E-mail: [email protected] Ph: 040-23548270 Web: www.braou.ac.in Fax: 040-23548433 Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY Prof. G. Ram Reddy Marg, Road No. 46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033. (A.P.) Dr. G. Laxma Reddy REGISTRAR Recognition to BRAOU Programmes Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) Hyderabad initially known as Andhra Pradesh Open University was established through an Act of A.P. State Legislature (APOU Act, 1982). It was inaugurated by the then President of India, Late Sri Gyani Zail Singh on August 26, 1982. Subsequently, the University was renamed as "Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University" by the Government of Andhra Pradesh during Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centenary celebrations in the year 1991. The University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi also admitted this University for assistance under Section 12-B of the U.G.C. Act, vide UGC Letter No. F. 5-7/82 (CPP), Dt. 12-05-1986. The University Grants Commission has given recognition to the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for the Academic Year 2018-19 and on words vide F.No. 1-6/2018/DEB, dated 09-08-2018 for programmes to be offered by the institutions through Open Distance Learning mode. The period of Recognition given for this Institution is from 2018-19 to 2022-23. The University is also a Member of the Association of Indian Universities, Asian Association of Open Universities, Association of Commonwealth Universities, and International Council for Open and Distance Education Sd/- REGISTRAR =ÚYº QÆ=∞xHõÅ∞ 1. q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’<Õ il„¿ãì+¨<£ KÕã¨∞H˘x J_ç‡+¨<£#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ<ÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ gÅ∞ HõeÊOK«_»"≥∞ÿ#k. JO>Ë qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ / J_ç‡+¨<£ á¶ê~åÅ#∞ ã¨~°Ñ¶¨~å KÕÜ«∞^Œ∞. q^•º~°∞úÖË ã¨fiÜ«∞OQÍ "å\˜x Ü«¸x=i≈\© áÈ~°ìÖò (www.braouonline.in) Ö’ P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’<Õ il„¿ãì+¨<£ KÕã¨∞HÀ"åe. 2. JOÉË^Œ¯~ü FÃÑ<£ Ü«¸x=iû\© D q^•º ã¨O=`«û~°=Ú (2017–18) #∞O_ç ''Kèå~Úãπ ÉËÃã_£ „ÔH_ç\ò ã≤ã¨ì"£∞—— (CBCS) q^è•<åxfl J=∞Å∞Ѩ~°∞ã¨∞ÎOk. D Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’ q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ "Optional Subject" Å#∞ _ç„w "≥Ú^Œ\˜ ã¨O=`«û~°=ÚÖ’<Õ fã¨∞HÀ=Åã≤ LO@∞Ok. 3. JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£ á¶ê~åxfl P<£Öˇ·<£Ö’ xOÑ≤# `«~åfi`«, ^•x „Ñ≤O\òJ=Ù\ò#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩx, ^•x`À áê@∞ ã¨O|Okè`« ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH@¡ HÍÑ‘Å#∞, U ã¨ì_ô ÃãO@~üÖ’<≥·`Õ J_ç‡+¨<£ fã¨∞HÀ"åÅ#∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl~À JHõ¯_» ^•YÅ∞ KÕÜ«∂e. 4. JÑ≤¡ˆH+¨<£Ö’ á⁄O^Œ∞Ѩ~°z# ã¨=∂Kå~åxfl QÍx, q^•º~°›`«Å∞, ѨÙ\˜ì# `Õn, ‰õΩÅO "≥Ú^ŒÖˇ·# "å\˜H˜ ~°∞A=ÙQÍ ^•YÅ∞ KÕã≤# ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH@¡ ã¨=∂Kå~åxfl QÍx =∂~°Û_®xH˜ gÅ∞ ÖË^Œ∞. Wk q^•ºiú qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O #∞O_ç _ç„w fã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ =~°‰õΩ JÖψQ LO@∞Ok. D ã¨=∂Kå~°"Õ∞ Ü«¸x=iû\© z=iQÍ WKÕÛ ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH@¡Ö’ á⁄O^Œ∞Ѩ~°K«_»=∞ø`«∞Ok. „ã‘ÎÅ∞ "åiH˜ ÃÑà‹·¡# `«~°∞"å`« ‰õÄ_®, SSC Memo ÖË^• ã¨∂¯Å∞ T.C. ÖË^• JѶ≤_»q\òÖ’ L#fl@∞¡QÍ<Õ `«=∞ WO\˜¿Ñ~°∞#∞, `«O„_ç¿Ñ~°∞#∞ ~åÜ«∂e. Z\˜ì Ѩiã≤ú`«∞ÅÖ’#∂, `«# Éèí~°Î WO\˜¿Ñ~°∞#∞QÍx, Éèí~°Î ¿Ñ~°∞#∞ QÍx ~åÜ«∞~å^Œ∞. 5. JÉèíº~°∞úÅO`å `«=∞ K≥e¡OѨÙÅxflO\˜h T.S. / A.P. Online Centre ^•fi~å QÍx, _≥a\ò/„ÔH_ç\ò HÍ~°∞¤Å ^•fi~å QÍx K≥e¡OKåe. J^茺ܫ∞# ˆHO„^•ÅÖ’ Ѩx KÕ¿ã "åÔ~=fiiH˜ #QÆ^Œ∞ ~°∂ѨOÖ’ ZÖÏO\˜ K≥e¡OѨÙÅ∞ KÕÜ«∞~å^Œ∞. JÖÏO\˜ K≥e¡OѨÙʼnõΩ qâ◊fiq^•ºÅÜ«∞O ZÖÏO\˜ ÉÏ^茺`« =Ç≤ÏOK«^Œ∞. 6. ѨÙ\˜ì# `Õn, ‰õΩÅ=Ú#‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz HÀ~°∞û =∞^茺֒ QÍx, ѨÓ~°Î~Ú# `«~°∞"å`« QÍx Z@∞=O\˜ =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞, KÕ~°∞ÊÅ∞ KÕÜ«∞|_»=Ù. 7. qâ◊fi q^•ºÅÜ«∞ „Ѩ^è•# HÍ~åºÅÜ«∞=ÚÖ’ Help Desk #∞ U~åÊ@∞ KÕÜ«∞_»"≥∞ÿOk. HÍ=Ù# q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ `«=∞ J_ç‡+¨#¡‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# ѨÓiÎ ã¨=∂Kå~åxfl D Help Desk ^•fi~å<≥·<å ÖË^• Study Centre ^•fi~å<≥·<å á⁄O^Œ=K«∞Û. Help Desk Numbers „H˜O^Œ W=fi_»"≥∞ÿOk. HELP DESK 7382929570 7382929580 7382929590 7382929600 IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Candidates should note that the admissions are made 'Online'. The University will not supply Application Form in physical format, instead, the candidate has to visit BRAOU portal (www.braouonline.in) to access the Application Form for online registration. 2. The university introduced the "Choice Based Credit System" (CBCS) during the academic year 2017-18. In this system, students will select optional subjects in first year itself. 3. The print out of filled-in Application Form along with copies of certificates shall be submitted in the study centre where he / she wish as to seek admission. 4. The information furnished and certificates submitted as proof of qualification, date of birth, caste etc., are final and which cannot be changed till the student is graduated from the university. Finally, this information will also appear in the certificates to be issued by the University. The women candidates, even after their marriage, shall write their surname and father's name as shown in SSC memo or school TC. In no case they shall write either the surname of husband or the name of husband in place of father. 5. Candidates shall make all their payments either through TS / AP Online Centre or through Debit Card / Credit Card. No payment shall be made in cash to any person in any study centre. University is not responsible for such transactions. 6. No changes will be EFFECTED in the certificates with regard to caste and date of birth either during the study of the programme or after completion of the programme. 7. The university has set up a Help Desk at the headquarters to provide quidance to the students. Therefore, the students are advised to get full details of admission either through Help Desk or through the concerned Study Centre. The following are the numbers of Help Desk. HELP DESK 7382929570 7382929580 7382929590 7382929600 CONTENTS Topic Page No. 1. About the University 1 2. Academic Calendar for I Year 2 3. Programme Structure 5 4. Distinctive features of CBCS 5 5. CBCS Structure 7 6. Structural Arrangement of Support Services 9 7. Student Evaluation System 10 8. Guidelines to Choose Optional Subjects 21 9. Student Support Services 29 10. Fee Details 32 11. General Information 34 12. Guidelines for the Payment of Tuition Fee through Online for the First Year Undergraduate Programme (ET-2019) 39 13. How to Fill UG First Year Direct Admission Registration Form 40 14. Enquiry Services 44 Annexure - I : Details of Faculties 45 Annexure - II : List of General Courses Offered 46 Annexure - III : List of Subject-wise Skill 48 Enhancement courses of Semester-IV Annexure - IV : List of Optional Subjects offered 50 Annexure - V A : The Practical classes at various zonal centres 64 Annexure - V B : UG Geology practical training zonal centres 67 Annexure - V C : UG Psychology practical training zonal centres 68 Annexure - VI A : Model Time-Table for Optional subjects 69 Annexure - VI B : Model Time-Table for General Courses 70 Annexure - VII : Equivalents 71 Annexure - VIII : Fee Codes and Details of various courses 72 Annexure - IX : Study centres in Twin Cities 73 Annexure - X : List of Study Centres 74 Annexure - XI : Model Registration Form 81 1. ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY The Andhra Pradesh Open University renamed as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University in 1991, was established in August, 1982 by an Act of State Legislature. Its principal aim is to provide educational opportunities to all those who wish to pursue higher studies and acquire Degrees and Diplomas. It is a boon to those who, for one reason or other, have not been able to study at a college or a University although they are keen on improving their educational qualifications. "Education for All" being the motto, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University brings the benefits of higher education to a large number of people, including employees, adults, women and housewives who are interested in higher learning. The University makes use of multimedia instructional components such as audio- visual programmes (Radio, Television, Audio Cassettes and Video Cassettes), in addition to print material and contact-cum-counselling classes. The Study Centres will function on all week days except Monday and Tuesday following Second Saturday and other public holidays. The counselling classes are arranged at the study centres on Sundays and also Second Saturdays depending on the situation. a) Under Graduate Programmes The University offers three Undergrduate (U.G.) Programmes leading to the award of B.A., B.Com., and B.Sc. Degrees. All the programmes of the University are recognised by Distance Education Bureau (DEB), UGC, New Delhi. Admission to these programmes is open to all Citizens of India without any restrictions. However, the area of operation of the University is confined to the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh only. The University has been following Choice Based Credit System for the U.G. Programmes from the year 2017-18. b) Eligibility Criteria for Admission to the Under Graduate Programme Admissions to UG Programmes are made from two streams as shown below: i) Eligibility Test Stream: Candidates who have completed 18 years of age by 1st July, 2020 and have passed the Eligibility Test conducted by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University in 2020. (Completion of 18 years of age by1st July, 2020 is a mandatory requirement). ii) Direct Admission Stream: Candidates who have passed: a) The Intermediate or its equivalent examination; or b) 10+2 from National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) / AP Open School Society (APOSS) / TS Open School Society (TSOSS) c) The two year ITI or two year vocational course after S.S.C.

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