E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 No. 127 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was the robust nuclear earth penetrator. I DISAPPROVING FEDERAL COMMU- called to order by the President pro encourage Members who would like to NICATIONS COMMISSION BROAD- tempore (Mr. STEVENS). speak to that amendment to remain CAST MEDIA OWNERSHIP RULE following the vote on the FCC resolu- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under PRAYER tion. It is hoped we can dispose of that the previous order, the Senate will re- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- amendment and continue with addi- sume the consideration of S.J. Res. 17, fered the following prayer: tional amendments to the energy and which the clerk will report. Let us pray. water appropriations bill. The legislative clerk read as follows: Eternal and Almighty God, You are Rollcall votes will occur throughout A joint resolution (S.J. Res. 17) dis- the alpha and omega, the beginning the day as we attempt to finish our approving the rules submitted by the Federal and the ending. Keep us alert to the work on this bill, which will be the Communications Commission with respect needs of our time. Give us enough hu- sixth appropriations bill to be com- to broadcast media ownership. mility to respect the opinions of others pleted. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The and enough wisdom to acknowledge our In addition, we will resume consider- time until 10:45 is equally divided be- common humanity. Give this Senate a ation of the House message to accom- tween the two leaders or their des- unity of mind and purpose and the real- pany S. 3, the partial-birth abortion ignees. ization that all things work together ban, for the remaining 6 hours. Last Who yields time? for good to those who love You. Bless night, the Senate used 2 of the 8 hours The Senator from North Dakota. our military men and women who that were provided under the previous Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I yield stand as guardians of our freedoms. unanimous consent agreement. We will 10 minutes to the Senator from Texas. Lord, from the cradle to the grave, we return to the debate following today’s Before yielding, let me just briefly need You. Guide and sustain us until action on the energy and water bill. say, this resolution of disapproval deal- the journey ends. We pray this in Your Also, today, we will recess from 12:30 ing with the rules on broadcast owner- strong Name. Amen. to 2:15 for the weekly party luncheons ship by the Federal Communications to meet. f Commission is a rarely used—— f Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, is the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Senator from North Dakota granting RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the himself time? MINORITY LEADER Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, there is I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The 30 minutes granted to each side, as I United States of America, and to the Repub- acting minority leader is recognized. understand it. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I think we The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. might be in a position to set a time for time until 10:45 is equally divided. f a vote on the Feinstein amendment. If Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, let me we do that, I think it would be to ev- grant myself such time as I may con- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY eryone’s best interests. Maybe it could sume. Then I will yield 10 minutes to LEADER be right after the caucuses or some- the Senator from Texas. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The thing such as that. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The majority leader is recognized. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, at this Senator is recognized. f juncture, until I talk to our manager of Mr. DORGAN. I was simply making the bill, I do not want to establish a the point that this is a resolution of SCHEDULE fixed time. I do want to proceed to that disapproval. It is rarely used in the Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- vote earlier rather than later. We will Senate. I think this is only the second ing the Senate will resume debate on continue that discussion and under- time it has been used. But this is a S.J. Res. 17, relating to the disapproval stand that they are ready fairly early critically important issue. We will of an FCC rule. Under the order, the in the day. have a number of speakers describing vote will occur on passage of that reso- f why this resolution of disapproval has lution at 10:45 this morning. been brought to the floor of the Senate. Following that vote, the Senate will RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME I yield 10 minutes to the Senator resume consideration of the energy and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under from Texas. water appropriations bill. Pending is the previous order, the leadership time The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the Feinstein amendment relating to is reserved. Senator from Texas. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11501 . VerDate jul 14 2003 00:00 Sep 17, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16SE6.000 S16PT1 S11502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 16, 2003 Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I do good jobs in many respects. What we I think the voices that are coming into rise today to speak for the resolution are talking about is other cities and al- radio are very healthy. I think talk that would disapprove the FCC ruling lowing this kind of concentration to radio has given voice to the silent ma- of June 2. In 1996, we passed the Tele- pop up all over the country—the only jority. The last thing this has anything communications Act which said Con- newspaper in town plus the major tele- to do with is the fairness doctrine, and gress should work toward deregulating vision station. yet my friend Rush Limbaugh and the the media. We charged the FCC with In the FCC’s own poll, it showed that Wall Street Journal somehow tied the ensuring the protection of competition, 74 percent of the people in a commu- fairness doctrine to a newspaper/tele- diversity, and localism. nity get their local news from a com- vision cross-ownership issue. I think the rule that came out does bination of television and newspaper— Letting one entity own the only the opposite. It does not protect the lo- 74 percent. If you have one company newspaper in town and the major tele- calism and the diversity, particularly owning the newspaper and the major vision station in town is lowering the in the newspaper and television mar- television station, you have a con- number of voices in the media, not in- kets. We must turn back the entire centration that could be unhealthy. If creasing the number. So while some rule, even if we agree with part of it, in it is unhealthy, it will be too late to go people are more concerned about the 35 order to tell the FCC to go back and back and retrofit because these compa- to 45 percent, I am focused on the start again. nies will make these investments based newspaper/television ownership that I I think the FCC could come up with on the rules of the time. think affects our country. another rule which would have some of We should proceed with caution. I The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the components of its June 2 rule, think we should overturn this rule, ask Senator’s time has expired. Mrs. HUTCHISON. I ask unanimous along with taking out parts that many the FCC to go back to the drawing consent for 1 additional minute. of us believe actually will hurt local- board and take more testimony. They The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- ism. had one hearing—one hearing—before out objection, it is so ordered. There are 100 Senators in this body. they came out with this rule. Two of Mrs. HUTCHISON. I will close by Probably each one has a different view the members of the Commission were saying that when we are talking about of what would be best in the media. so concerned that they went out across lowering the number of voices in the Overall, I think it is important for us the country and had hearings of their media, we should proceed with caution. to be more cautious rather than less own. But even though there was a lot Voting for this resolution of review cautious, because what can happen if of testimony, it does not appear that says to the FCC: You went too far in you lower the number of voices in the the FCC took that testimony into ac- some respects—not every respect. We media, and companies make invest- count when they made this rule of may disagree on the areas, but you ments based on the rules at the time, is June 2. In fact, those two members need to listen more to Congress and to later, down the road, if you determine voted the other way. the people who have spoken.
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