No. 21 VOL. V GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C„ MARCH 13, 1924 PATHFINDERS CLUB COPY OF TELEGRAM SENT TO PRESIDENT OF BARONSERGEKORFF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND TO PRESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY IS FOUNDED OF JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Eighty Men Gather to Form New Russian Nobleman Stricken in "Georgetown University unites with sister University in Society—Fr. Quigley, S. J., Is common sorrow at death of beloved Professor Baron Korff. Stricken in Midst of Seminar—Burial at Sponsor of Club to Further classroom of School of Foreign Service, he leaves precious memories, for Rock Creek Cemetery Monday. Students' Interest in a Voca- faculty and student body, of a true scholar and distinguished gentleman. Learned Lecturer Enjoyed tion — Big Professional and Cause of both universities in efforts towards an enlightened understanding Brilliant Career as Statesman of international relations suffers immeasurably by his death. Business Men to Address and Educator—Fr. Walsh Pays JOHN B. CREEDON, Members. President Georgetown University. Tribute to Former Colleague. On Monday evening, March 10, in Baron Serge A. Korff, professor of Room H, a large number of students as- History in the Foreign Service School, sembled to organize a club which is FR. WALSH TALKS CAST FOR HAMLET member of the Russian nobility and inter- unique in the annals of Georgetown. Mr. nationally known as a leader in political John H. Daly, president of the class of ON RUSSIAN DECIDED UPON science and as a professor of Compara- 1924, presided as chairman of the meet- tive Government, died from a stroke of apoplexy at his residence in 15th Street ing. The Rev. John B. Creeden, S. J., Presi- Interesting Talk Given in Gaston Decision of Judges Announced. last Friday evening. He was stricken dent of the University, addressed the Hall Last Friday Evening. Charles E. Clifford, '24, to Play in the midst of his lecture in Diplomatic students expressing his pleasure at the Methods and Procedure at the Foreign Large Crowd Hears Former Hamlet—Over 50 Students in Service School, where he suddenly col- movement and his wishes for the organi- Cast—Production at Holy Trin- zation's success. Fr. Creeden gave his Regent of Foreign Service lapsed without warning. unqualified approval to the affair and School Speak on Russia. ity Hall April 12. pledged his support and cooperation in any way in which he could be of aid in The first of a series of lectures was The try-outs for the several "Dramatis furthering the motives of the society. given last Friday evening in Gaston Persona;" of "Hamlet," which is to be Hall -by Father Edmund A. Walsh, di- presented by the Mask and Bauble Club INTERCOLLEGIATE rector of the Papal Relief Expedition, on May 9 and 10, were held in Gaston TEAM PICKED. who recently returned from a two years' Hall last week. The conduct of the tests At the trials held in Gaston visit in Russia. Father Walsh told of of dramatic talent were under the direc- Hall last Thursday evening the the havoc in Europe as a result of the tion of Rev. John A. Dixon, S. J., Mr. following named men were Coffey, S. J.. Mr. Mulligan, S. J., and chosen from a large number of World War, especially in that part which Mr. L. Klein, who has been engaged to contestants, to represent George- is now the sad relic of the Russian Em- supervise the rehearsals. It may be of town in an intercollegiate debate pire. Here destruction is everywhere interest to note that a Mr. Anthony L. with St. Joseph's College in Phil- present, physically, intellectually, morally, Leisner, a dramatist from New York adelphia on March 88: Mr. James City, has been engaged to co-operate with J. Kirwin, '24, of New York; Mr. economically and socially. He mentioned Mr. Klein in the general direction of Wilmer B. Hunt, '24, of Texas; the somber threat of famine to fifteen to the tragedy. Mr. Robert Hitchcock, '25, of twenty million people destined to starve The play is the subject of universal en- Penn, and Mr. William C. Gil- during the winter of 1921 and 1922, thusiasm throughout the College as is Ian, '25, of Massachusetts. The evidenced by the fact that the try-outs first three named are to be the when the fertile fields of southern Rus- had to be put over for an evening to ac- speakers and the last the alter- ria were transformed into huge ceme- commodate the contestants for parts. nate. The judges were the Rev. teries. "Peasants were driven to eat Over 50 students, including representa- James A. Dixon, S. J., Mr. Denis animals, bark, rats and finally human tives from every class, appeared to give THE LATK BARON KORBF J. Comey, S. J., and Mr. Frank their respective interpretations of Shake- Mulligan, S. J. flesh," he declared. spearean art. Doctors who were summoned caused Father Walsh praised the great work It has been decided to hold the play his removal to his residence, where his of the American Relief Forces headed at Holy Trinity Hall of this city. This condition was not thought to be serious. The Rev. Daniel A. Quigley, S. J., His death occurred, however, within two .at whose instigation the club was found- by Herbert Hoover and particularly the place has been selected because of the desirable stage accommodations it offers hours. Prior to the stroke he had been ed, then explained to the assembly the good done by the Papal Relief Expedi- in good health, though his duties had been purpose of the organization. "Its pur- for the presentation of the various scenic tion. He mentioned that the latter was effects. laborious, and his death came as a shock pose," said Fr. Quigley, "is to enable the to his family and friends. students of the college to get a greater accused by Europeans as being propa- The above-named judges have chosen the following men to interpret the vari- Burial took place on Monday in Rock insight into the various professions and ganda to unite Orthodox Russia with the Creek Cemetery, and was private. businesses, with a view to making a Christianity of other parts of Europe. ous parts: Claudius John F. Dailey, '24 Baron Korff was born in Russia March choice upon graduation of their life's This heresy was dispelled when he cited 4, 1875, received his early education in work, than can be obtained by the pres- Hamlet Charles E. Clifford, '24 the provisions contained in the treaty Ghost of King Hamlet— the schools for the nobility in that coun- ent mode of representation of the divers try. He graduated in law from the Uni- between the Vatican and the Soviet gov- Bernard M. Wagner, '24 prospects before them. This will be ac- versity of Petrograd and taught law in complished by inviting the leading men ernment : "The agents of the Relief Polonius James E. McLarney, '25 Laertes, Son to Polonius— his native country. He was later gradu- in the various professions to address the Mission were dressed as laymen and ated from the University of Heidelberg, members of the club and lay before them Louis B. LaPlace, '24 were instructed to give wherever the need Horatio J. Gibbons Burke, '24 Germany, and only recently received the the opportunities in these fields and •the honorary degree of LL. D. from Brown needs and means requisite for success in existed regardless of creed or class." Rosencrantz Robert Sullivan, '26 The director of the expedition told of Guildenstern Martin J. Harding, '27 University. the different lines of endeavor." His father held an office in the Czar's The following named men were ap- the erection of large kitchens which gave Osric John E. Laughlin, Jr., '27 to thousands of starving children the Marcellus Hugh F. McGowan, '26 court. Baron Korff, during the early pointed a committee to draw up the con- days of his life, was "a gentleman in stitution and by-laws of the club: Mr. luxuries of white bread, cocoa, rice, pure Bernardo Thomas F. Callaghan, '25 fat, milk, corn and flour. These kitchens Francisco James F. Lee, '27 waiting" to the Czar. John H. Daly, '24; James M. Eagen, At the time of the revolution in Russia, finally numbered three hundred and fifty, Player-King Denis A. Shea, '27 '24; Francis J. Mahony, '24; Thomas A. Baron Korff was appointed vice governor Callaghan, '25, and Esmond D. Murphy. feeding one hundred and sixty thousand Player-Queen Cyril C. Theil, '24 children daily. The speaker concluded Gertrude, Queen of Denmark— general of Finland, and held that posi- Invitations will be extended during the tion until the communists had secured his talk by stating the various methods of Robert C. Craine, '27 coming week to the big men in profes- control of Russia. For a while, during distributing food to these starving peo- Ophelia, Daughter of Polonius— sional and business lines and the lecture the reign of the bolsheviki, he remained program will be announced upon com- ple and explaining the condition of Rus- Edwin A. Cashman, '26 Continued on page 5 pletion. sia as it exists today. First Grave-Digger.John A. Goodwin,'24 THE H O Y A GEORGETOWN SCORES UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. IN N. A. A. GAMES March 14, Friday. J. V. MULLIGAN New York K. of C. track meet. Badges, Graduation Medals, Trophies Condition exams. Class Pins, Fraternity Pins N. R. A. Rifle match. BflflTHOUH With Seven Entries Blue and Lecture by U. S. Senator David S. 1110 F STREET, N. W. Gray Takes Third in Meet. Walsh, Gaston Hall, 8:15. Washington, D. C. RESTAURANT Marsters Wins Fast 1,000-yard March 15, Saturday.
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