Vol. 65, No. 3 Publishedished inin thethe interinterest of Training Support Division West, First U.S. Army and Fort Carson community Jan. 19, 2007 Visit the Fort Carson Web site at www.carson.army.mill A new U.S.-Iraq strategy pending Fort Carson Public Affairs call-forward force in Kuwait will move into Iraq this month. President George W. Bush visited • 1st Brigade, 34th Infantry Fort Benning, Ga., Jan. 11 to share Division of the Minnesota Army thoughts on his new strategy for the National Guard currently in Iraq war in Iraq. will have its mission extended 125 Bush acknowledged the situation days until July. in Iraq is difficult and much different • 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry than he’d anticipated it would be at Division will deploy in early this point. Failure, however, is not an February, less than a week previously option, he told the crowd. scheduled. “One of the wisest comments • 3rd Battalion, 43rd Air Defense I’ve heard about this battle in Iraq Artillery Regiment, a Patriot Missile was made by General John Abizaid,” battalion, will return to the Persian he said. “He told me, ‘Mr. President, Gulf region in February. if we were to fail in Iraq, the enemy In addition to these deployments, would follow us here to America.’ the following units have been placed To ensure success, the president on deployment orders and the Army said he is committing more than will continue to focus manning, 20,000 additional troops to the training and equipping these units fight, including five brigades to for full-spectrum operations in Iraq: Baghdad and 4,000 troops to Anbar • 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Photos by Rebecca E. Tonn province to help provide security in Division, to deploy in March. those areas. The numbers will help • 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Flag casing ceremony for 43rd ensure that an area, once cleared of Infantry Division, to deploy in April. insurgents, can be held, he said. • 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry ASG and 68th CSSB But bigger numbers alone aren’t Division, to deploy in May. Top: Colonel John C. Howard, commander of the 43rd Area Support Group, enough to succeed, he said. The According to an Army left, and Command Sgt. Maj. Athena Velez, 43rd ASG, right, case the colors troops need a clear mission, which announcement, other combat-sup- of the 43rd ASG in preparation for its deployment to Afghanistan “The unit they will have. port and combat-service-support has trained hard for its mission. Not only have the Soldiers, leaders and The plan also calls for the Iraqi units will be deployed or extended units prepared themselves but so have their families.” Howard said. government to appoint a military in Iraq, as necessary, to support this Bottom: Lt. Col. Darrell Duckworth, commander of the 68th Combat commander for Baghdad, he told increase. Those units will be Sustainment Support Battalion, left, and Command Sgt. Maj. Colvin D. the troops. identified at a later date following Bennett, 68th CSSB, right, case the colors of the 68th CSSB, which is “The other thing that’s going further mission analysis. At this time, deploying to Iraq. “I’d rather be engaging the enemy from afar, than right to have to happen is that the govern- Fort Carson-based units are not here in our neighborhoods where our children play,” Duckworth said. ment of Iraq must exhibit the will scheduled for early deployments or necessary to succeed. It’s one thing delayed departures. to develop a plan; it’s another thing In a related action, the active- to see it through,” he said. “I have duty Army will grow by 65,000 INSIDE THE MOUNTAINEER made it clear that the patience of the personnel over the next five years, American people is not unlimited, Defense Secretary Robert Gates Local Interest News Community Briefs . .12 Do something for the troops . .2 Tuneful tanker . .13 and now is the time to act, not only said during a White House news Follow the shepherd . .14 for our sake; it’s time to act for the conference Jan. 11. News Chapel information . .15 sake of people in Iraq.” “The president announced last Saving Humvee-trapped Soldiers . .2 Winter road conditions explained . .16 As part of the new strategy, U.S. night that he would strengthen our Operation Purple . .18 Military Backcountry safety . .20 troops will work alongside Iraqi military for the long war against Four-legged troops . .5 Improving air quality . .26 units to help them take the lead in terrorism by authorizing an increase Military Briefs . .6 MWR events . .28 New Reserve/National Guard policies . .7 securing their neighborhoods. They in the overall strength of the Army Honoring fallen Soldiers . .8-9 will ensure the Iraqi forces left and Marine Corps,” Gates said. “I am Feature behind to secure a cleared area will recommending to him a total increase Community Remembering Dr. King . .24-25 One-stop health shop . .11 be capable of doing so, he said. in the two services of 92,000 Soldiers Sports Bush acknowledged his new plan and Marines over the next five years.” Intramural victory . .29 calls for some units to deploy earlier The increase will make per- MUST SEE On the Bench . .30-31 High school sports . .32 than scheduled, and some will have manent the 30,000 temporary B-baller players deploy . .33 their deployments extended longer increase in Army end-strength. The Staying fit . .34 than originally anticipated. He service will then increase in annual promised, however, that he and Happenings increments of 7,000. Watch Olympians in training . .35-36 Congress will provide all the resources The Army has a current end- Get Out . .37-38 the troops needed to win the war. strength of 512,400. Under Gates’ In response, the secretary of proposal, the Army’s end-strength defense directed an increase in will grow to 547,000. National training center downtown. Classified advertising (719) 329-5236 forces for Operation Iraqi Freedom. The increase will give Soldiers See Pages 35-36. Mountaineer editor (719) 526-4144 Post information (719) 526-5811 Specific deployments include: more “dwell time” at home, officials Word of the month: LEADERSHIP Post weather hotline (719) 526-0096 • 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, currently assigned as the See Strategy on Page 3 MOUNTAINEER 2 Jan. 19, 2007 Local Interest News Cut out this article Do something for the troops by Douglas M. Rule came from a Soldier, Airman, Sailor or Marine, it Unfortunately, being in both locations has the Fort Carson Public Affairs Office can cost the government about $680. Not only that, potential for the donor to have a blood-borne disease. there can be negotiating about trading blood — We can’t save a Soldier then unnecessarily risk his There isn’t a day that goes by that someone on larger amounts of more common blood types for life for something that could have been prevented. Fort Carson doesn’t get a phone call or an e-mail lesser quantities of rarer blood. So in order to get a Restrictions are outlined at the ASPB Web site asking what the sender can do for Fort Carson unit of O negative blood, one might have to wheel www.militaryblood.dod.mil and in the box below. Soldiers who are deployed overseas. and deal with five units of O positive. The ironic ASPB has set aside a week when about a Usually the response is a heartfelt situation is that if there were a natural disaster hundred Department of Defense medical personnel thanks and suggestions to contact charitable locally and blood was desperately needed, the Army will come to Colorado Springs to collect blood. organizations that support all deployed military would donate what they have on hand gratis. They will be at the Air Force Academy March personnel, local charities that do similar things The goal for Fort Carson is 1,600 units. That 19-21 and Fort Carson March 22-23. Details will or family readiness groups. Now we have a would be 1,600 donors spending less than an be forthcoming as to times and locations in the definitive answer for this time period. hour, giving up a renewable resource. But Fort Mountaineer and the Fort Carson Web site. From March 19-23, Fort Carson and the U.S. Carson is looking to exceed expectations. Why? What is important it to get the word out now. Air Force Academy will host a blood drive. This Because 1,600 units are less than what is needed If you want to donate blood for this drive, you is not the normal “roll up your sleeves and give in Iraq for just one month. ASPB reports that cannot have given blood after Jan. 23. But it is to the local agency” kind of drive. This is part of about 500 units are needed each week. One also time to get “mobilized.” the Armed Services Blood Program. Soldier recently needed 300 units alone. Cut this article out. Stick it to your refrigerator. The Armed Services Blood Program collects When the blood is drawn here or at the Mark your calendar. Make copies. Take it to church, blood, processes it within the Department of Defense Academy, it will be taken to Peterson Air the office or to your social organization. Reprint and immediately sends it out to the field, where it is Force Base and flown to Fort Hood, Texas, for it in your bulletin. Send highlights via e-mail to most needed. That need, right now, is in Iraq and processing. Within 72 hours, that same blood friends and co-workers.
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