May 5, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E747 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MS. MARSHA PAINTER the Chillicothe Chamber of Commerce, Amer- the West Virginia Housing Development Fund, ican Legion, and the First Presbyterian who is very deservedly being inducted into the HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Church. Jim was also a member of the VFW, 2010 West Virginia Affordable Housing Hall of OF NEW YORK EAA, and a Sergeant in the U.S. Army and Fame. University of Missouri alum. Jim’s awards and Joe has worked for the West Virginia Hous- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honors include serving as President of the ing Development Fund since 1968, serving as Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Missouri Association of Professional Insurance its Executive Director since 1980. Joe has ex- Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Agents from 1985–1986, the Paul Harris Fel- panded the agency during that time to reach to pay tribute to the years of service given to low Award 1998, Chillicothe Area Chamber of all 55 counties of the State with affordable the people of Chautauqua County by Ms. Mar- Commerce Person of the Year Award in 2002, housing programs, economic development ini- sha Painter. Ms. Painter served her constitu- and the Missouri State Vietnam Veteran Medal tiatives and supportive housing services for ency faithfully and justly during her tenure as 2007. West Virginians affected by flooding. the Ellicott Town Assessor. Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me in Realizing that one size does not fit all in the Public service is a difficult and fulfilling ca- applauding Summerville Insurance Agency’s world of mortgage finance, Joe has created reer. Any person with a dream may enter but dedication and service to the people of Living- numerous mortgage programs that serve resi- only a few are able to reach the end. Ms. ston County, Missouri. I know Jim’s col- dents of all incomes. Joe has made it a goal Painter served her term with her head held leagues, family and friends join with me in to work with banks and housing partners all high and a smile on her face the entire way. thanking him for his commitment to others, over the State so that borrowers in rural, hard- I have no doubt that her kind demeanor left a and wishing Summerville Insurance Agency er to serve areas also have access to afford- lasting impression on the people of Chau- 100 more years of greatness to come. able housing programs. tauqua County. f Since its inception in 1970, the Housing De- We are truly blessed to have such strong in- CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- velopment Fund has sold more than $3 billion dividuals with a desire to make this county the SARY OF BEAUMONT ELEMEN- in tax-exempt bonds to finance more than wonderful place that we all know it can be. TARY SCHOOL 104,000 housing units. Under Joe’s leader- Ms. Painter is one of those people and that is ship, the Housing Development Fund has con- why, Madam Speaker, I rise in tribute to her HON. DARRELL E. ISSA sistently been rated as one of the strongest in the Nation. As a testament to responsible today. OF CALIFORNIA lending, the West Virginia Housing Develop- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment Fund did not experience the great tide of SUMMERVILLE INSURANCE Wednesday, May 5, 2010 foreclosures over the past two years as other AGENCY Mr. ISSA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to loan servicers in this critical economic time. recognize Beaumont Elementary School in Joe is a member of the West Virginia Infra- HON. SAM GRAVES Vista, California and congratulate them on structure and Jobs Development Council, OF MISSOURI their 50th year of educational service. West Virginia Jobs Investment Trust, past IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Beaumont Elementary School has contin- Chairman of the West Virginia Disaster Recov- ually responded to the needs of our commu- ery Board, West Virginia Homeless Task Wednesday, May 5, 2010 nities, families, and students by promoting the Force, the West Virginia Affordable Housing Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, please join principles of a quality and challenging cur- Trust, The West Virginia Housing Policy Advi- me in recognizing Jim Summerville and the riculum. Through Beaumont’s devoted teach- sory Committee and is a past Board Member Summerville Insurance Agency on their 100th ing staff, students receive instruction utilizing of the National Council of State Housing Fi- anniversary. Three generations of the Sum- the best, up-to-date materials and curriculum nance Agencies, who honored him in 1996 merville family have worked hard to provide fi- available along with hands-on learning oppor- with its Housing Leadership Award at its An- nancial security to the people and businesses tunities. nual convention. Based on his experience and of Chillicothe and the surrounding area. J.F. The school recently celebrated by turning success, Joe is considered an icon among his (Floyd) & Alta Summerville started the agency their annual fair into a community celebration. peers in the housing industry. traveling through the county providing insur- The event was bustling with hundreds of visi- Joe is a West Virginian through and ance services to their clients on horse and tors and alumni reunited to mark the 50-year through. He is a native of Newtown in Mingo buggy. Jim’s father, Clifford, joined the prac- anniversary of the school. County, West Virginia, and a graduate of Con- tice in 1947 and Jim later joined in 1972. I would like to commend Beaumont Elemen- cord College in Athens, WV. Joe is married to The dedication of family members and staff tary School’s leadership and its teachers for Barbara and is the father of three children and who have stayed with the company throughout their consistent dedication and for inspiring eight grandchildren. their lives is a great testament to the service their students to pursue a well-rounded, life- It is easy to understand why Joe is being that Summerville Insurance Agency provides. long education. Madam Speaker, I applaud honored by the West Virginia Affordable Hous- Joan Ganske, a licensed agent and office Beaumont Elementary School and its stu- ing Hall of Fame. Congratulations, Joe on this manager, has been with SIA for 20 years. dents, parents, alumni, teachers, and adminis- honor which is long overdue. Thank you for all Joan’s great uncle, Hugh Tudor, served as trators for their ongoing contributions to the of your hard work and dedication to providing secretary and was instrumental in getting education of future generations. safe, decent, affordable housing to West Vir- Farmers Mutual started in 1891. Joan’s grand- f ginians. father, Jas. A. Lewis, served as president for HONORING JOE W. HATFIELD’S IN- f many years. Summerville Insurance Agency DUCTION INTO THE WEST VIR- PAYING TRIBUTE TO MOUNT also has an office in Polo, Missouri, run by GINIA AFFORDABLE HOUSING SAINT MARY COLLEGE Mitzi Brassea, a licensed agent and office HALL OF FAME manager for 32 years. Jim has now been a li- censed agent for 38 years, and he and his HON. MAURICE D. HINCHEY wife Karen Kay have four children and seven HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO OF WEST VIRGINIA OF NEW YORK grandchildren. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jim is very active in the community, having served as a member of many organizations. Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Some of Jim’s various memberships include Mrs. CAPITO. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. HINCHEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today the Missouri Association of Insurance Agents, to honor Joe W. Hatfield, Executive Director of to honor Mount Saint Mary College, located in ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:43 May 06, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05MY8.001 E05MYPT1 pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with REMARKS E748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 5, 2010 Newburgh, New York as it celebrates the 50th gram, incorporated in America in 1910, and sense of family and community that these vol- anniversary of its founding. Rooted in the Do- Chartered by Act of Congress in 1916, aims to unteers bring, but also the significant aca- minican tradition of education, the Dominican encourage boys’ growth of moral strength and demic gains they have enabled. In 2006 Expe- Sisters of Newburgh demonstrated uncommon character, participatory citizenship, and mental rience Corps® South East Texas, Port Arthur vision and tremendous leadership in estab- and physical fitness. I had the honor of work- was part of a national, gold standard evalua- lishing this institution of higher learning over- ing with these boys this fall to help install sev- tion conducted by Washington University in St. looking the Hudson River and its historic High- eral flower beds that they donated to their Louis which revealed that students in the Ex- lands. Consistent with its Judeo-Christian her- home school, Horizon Elementary School, lo- perience Corps program made 60% greater itage, Mount Saint Mary College has provided cated in Johnston, Iowa. gains in reading comprehension and word at- rigorous and high quality educational instruc- These young men are active in their com- tack skills than similar students who were not tion for the past five decades to generations of munity; Carter Lundgren has performed with in the program. Very, very few literacy inter- students in the Hudson Valley region.
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