MODEL 1ANUARY 1 9 5 5 -3 5 CENTS AIRPLANE NEWS Pfalz D-12 Digital Edition Magazines. This issue magazine after the initial original scanning, has been digitally processing for better results and lower capacity Pdf file from me. The plans and the articles that exist within, you can find published at full dimensions to build a model at the following websites. All Plans and Articles can be found here: Hlsat Blog Free Plans and Articles. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=107085 AeroFred Gallery Free Plans. http://aerofred.com/index.php Hip Pocket Aeronautics Gallery Free Plans. http://www.hippocketaeronautics.com/hpa_plans/index.php Diligence Work by Hlsat. / Λ says BOB PALMER, winner 1955 Nation­ als O P E N , STUNT, and 7 Times Cali­ fornia Open Stunt Champion. ''When you fly as much as I do". Bob adds, *you a ppreciate a beauti- ful lasting finish that is truly hot fuel proofl N€W § P R A Y with HEW 6oz. Z z t r ^ y 9 9 & m * All AeroGloss Spray colors also available in Henry Engineering ” 12 oz. Can "Yeco" Thunde(bif^‘ .^7 1 · 7 9 with valve powered with”Veco" ; .; $ 35 Engine. ?/< 1 oz. Decorati 204 21 popular colors FOR PRIZE WINNING BEAUTY THAT PASSES EVERY TEST pacffra CHEMICAL CO., 1213 n o . h ig h la n d aye., los a n g e l e s 38, Califo r n ia 1 SPECIAL XMAS OFFER 0 » OR 26 years Model Airplane News has been the Bible of model plane hobbyists. TOPS in its field then, NOW, and in the future. And at money saving rates, too! Compared to single copy cost, you save $1.20 on a one-year subscription and S3.40 on a Only Model Aviation Magazine two-year subscription. Remember -it Published EVERY Month takes MAN to keep you up to date! MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS, 551 5fh Avc., N. Y. 1 7 Enclosed find $3 □ ........................................$5 Ο ................ ..Please send (check one) WE SEND GIFT CARD MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS for . E H ' yeo r I I 2 years (check one) holiday greeting card, personally Send t o ............................... .............. hand-inscribed with your name, goes to each person on your list Address. for receipt at Christmas. City .............................. ...............................................Zone ...................State. Q] If extension of present subscription, please check. [_J Check here if Gift. We will send cord in your nomc. G ift From . .·.................................................................................................................................................................... Γ w : j :? Λ l :>"* Acr^ -<:r Uni .r Ar..*> .V*j Per :<nr · A, O ' ^ f ' Cowtfr '< Ann $'* Yen Yen; 27 th Year-of Publication MODEL Ϊ! T NEWS G< .· . .·. j · .■ ' V·: ώ £·’-.V V > ; . v > > ·:· /-*··· JAY P. CIEVELAND, President and Publisher JANUARY 1956 Vol. LIV-No. 1 by William CONTENTS Winter CONSTRUCTION ► After reminiscing with Nieto and feathers, the uproar that fol­ about stick and wire crates until lowed did influence an equality of MitP 9 * the wee hours during a Dallas Na­ events. W aco C ab in ... .......... .14 tionals. had formed a partnership Response to these columns ranges The '55 Rambler .......... ........................... ....... v : 18 with Joe. Purpose: an ice-cold wa­ from enthusiastic cheers to pointed termelon. For a big knife, took a suggestions, but never has response Three Aces ......................... ............... 30 Navy Chief as a third partner. Then been as thoughtful as it was after behind the work hangar, where you the October issue wondered out loud ARTICLES always find sleepless hobbyists, sat about the belief widely held in the in the warm night writh a bunch of industry that modelers don’t want Try WeNCovering! .......................... ................. 12 Texas modelers and, of course, the to “make” models. One of the largest All Metal! (I) ............... 20 conversation soon touched on some manufacturers ’phoned in a fit of issue that had been raised in MAN gloom to say that, with the distribu­ FEATURES at Work. It struck us that night that tors and industry’s emphasis on a column is not something that be­ added hobbies and crafts, model MAN of Work .............................. 2 longs to the person who prepares departments may end up selling Radio Control Nows ..................... 16 it, or to the house that publishes it. tropical fish. Another small accessory Planes W orth M odeling .................. ..23 Rather, it is the property of the peo­ (airplane) manufacturer groaned Douglas World Cruiser ....... 24 ple who read it: one merely conducts that jobbers in his section would not it and, principal among his duties, even answer his letters. A club Foreign Notes ...................................................... , ... 32 is the touchy responsibility of airing spokesman in Grant’s Pass, Ore., said Contest C a le n d a r ......... 36 the issues which most concern us all. boys in his section are not afraid Pen P als ........................ 47 For example, when it seemed that to “build” models but they won’t Quickie Wings ....................... 50 gas modelers would never get a build models that might come out all wrong. Now there is something The Baby ROG ................. 51 break in International competition, we had, tongue in cheek, reasoned mull over! Old timer Charles that gas engines should be put in Holz, Mountain View’, Calif., who Wakefield models. Now there is built his first model, an Ideal Cecil nothing more touchv than vour Peoli pusher in 1929, commented, “I WILLIAM WINTER, Editor real Wakefield fan, unless it is a really was disappointed when my son WITTICH HOLLOWAY, Art Director wounded tiger. Although a few vir­ showed an interest in building mod­ Contributing Editors: Peter Chinn (England), tuosos of vocabulary favored tar els and we (Continued on page 6) Don Grout, Ed Lorenz, Ted Martin, 8ruce Wennerstrom, Harry Williamson Executive and Editorial Office: NEXT MONTH S COVER 551 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Radio Model Advertising Manager, N. E. Slone, 551 5th Ave., New York 17; West Coast Adv. Mgr., Justin Hannon, 4068 Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles 43, Calif. Editorial and Business officos: 551 Fifth Ave., New York PLANE ON THE COVER 17, N. Y. Published monthly by Air Age, Inc., 1140 East Although a good fighter once in general West Highway. Silver Spring, Maryland. Jay P.Cleveland, service, WWI German Pfalz D-12 was President and Treasurer; Y. P. Johnson, Vice Pres.; G. gradually pushed out of the picture by E. Johnson, Sec. Entered as second class matter Feb. 1951 at the post office at Silver Spring, Md., under the the Fokker D-7. A streamlined fuselage act of March 3,1879. Additional entry at New York, N.Y. seemed offset by complicated wing rig­ ging. Top speed was 125 mph with the Pric* 33o per copy in U. S. %i»b%crIption P r ic e s —U . S . and tx>s3c*diottg: I yr. $3.30; ‘2 >t >*. $ 5 .5 0 ; 3 y r * . $ 7 . 3 0 ; 180 hp Mercedes engine. Span was 29 Canada: 1 yr. 84.00; All oUier cnunlri**: 1 yr. $5.00. Payment front til countries except Carada must fc# In tf. 8. ft. 6 in. Armament was two synchron­ funds. Chengp o f Addres* — Send to MODEL AIRP1-ANK NEWS. Subscription Department, 331 Fifth Avenue, New ized Spandau machine guns. York 17. New York, at lenAt one month before the dat* of the h*u© with which it I* t o take effect. Send old addrest with the new, ericlofting if possible your address label or copv. The Past Office w i l l n o t forward copies unless you provide extra postage. Duplicate issues cannot be sent. Printed in U.5.A. MODEL AIRPLANE NEWS · January, 1956 Copyright 19SS by Air Age, Inc. For PRICE, POWER, and PERFORMANCE A Complete Line of PROVED Miniature Engines and Accessories 0 Brand Mew Design! "OK" GLOW FUEL . special for control line "OK" GLOW PLUGS “OK” DIESEL FUEL Short or long — flying. Lightweight, oversize Pint 850 590 fuel tank gives you winning range and power, plus greater output on a power/ weight ratio. Mounts flush on J k . the face of your plane. Comes complete with prop, m spinner and super-capacity fuel tank. *4.95 1 ■OK” CUB .074 "OK” CUB .099 $ 5 .9 5 $ 6 .9 5 0 C U B .049B i s Power Kit OK" CUB DIESEL ■ΌΚ” CUB .14 $ 7 .9 5 .049 $ 5 .9 5 "OK" CUB .19 $ 8 .9 5 .075 $ 7 .5 0 Here's a flashy performer with plenty of power for general flying. Has both ra­ dial and lug mountings. It‘s versatile, comes already as­ sembled. Complete with fuel tank, prop and spinner. KNOW your engine . OK” CUB .35 $1 2 .9 5 OK” CUB .29 $ 1 1 .9 5 assemble it yourself! Learn *4.95 your engine from the inside out. and save $1.00! In­ cludes all the parts and com­ plete instruction for assem­ "O K " combination bling the Cub. 049B. PACKAGES *4.45 CUB .074 $ 6 .7 5 ®ss CUB .099 $ 7 .7 5 K SEE YOUR DEALER OR WRITE DIRECT HERKIMER TOOL & MODEL WORKS 88 HARTER STREET HERKIMER, N. Y. WORLD'S LARGEST HOBBY MAIL ORDER HOUSE ... SINCE 1931 if available anywhere Carl 14 AA-A ............... 19 AA l M M ln i ir * A.* m * ru fW M LD 1 ·· · ·.. ·.re 15 ii·** 17' AA Only AHC Gives You All These Terrific EXTRAS l·" * w 4»» I A” AA l .O f i * year ftubftcriptiori to Medal A irpar* New» Air Treih And MfC ? 1* K 6. Momborv*. p m "Modelerattars of Am e-'ca.' tf< dub fhet koopj wilt t<»u fl β £ β ' . " v t i M t n Μ ,η*.. T Τ4Λ *.)· Λ 8 Fy-vg Modefi cr their equrveent value »o oor regder customer*.
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