: America sees you for who you are— er, all of Cuba is an island prison; and bill, H.R. 1023. the future leaders of your free country.’’: today we rise to commend and support The question was taken; and (two- Now, therefore, be it the activities of Cuba’s peaceful inter- thirds having voted in favor thereof) Resolved, That the House of Representa- nal opposition. the rules were suspended and the bill tives— On May 20, Cuba’s democratic opposi- was passed. (1) extends its support and solidarity to the tion will convene in an Assembly to organizers and participants of the historic A motion to reconsider was laid on Promote the Civil Society in Cuba. the table. meeting of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba on May 20, 2005, in Ha- This historic meeting will discuss ways f vana; to bring democracy and liberty to the EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF THE (2) urges the international community to nation of Cuba, which has suffered HISTORIC MEETING OF THE AS- support the Assembly’s mission to bring de- under a brutal dictatorship for more SEMBLY TO PROMOTE THE CIVIL mocracy to Cuba; than four decades. May 20, 2005, will (3) urges the Administration and inter- SOCIETY IN CUBA also mark the 103rd anniversary of the national community to actively oppose any Cuban Republic, of Cuba’s birth as a attempts by the Castro regime to repress or Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I free nation. move to suspend the rules and agree to punish the organizers and participants of the Assembly; and Yet the Cuban opposition is deter- the resolution (H. Res. 193) expressing mined to correct this injustice and re- support to the organizers and partici- (4) shares the pro-democracy ideals of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in claim their rights as free people in a pants of the historic meeting of the As- Cuba and believes that this Assembly and free, democratic, and sovereign nation. sembly to Promote the Civil Society in others will hasten the day of freedom and de- The May 20th Assembly to Promote Cuba on May 20, 2005, in Havana. mocracy for the people of Cuba. Civil Society in Cuba is an important The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- step toward the fulfillment of this goal. H. RES. 193 ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, Felix Whereas Fidel Castro’s terrorist regime Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) and the Bonne Carcasses, and Rene Gomez has continued to repress all attempts by the gentleman from Florida (Mr. WEXLER) Manzano and many others are the or- Cuban people to bring democratic change to each will control 20 minutes. Cuba and denies universally recognized lib- ganizers of this landmark meeting. De- erties, including freedom of speech, associa- The Chair recognizes the gentle- spite the risks and the constant tion, movement, and the press; woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- threats that the dictator holds over Whereas thousands of political prisoners LEHTINEN). their heads, they are living examples are currently imprisoned by Fidel Castro’s GENERAL LEAVE to their countrymen of courage and de- totalitarian regime; Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I termination, of how to follow in the Whereas in March 2003 Fidel Castro carried ask unanimous consent that all Mem- footsteps of Pope John Paul, II, and be out a massive, island wide crackdown on bers may have 5 legislative days within not afraid. members of Cuba’s pro-democracy move- Just recently, a group of young Cu- ment, under which pro-democracy activists which to revise and extend their re- were arrested, subjected to ‘‘summary marks and include extraneous material bans held an essay contest focusing on trials’’, and sentenced to up to 28 years in on H. Res. 193. a democratic transition in Cuba. One of prison for their pro-democracy activities; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the finalists, Edgar Lopez Moreno, Whereas the Department of State’s 2004 objection to the request of the gentle- struck a chord that doubtless resonates Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, woman from Florida? with the vast majority of his country- in referring to Castro’s Cuba, states: ‘‘Mem- There was no objection. men. He wrote: ‘‘After 46 years of polit- bers of the security forces and prison offi- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I ical ostracism and imposition by the cials continued to beat and abuse detainees yield myself such time as I may con- Communist Party and its maximum and prisoners, including human rights activ- sume. ists. Prison conditions remained harsh leader, today the process of transition and life threatening, and the Government re- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support to democracy on the island is closer stricted medical care to some prisoners as a of House Resolution 193, and I com- than ever.’’ method of control. Prisoners died in jail due mend the gentleman from Florida (Mr. The winds of freedom are behind the to lack of medical care.’’; MARIO DIAZ-BALART) for writing this Cuban opposition. The just nature of Whereas on May 20, 1902, the Republic of important measure and bringing it to their cause has given them wings. Soon Cuba obtained its independence; the floor. I would like to also thank democracy will take flight in Cuba. Whereas in the spirit of Jose Marti, many the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. HYDE) Soon the Cuban people will free them- of the future leaders of a free Cuba have and the ranking member of the Com- called for a meeting of the Assembly of the selves from the grip of this dictator, Civil Society in Cuba, an organization that mittee on International Relations, the but they need our help. They need our consists of over 360 opposition and civil soci- gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- support, and it begins here and now. ety organizations in Cuba; TOS), as well as the House leadership, I urge my colleagues to stand with Whereas on May 20, 2005, the Assembly to for helping us bring this resolution to these brave Cubans by joining me in Promote the Civil Society in Cuba seeks to the floor in such an expeditious man- voting for the resolution of the gen- convene an historic meeting in Havana on ner. tleman from Florida (Mr. MARIO DIAZ- the 103rd anniversary of Cuban Independ- Mr. Speaker, even the most violent BALART) today. ence; and repressive dictatorships cannot ex- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas the Assembly to Promote the tinguish freedom when it lives in peo- Civil Society in Cuba will focus on bringing my time. democracy and liberty to the enslaved island ple’s hearts, and Cuba is no exception. Mr. WEXLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield of Cuba; The dictator Fidel Castro has always myself such time as I may consume. Whereas the Assembly to Promote the used fear to keep himself and his cro- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support Civil Society in Cuba is led by three coura- nies in power. of this resolution. Mr. Speaker, I too VerDate jul 14 2003 03:51 May 11, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MY7.016 H10PT1 May 10, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3069 want to commend the gentleman from der to shoulder with the Cuban people President Bush said, Mr. Speaker, in Illinois (Mr. HYDE) and the ranking if such an unjustified response were to his second inaugural address, and I am member, the gentleman from Cali- occur. As a result, Mr. Speaker, I quoting him now, ‘‘All who live in tyr- fornia (Mr. LANTOS), for facilitating strongly urge my colleagues to support anny and hopelessness can know: The consideration of this resolution. I also House Resolution 193.
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