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Supernatural drama ot dead ¦ " ‘ ¦ ¦ THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. TV HIGHLIGHTS I woman’s attempt to reclaim TTEBPAT. MAT 10. 105A A-25 TELEVISION-RADIO i her son; Andrea King. TODAY 11:15 WTTG (s)—Signet Thea- Television Today—Tuesdoy, May 10,1955 ter: West Point graduate 7:38 WMAL (7) Cavalcade finds that more than theory (Ch. (Ch.~s> WMAL (Clt. 7) (Ch. Silver ~P.M. I WRC 4>|WTTG WTOP 91 of America: Young lawyer’s' is involved when military Spring’s Rtwtitt Seta tatrv Tlx Lkdiat Hm Thitir Irifktirlay Hechinger’s m * work for wayward children strategy deals with human rim lm CM Ftrexn j" Stent Stem Largest and Mast Modern FURNACES A HEATERS | Ciady Hick is told in “Sunrise on a beings: Wilton Graff. 3-Day Delivery PARTE :l* Win* it inner In Ptantaa *¦ Tea Ucmt Service MfAltß AND ' 4:l* Dirty Face.’’ " * MKIMBM LwkSMtlM Sinwr Tkeatir ricfTmrli Rikl 8:00 WRC <4l—Martha Rajre: has everything * * for Art Lm* “fifktiai “B*fwil4" Comedy revue with Mar- RADIO HIGHLIGHTS j I -M M«*|o***) Lit OriftM Mntaif" Unfit aid Hardy CALL TODAY FOE FREE ESTIMATE * " • tha, Rocky s:l* ¦ * * 49 Waathar • Graziano and Formerly ""i guests. 17 Yean With the * j 7:55 WWDC—Baseball: Detroit Feediitt thitr Hi|*ltyJhi**ity Tin i>4 Caaatry man niter DRY CLEANING LAUNDRY Gas Company * " * (Not :n • (s)—Studio at Washington. tele- "Minn tt nltl Mum' units 8:00 WTTG 57: 1 5213 Go. Ava N.W TA 9-3036 " " Georgia Ave. 9-4050 3d the Sittli" Risk. «|rntt) Srttllt*t Medical j 8220 JU. 6 j researcher mistak- vised.' ii 1 : o icntMti HillSyartt Sayrnu Cirtiits Hama lantJM News: (ickartt enly injects himself with I ~ 8:000 WRC—People are Funny: 41 NanvWiathir Jin Cikkaaa faulty Siftfkii¦ Ftriift latrlfi* serum Last * in “The Art Linkletter tests power of Vlttiriayt Ntwsntl lain Oil) Min Day on Earth”; Walter Coy. ’—¦ 3'm OHM Sint Caillcita at (Baric, nans. tiaarta i female intuition. TV m 7:W “ mr— TONIGHT! :4S \ Maws dram Salts Irattars It Sttfttft 8:00 WTOP (9) Life With 8:05 WGMS—Futurama: Anne * Martha Bay* Stadia S7 Matt Cards, (relax Life WittFattat Father: A client’s beautiful ” " len Syria ' * ' daughter causes complica- Blair moderates program on * * * Tints Sauita wht Sait That’ Nallsj at if) For you who missed it... for you who've asked * tions. Mar- 3 ’** | 81* " Flaytausa foods and kitchens with 8:30 WMAL (7) Who Said garet Spader. to see it again ... for everyone who wants to i ;9» Firesila Ttaatar iTteriet Matt lata far OaUa Matt Millie " " " “ period M Oiaay Thaxai That: New time with 8:30 WRC—Dragnet: Sergt. Fri- jK *ee the show that's so unusual—so electrifying, 4S $ ¦J* Circle Ttutar Mart Saber U. S. Steal Near baa Skelttt Groucho Marx as guest apprehends a burglary " day 9:11 " * " * >t has be done "live" once ;45 Caaaray pL to more. $ Ttai I ; panelist. suspect but must continue i 41 Tratt tr Ctas'iaiacts Wrestling IT S. Stall Hear iDancer 9:00 WRC (4) Fireside $200,000 ” ’ search for loot. 11 ¦iltimira a 1 (l i Theater: Drama of for- WTOP Rosemary I U J* It's a Crtit Ufa Wresting Stay tta Masit Sea it NaN 9:00 ” mer boxing champ 49 “ ” on the I Clooney: Naurs—Hast; Starts ElairlI Marraw skids; Mitchum, Numbers include John Con- j Among Young” and :M Nartatssi Waatlar Nans: Or. Beyarti Neos-ltask: Starts DrT Richards Weather stance Dowling. “Love the GHhAhII Starts: Muttets Signet Theater Sfts.i Wthr.; Stagla 7 |Saertt: late Shan “On a Golden Afternoon." " (7) ” 9:00 Danny n:1lSI Taalght “Lang Laag Age" , "Klaatika Fury" WMAL :4S Stna Alin Siga Off j ” " Edmund Lawe Thomas: Daughter Terry j Siga Off decides she’s old enough to 1141 .fefigM 1 , filiate Stew take charge when mother’s j away. Television Tomorrow—Wednesday, May n, 1955 9:30 WRC (4)—Circle Theater: WIC (Cl 41—1:49, fata) at the First 1:91. lath ta This Oayt r latay: 1:29 Hally Wright: Mann Rubin’s drama, 7:31 Talay: 7:99 Weather: 4 Tain 1:29. News: Ml telly: 155 News WTOP ICh I) /’Hero l MtSßi -4:99. Melitatiia: 7 Marking Shaw lack Parr; 1:29. Cartaaa Clack; 7:M. Maralag Shaw: at Home.” 7:99, Cartaaa Clack; 1. Morning Shaw: 9:29, News: 130. labnsen's earner. 9:30 WMAL (7)—U. S. Steel: j | TONIGHT Ralph Bellamy I J ~A.M. 4)~WTTG~(Ot. 7) 9) in “Fearful WRC 'Ch. SIWMALICh. WTOP <Ch. repeat perform- :H Little Rascals I lahnsan's earners Decision.” "HARRY .... HOMEOWNER'S" Dainyer Room concerning Hero ance of drama * 34 |. Mark Erins father whose son is kidnaped. 9:19 “ :49 Channel 4 Learning I * 11:25 WMAL (7)—Studio Seven: at ; ~ Home at Ding Oaag Scheal tarry Main | Summer Cottage * Way It Wertg Arthur Sattra) Applouie ter a hare la all j tta 1 0 38 " • Other AM Stations (l wall, but :45 jShailah Crahan vary it loakad oi ’j pt- starring I The House That Grows COMPLETE though Slava way « At. h praparad • . H HanTe Arthur toSfrey WGMS-578 At. WPGG—IS94 RALPH BELLAMY with MEG MUNDY No, Sir! There are no trftks to this . " * la bask In it foravar. "W 4 4 :19 Arlene Fraacll WPIR-731 Re. WOOA—I34B At. f 5 no hidden costs. We actually will deliver 31 " “ Strike It Old WARL-781 Ac. WEAM-139* Al. fcr who recreate their original roles in the famous -3 to you all the materials necessary to build O ® ¦] 11 ” ” “ “ x 5 45 WGAY —1154 AC. WOL—I49I Ac. of a 5; this comfortable 10-ft. by cottage M WUST-1121 Ac. Ac. fife. drama crime that struck home...and a fa- Hjß 18-ft. (OiT4) (ChTsT (Ch.T) T) WDON-1541 $ plus a complete set of carefully detailed Oj PM. WRC WTTG WMAL WTOP TCh. WFAX-122* AC. WINX-1999 Ac. ¦j @-mstrong j er ac ted as no one else had ever Tennessee grill Valiaat lady dared. \ instructions that are written so clearly ” CIRCLE THEATRE :N “ 1 I that you’ll be able to do the joB yourself r_ 4 <1:19 Lara at Ufa 5 tM mo Tnl 1/.jo iFaathtr (aar Nasi Search tar lawarraw FM Stations 2 F and enjoy doing it. See the finished ' " livafra* Radio York !' U. ' Cily, Now S. STEEL 1 SaiSing light HOUR at our stores. :4S _ ‘ WRC FM-93.9 Me WFAN-191.3 Me. $ models Paymenfs - I Playhaasa by N Fiatara Inner Flamt WBUZ-FM—l9.s Mt WWDC-FM-181 1 Me THE THEATRE “tangs if tha lean ifUfa FKMS-I*3 3 wiur-rm-H.JWTOP FM H 3 me.Me ’ We Have A Very Complete .jj Waterfrint'' Sign On; Sgts. Cartaan Concert Welcama Trateiars ygARL-FM-115.1 Me 1:15,45 Rabt. Armstrong Chatter: Baseball "i Benalra ” " WASH-FM—97 1 Me WUST FM-18G 3Me | HOUSING DEPARTMENT IS Nancy Oiian Washington at. Mallywais Matlaai Pokart 1 lewis WOL FM-91.7 Me. WMALFM- 117.3 Me Afterneon Oetroit “Penal Cage" i’ “ " ” " " • GUn^^ :30 Baseball House Party 2:15 ” " " " ' ” :49 i " "iNews j 1 Door " " Combination :9t TilMach Ladies Home Theater 8i» Payoff " ” " " “Magic " “ • Viica" \ ' For Both Summer & 30 Greatest Cift " ” ” " |Bah Croily “ Winter 3:19r 49 Miss Marlawa " ” “ "jNews I $^0.95 • :M Falls {Baseball ladies Home Theater Brighter Day — Priced Comolete With iHawkins " " M First lira 10th Inning Secret Storm \ i’j All Basie Hardware :3B Wins at Sweenay Bene Autry Tima Blact Phantom On Tour Account 4:19 “ " ;49 Madam Ramances I Cindy Lou News FREE Showing! l PAY ONLY SI DOWN—WEEKLY Pinky Lee Shaw Public :*C Lamb Sessile Summer Festival Thr. Piet Temple Finch | Art Lamb “Frontier lustice" “Roundua" 1 ! ~..Loaded with quality features, complete with hinges . :JO Hawly Daisy Overtaa " v~iwjg' and latch . easy to follow Hang-lt- " Lie “Buster Crahha" " * 5 ’¦ 549 i * I " I ” " I4S 1 1 "i Weather See This All-Yew Way to Cool \mgm\ Yourself instructions. STOCKS AT Radio Today—Tuesday, May 10, 1955 COMPLETE ALL STORESI !; / ~>.M. 1 WMAL—63O I WRC—9BO WWDC—I26O WTOP— HOO~ Your Home! Special :M Rash: Strang iackstaga Wife 1260 Cluh Riwila Mark Evans Shaw “ “ ferry and llmma Stella j¦ " “ Oalias :3t Young Wilder Brawn News: 12(0 Club " " • 4:19 * ” :4S “ Woman in My Haase lack Rowiia | Demonstration Tomorrw Aluminum Screen Kits _ and ~ 41 Rash; 12(0 jlast Plain Bill Cluh-Rawrle Maandial Matfiia • firry and llmma Larenra lanes News Eddie Sallihir Inexpensive •No Painting 30 12(0 5:19 Milton 1 Ford News. Twilight lanes Club • • •45 Cihhnns Twilight Tunes | ” "j Cecil Brown 'i waathar Thursday , 1 to 3 P.M. at the G-E Everlasting Beautiful! :•( Star Naurs. Mailin' News LIeTEiS Bah Wolff News, Allai laektin- Milton 1 Pars Earl Godwin Bandstasd; Haws CBS News Ragan New Fiberglass Screen -5:1930 Jim Simyson: News Sergeant. Praslaa News-Syorts. Haas Supply Company Display Room! In Aluminum Frame fahn Vandercaah Twilight tunas Fulton Lewis fr wash. Tonight: Tenn. r " Each kit contains Congress Today :" Rosary Hour Tennessee Ernie :3’J " " • : Sags News. Morgan Beatty Gabriel Heattei The WeatherTron may also be seen at the • Rail Stock and Hardware 7 :4!J Aluminum i Newt One Man's Family {Ougout Chat; B'hall Elnara R. Murraw • Plenty of Fiberglass Screening 40 Feiiitriat Peayia Asa Funny Baseball Susyensa ELECTRIC INSTITUTE DISPLAY FLOOR -15 " " " News " " E :M Oragnet Detroit Disk Derby 10th and Streets Northwest 8 " " :45 Newt at :9» Eddil'Cantsr Radla Thsatar Washington Rosemary Clooney " " * " ” ” Bing Crash) k s * " :3 Rad Skeitan ” ” " Amas n Andy 9:' ” “ •• •• :«9 i ": Canham Music Hall; News 40 Edward Margin, News Fibbar McGaa Baseball Boh Dalfou Shaw 4 A:l9 Fix It;News Great Cild at tietvs Tenth inning Footsteps Generai E,ec>rie heat pump |y 30 BillMalona Naws: McCarry Treasury Agent In Music :45 Mac McGarry " " - •• IQS 41 Bill Malone Shaw Sports Ifahn Massey ¦ S Newi-Oulii: " ” Warld Tonight Nil—F WV V ivvv for all-electric heating and cooling Music Thraugh Night, 5500 Massey Moondiai ” :39 Vice Pras.

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