-'•:;:-v:v $1* • •• THE IRISH STANDARD, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912. 'M THE VICTOR—AT MILWAUKEE—THE VANQUISHED MGR. JOHN B0NZAN0 FOBAOGO REPORTS ARE MADE liFOLLETlFS MAJORITY AND MINORITY TAKE • M E VALLEY ACTION ON FINDINGS. House Passes Bill Creating Children's AFTER DISPORTING HIMSELF MISSISSIPPI RIVER EXTENDED Bureau in Commerce and Labor OFFICIAL FIGURES ON THE PRE* WITH GULLS DROPS 200 TO ALMOST UNPRECEDENT­ Department. IDENTIAL PRIMARIES ARE FEET TO BEACH. ED VOLUME. GIVEN OUT, Washington, April 3.—Majority and minority reports on the adverse ac­ MACHINE TOTAL WRECK. DEATH LIST REACHES 8. tion taken by tho senate judiciary Af CUMBER IS ENDORSED committee upon the Cummins hill to give independent tobacco companies Taken From Wreck of Machine and Three More Levees Broken.—Hick­ the right of intervention and appeal to For Second Place On the Ticket man, Ky., Worst Sufferer With the supreme court of the United Lives a Few Moments.—Was the States from the federal decree, ap­ Which Places Progressiva First u'an to Fly Across Food Supply proving tho reorganization of the Electors In a Peculiar Continent. Short. American Tobacco company were Situation. made public. Long Beach, Cal., April 4.—Calbraith Memphis, April 4.—The area affect­ The majority contends that congress Grand Forks, April 4.—Robert M. La P. Rodgers, the first man to cross the ed by the flood caused by almost an has no right to intervene from the Follette fell just. 96 votes short of se­ American continent in an aeroplane, unprecedented volume of water in the decree of approval by the circuit court curing a majority of 10,000 over Col­ was killed here when his biplane, in Mississippi river is not extended a for the Southern district of New York, onel Roosevelt in the North Dakota which he had been soaring over the great deal, but the situation at the which approved the reorganization presidential preference! primary eleo- ocean, fell from a height of 200 feet deluged centers continues to become plan, as it would reverse the court's tion, according to the official returns. and buried him in the wreck. His more menacing. But two more levee action; would direct the court to enter La Follette's actual majority is 9,904. neck was broken and his body badly breaks were reported. These were an order allowiug an intervention al­ La Follette's total vote in the state mashed by the engine of his machine. near Chester. III., where 30,0011 acres ready denied, and would reverse pre­ was 34.121; that of Rosevelt is 24,- vious decisions of the supreme court He lived but a few moments. Monsignor Bonzano is the newly ap­ of farming land was inundated. 217, and that of Taft is but 1,659, Rodgers, for a week, had been mak­ pointed apostolic delegate to the Twelve hours of sunshine and a of the United Slates and that, state making the toal republican presiden­ Dr. G. A. Bading. lirt. e ! States, succeeding Cardinal Fal- slight check in the river's rise have attorneys generals and private persons tial vote 59,997. Mayor Emil Seidel. ing daily flights here and had taken could up with him many passengers, both cjnio. combined to give the general situation not be parties to an anti-trust One of the features brought out by the ballots by tome voters, returns men and women. He started from a more optimistic outlook in the opin­ BUit. the presidential preference primary 1b The minority report in which Sen­ from a majority of counties show no his usual place and soared out over ion of government engineers, who said found In the fact that Porter J. Mo- considerable vote for him. if the stage at Memphis does not go ators Borah, Culberson, Nelson and Cumber, United States senator from the ocean, crossing the pier, and then LAFOLETTE WINS DECISIVELY Brown join with Senator Cummins de­ SOCIALISTS LOSE Eau Claire.—Voters here elected W. turned and dipped close to a roller over 45 feet the government levees North Dakota, received the party's in- clared that "the whole business for­ H. Barnes, a socialist, as mayor, ana coaster in a beach amusement place. will hold. dorsement. for vice president, although decided upon the commission form of merly under the control technically of his Seeing a flock of gulls disporting SENATOR'S MAJORITY IN PRI- 1 he weather forecaster at. Memphis, the American Tobacco company is name was not. on the ballot. Hii government. themselves among a great shoal of total vote for the nomination was MARY ABOUT 50,000. however, urged managers of railroads now under the control of same persons Racine.—In the city election, A. J. Bardines just over the breakers, Rod­ entering that, city from the west, to about. 2,000 in the entire state. Rusenhul, democrat, was elected treas­ who then controlled that corporation This indorsement, leaves the repub­ gers again turned and dived down into warn inhabitants of those districts to and in the same proportion." urer. The republicans elected five al­ lican delegation from the state in a BADING DEFEATS SEIDEL FOR them, scattering the sea fowl in all move to higher ground immediately. dermen and' the democrats four. This Wilson ar.d Clark Men on Democratic 11 charges that some of the corpora­ very peculiar position. Under the directions. Rodgers then flew further The number of lives lost, was tions found to he violating the law MAYOR BY ABOUT 17,000 insures a'republican city council. out to sea, all the time gradually ris­ Ticket Each Claim a strict, interpretation of the presiden- MAJORITY. Superior.—Joseph S. Ivonkel was brought to eight when the death of have been left without any change ing until he had reached a height of Victory. three railroad men near Fulton, K.v.. ial preference primary law, the dele­ elected mayor of Superior by a ma­ and the court which approved the dis­ gation, thoroughly progressive, is about 200 feet. was reported and two more were solution plan is criticized. jority of 1,432 over Fred Van Buren, pledged to support, a thorough stalwart Loses His Control. drowned near ClarUsville, Tenn. The minority added that if the cir­ SOCIALISTS SAVE SEVEN. the clean government candidate. This Making a short turn, he started at Milwaukee, April 4.—Exact, complete for the vice presidency, at. the same was the first election under the new returns from Tuesday's Wisconsin At Columbus, Ky., which was the cuit court's decree were to be ac- I lime supporting a progressive for the full speed for the pier, then suddenly cepted Anally congress must amend ; form in Superior, and a very heavy dipped his planes and his machine be- presidential preference primary will first, town to be inundated, the situa­ first, place. Defeat Partly Due to High Taxes and vote was polled, the climax of one not be available until the official can­ tion is grave. Residents are leaving tho anti-trust, law so that it would ac- j Thomas Marshall, as candidate for coTTiplish its purpose more effectively. ! Alleged Extravagance- of the most sensational and bitter vass of the ballots is miuio. Although rapidly and there is much suffering in republican national committeeman, se­ campaigns in the city's history. It is not believed 1 lint the missing outlying districts. The damage in that, The house pa-sed 173 to 17 a bill > Minor Election cured the biggest majority accorded La Crosse.—Judge K. C. Higbee was precincts will affect, results on the vicinity is estimated at $100,000. creating a children's bureau in the de- i any candidate, winning by a vote of Returns. re-elected judge of the Sixth circuit Republican ticket, the Itpclit between partment of - >mmerce and lafyor. The 36,323 to 17,038. His opponent was Damage at Memphis is conservative­ measure alread" had been passed by by an overwhelming vote. The ref­ Speaker Cliamp Clark and Woodrow ly estimated at $250,000. About .1,20(1 E. C. Cooper. Milwaukee, April 3.—Dr. G. A. Ba­ the senate and it will now go to the erendum proposition for a county tu­ Wilson on the Democratic ticket has persons have been driven from homes. Democratic Delegates. ding, the non-partisan candidate for berculosis sanitarium and a free been complicated. president, for his action. mayor, defeated Mayor Emil Seidel, Charitable "organizations are taxed to Members of the democratic delega­ bridge over the Mississippi river were Senator La Follette has defeated their capacity. The gas plant was put. tion to the Baltimore convention who the socialist incumbent, by a total of defeated here. President Taft by approximately 20,- TORNADO HITS CAMDEN. 43,177 to 30,200. Of the 33 aldermen out of commission, and this adds to have been elected are J. W. Boeing of New Richmond.—New Richmond 000 to 50,000 votes. Hut the Wilson the distress. Minto, S. J. Doyle of Carrington, J. elected 26 were non-partisan and 7 went wet by a majority cf seventy- nnd Clark managers refused to agree were socialists. The seriousness of the situation i'b Big Buildings Demolished and Hun­ Hughes, J. Nelson Kelly of Grand nine. Henry M. Traiser was clected upon the approximate result on the dreds of Houses Are Unroofed. Among supposed causes for the de­ not, limited to river towns. Small trib­ Forks, Willis A. Joy of Grand Forks, mayor, defeating Henry Kane. Democratic ticket. Each side contin­ A. Reed of Bismarck, G. Walton of feat of the socialist administration Madison.—John B. Hein, democrat, utaries have overflowed their banks ues to claim the bain nop of delegates.
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